Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Oh, Noes!!!!!!! Canada Now Persecuting the PCG!


In Philadelphia Church of God's recent rag, they are bemoaning the fact that their blasphemous messages have been "censored", this time by the government of Canada. Like Bob Thiel, PCG sees this as a sure sign of persecution, when it may actually be God working to stop more people from being deceived by PCG's so-called gospel.

Canada is not the only place where government censorship is targeting the Trumpet. In the United States, Facebook and Twitter have blocked the Trumpet from advertising. There is also ample evidence that both platforms are shadow banning our content. The Trumpet Daily has been censored several times on YouTube, and threatened with worse—maybe even a full ban. 
In the European Union, the Digital Services Act is starting to be enforced. This draconian legislation empowers a new EU agency to police social media for disinformation on any platform of more than 45 million European users. 
No matter which continent you live on, you cannot escape government censorship. This is a worldwide trend. 
For decades, the Trumpet has pointed to a prophecy in Amos 8:11 about the truth becoming inaccessible—scarce like water during a famine. In our information age, it may have seemed impossible for this prophecy to come to pass. Yet across the planet it is inching closer to reality.

"Those Laodicean Christians who are fans of American tackle football are NOT Philadelphians and will be subject to violence themselves as they will have to go through the Great Tribulation if they do not repent "

Well, it's close to fall time, and football is in the air. This of course has pulled a major wedgie on our most illustrious propeht to ever grace the Church of God movement. Ever since that wily old Satan jiggled the spoon as God was pouring wisdom into the Great Bwna's mind, the world has never been the same.

As the Church of God has come to expect, when craziness abounds in the church it starts with the Great Bwana and his cohorts, Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry, and Ron Weinland. Not known as men of good character or of wisdom, these guys run off at the mouth nonstop.

By now we all know how much delicate Bwana Bob hates football and how he melts down every year the second football hits his TV and his eyes are drawn to the nearly naked cheerleaders he someone sees.

This year he has added to his loopy ideas more craziness:

Those Laodicean Christians who are fans of American tackle football are NOT Philadelphians and will be subject to violence themselves as they will have to go through the Great Tribulation if they do not repent...

Of course, everyone OUTSIDE his little cult are Laodicean because 99.9999999999999% of the COG movement finds him offensive and blasphemous. Armstrongism has always been quick to lob the word Laodicean towards anyone who disagrees with them. After all, wisdom is from the top down, and lay members are too stupid to understand such things.

According to the Great Bwana, Isaiah was written specifically for him to say the junk that he does:

Many non-Philadelphian Christians do not wish to seriously consider that American tackle football is harmful, despite the facts, and would prefer that I not post about it. 
The Bible suggests otherwise:

1 Cry aloud, spare not;
Lift up your voice like a trumpet;
Tell My people their transgression,
And the house of Jacob their sins. (Isaiah 58:1)

Before Bwana soils his holistic knickers any worse I suggest he start first with his own church and lift up his voice about the transgressions of his followers. Start with the witchcraft/voodoo, adultery of his so-called evangelists, money embezzlement for personal use and political campaigns, and so much more! Set eh example for since, O Great Bwana Mzungu!

Also, as usual, the church has had no bigger martyr for the truth in its midst than the Great Bwana Mzungu Thiel himself. He speaks out all the time and no one and I repeat NO ONE listens to him:

Over the years, I have seemingly stood alone among Church of God leaders in the 21st century warning against American tackle football. I first spoke against it at the old Spokesman’s Club in the Worldwide Church of God last century. And, when I brought the subject up in the Living Church of God, it made many uncomfortable enough to take steps leading to my departure from that group.

Nothing irritates the Great Bwana Mzungu Thiel more than the continual dismissal by the Living Church of God on anything he has to say. It's hilarious at this point how much bitterness he harbors in his narcissistic heart. 

Because 99.9999999999999% of the church ignores him when he speaks it means they ignore him when he whines about football and thus are not Philaldphian Christians like he and his little band of misfits are.

The TRUTH is that the fruits of American tackle football are not good. But many do not care.
Let me state that there is a human tendency to try to justify sin. Many think if something feels right to them, it must be. According to the Bible, that is a wrong attitude:

9 “The heart is deceitful above all things,
And desperately wicked;
Who can know it?
10 I, the Lord, search the heart,
I test the mind, 
Even to give every man according to his ways,
According to the fruit of his doings. (Jeremiah 17:9-10) 
Those who claim that encouraging American tackle football is fine are NOT Philadelphian Christians–they are deceiving themselves since American tackle football causes real damage. Damage that should not be encouraged.

Those near-naked cheerleaders really push his buttons too:

From the violence on the field, to the under-clothed cheerleaders, to some of the half-time antics, there is a lot wrong with American football. 
I do not watch American football. I consider that it is evil (also, no Christian can really defend how professional football cheerleading females are often publicly dressed and displayed). Others want to falsely act like there is nothing wrong with watching it.

