Monday, October 31, 2011

Dennis On: We're All a Little Haunted...Or Alot!

We're All a Little Haunted...Or Alot!
Dennis Diehl - EzineArticles Expert AuthorWhether one likes or agrees with the term or concept, we all have that little ghost in the machine that comes out when the addiction to keeping up with this or other blogs having to do with the experience of the Wild World Church of God needs to feed or process itself.  Eckhart Tolle calls it the "Pain Body" and that term works fine for me.  I certainly see it in myself and know when it wants to feed.
It's the pain body in us all the gets cheeky, critical, sarcastic, tell it to me one more time or yells, "shut the hell up!"  It's the pain body that challenges and tells the stories of the past with more anger and more bitterness in them than ever.  Its the pain body that wants to feed on every topic that comes up like an addiction.  If you don't believe me, drop commenting here on this blog about anything that comes up.  See if you can.  Or if you merely lurk here and have you're own "this is my story and this is MY belief" blog and can feed the pain body there, try dropping the need to do that.  Mostly it won't work. 
I dropped Face Book a few weeks back.  So far so good.  I realized that most of the friends there were merely electronic ones and I'd never really interact with them in any real life.  Did I want to know or need to know when they got up, or what they had for dessert?  Did I really feel that posting this or that would help anyone much?  No, it didn't.  The only comments I got on FB was when I showed a pic of Chewy the Shih Tzu or told a story about  how hilarious she is.  Politics?  Religion?  Great You-tube video on the universe or some positive way to think or be...not much. There were people keeping track of me for their own sense of something, but those people never actually talked to me or communicated, and so I put an end to it.  Everything in me wants to go back!  Part of me needs to feed on it!  At least I managed to avoid getting suckered by and time wasted playing Farmville!!!  I did have to laugh when a friend got really pissed at everyone because they no one would help her "build a barn."   The barn did not exist in space and time.  The anger towards friends falsely so called was real as were the angry comments directed towards them for not helping.  It was rather sad.  I wrote her and mentioned that she's really angry at real friends over a really imaginary barn.  She got mad at me for bringing that up.  
Farmville was where her painbody played.
Banned HWA is where my painbody plays.   I also am grateful for when I can keep that ghost under control as Banned HWA also allows me to process the experience and share a bigger view of the Bible and the story that I have allowed myself to study since. However, I have also seen that sharing a bigger view of Bible Origins, errancy issues, astro-theological realities of the book, the politics of the New Testament and how Peter, James , John and Paul all got along (not) are not topics pain bodies care much about. 
I will always have an interest in theology no matter my personal view or practice of it.  I want to know what I did not know about it all.
So here for your consideration and perhaps for a little introspection is the best definition of the Pain Body I can find.  I do appreciate the teachings of Eckhart Tolle.  Others I know do not and that's ok.  Tolle emphasises living in the now which is really the only moment we really have.  The past is where our anger and depression lie and the future provides us with plenty of anxiety.  We might notice that the COGs live more in the future with everything "soon," "just around the corner,"  "3-5,"  and "we are living in the last days,"  I figure at my age, I'm living in the last days no matter if we all are or not.  My last days..."   Perhaps we hurt ourselves as much by foaming about the past and about "my story," as they do by living in some eternal anticipation that may just disappoint and find them going to the grave like the billions before them.    I'm just sayin...
For your consideration. This just seems right to me...

"There is such a thing as old emotional pain living inside you. It is an accumulation of painful life experience that was not fully faced and accepted in the moment it arose. It leaves behind an energy form of emotional pain. It comes together with other energy forms from other instances, and so after some years you have a "painbody," an energy entity consisting of old emotion.
It lives in human beings, and it is the emotional aspect of egoic consciousness. When the ego is amplified by the emotion of the painbody, the ego has enormous strength still -- particularly at those times. It requires very great presence so that you can be there as the space also for your painbody, when it arises.

That is everybody's job here -- to be there, to recognize the painbody when it shifts from dormant to active, when something triggers a very strong emotional reaction. At that moment, when it does take over your mind, the internal dialogue, which is dysfunctional at the best of times, now becomes the voice of the painbody talking to you internally. Everything it says is deeply colored by the old, painful emotion of the painbody. Every interpretation, everything it says, every judgment about your life, about other people, about a situation you are in, will be totally distorted by the old emotional pain.

If you are not there as the space for it, you are identified with the painbody and you believe every negative thought that it is telling you. If you are alone, the painbody will feed on every negative thought that arises, and get more energy. That's why it's become active -- after it does that for a while, you can't stop thinking, at night, or whenever it is. The painbody is feeding, and after a few hours, it's had enough. You feel a little depleted. And then it happens again a few weeks later, or few days later.

