Tuesday, May 17, 2011

"Dreaming In Arabic" Now Available In Book Form

Jennifer Armstrong's book, Dreaming in Arabic is now available in book form.  Check it out here: Dreaming In Arabic

I grew up in the Worldwide Church of God, an organization labeled “cult” by most of mainstream Christianity. At the head of it, was Herbert W. Armstrong, a forceful personality, with a unique interpretation of scripture. I grew up believing that we in the Worldwide Church of God were the only true Christians in the world. My mother told me a story of how when I was a toddler in the stroller and we were passing by a large old church, I pointed and said “Man's way.”

The Worldwide Church of God took a lot of their beliefs from the Old Testament. Being young, I never really understood why some of the ancient laws were kept and some were discarded. I'm sure there was a reason and I'm sure it made sense to the adults. At least, I hope it did. I've never felt bad for being part of a group that taught Biblically unsound doctrines. I was a child and a child will believe in
Santa Claus if you tell them with enough conviction. But I do wonder about the adults and why they were so quick to let someone interpret the Bible for them. My husband, who is eight years older than me, said that it wasn't so much the doctrine that attracted him as much as the emphasis on righteous living. And there was an emphasis on righteous living. But unfortunately most people were not living
up to the high standards we taught.
 I think another draw for a lot of people was the emphasis on prophecy. I grew up believing that someday, before a great tribulation fell upon the world, we believers would be taken to a place of safety where we would be hidden from the wrath that fell on everyone else. Herbert W. Armstrong had a radio show and a television show called The World Tomorrow where he preached out of Daniel and Revelation and gave his own unique interpretations. I think there were quite a few people who joined the church to escape the great tribulation.

It was believed that the place of safety was Petra, in Jordan. Mr. Armstrong would travel around the world as an “ambassador for peace” and one of the people he met was King Hussein of Jordan. The church had some sort of outreach to handicapped children in Jordan. Since Petra was in Jordan and Mr. Armstrong was a “friend” of King Hussein, it was taught that we would all fly to Jordan and stay in Petra for the duration of the tribulation. I have some vague recollection that at some point, soldiers of the world would surround Petra and threaten us all, but that heavenly retribution would strike them down. What was more critical to people was what they would bring to survive the years in Petra. One woman said she was going to bring two suitcases of maxi pads.

As a child, I once packed a small briefcase full of my favourite books and then carried it around with me, even if we went across the city on the subway, because it was said that we could be called to flee at any moment. One of my childhood fears was that I would come home from school and find my mother and younger brothers gone and that I would somehow have to make my way to the airport (by taxi, I suppose) or else I would miss the flight to safety. Contacting my dad at work was not an option. He wasn't a member of the Worldwide Church of God and therefore would have to face the tribulation. When it was preached from the pulpit that during that horrible time the guillotine would probably be restored as a form of punishment I resigned myself to my dad's inevitable fate. You see, my dad knew
too much. He had lived with a believing wife and would therefore have to stand up for the truth in the future time of persecution and would be punished for his belated realization that everything the church taught was true.

The Great Tribulation would be followed by ....

Spiritual Bastards

You never know what deep theological ramblings you will find coming from COG members.  Of all the important things in the world labeling people "Spiritual Bastards" seems to be important to some.    This classification by some Armstrongites is a convenient way to label all who disagree with them. You are the way you are because you are the child of unequally yolked parents.  Or the offspring of a believer and non-believer.  Or a person born out of wedlock.  You might be from an  incestuous relationships. Or, God forbid, you are the product of interracial marriage!  That is the ultimate abomination!

There are all kinds of ways some Armstrongites seek to deligitimize anyone who disagrees with them.  Sadly, that seems to be their goal.  To do as much as they can to make non members illegitimate and unworthy.  It is important in Armstrongism to be be able to label people as "the other'.  This deliberately makes them out of bounds from God's love.  By having 'the other' out there, it makes the Armstrongite feel special and called out above all others. God's chosen. Rulers of worlds. Gods to be.  Yuk!

What is a bastard?: Based on the above Bible helps, a bastard could be one of the following:
      · Descendant of an irregular union
      · Illegitimate children
      · Person produced as a result of an incestuous union or
      · One born out or wedlock
      · Offspring of an interracial union
In a spiritual sense, a bastard is one who refuses to use God’s
correction to change or to be changed. He/she is one that is
supposed to be of the Body of Christ, but is not a pure spiritual
Israelite – washed white and clean by the blood of Christ.
Instead, they have become like an illegitimate offspring from a
wrong union. A mixed breed - like those that were the mixed
multitude that followed Israel out of Egypt – becoming thorns in
the flesh of the Israelites – causing problems and issues (Ex
12:28; Num 11:4). These try and destroy the sons of light with
their slanders and lies. From such, turn away. Origin of Nations: Spiritual Bastards

Monday, May 16, 2011

We Find This Very Disturbing!

