Showing posts with label BIblical sex. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BIblical sex. Show all posts

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Would You Trust A Self-Appointed Crackpot COG Prophet Talking To You About Sex, Marriage And Birth Control?


Bible sex, the only way to do it...

There is nothing nastier than COG ministers and leaders sticking their noses into COG member's bedrooms. Far too many of them seem to make it their goal to make member's lives as miserable as they can and controlling what people do in their bedrooms is their ultimate control.

Rod Meredith was the king of that in the church. He wielded a heavy hand when he was over Church Administration when he stuck his nose into thousands of marriages over the years. Far too many of them he broke up. Add to that his incessant need to talk about sex in sermons, bible studies, and in classroom lectures and you have the perfect meddlesome minister.

Now Bwana Bob Thiel is following in the steps of his spiritual daddy (Rod Meredith) and is now telling his 4,000 some African members and his 299 Caucasians what kind of sex to have.

Given that Bwana Elijah Thiel is such a theological nightmare in the crap that he teaches, would you trust him to tell you what you can and can't do in the bedroom?

He has released a "sermon" on sex and he thinks it is so sexual that it deserves a "parental discretion" advisory.

Sex and Marriage
Why is there sex and why is there marriage? Parental discretion is advised as to whether or not everything in this sermon is now appropriate for their children. Dr. Thiel goes over scriptures, “The Missing Dimension in Sex,” and provides answers to questions, such as:
  • What did Jesus say about marriage?
  • Are married couples biblically supposed to have sex?
  • Is sex one way to express love?
  • Does God have a purpose for sex?
  • What are the reasons for sex in marriage?
  • What are the purposes for marriage?
  • How do humans differ from animals?
  • Was sex really necessary?
  • What are the divine purposes of sex?
  • Why not fornication or adultery?
  • Is marriage supposed to be a God-plane relationship?
  • Are families intended as a God-plane relationship?
  • How does reproduction picture spiritual salvation?
  • What are the different types of love?
  • What type of love should Christians have?


  • Is oral sex allowed?
  • Is anal sex prohibited by scripture?
  • Should intercourse be avoided during a woman’s menstrual cycle?
  • Is it appropriate to enjoy your five senses?
  • Are Christian couples supposed to produce godly offspring?
  • What about building character and God’s deification plan?

Today, Sunday, July 18, he pops back on with a sermon on birth control. 

Can Christians Use Birth Control?

There are various views on birth control as well as various methods. Time magazine has covered some history of it (and even mentioned Casanova). Did Jesus make a statement that might be consistent with birth control? In this video, Dr. Thiel goes over some of that as well as some relevant scriptures. He also mentions positions of the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church, and the Continuing Church of God. Dr. Thiel also provides some quotes from the book “The Missing Dimension in Sex” about this topic. He discusses methods of birth control and points out which are abortive and which are not. Timing, herbal, and barrier methods are discussed.

Always majoring in the minors and never in the grace-filled life real believers live in. Such a pathetic meddlesome little man.