The painbody would feel even better if it could feed on somebody else's reaction. Your partner would be a favorite person. And it will, if there is somebody around, or family situations. Our pain bodies love families. And it will just provoke this person, your partner or whoever it is. The painbody knows exactly what the thing is that will trigger a negative response. Then it says the thing that is going to really hurt you. And of course, if you are not absolutely present in that moment, then immediately you will react. And the painbody loves it! Give me more drama, please!

Both painbodies are now awake, and feeding on each other. Then, a few hours later, or the next day, the painbodies no longer need it. They are full, they have replenished themselves. And you can look at each other and say, "What was that all about?" In some cases, you may not even remember how it all started. This huge drama started somewhere, and then one thing led to another. Wasn't it the same two weeks ago?
Can we be present and see if next time we can catch it at its early stage, so that we don't get drawn in totally?
Can we both endeavor to be present for each other, and for ourselves?
See if we can see the first signs of the painbody -- either in ourselves, or in the other. Immediately realize it, be the space for it, and if possible -- even voice it to your partner and say "My painbody got triggered when you said that."
Often, little situations trigger enormous reactions. Be there, present for it. Your partner will find it easier to see it in you, and you will find it easier to see it in them. Whether or not you can tell your partner that his or her painbody has become activated depends on the degree to which your partner has already been taken over by it. If you catch it at a very early stage, then some remnant of Consciousness will still be there in your partner and that remnant will be hearing you when you say, "Could that be your painbody?" It has to be phrased very carefully. You may want to add, "Do you remember our agreement?"
If there is still a remnant of Consciousness then that will be listening to you, and your partner will be able to be there as the space for his or her painbody. If there is no remnant of Consciousness in your partner, you will be talking to the painbody, and the painbody does not like to hear about the painbody. Of course, it will deny any such thing. "My painbody? Look at yours!"
So, what do you do? Can I be the space for that? While the partner is there, be the space for that. When you are the space for something, it does not necessarily mean that you have to stay there. You can be the space, and then remove yourself. Self observation - this is why being in the body is an important part of this. Feel the inner body as often as you can. When an old emotion arises, it will be easier to be present as it arises.

If you are present, the painbody cannot feed anymore on your thoughts, or on other people's reactions. You can simply observe it, and be the witness, be the space for it. Then gradually, its energy will decrease. "

Living in Presence : An Evening With Eckhart Tolle

Dennis C. Diehl

Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Awesomeness of the Living Church of God

The Living Church of God has to be be of the most awesome churches on the face of the earth!  It's no wonder that all LCG members walk around radiating light because of their perfect Christian walk.  With such a  sinless leader how could they be anything less?

During this summer our evangelistic team headed by Roderick C. Meredith has held three dynamic campaigns in England–in Bristol, in Birmingham, and in Manchester–with from 40 to 65 added for God’s Kingdom in each campaign. And let me add that this does not mean a mere “accepting Christ,” or “professing Christ,” or “decision for Christ.” It means full REPENTANCE of sin, and full FAITH in Christ as Saviour not only from past sins, but from any continuance in sin! It means a completely CHANGED LIFE! It means complete CONVERSION, a change from the carnal to a spiritual MIND–from a worldly to a Spirit-filled and Spirit-led LIFE. It means being BEGOTTEN by God’s Holy Spirit as a child of God.

Did You Invite Your Evil Kids To The Feast?

Shame on those COG folk who bring their "evil" kids along to the Feast.  How dare they bring someone along who is different that the rest of the crowd!

God knows that the "Converted" parents raise the most perfect god fearing children the church has ever seen.  They radiate Biblical knowledge and can name all the laws that HWA commanded. 

I just cannot get over all of the the holier -than-thou crap that permeates Armstrongism.  It's no wonder that all the COG's are losing their youth.  With these kind of disgusting attitudes being spit out around them what would make a child want to stay and learn?

Armstrongism just gets sicker by the day!

This brings up another point of evil at the Past Feasts.

Some parents welcome their evil kids along to the Feast. This should not be. Usually they only target the naive, the weak. Etc.

I once found one of these young sons of Beliala about to perform some evil deed.  I caught him and was bouncing him up against a tree yelling at him, till he broke free and ran off to never return.

The Parents were good living people, But had their evil (in deeds) son living in their house,  Knowingly turning a blind eye, plus inviting him along to Church. 

Happy Halloween!

Dennis on: Hell House: One Hell of a Way Christians Treat Their Children

One Hell of a Way Christians Treat Their Children

Dennis Diehl - EzineArticles Expert AuthorThe only thing wrong with Halloween is the way Fundamentalist Christians use it around here in the Bible Belt to show, in gruesome detail, their concept of what happens to bad little girls and boys, who don't love and obey Jesus. 

