Monday, October 24, 2011

You Are Doubly Cursed!

For all of you who DARE to preach doctrines contrary to what Herb taught you need to know that you are DOUBLY CURSED!

These leaders if they don't follow Mr. Armstrong, are therefore interjecting themselves BETWEEN Mr. Armstrong and the Body of Christ! Satan has got God's people to follow men, men that God did NOT send(Apostle). God Sent Herbert W Armstrong as the End Time Elijah( the only one, there can't be TWO "End-Time" Elijah's that is Not biblical) He sent him as our Apostle to who we look to , as He did with Moses with the Israelites, as He did with the original Apostles to the First Century Church. People get too focused on the man, yes the man has flaws, but take a look at WHO Sent him,and it doesn't matter about the flaws, because then you'll know that God is behind him, and you know that God will mend those flaws, and take them out of the Man he sent. Moses wasn't perfect. Noah wasn't perfect(but in his Genealogy he was perfect). There are NO perfect men on earth in all the History of men. The only one Was Jesus Christ! That is who we should look to. Not some man( but we must look to the man he sent, That man was Herbert W Armstrong). Look at their fruits. if they have fruits that God is behind them( in God I mean God the Creator NOT God of this World) then Follow them AS they Follow Christ! The Only leader  of the Church in this Era that Followed Christ by everything he taught, by every doctrine from the Bible, by Every TRUTH from the Bible, WAS Herbert W Armstrong. Others have came preaching another Gospel
 There is a double curse on anyone who perverts and preaches another Gospel(which Mr. Armstrong brought to the Nations as a witness, and taught ). God restores ALL THINGS to him. Anyone who says that any part of those thing's(which God Restored through Mr. Armstrong) are wrong is twisting(or by biblical wording "perverting") the gospel and Truth.
it is much safer to return back to God through Herbert W Armstrong. You will find that all he taught, was from the Bible. Hope you had a great sabbath

It has always amazed me that God was such a weak impotent creature that His word was lost for 1,900 years until Herbert popped onto the scene.

These Armstrongites that believe this baloney mock those men and women who lived the gospel through out the centuries.  Many died for it. But yet, the Armstrongites only believe a few people in the mountains of France and Switzerland held on to the truth and preserved it so Herbert could gain access to it in the 1930's after his wife had a nightmare.

The hundreds of thousands of non-sabbatarians who died throughout the centuries to bring the word of God to other generations were just little pawns in the game, I guess.  What a wimpy little god that would allow such a thing to happen.  But yet, that is the god that Armstrongism follows.

Subtle Advertising By Beast Power

The Beast Power in Europe has designed new outdoor advertising that uses subliminal seduction to brainwash Germans into destroying the United States and imprisoning us. This is EVIL brethren!  This is further proof we are in the Last Days!  Why hasn't the Prophet revealed this hidden knowledge?  Why can you only find it here?

Subliminal Seduction was  big topic in Pasadena in the mid to late 70"s.  Satan was supposedly active in back masking, in liquor ads, in hidden ads screen shots in movies and other sundry places.  We were being trained to see evil everywhere. Satan was a subtle bogeyman manipulating the world  in order to steal our crowns.

Will Spanky Meredith and Six-Pack Flurry soon start using these methods on the their cult HQ to keep their rapidly dwindling flocks under control?

Just kidding lest there be some Armstrongite who is stupid enough to believe this!

Enjoy human creativity!  Check out some of the additional side links to over building projections.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


Gavin has a great post up on Bibliolatry.  There are some priceless lines in his blog entry.  Three of my favorites are: 

"Yes, it's [The Bible] dangerous in the hands of idiots and televangelists."

"Sometimes the text rings true from the outset; think of many of the parables. At other times any sane reader couldn't help but recoil in horror as they enter into the text - texts, for example, that glorify Bronze Age tribalism and xenophobia, wrapped in the obscene language of divine authorisation. If you're going to read the Bible profitably, you've got to know the difference. Our response cannot and must not default to a prayerful, passive acceptance, but sometimes a screamed 'No!'"

"Anyone with a Life Application Study Bible is swimming in swill..."

Read his entry on Bibliolatry Backfire.