Thursday, April 21, 2011

There Is No Other Warning Quite As Important As Mine...

Apostle Malm seems to think he and his message are the most important thing on earth right now. He has a word of warning that you all had better be heeding!  Reprobates!  Delusions of grandeur......?

I am coming out very strongly now and I will continue to do so as the Conferences take place and this year progresses.  The brethren and elders will NOT be left without a warning.  This is NOT some game; it is a matter of life and death; now and for eternity.

People Are Wicked And Need To Be Painfully Spanked

Apostle Malm has more wonderful comforting words of wisdom:

Israel was a hard, stubbern, rebellious,  stiff necked people; who insisted on doing things their own way and refused to keep even the physical Covenant with God.  If one adulterer were stoned it would have ended adultery for another generation.  The law was harsh because the people were wicked and needed a powerful example to get through to them that they were living in a manner that would lead to their death.

We must not forget the great mercy of God.  When an evil deed is repeated often, it becomes a deeply ingrained habit.  The quick death of the unrepentant stopped that repetition in its tracks so that these folks could be resurrected into a better world without a deeply ingrained habit of evil to overcome; and with an experience that they would not want to repeat. Capitol punishment is a mercy to the criminal and his victum and to society at large.
 We are now in a society where there is great sympathy for the evil doer and little for the potential victims that are saved by the putting away of the evil doers.  Through this we have become the most wicked and sinful people.  The fruits of our liberalism are obvious.
God is a mighty God, who does his will for the ultimate good of all peoples.  Sometime that involves a hard spanking and some pain, yet it is for an awesome purpose. Who are we to speak evil of our Maker?  Who are we to say that he is the auther and creator of evil?  Are those not the thoughts of Job as he had maintained himself against the judgement of God?

Armstrongites always take great boastful pride in proclaiming that they will become god's and rule over worlds in the world of tomorrow.  Given how mentally ill some of these people are, particularly those in charge of various splinter cults, can you imagine them in charge of a world in the Kingdom of God?   Being sent to Armstrong's lake of fire would be a better alternative than living in a hellish world ruled by these people!