In any other context, Hell Houses would be considered child abuse and the experience probably is the cause of more childhood based adult hangups than anything a simple Trick or Treat night out would produce.  Fundys have a way of screwing up the human mind with their lies about hell, the Devil and the love of Jesus which borders on that of a psychopath.  

These Hell House experiences are common here in the South, as is live crucifixions acted out at Easter on the main roads through town.  What a world.  If there is any harm done to children for enjoying Halloween, it is done by Fundamentalist, literalist loons that pretend to know who and what God, Jesus and the real way to be are.  They are god-haunted 24/7 and 365 days a year.  They cause more harm than good and, while sincere, produce more screwed up kids than any balanced, let's have some fun, what do you want to dress up as, parent could ever cause on Halloween.

Here is a bit about what Hell House is all about. It is common here in the South and have never seen it done in more progressive areas of the country. They would not allow it and Social Services might do well to pay attention.

Hell Houses:


A Hell House consists of a group of horrific scenes within a type of haunted house. The customer walks through a sequence of tableaus designed to create terror and revulsion. The last scene is different; it is typically a portrayal of heaven. The visitors are then asked to accept salvation by repenting of their sins and trusting Jesus as Lord and Savior.

Hell Houses are a relatively new evangelistic technique used by many hundreds of fundamentalist and other evangelical churches in North America. One intent is to proselytize the unsaved public. Another is to promote certain conservative Christian beliefs, such as:

bullet That abortions kill human persons;

bullet That sexual orientation is a matter of choice, is changeable, and that God hates same-sex behavior;

bullet That everyone who is not saved will go to Hell when they die. They will then be eternally
tortured without any hope of mercy or release;

bullet That underground Satanic cults engage in widespread sacrifice of humans.

Some hell houses are disguised to resemble conventional secular haunted houses. The customer only realizes that they have a religious theme after they have bought their ticket and gone part of the way through the scenes.

Typical scenes are:

bullet A phoney reenactment  of the murder of Cassie Bernall, a teenager victim at the Columbine High School in 1999-APR. She was allegedly asked whether she believed in God, answered yes, and was murdered on the spot. The incident never happened. But the story has taken on a life of its own. She is frequently referred to in conservative Christian magazines, books, and radio programs as a Christian martyr.

bullet A person being sacrificed during a Satanic ritual. The Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) web site warned of Wiccan rituals and stated "... evidence persists that some Satanists and voodoo groups offer sacrifices -- usual animals, but, possibly, human babies" at this time. Satanic Ritual Abuse was a widespread hoax that was commonly believed during the 1980s and early 1990s. 1

bullet Women undergoing very bloody late-term abortions, complete with screaming, lots of blood, and particularly insensitive, uncaring health providers. Some of these scenes have been partly abandoned in recent years in favor of a portrayal of guilt and depression arising from Post Abortion Syndrome.

bullet Gays and lesbians being tortured in hell for all eternity because of their same-sex
behavior while they were alive on earth.

bullet The dangers of "dabbling" in the occult and becoming demon possessed.

bullet Personal tragedies arising from pre-marital sex.

bullet Disastrous tragedies and loss of life resulting from drunk driving.

bullet A man having an argument with his wife and is later seduced by his secretary.

bullet Witches pressuring a depressed teen to murder his fellow students.

bullet A 9/11 ground zero scene.

History of Hell Houses:

The earliest hell house may have been created by Trinity Assembly of God in Dallas TX. It was popularized by Rev. Jerry Falwell in the late 1970's. The concept was picked up in 1992 by Keenan Roberts. His first Hell House was in Roswell, NM. Since then, he has become a pastor of the Abundant Life Church in Arvada, CO. He sells "Hell House Outreach" kits to other churches. Included is a 263 page manual which covers "everything from media publicity to casting and costume." 2 A few excerpts from the The 1997 Hell House Outreach Manual are:
bullet "Pieces of meat placed in a glass bowl to look like pieces of a baby... purchase a meat product that closely resembles pieces of a baby."

bullet "Theatrical Blood. Because a large amount of blood is used in this scene and in others, someone should be responsible for mixing a vat of it each evening..."

bullet "Chrissy [the woman having an abortion] starts crying. She is extremely distraught...the medical staff is cold, uncaring, abrupt, and completely insensitive..."

Included in the kit is a video of the previous year's Arvida Hell House and a special effects CD.  
3 According to Roberts' literature, the CD includes "the voice of suicide, the voice of God, and the bone-chilling demon declaration of 'HELL HOUSE' in the opening scene..."

