Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Dave Pack Tells Another Lie: "The Work is Booming Right Now. And I mean, BOOMING! You just can't fathom it."

The plan of salvation using kitchen utensils and a soccer ball. 
His faithful sat there for close to 2 hours watching him move kitchen utensils from 
vase to vase, ending up with a soccer ball as the new heavens and new earth.
This is prophetic buffoonery at its finest!

It is now Wednesday, March 24th, the day AFTER Dave Pack's creature he calls "christ" was to return. 

Once more Dave has lied to his followers. 

We are getting close to sermon 300 as Dave keeps piling on the lies and his dwindling faithful sit there each week lapping it all up. 

With one false prophecy after another and lie after lie, Dave feels no remorse or the need for accountability. Sadly his gullible followers feel no need to hold him accountable either, particularly the ministry and elders in Wadsworth. They will lap up his next excuse with orgasmic expectation, marveling at the wisdom coming from his mouth. 

Nothing illustrates the mind-boggling stupidity of Dave Pack more than the above picture of Dave explaining the plan of salvation, the return of his creature "christ" to Wadsworth, and the new earth by using a soccer ball and kitchen utensils.

From an RCG source:

Part 298
On Thursday March 18th, another one of Dave’s prophecies failed without most even realizing it. Christ was supposed to return on Friday night, but I guess He tricked Dave again and forced him to have yet another revelation. On top of this, Christ also revealed to Dave that maybe rewriting all his literature isn’t so hard after all! Maybe this Gospel is supposed to get out after all! 
“As I've explained the Work is booming right now. And I mean, booming! You just can't fathom it. Might God want us to do a "great work "this side of the kingdom? I'm just raising it. Please don't make it more or less than that. Well make it more than that, but don't make it less than that. If so, we are perfectly primed with the best staff and the strongest reserves we've ever had. The conference would come back, the camps would come back. The college would be strong. Campus would expand. If we must wait longer, we could do a powerful work for a year, with an open door we know nobody can close, regardless of who might try. 
We can carefully, I've had a lot of time since I brought this up recently, I just found it, I found I've got to do this, or I'm not a wise and faithful servant. We can carefully and relatively easily rewrite the literature without emphasizing the way God will come. It can be done. I've been looking through booklets and how did I say it? We could surge forward with the "complete Gospel" to the world for whatever time remains. I'll keep sprinkling in, "I don't believe it." And I know things that you don't even know that makes me absolutely not believe it. All of this said, let me just put it this way, every metric points to this Passover, may God's kingdom come on his timetable. And if I'm right with what we've learned, we've got about 28 hours, and I end now so that they can get this posted for the rest of God's people. I think I know what happens tomorrow night [Friday March 19th]. Have a good afternoon.”

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Dave Pack: "Because at this point in time, a Bible slows me down! I can study without a Bible much faster than with one!"


If you want to know why Dave Pack is getting so weird, this is why. He is so intelligent that he no longer needs the Bible in front of him and just pulls it out of his ass.

Sermon 299

Earlier in the message however, Dave clarifies how he studies the Bible and comes up with his prophetic ideas, it is actually quite simple. When you leave the Bible out entirely, it is much easier to make up new prophetic stories. He states: "Because at this point in time, a Bible slows me down! I can study without a Bible much faster than with one! And so that's what I do. I will scroll 20 verses [in his mind] and I will filter ideas through those 20 verses. There are a whole bunch of verses, about a dozen verses, that seem to talk about Christ's coming in a way that does not look like when he comes "in power," for instance, he comes out of a cloud versus he comes in vengeance and flaming fire there about 20 like that. So when I think of Christ, I think of about 32 verses."

The RCG source writes: 

RCG has departed from even claiming to follow the Bible. Simply believe the scrolling passages in Dave's mind and everything will be revealed!

Dave Pack: Jesus Was Supposed To Have Returned March 23, 2021

Part 299

Dave delivered Part 299, a 30-minute message this past Saturday night. After another failed predicted date for Christ’s return the day prior, he has a new revelation that points undoubtedly to Christ’s return on March 23rd or the faithful will need to wait another year.

Dave states: "Now, everything you know, is summarized in three facts. Everything! The first half of the year is 1,290 days, and it ends at Trumpets in 2024. Meaning Abib 10 (When Christ returns), sometime on March 23rd! Number two. We eat the Passover with Christ on Abib 14. This is when God and Christ appear together in glory with all saints. Three, the "gap" between the 1290 and Passover is 84 hours. Those are your "pole stars." Those are your touchstones. Those are Jachin and Boaz. They're the two pillars. Abib 10, "the coming," and Passover and a half a week in between. Now, if Tuesday comes and goes, then it would appear we wait another year."

Monday, March 22, 2021

Why Is Satan the Supreme All Powerful "god" of the Church of God?

Below is a letter sent to Exit and Support Network detailing absurd comments made by a Philadelphia Church of God minister, Roger Brandon. The comments in parenthesis are by ESN.

Members Told Not to Take Satan’s Bait:
March 19, 2021 
Roger Brandon recently gave a sermonette where he told members not to take Satan’s Bait. (Comments by L. S.) 
He threw out the question, “Have you ever wondered what Satan is doing during the days leading into Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread?”(Comment: This causes the members to concentrate right away on Satan.)

