In this dramatic climate with people worrying over Coronavirus, the stock market and crazy rantings of doom and gloom preachers, the Living Church of God is focusing on how you look and act in church.
Then today, Saturday, March 14 we find out that Weston lectured his followers that they had to dress up to live stream services. How silly and petty can this guy get?
Be Lights and Examples: The Scriptures reveal that God desires His people to be lights and examples to a world enveloped in darkness. God called Abraham to learn to live by His commandments and to walk before Him and be blameless (Genesis 17:1; 26:5). Moses told the Israelites that God gave them His laws to set them apart from other nations so they could be examples to the world—and they were to pass these concepts on to their children (Deuteronomy 4:1–9). The Old Testament states that God’s people are to live moral lives, avoid profanity, avoid sexual perversions, and refrain from getting tattoos or dressing like the opposite sex (Exodus 20; Leviticus 18:22; 19:28; Deuteronomy 22:5). In the New Testament, Jesus told His disciples to be lights to the world and live, not only by the letter of God’s law, but also by the spirit of the law (Matthew 5:13–30). In addition, the Apostle Paul advised Christians to wear their hair in a manner that was appropriate for either a man or a woman (1 Corinthians 11:14–16) and that men and women should dress in modest and appropriate apparel—especially for Church services (Matthew 22:11–12; 1 Timothy 2:9–10). While some want to dismiss these clear biblical guidelines as “rules and regulations” that are no longer relevant to modern Christians, these instructions were preserved for us in God’s word to set His people apart from Satan’s society so we can truly be lights to this world—not only spiritually, but also physically. As standards of conduct and dress continue to decline, these biblical guidelines will become increasingly noticeable as Christians function as “lights” in a darkened world.Have a profitable Sabbath,Douglas S. Winnail