Thursday, February 13, 2025

Catfishing In Africa: Catching Bobs top WITCHDOCTOR evangelist Evans in another sex scandal

The African boondoggle that is the improperly named "continuing" Church of God continues to be a den of intrigue and deception by those in Africa towards God's most important man to ever walk this earth, the Great Bwana Bob, the Chief Overseer of the African version of the improperly named "continuing Church of God". 

Below is a link of Terry Nelson's son catfhishng Evans Ocheing. The Great Bwana Bob has reatedly and publicly denied that there is any corruption in Africa with hsi leaders. The Nelsons know otherwise.

Terry Nelson hopes Bob Thiel will see the light and that the CCOG Brethren will wake up and quit supporting Satanic corruption. 

This same thing happened over a year ago with Joy Elizabeth of Nairobi, but Bob Thiel says everything is a lie. 

It's also known that soon Big Boss Evans Ocheing is coming to Malawi to straiten out the mess of Radson Molowzoa's current wife which Terry Nelson exposed years ago and of which, Bob Thiel believes it's his Cousin.  

It's well known that the two top CCOG leaders in Malawi have already told Bob and Evans the truth. 

Will Bob Thiel ever wake up? 

Remember Bob Pride comes before the Fall Proverbs 16:18

Here’s the link to the video that Asher Nelson did. It is too large to embed here:

The Lu Ęlẹṣẹ That Is The "Continuing" Church of God


God's most perfect church continues to be a den of iniquity.

From Karl Kolechek

Bobby Thiel's Fake Evangelist Evans Ocheing is coming to Malawi soon, according to 2 top CCOG leaders. They say Evans has to find a way to cover up Radson Molowzoa's marriage to Patrisha Sambani. As Terry Nelson warned Bob Thiel over 2 years ago, Radson married Patrisha Sambani, the woman he committed adultery with when he was married to his ex-Priscilla. Bob believed the story and that this was Radson's cousin. Also, the 2 CCOG leaders told Bob and Evans about the whole mess, so Bob is without excuse. It can't be Talebarering Bob when it's the truth!!!!!! 


Dave Pack in all of his idiotic glory