It has always amazed me at how much more powerful Satan is to Church of God leaders and members than the God they supposedly are following. This is just one more legacy of the church shoving Jesus to the back burner and ignoring all that he accomplished. When the emphasis in the church is placed upon gaining favor from God by keeping the law, the COG ignores or deliberately lies about Jesus. This, in turn, lets Satan become all-powerful and always out to destroy gullible or backsliding church members.

Then he told them Satan is getting them to “leave the church” and “bait them into sinning” and if they do those things, he can “slowly erode their faith.” He quoted from HWA more than once. (Comment: Brandon doesn’t mention that even though Satan tempts Christians in many ways, “we are not unaware of his schemes” [II Corinthians 2:11] and we can take up “the shield of faith” to “quench all the fiery darts” thrown at us [Ephesians 6:16].

It is always Satan's fault that members leave the church. It never seems to be the abusive and vile leaders and the garbage they preach. People will only take being treated like dirt for so long and then they will leave. After decades of lies about prophecy, some are deciding to leave PCG now. Others leave because they are sick of the "no contact" perversion that the Flurry's and their jack-booted ministry teach.

He talked about Satan “broadcasting in attitudes and moods” and “sometimes we can’t resist that bait.” (Comment: This is referring to how HWA always said Satan had some sort of “wavelength” that he sends out through the air broadcasting bad attitudes. This is the opposite of Ephesians 6:10-18, a passage which talks about more than “Satan” having some sort of “bait.”)

We have discussed before on here the epitaph that COG leaders regularly throw out at members who they deem to be in "bad attitudes." This epitaph is a direct way of silencing critics. Members who have been accused of this are then deemed to be in direct rebellion against God, which is a lie.

He quoted I Peter 5:8 and said, “Satan is “always on the job” and” Satan is out to destroy us.” (Comment: These words do nothing but concentrate on fear.)

Fear is the best message COG cult leaders use to keep members under control. Fear of Satan taking over their minds. Fear of not going to the place of safety. Fear of the great tribulation. Fear of disfellowshipment. On and on the list goes. The church has made Satan more powerful than anything Jesus ever did. They never mention when Jesus says to "rest" in him and not worry. Let him carry your burdens and worries.

Then he laid guilt on the members, by saying, “When we fall it’s because we’re not close enough to God.” (Comment: It’s because we are not depending wholly on Christ and standing fast in His grace [I Peter 5:12 and Colossians 2:5, steadfastness in Christ, which Brandon didn’t quote because he left outgrace and Christ as our Helper.)

If you are a Christian and have been taught to understand the things Jesus accomplished it is just as L.S said above. Being steadfast in the comforter makes it a lot harder to fall, and even when one does, there is no need to worry about ultimate damnation, the fake damnation that the COG loves to scare COG members with. 

Matthew 11:28-30
28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

He told them there is “grave danger” in getting their minds on themselves. Because then they “can’t really comprehend Passover or conquer the Devil.” (Comment: It is Jesus, not us, who is the one that goes forth to “conquer” [Revelation 6:2]. Also read: How can I observe Passover if I’ve left the group? from our Q&A which also talks about Passover).

The COG has made a business out of training members to focus upon themselves and not on Jesus. Keeping the law correctly as interpreted by COG leaders forces the members to constantly look at themselves to see how they are doing. That is the emphasis that the COG places upon members at the COG version of Passover. They are to spend weeks beating themselves up over all their indiscretions over the last year. Are they worthy? Are they in the right attitude? Have they deleavend their home, car, and office properly?  Have they deleavend their mind so they don't sin anymore? Blah, blah, blah. When they do this they have let sin trump redemption letting Satan once again become more powerful than that wimpy Jesus COG leaders love to mock.

He said Satan has the “right bait” for each of us and it might be to: not pay our tithes, control our temper, lack of patience, lust of the flesh, or words we hear from others and how we react. (Comment: Tithing and offerings have always been a major doctrine in PCG, especially during the holy days. Read: “Tithing and Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing.”)

Fear, fear, fear. Satan's bait is always more powerful than Jesus. Not tithing is never going to cause anyone to be taken over by Satan, especially since it is not a new covenant command. Losing one's temper, have a lack of patience are not salvation issues.

One of the worst things he said was that God won’t even hear our prayers (he quoted Isaiah 59:2) and added that “Our sins separate us from God.” (Comment: This is seriously in error since God has forgiven all our sins through Christ Jesus. Read: “The Sin Question.” PCG ministers are known to constantly quote from the O. T. which was the old covenant and Christians are not under the old covenant.)

This has to be one of the stupidest comments I have heard a minister make, well, at least in the last 30 minutes or so. The fact that Satan is so powerful that he can put up a force field between COG members and their God when it comes to prayer is idiocy. This also says that the prayer of Christians and others around the world are going unheard while the prayers of COG members are the only ones getting through. Apparently, Satan is too weak to stop those prayers from ascending on high.

