Sunday, August 31, 2014

Douglas Winnail Reminds You That You OWE The Church Your Tithe of The Tithe ASAP!!!!

LCG's Douglas Winnail is out to get more money out of LCG members with Herbert Armstrong's silly money grubbing tithe of the tithe.  We are getting close to Feast time in the COG's and it is vitally important that you send in a tithe of your second tithe to help fund the ministry to be able to attend their dream Feast sites.  What better way to keep the Feast than to have an all expenses paid cruise.  Its a shame that a chruch that takes in millions and millions of dollars a year cannot spring for funding a Feast buildings around the world.  You would think that LCG and other COG's would pay for rental facilities  as a Thank-you for brethren sending in their tithes all year long which keep the ministry  and leaders in their luxurious homes surrounded by fine art, gold and silver. But no, its important to continue to take and take from already financially stretched thin members.  Besides, it keeps them in submission by making them feel guilty when they did not send anything in.

Tithe of the Second Tithe
For those who are able to contribute a tithe of their second tithe to help defray the expenses involved in conducting the annual Holy Days, including the Feast of Tabernacles, it would be greatly appreciated if this contribution could be sent at this time (if it has not already been sent). The tithe of the second tithe is used to help brethren with limited funds attend the Feast of Tabernacles, as well as to pay for hall rentals and other administrative costs associated with the annual Holy Days.  LCG Weekly Update

Friday, August 29, 2014

Cal Culpepper Destroys Another PCG Relationship

PCG and Cal Culpepper continue their winning streak on winning this award!

Here is another story that was on Exit and Support about a man named Hugh and how the PCG and Cal Culpepper tried to destroy his life and his family.  Imagine going in in to counsel with a minister and have them ask if you have been intimate with the woman you were dating after you long time wife had died. Or if you masturbated and if you had a problem with pornography.  Oh wait....that is the Church of God's modus operandi!  So many of these sick men get off dwelling on sexual topics with members.

Someday soon someone with enough money is going to take these degenerate men to court and it is going to be nasty! Cal Culpepper is the gift that keeps on giving.

Why I'm Ex-PCG

My wife never wanted to be in the PCG. She attended because I did. We were treated very badly by the man that became the regional director in our area.

She died very suddenly of a brain aneurysm going on 5 years now. At first I didn't care if I lived or died; I didn't even want to go home. It was because of my two sons still living at home that I even went home. The regional director didn't even want to perform the funeral. The local minister said a few words during the announcement part of Sabbath services. He said the director forbade him from more because it was the Sabbath and it would be inappropriate. At that time I didn't care; however, I did bring pictures of my dead wife and put them on the table.

A few weeks later, our first grandchild was born. That was a bittersweet day. Oh, how my wife looked forward to her first grandchild, but she wasn't there. When I held that baby, I knew I wanted to live. I knew I had to change, to lose the weight and health problems that would prevent me from seeing my grandchild grow up.

After two years, I had lost 150 pounds and decided that I wasn't too old to date again. There were no single ladies in my congregation so I had to travel. I went all over looking for someone to date. My minister cautioned me not to travel too much and reminded me that (city withheld) was my congregation and I should stay there.

A friend that was a minister told me about a single lady in his area. He said she was a school teacher close to my age, that she was a great lady and I should come and meet her. I did. We hit it off and I began traveling to see her as often as I could. I would spend a week at a time seeing her every day. She came up to visit me and I would go visit her.

We became close and both of us thought we were  in love. One thing led to another and we became intimate. Thinking we were in love and going to be married, and knowing other couples that were married that had done the same thing, we decided that we would not let it happen again until we were married and not tell anyone about it.

One day the minister called me while she was there and asked me if we were in love, I said yes; he asked if we wanted to get married, I said yes. He took that to the director and he put the breaks on it like we were children. I was told that they did not know her and I should not spend time with her until they met her. She came down and met the local minister. He frightened her so much that we didn't see each other for a while. She had a series of disasters happen, and decided that we had sinned. The guilt was heavy on both of us so we quit dating.

Wow, that was a blow but I had to live with it. I started seeing another lady, not wanting to let that happen again. We went out a few times with no physical contact at all. I had learned my lesson.

The FOT was in (city withheld) that year. I went a few days early and while walking around the hotel I met the lady I had been intimate with. We went out to dinner. She started crying, said she loved me and wanted to marry me. I felt the same way.

