The convoluted mind of the Only True Church of God prophet knows no end to the idiocy that comes out of his mouth:
On the day that Jesus Christ begins his return to this earth, he will become manifest above the atmosphere of this earth, and after this, God will then begin a process of pouring out those plagues. Rather than pouring all of them out in a single day, God will now do so throughout the period of 50 literal days. Yet just before these plagues begin to be poured out, the 144,000 will be resurrected.
This event of Christ appearing in the atmosphere above the earth begins in the midst of God’s Holy Days during the Feast of Unleavened Bread. It is on the same day when the o ering of the Wave Sheaf was performed yearly at the temple. This has incredibly awesome significance and meaning that has now been added to this timing for Christ’s coming, because it now ties together in an awesome manner both the Wave Sheaf O ering during Unleavened Bread and the o ering of the Wave Loaves on the day of Pentecost.
The offering of the Wave Sheaf in the Old Testament represented Jesus Christ as the first of the firstfruits, and the o ering of the Wave Loaves on Pentecost represents the rest of the firstfruits of God—the 144,000. Jesus Christ was the first of the firstfruits of God, and the 144,000 are the rest of the firstfruits of God. Although these are resurrected on that day of the Wave Sheaf, they will not stand on earth until 50 days later on the day of Pentecost, along with Jesus Christ. That Pentecost reveals that they have been fully received of the Father and are now established to reign in the Kingdom of God on earth from that day forward.
This all has very profound meaning in the greater fulfillment of God’s great plan of salvation.
From the point of that day, which represents when the Wave Sheaf was o ered, the Seven Last Plagues can begin to be administered in a completely different manner than had been purposed before in 2012. Now these plagues can be interspersed throughout this entire 50-day period, and they will be. Each of these can also occur at different times, in different areas, with different lengths of duration, and any can be repeated if God so chooses.
This entire process is one of the means whereby God is revealing His desire to extend great mercy to as many people as possible in this final end-time. The means of God’s intervention and use of these plagues reflects that desire and purpose that He is seeking to work out, whereby a vastly greater number of people can potentially be delivered into the Millennium. Though there will still be great suffering and death, that number can be reduced mightily throughout this time period if people will only humble themselves before God. God is extending much mercy through this process, as people are being offered a far greater opportunity for being saved alive. If they will not be humbled by this process and begin listening to God, then the last of these days will be very strong against those who are destroying the earth, because mankind will be humbled before Christ returns.
This entire process, although very catastrophic in nature, is all designed to heighten the potential for mankind to become humbled, and then to become motivated with the desire to listen. People must be brought to the point where they will begin to look at themselves realistically and far more truthfully in order to acknowledge great change must take place in themselves.
Yet again, throughout the administration of these plagues, the level of destruction that will be administered rests solely upon how those who are destroying the earth respond. If they still will not be humbled, they will simply be destroyed, and that total number could still be in excess of 3.5 billion people. This period of the plagues will be mankind’s last opportunity to begin to listen to God. God has been very patient and full of mercy. It is mankind that has refused to listen to Him, and is instead bent on its own self-destruction.