It's been a few days or is it a few hours since we heard from our resident crackpot prophet in the Church of God. He is back and he is letting every single COG member out there know that He and ONLY He is the one true end-time leader of the Church of God. Even though this sad little man is only able to garner 299 white members out of 197 nations on the planet, and 3,000 - 4,000 church-hopping Africans, he believes he has the mantle Herbert Armstrong passed on when he died. Since Joseph Tkach Sr. refused to wear it and Rod Meredith was unworthy to wear it because he failed to implement all the changes Bob Thiel was asking him to do, it is only rightful that Bwana Bob inherits it, as there is no other man in the entire Church of God network more worthy, perfect, and righteous than he.
I can state for a fact that HWA would never have passed his "mantle" to Bwana Bob Thiel. To claim so makes Bwana Bob an even bigger liar than he already is.
HWA would have kicked Bob's ass out the door so fast his holistic buckwheat hull pillows would never have been able to absorb the shock as he hit the curb.
Notice that Herbert Armstrong believed that God mainly worked through the leadership of one man at a time to lead various phases of the work. Scripture, shows for example, that the mantle passed from Elijah to Elisha (2 Kings 2:9-15). The ‘mantle’ would currently be with the person/group that truly functioned as the ‘pillar and ground of truth’ (1 Timothy 3:15
For fifty years in the second century, according to Herbert W. Armstrong, that man was Polycarp:
It is significant that after his release John trained Polycarp elder of Smyrna, a city near Ephesus in the province of Asia. … At neighboring Smyrna, Polycarp presided over the Church of God for half a century after John’s death. Polycarp stood up boldly for the truth while many fell away and began having fellowship with the Catholic bishops of Rome. History relates that following the example of Peter, Paul and John, Polycarp wrote many letters to congregations and individuals, though all these have perished, save one in an edited version. (Armstrong HW. The Church They Couldn’t Destroy. Good News, December 1981)
For over 50 years in the 20th century, it was Herbert W. Armstrong.
No, he wasn't.
And in the 21st century, that one man is not in any of the independent or more structures Laodicean groups.
299 guesses as to just WHO that "one man" is?
It's that little "man/boy" who threw a temper tantrum when Rod Meredith rejected him and so he started his own little group. He lied about having dreams and double blessings and self-appointed himself as a minister, prophet, and leader of one of the most pathetic COG's to ever exist.
Support the remnant of the Philadephian era and God’s work today.
By all means support any independent COG that is taking care of their neighbor, helping the poor, widows, and orphans but please don't support liars like Bwana Bob.
Do not delay (cf. Zephaniah 2:1-3).