There was so much emphasis on striving with a focus on Satan in this sermonette. (Comment: Brandon does not want to emphasize that we who have trusted Christ and his free gift of eternal life are overcomers because “the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world” (1 John 4:4). He does not focus on Christ and what He has already done for us. –PCG source (additional comments by L. S.)

LCG: Do your leaders, ministers and elders meet these qualifications to serve you?

Sadly, this is the face of so many of the "elders" leading churches today

These are the qualifications for elders in the LCG:

Qualifications of Elders
1 Tim 3:1-7; 2 Tim 2:24-25, 4:1-2; Titus 1:5-9; 1 Peter 5:1-4 

 Must be blameless (above reproach, no grounds for accusations)  Right out the gate many elders fail the qualifications. Sadly, the number of elders who are above reproach and suffer no grounds for accusations are few and far between.

• Willing to serve  -  The track record for far too many elder's in the church has never been one of service. They expected to be served, waited on hand and foot. Clean their houses, mow their lawns, take care of the dry cleaning, paint their homes, etc.

• Husband of one wife  For some, at least.

• Temperate (marked by moderation, not extreme)  Far too many elders and ministers are volatile and overreact to members questions and life circumstances

• Sober-minded (serious)  This one does describe many elders in the church. Some of them seem to have never cracked a smile since they were ordained! Far too many take themselves far too seriously. God forbid if you ever laughed at one of them to their face!

• Of good behavior  Child molesters, serial stalkers, name it and the elders have done it or are doing it. Not all of them, mind you, but far too many have!

 Hospitable  For some elders and ministers, if they deem you worthy to be in their presence then they are hospitable to you, otherwise don't disturb their bubble with your presence.

 Humble  LOL! Let's start with Rod Meredith and Gerald Weston. Humility just reeks from these guys, right?

• Able to teach (explain, exhort, convince, inspire, correct)  Just how many times does an elder/minister need to repeat the same sermon? Enough with the sermons with 7,14, or 21 points over a 1 1/2 hour time period. Enough! An effective speaker can get across the main point in 15 minutes or less. No one needs to stand up there for hours on end lecturing. That is the problem right there. They lecture. They don't inspire, they don't convince, they lecture.

• Not given to wine  Oh Lordy  This is COG ministers and elders we are talking about. The sad fact about far too many in the COG ministry is that too many of them are raging alcoholics.

• Not violent  How about the elders that strike their wives or are emotionally abusive? Or the ones that are child molesters? Or the stalkers and rapists? Fortunately, there are not that many in the church, but they are there and the church does its best to cover up their bad deeds.

• Not greedy for money  What about the ministers and elders who get peeved that lay members make more money than they do and have better things and then proceed to make the lives of those people miserable if they don't regularly cough up their money. COG ministers are well known to court and pamper well-off members. They get invited to the minister's home and are able to slide by when they do things not kosher in the church's  eye. Don't forget around holy day offering times as their eyes glaze over as they demand members put more and more money in the offering plate. It is important to them that they look good in HQ's eyes.

• Gentle  Some of the most abusive and heavy-handed men in the church have been ministers and elders wreaking havoc in their congregations. Do you remember Rod Meredith as a gentle soul? 

• Self-controlled See not given to wine, above

 Not quarrelsome or quick tempered  Most church members have never seem a group of men who can get pissed off and angry so fast than they do with the ministry. They are quick to jump the gun and make snap judgments without getting all the facts.

• Not self-willed 

• Not covetous  How dare a lay member have better things than a minister  Or, better yet, the freedom to do what they want  so let's make them come over and paint my house on their time, mow my yard, and deleaven my home for me.

• Ruling well their own children and households (demonstrating Godly leadership in their family) From Rod Meredith's children to the children of far too many COG ministers and elders, this has NEVER been the case. Drug abuse, arrests, sexual assaults  premarital sex, you name it and COG ministers children have done it and are still doing it. For far too many of their children are not even members of the church anymore. Some example that is!

• Having children who are good examples   see above

• Not new to the truth, but having a track record  Sadly that "track record" is nothing to be proud of in the church considering the decades of theological and spiritual abuse the church has dished out. Just because someone has read all of HWA's books and articles doe snot make them a theologian or ministry material. Reciting church doctrine by rote is not a good track record either.
• Having a good reputation among those outside the church  If church members are told continually to not be a part of the world, why would an LCG elder be well thought of in their community? They self isolate in order to not be tainted by the unclean and god forbid if they associate with those "so-called" Christians, Buddhists, or Muslims who might be their neighbor.

• A lover of what is good 

• Just and holy Justice in the Church of God. What a novel concept!
• Holding fast the faithful word as taught, that he may be able, by sound doctrine, both to exhort and convict those who contradict.  
A lot of good this has done over the decades. If the ministry in the LCG really believed this they would have never allowed the heretic Bob Thiel to pull the crap he has done nor would they have massaged his delicate ego by telling him that he was a prophet. Because Jesus is not part of the picture, sound doctrine is not part of the bigger picture in the church. Because of that they cannot effectively exhort and convict people to be lovers of The Way. They know enough to force the law and government down the throats of people, but not Jesus.

From the LCG's Advanced Leadership Training Program, Class 24