The second lady was also at (city withheld) and when she learned that the first lady was there she went to the regional director and told him. I was told not to see anyone until he could talk to me.
He called all three of us and arranged a meeting. The ladies went first and when I saw the first one come out crying, I knew things would not go well.

I was called in to talk with the director. He asked me about my relationship with the first lady. I told him we dated and wanted to continue dating and counsel for marriage. He pushed me further on the relationship, I said we had been intimate. He asked if we had had sex. Not wanting to lie to the minister I said we had. He told me that I was a sexual predator. I told him that I had had sex with one woman besides my wife in 38 years and that made me a sexual predator? He said yes. He then asked If I had had sex with the second woman. I said no and that we had not even kissed. He then said that I did have sex with her. I again said no and he again said I did.

He asked me If I had a problem with pornography. I said no, that I had two young boys at home and didn't look at it or have it in the house. He then asked me if I masturbated. I couldn't believe what was happening. I thought of saying, "No, but I've seen your wife so I know you do," but I was so shocked that I couldn't say anything. The local minister sat there with a sad look on his face, like a little whipped puppy dog. I felt that he was in just as much shock as I was. (I've just learned that this local minister was put out, and lost his family.)

The lady and I were both suspended on the spot. And I was told to leave (city withheld).

As I was leaving at about 5:00 in the morning, I passed her door and saw that the bill was under her door. indicating that she too was leaving that morning.

I drove down the road for an hour or so and called her to see if she needed any money to get home. I was at a Wal-Mart and could wire the funds to her. Because she had driven to the FOT with a local family, I knew she didn't have the means to get home. She didn't answer so I left a message offering to help her get home.

She told the minister; he called me on my cell and told me I would be marked for contacting her.

When I got the call from the director, I was shocked. I asked if I could receive counseling. He told me that I was out, no longer a member of the congregation, and that I was marked. I said after 33 years that's it? No counseling, no second chance? He said I was out and not to call. He then went on to say he was having to put out a lot of people in the region, like it was a burden on him. He didn't care about the lives he was affecting.

So after over 33 years and raising four children in the PCG, two of which were at AC [Armstrong College], I was thrown away. Just like the Nazis would march a Jew out and shoot him in the head. That's what I felt like.

It's taken me a while to get over this. If I had had a gun in my home at that time, I would not be writing this now.

They made my daughter that was living with me leave home. They forbade my other daughter and my little granddaughter from seeing me. They would not let my son at AC have contact with me.

Thankfully my daughter and son in law quit the cult. They saw what they had done to me and decided they could not be a part of a group that would do such a thing. And would not forbid their daughter from seeing her grandfather. My youngest son is still with me. He doubts the existence of God because of the cult.1
I even wrote a letter to "That Prophet." I never got an answer. I know he got the letter because the director told my son-in-law about the letter and told him that I had lied to Gerald Flurry. The director was "Cow Cultpecker" (name changed).

I continue on with my life. I'm happy now and have made lots of friends. People we were taught not to associate with I've found are good people and friends.

My daughter, son-in-law and two granddaughters are with me, as is my youngest son. We grieve the loss of my other two children that are still in the cult. We hope that one day they will have their eyes opened to the truth and we will see them again.
By Hugh
August 28, 2014

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Gerald Flurry Demands That Aaron Eagle's Wife Divorce Him When He Tried To Expose Cal Culpepper's Abuse

Exit and Support has the following letter up concerning Aaron Eagle being kicked out of the PCG for daring to expose the lying abusive turd that is Cal Culpepper.  What's even more disgusting is that Gerald Flurry is trying to destroy their marriage. Flurry has given Eagle's wife shelter on the cult compound while demanding she divorce him.  Flurry is also demanding that Eagle not be allowed to see his children. Flurry and his cult continue to sink further into the depths of total depravity.

I knew Eagle from Pasadena and he was a likeable guy. I am surprised that he would go with such a sick and abusive cult as the Philadelphia Church of God.  I hope that Eagle gets a good attorney that will make mincemeat of Flurry and his cult by publicly exposing them for the filth that they are.

August 28, 2014
Former minister Aaron Eagle tried to expose what Cal Culpepper has been doing to the PCG membership in his area. For his efforts he was disfellowshipped. He refuses to come back to the cult but his wife wants to stay on.  Now Aaron's wife is living at the Edmond compound with their children. She is granted living quarters and a 3rd tithe monthly payment. Aaron is not allowed to see or have any contact with his wife or children. Flurry is demanding a divorce take place. --Ex-PCG