Below is a video of a baby dancing on a table somewhere in Brazil.  
Armstrongites are outraged!  
A few of their comments after the video.

"I find it disturbing, not cute."

"What is the purpose of this dance that baby is doing?"

"Yes a little baby in diapers dancing. Its disturbing."

"Yes, it is disturbing. It is also disgusting that parents would do this 
to their young child."

"I wonder about why so many children are developing weird "talents" 
before they can even control their bladders." 


Is It OK To Do Puzzles While Listening To Sermons At Home?


The idea that any COG members needs to ask this question shows how sick Armstrongism really is!

Back in those early years in Church services, it seems that I can remember when the preaching Pastor would speak out against someone who was sleeping when he was trying to present his sermon! It must have been very exasperating for him to do his best to do his job in preaching and to have someone sleeping!

I can remember when, at one of those Holy Day meetings with several hundred gathered together, that I had spotted a Deacon, at the time, who was sleeping in his chair. I thought that he should have known better but that perhaps he had a bad night the previous night. I`m guessing that he was in his sixties at the time. Obviously, since I was in my forties, I couldn`t understand that!
Now, in my eighties, it is easy for me to understand! Most of the time lately, during services, I have had to fight off nodding to sleep and my wife would give me the elbow to wake me up and on another occasion I would have to bump her arm to wake her up!! We would always be sitting back about the third row and it could be very easy for the minister to see us and for us to be embarrassed.

We had been checking out MP3 tapes to bring home to hear and then when they came out with the DVDs, we chose to watch them through the TV, but the problem was, we would both start falling asleep so we went back to checking out the MP3s. What we had been doing was to put picture puzzles together when listening to sermons which would keep us awake and we could take in every word of the sermons! I had wondered if that would be proper to do on the Sabbath but that is the only way that we can stay awake to hear the sermons!! We have a card table set up in the den next to the computer where we listen to the sermons while piecing the puzzles together. It is the only way that we can stay awake .  

David Barrett Looking for COG Related Photo's

GTA at BING (Bing Crosby's TV Special)

Gavin has a post up today soliciting photographs for author David Barrett that have been taken by individuals of HWA, GTA and other Church leaders over the decades.  Requests to GCI/WCG have been refused.

I find it really strange that GCI/WCG is refusing to assist Barrett in this endeavor.  His first book, The New Believers was a well written book on various sects and cults active today.  He had a lengthy chapter on the WCG that was not a hatchet job or negative, but laid the facts out plainly.  It is also quite ironic that GCI won't assist him in any way considering how they have sold all kinds of WCG related materials to every moonbat out there that wants to continue to promote Herb's teachings.

This is reblogged from Gavin's site Otagosh

Are you a former WCG member? There's a new book in the offing. David V. Barrett, author of The New Believers, has studied the COG movement, and made it the topic of his PhD thesis. That thesis has been reworked for general publication. But David needs your help.

I've been hunting high and low for photos of HWA, GTA, RCM and others that I can use in my book.  The Churches themselves (with the exception of Restored for a pic of Pack) have been unhelpful; WCG/GCI won't even allow me to use a pic of the first edition of Plain Truth, let alone any pics of HWA.  Apart from Pack I've been able to track down privately-taken photos of Flurry and Hoeh -- but not yet of the really big names.

Do you have -- or know anyone who might have -- any copyright-free photos of any of the Great and the Good?

If I can't get HWA himself -- and there must be thousands of pics of him in AC graduates' photo albums around the world -- I may have to scrap the idea of having any photos at all in the book.
This is a book that many of us want to see in print. Can you help? David adds:
What I most need are copyright-free high-res photos of HWA, GTA, RCM, David Hulme and, if possible, the United council of elders to show the contrast.  And it would be good to have pics of the Pasadena HQ/AC to show the splendour of the site.  Ideally I'd like a similar pic of the Philadelphia HQ (or the swans taking off) to show the similarity, but I doubt if anyone has those.

The photos must belong to the photographer who is willing for me to use them in the book with a suitable credit line...
David Barrett's email is david@barrett.cc