The official narcissist of the Restored Church of God is making more boastful claims about how superfantabulous his church really is. It is going to too grow so enormous that the world will not be able to handle its presence. It will get so bad that his creature he calls "christ" will be forced to come to earth. Dave will literally FORCE his "christ" to return. Dave certainly is one powerful man!
But the point is, we’re going to get large enough that…It’s almost, we reach a point where…This isn’t why Christ is going to bring the Kingdom, but it’s one reason why Christ, at a point, will have to bring the Kingdom or we’re not going any further…we got too big. We got “outside the box,” so to speak. Now, we’re all over the world, but there’s going to come a point where you individuals around the world are going to have to be able to take the heat. You’re going to be trying to produce your own heat—zealous of good works. That’s what zealous means from zeō—it means heat. But you’ve got to also “take” the heat. You have to, if it’s not something you did. If you’re buffeted for your own fault, you know what Peter says in Chapter 4. But if you do well, you do the right thing and you take it patiently this is thank worthy with God. It counts.
So we are going to get enormously big. Look…unless…if the Kingdom comes very, very soon, then I guess we won’t. I guess we won’t…It would have to be very soon, though. But we’re going on…You can see we’re giving away millions of items every month. I don’t know how long it will be, but I can’t imagine it’s too awfully long before it will be one million a week. We’re over two-thirds of a million items…We’re hovering just under 100,000 items, just coming off of our website every single day. Now that’s a lot of millions of people out there, and at some point, we’re going to get noticed. We’re going to cross a threshold…and it won’t be by people who like us.
And at some point—Christ knows that point—He’s going to have to intervene, because the great marvelous work and wonder after that—which is the first phase of the Kingdom—won’t happen unless He comes and sets up His mustard seed Kingdom and puts a wall around us…but puts a wall around all of you from the moment of the reckoning, on, because nobody can lay a glove on us. And the reason nobody can lay a glove on us is Christ recognized they wanted to, and He had to intervene at the right point and make sure they couldn’t.