More wisdom for the Great Bwana Mzungu Thiel:

I could not reconcile loving my neighbor as myself and cherishing my flesh and not doing violence to any man by watching others do it in a football game. Consider also the following: 
9…You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” 10 Love does no harm to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfillment of the law. (Romans 13:9-10)

And another swipe at Living Church of God. Damn boy! get down off your cross. Someone else needs the wood! 

Is not taking a stand against encouraging sports violence consistent with the gospel of peace and love? Or should ministers tell people that violent sports like American tackle football are not “inherently evil” as at least one minister from LCG has done? 

Who's football team would you want to be drafted on? Jesus's team or Bwana Bob's?


The One True Church: They're Everywhere

From the One True Person, Dr Robert Thiel

 The one group that best represents the remnant of the Philadelphia portion of the Church of God (Revelation 3:7-13) in the 21st century is the Continuing Church of God. The Continuing Church of God is the only organized church that we are aware of who officially does all the above. 

The compelling reason to want to be part of us is not that we are perfect, but that we do teach in accordance with the Bible and the beliefs and practices of Jesus’ early followers. Most churches have some truth, but none other appears to be the “pillar and ground of the truth” ...

We are not just one of scores of Church of God groups, but we are the only international Philadelphian organization. We are also the leader of the Philadelphian remnant that God is using to go through doors He opens (Revelation 3:7-8) for the fulfillment of Matthew 24:14, Romans 11:25, etc. in the final phase of the work. In the 20th century, the old Radio Church of God grew at an annualized rate of 30% per year for decades. Not only has the Continuing Church of God exceeded that, it has been the fastest growing xWCG COG in the 21st century

Will you do what biblically you realize you should do and support the Continuing Church of God or be a hearer only, deceiving yourself? Can you believe the work that God is doing (Acts 13:41)? Do you not wish to support the Continuing Church of God as we continue to preach the gospel of the kingdom to the world as a witness (Matthew 24:14) as well as teach all Jesus commanded (Matthew 28:19-20)? Are you ready to be really part of the true, and most faithful, Christian church?


The Competition Disagrees

The expression "one true church" refers to an ecclesiological position asserting that Jesus gave his authority in the Great Commission solely to a particular visible Christian institutional church—what is commonly called a denomination. This view is maintained by the Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church, the Oriental Orthodox communion, the Assyrian Church of the East, the Ancient Church of the East, the Christian Churches/Churches of Christ, the Churches of Christ, and the Lutheran Churches,[1] as well as certain Baptists.[2] Each of them maintains that their own specific institutional church (denomination) exclusively represents the one and only original church. The claim to the title of the "one true church" relates to the first of the Four Marks of the Church mentioned in the Nicene Creed: "one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church". As such, it also relates to claims of both catholicity and apostolic succession: asserting inheritance of the spiritual, ecclesiastical and sacramental authority and responsibility that Jesus Christ gave to the apostles.[3][4]


The Roman Catholic Church teaches that Christ founded only "one true Church", and that this one true Church is the Catholic Church with the bishop of Rome (the pope) as its supremeinfallible head and locus of communion.[8] From this follows that it regards itself as "the universal sacrament of salvation for the human race"[9] and the "only true religion".


The Lutheran Church views itself as the "main trunk of the historical Christian Tree" founded by Christ and the Apostles, holding that during the Reformation, the Church of Rome fell away.[1] The Augsburg Confession found within the Book of Concord, a compendium of belief of the Lutheran Churches, teaches that "the faith as confessed by Luther and his followers is nothing new, but the true Catholic faith, and that their churches represent the true catholic or universal church"


Many Baptists, who uphold the doctrine of Baptist successionism (also known as Landmarkism), "argue that their history can be traced across the centuries to New Testament times" and "claim that Baptists have represented the true church" that "has been, present in every period of history".


The Amish, as with other Anabaptist Christians, believe that "the established church became corrupt, ineffectual, and displeasing to God."[35] The Amish believe that the true church is pure and separate from the world:


Methodists affirm belief in "the one true Church, Apostolic and Universal", viewing their Churches as constituting a "privileged branch of this true church".[43][44] With regard to the position of Methodism within Christendom, the founder of the movement "John Wesley once noted that what God had achieved in the development of Methodism was no mere human endeavor but the work of God. As such it would be preserved by God so long as history remained


The Seventh-Day Adventist Church (SDA Church) holds itself to be the one true church.[49] It specifically teaches that "it is the 'final remnant' of His true church [spanning] the centuries".[50] Seventh-day Adventist eschatology promulgates the idea that in the end times, there will be a "growing opposition between the 'true' church and the 'apostate' church."[51] ... The SDA Church, in their view, "has drawn substantially on the biblical text, especially the books of Daniel and Revelation, to argue for its own status as the true remnant church which has a divine commission both to exist and to preach its apocalyptic message to the world at large."[


In 1830, Joseph Smith established the Church of Christ in the belief that it was a restoration of original Christianity. In 1831 he declared it to be "the only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth".
