Sunday, June 10, 2018

Judah's Scepter and the Sacred Stone

Neil Godfrey has an entry on his blog (Vridar) about a relatively new book of fiction out about that great Church of God legend about Jeremiah taking Jacob's pillar stone to the British Isles.  The entire basis of the Church of God movement is based upon this unsubstantiated legend.

Who would have believed it! Someone (namely D. A. Brittain) has actually written a novel about Jeremiah taking the stone of destiny, Jacob’s “pillow stone”, from Jerusalem along with a surviving daughter (Teia Tephi) of the wicked king Zedekiah to Ireland to marry up with another descendant of Judah in order to preserve the Davidic dynasty from extinction after the Babylonians captured the biblical kingdom of Judah in 587 BC. The novel is Judah’s Scepter and the Sacred Stone.
How could I resist! Belief in all of that stuff was once the focus of my life as a member of the Worldwide Church of God for so many years. One of our most exciting books was The United States and British Commonwealth in Prophecy (later changed to The United States and Britain in Prophecy as the decades took their toll on the unity and white racial dominance of the Commonwealth nations). Britain includes a bibliography that warms old memories with titles I also ferreted out from a dingy old room that housed the local British Israel society at the time. A Novel for Ex-Worldwide Church of God members and others once (or still) in love with British Israelism

“Many biblical scholars believe we will soon see what is called the ‘end of days,’” Jerome said. “Some say the promised Messiah will come on what is known as a ‘Jubilee year,’ in the fall of 2033, after the blood moons appears during Rosh Hashanah.”
“Well, it is not certain,” Timothy interjected. “What I mean is, no one is certain of the time of the next Jubilee year. Some rabbis believe the Jubilee year is somewhere between the years 2029 and 2036.” 
“Well, we do know that the next series of blood moons will appear in the years 2032 and 2033,” Jerome said. “All will see the red moon in the sky on the Feast of Passover, and then again during Rosh Hashanah, on the Feast of Tabernacles, in the year 2033.” 
“It sounds like you are talking about a tetrad,” David said. “I’ve studied astronomy, so I’m familiar with the two-year string of four total lunar eclipses. A series of four together is rare. After the sixteenth century, none even occurred until the twentieth century. However, the frequency of these events has accelerated, especially since 1949.” 
“Yes, very good— once Israel again became a nation in 1948,” Timothy said. “Israel has seen war come to their land during every tetrad that has occurred since then.
Brittain, D. A.. Judah’s Scepter and the Sacred Stone (Kindle Locations 4529-4540). First Edition Design Publishing. Kindle Edition.
Oh my god. In “my day” the year was 1975. Will they never learn. 

He was a good man.

For those who can get past the heaven comment, can you ever imagine a Church of God minister EVER being this gracious?  The inherent need of the ministry to condemn has extended to many in the church today, which has been exhibited in many of the comments directed towards those who are atheists on this blog.

Friday, June 8, 2018

Thanks for the Memories

Helen Wheels (Claire Voighent) said...

"Dennis is not a scientist. If you are looking for a massage with a happy ending by all means go to Dennis."

DennisCDiehl said... 
Well that's about as crass as it's ever gotten here except for perhaps me suggesting you go fuck yourself which I won't do as it is crass and not generally what I would say. It always sets me back reading the inane and downright ignorant comments many make here with regards to not only myself but the content of postings which never really get commented on with any depth or thought. Just look at the mostly ignorant, glittering generalities  and insipid comments made on my Whale of a Tale  posting.  (Which is my last)

One doesn't have to be scientist to agree with a scientific presentation and quote them you fool. It's what you or religious types do as well when you aren't theologians either but I guess that's different in you mind..

For the record I have two state therapeutic massage licenses and am Nationally Certified as a Master Therapist. I spend hundreds of dollars a year on continuing education on ethics, bodywork and medical issues with clients, young and old. I am specially trained in Oncology Massage for those in chemo and cancer treatment and specialize in headache and stress treatment which 99% of the population seems to suffer with.. I have a very ethical and successful practice here in Portland and work every day and will til I drop because of the love of Christ that flowed through the Tkaches who promised one thing over the years and did another to my harm and because of my naïve trust in fools.  
My clients are mostly professionals in a very wealthy part of Portland and are doctors, nurses, dentists, psychologists, financial advisors, professors and real estate types.  Some come to recover from abuses and life tragedies. I have clients who come to me to cope with  their Parkinson's' Disease or their debilitating headaches which interfere too much with their real lives. I love what I now do and where I now do it.  
It's been a long difficult transition for me personally from WCG to here.  I got here by way of drama, trauma, divorce, depression, anxiety , a few failures and some scary moments.  I've had my heart broken and that too was my fault.  I've sympathized with my few friends in ministry who took their lives by choosing a long term solution to short term problems. I understand the temptation.  

I was asked to start my own church back in the day and leave WCG and the Tkaches. No. Once was enough. Pastoring in Greenville, SC on the heels of Gerald Weston and his legalist cronies was enough to begin my wake up call. 
I joined no split, splinter or sliver. I did not set myself up to keep my ministry going at all costs because , as Joe Tkach said, "If you quit all you can do is get a job at Walmart." I worked hard to change careers and take care of myself only  and do every day to help good people. I earn every damn penny I make and deserve it.

I get insulted, labeled and scorned regularly here on the blog for speaking out on my experience but that was a cheap shot. I'm the ONLY former minister who writes by name,  posts a genuine pic ture and shares from the heart here. I have shared my struggle with anxiety and depression caused by working in the scandal riddled WCG way too long believing I could be an agent of change. I have admitted to my faults and failures during messy and difficult transitions. I have been about as open as I know to be with the sole purpose of helping those who may also be in messy mental, emotional and spiritual transitions.  
Why don't you give me a call, 864 905 9506 or give me your number and we can discuss it. Email me if you're incapable of using the phone.  I will post the discussion between us.

Also, I am not the resident "minister." I am not a minister of any kind.  I wish I had never been one but I would not be here if I had not been there. I am me. An older and wiser non-believer  after decades of trying to believe the unbelievable and see clearly what is clearly not there to see. I grew up more religious than most here and could quote whole chapters of the Bible as a child because that's how Dutch Reformed Calvinists raise their kids. I'm only responsible for me in the final analysis of how to live  my life and neither you nor anyone else gets to live it for me as I don't get to live yours.  In short, I don't fucking care in reality what you think or say but it does take me back a bit obviously and punch my "screw it" button.  

I wrestle every week with dropping Banned from my "to do" list because, for me, there are really no meaningful exchanges or even friendships to build on. Thank you for your stupid comment and waking me up once and for all to the folly and foolishness of presenting topics beyond the ability of most to consider,  clinging rather to fables and myths drummed into their heads by Herbert Armstrong and now the raging fools of the splits and splinters.

Call me Claire. It will be a call you'll never forget.  I'll be home this evening waiting...  If you call I will report our outcome  here and be finished with it.