Thursday, July 28, 2016

Gerald Flurry: Follow MY government and God will grant you miracles

Ron Fraser has an article up on the PCG web site that discusses "miracles."   Like any good COG leader Fraser and Flurry declare that miracles will ONLY happen in their specific COG.  Miracles never occur outside any church that does not declare its self "Philadelphian."
By contrast, Gerald Flurry declares of the Philadelphians, comparing them to Elisha’s students who witnessed God’s many miracles, “God has given this Church so many miracles! I believe that with our increased understanding, God holds us more accountable than He did those students of Elisha. They didn’t have near the truth that we have. God has opened so many doors for this work!” (The Former Prophets). 
Mr. Flurry then clearly articulates the reason why the Philadelphians are the recipients of God’s miracles: “Realize, if you’re loyal to God and submit to His government, He will perform miracles for you—great and small. … Any place where you find God’s family government, you will find many inspiring miracles! … If you’re backing God’s Work, you can expect miracles, because they will happen!” (ibid).
So there you have it.  If you are LOYAL to Flurry then God will bless you.  Blessings only come if you are following church government.  Jesus nowhere mentions that, but that has never been an issue in the COG.

Of course it must be taken into account that most church members will NOT experience many miracles.  Most of that is reserved for the ministry.  They are to EXPECT miracles due to the fact they are a minister in the one and only true church.
God knows His creation. He knows we need a clear vision as to the direction we should follow to fulfill our reason for being—our incredible human potential. To this end He declares, “Where there is no vision the people perish.” Knowing this, God gives enlightened vision to His true ministers. As our pastor general has taught, “Philadelphia ministers must expect miracles(Malachi’s Message).

Any minister of God truly worth his salt lives in daily expectation of miracles! Such a minister is not occupied with snooping around people’s lives seeking to dig up their sins. He lives to teach, counsel and instruct God’s precious sheep in how to overcome their sins and then fully expects the miracle of conversion that comes to any truly repentant sinner! 
Since when has the PCG NOT snooped in peoples lives?  Just look at the miscreant Cal Culpepper.  He is a prime example of a snoop that is so nasty that he has led people to commit suicide!
Jesus Christ’s method of ministry is one in which ministers serve “those who obey God (and the world, through God’s Work). God’s family government doesn’t go around looking for people’s faults and sins. God’s leaders search for ways to serve the people! That is God’s law of love” (Gerald Flurry, God’s Family Government). 
Apparently serving members is telling them to cut off contact with their adult children who are not part of the PCG.  That is really serving God!

Fraser is delusional if he believes the ministry of the PCG is not be snooping around members lives.

Graceless religion cannot and will not produce any miracles.  Death and destruction is its only reward.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Letter to the Members of LCG

Guest article by John AC Forster 

To members of the LCG.

I am one of the commenters on this site. I consider myself part of the body of Christ, being baptized in 1976. I spent about 15 years with WCG before waking up and seeing the truth about the sinfulness of the organization. I then spent a year with CGI until they as well proved that their organization was just a business like WCG. Since that time I have studied and read many an article from several cogs. In each of them I have found bits of truth mixed with a lot of error. With due diligence I discovered that HWA was not all he was put out to be.

I learned that when god revealed a doctrine to him, it meant something totally different to us. To us, it mean that God put it  in his mind, that it came from God personally. In truth, HWA got his truths from the books of other religions while researching at the public library. HWA didn't outright lie about this, but he didn't remove the misconception either. With study on my own, I discovered that the basic truths (Sabbath, Holy Days, Heaven, Hell, etc) were right. Most of the rest were opinions, some of which were minor errors and others were down right wrong. HWA was no prophet. He has over 200 failed prophecies under his belt. So many failed prophecies that he had to run away to California to start all over his church.

As the years went by, the sins of HWA were been revealed one by one. His worse one was having sex with his own daughter for over 10 years. This has been confirmed by many of his family members. All of his family members deserted him. Not what one would expect from one being put forth as the present day Elijah. Overall HWA accomplished the task of preaching the gospel to the world. Yahweh did use his unrelenting ambition to accomplish this task, but HWA was no man OF God. A good study for you all can be gained by studying Zech.Chapters 11 to 13, especially (Zec 11:15 - 17)  

Zec 11:15 And YAHWEH said to me, Again take to yourself the tools of a foolish shepherd.
Zec 11:16  For, lo, I will raise up a shepherd in the land; he shall not visit those who are cut off, nor will he seek the young, nor will he heal that which is broken, nor will he sustain that which stands. But he shall eat the flesh of the fat, and tear off their hoofs.
Zec 11:17  Woe to the worthless shepherd who abandons the flock! The sword shall be against his arm and against his right eye. His arm shall be completely withered, and his right eye shall be totally darkened.

HWA deserted the flock by flying around the world for about a year proclaiming a strong hand from some place, and never the name of Christ. He and his ministers never tried to help those disfellowshiped, neither attended to their needs, but instead lived high off the hog (ate the flesh of the fat), and robbed them blind of their money leaving them with little to stand on (tearing off their hoofs).

Yahweh told us that He would raise up such a man. WHY? Because it would force people to make a decision of whether they would follow Him, or a man. It was a test of character. A brutal test that shook the entire church. A test by fire. Many forsook their duty and decided to wait and let God work it out. They did not realize that Yahweh was expecting them to get off the fence and decide whose side they were on.

Some never made any decision until 1995 when they were confronted up close to bail out of the WCG. Many became scattered as you can read in the above chapters. While you are reading/studying this, note that Yahweh was going to perform yet another test, by removing His sheep/flock from the ministries that sprang up. Yahweh is totally angry by what the hirelings have done to His sheep. The abuse, the high living style and the totally disdained attitude of those that were to be examples to the flock. 

If you are still members of these organizations of men, come out of them, no longer remain a tithe slave to those that are biblical exempt from receiving tithes, as they are NOT Levities. The NT assembly was to exist on offerings and not tithes, especially 3 tithes. Only 1 tithe was expected under the OT, but it had 3 purposes. No wonder so many of you are broke and cannot provide for your families. This is a grave sin unto you.

In conclusion I write the above in love and concern for you lost sheep. Hope that you see your way through this mess.

John AC Forster

Why Are LCG Camp Attendees Being Forced to Fast?

Please ask Rod Meredith why the kids have to suffer because of him...

What kind of a narcissistic monster makes kids, who are psyched about camp, fast to "beg God" for a favorable ruling in the LCG lawsuit? Because we all know that that is what the fast is for.

Many kids... most kids, in LCG wait for camp all year long. It is a highlight for these kids, many of whom are homeschooled and have limited social interaction other than with other LCG kids.

They have nothing to do with the trouble the corrupt LCG leaders have gotten the church into. Why make them fast? Fasting is utterly meaningless unless it's a personal decision. And even then, the goal should be to draw near to God and to relinquish self will and submit to God's will. "Begging God" is silly and futile.

I feel sorry for all those kids who are being forced into this insanity for no purpose. I'm sure it will ultimately drive them away from Armstrongism even faster than they will like go in the first place. Comment from this thread