The 1999 price of the kit was $199 U.S. It later went up to $208.80. He commented to National Public Radio: "We're not doing this to win a popularity contest. We're saying look, sin is hurting our nation and Jesus Christ is the answer to what you're going through."

Roberts has received international attention through an appearance on the Phil Donahue Show, and reports in the London Times, MS Magazine, New York Times, Newsweek, etc. He told the Denver Post that the exhibit was designed to "show young people that they can go to hell for abortion, adultery, homosexuality, drinking and other things unless they repent and end the behavior." 4
In his first three years of business, Roberts sold 300 kits, and had 20,000 guests. His own Hell House reports about 7,000 or 35% Christian conversions (instances of personal salvation). Admission is $7.00 U.S. or $6.00 if you have brought canned goods for the needy. Bill Geerhart has recorded a somewhat unsympathetic blow-by-blow account of his passage through the Arvada Hell House. 5

Roberts will not have a display in 2004. He told the Associated Press: "It's not gone away; we're just taking a year off." He said that his Hell House idea is now used by more than 500 churches in 14 countries. 6

The American Atheists website stated in 1998:
"Another example of a 'Hell House' extravaganza is in Kingsport, Tennessee where the Higher Ground Baptist Church estimates it will attract nearly 9,000 visitors to its gallery of horrors. Dubbed 'Judgment House,' the tour includes nine scenes and a cast of 200 actors. The themes mimic previous shows which stretch back to 1993 -- drunk driving, suicide and teen rebellion. This year, one exhibit will attempt to portray a teenage girls who dies after having an abortion. The minister in charge of the 'Judgment House' presentation told reporters, 'We have all kinds coming... Devil worshippers, Baptists, Presbyterians, Methodists, Catholics, everyone'." 1

Criticisms of the Hell House concept:

bullet The Colorado Council of Churches, criticized the scare tactics used in the Arvada Hell House. They were also critical of the literal demonization of homosexuals and abortion providers.

bullet Rev. J.T. Tucker, director of youth ministries at Northway Christian
Church in Dallas
, TX suggests that any shock value wears off quickly in a society saturated with violent images. He commented: "I detest those things...Trying to scare people into a decision [for Jesus] is very wrong...If you consider all the money, along with ministry hours...if they would refocus those areas on missions in urban Dallas, I think they would have a lot bigger return..."

bullet The Human Rights Campaign is a group which promotes equal rights for gays and lesbians. They note that homosexuals are frequently demonized in Hell Houses. The reality of sexual orientation is also distorted. A Florida house features a  "demon" who dances around the coffin of an AIDS victim, overjoyed that the dead man is now suffering in hell. He declares "I tricked him into believing he was born gay!  Have you ever heard something so silly?"  HRC spokesperson Wayne Besen calls such displays "pornography for the soul...It's poising the minds of people...It's especially hurting gay and lesbian youth who are already under pressure."

bullet The Rev. Ballard's "Hell House" in Warren County OH was criticized by Doreen Cudnik, executive director of Stonewall Cincinnati. She said that the display "is out of touch with AIDS in the year 2000. To say gay equals AIDS equals burning in hell has the dangerous potential to lead to hate crimes against the gay community."

bullet The Merced, CA Sun-Star newspaper criticized the New Beginning Christian Center for what the paper called an "unnecessarily brutal and insensitive" event. The church's pastor, Mike Duckworth, said: "We're going to scare the hell out of people and, at the end, show them there's a way out--Jesus Christ. We're bringing controversial issues to the forefront and then giving an antidote." 6
bullet A Christian radio station in Fairfield, OH terminated ads which promoted Kings Point Church of God's Hell House because the ads invited listeners to "come see the funeral of a homosexual AIDS patient." The Cincinnati Enquirer said that the ads were "blatant gay bashing." 6

Author's note:

Hell Houses appear to spread misinformation and disinformation about a variety of topics:

bullet The nature of abortion: 90% of all abortions are performed in the first trimester. The percentage of third-trimester abortions -- as portrayed in the play -- is less than 1%) and are often performed because of a major genetic abnormality in the fetus.
bullet The motivation and demeanor of abortion providers.

bullet The appearance, beliefs and activities of Witches and other Neopagans.

bullet The Satanic ritual abuse hoax.

bullet The nature of sexual orientation.

We feel that their credibility will eventually suffer in the eyes of the public. Their Hell Houses may do more harm than good to the cause of their sponsors. 


The following information sources were used to prepare and update the above essay. The hyperlinks are not necessarily still active today.
  1. "At the cusp of Halloween, a nod to religious origins," American Atheists, 1998-OCT-29, at:
  2. "Hell House," Abundant Life Christian Center, at: 
  3. Conrad Goeringer, "Church groups operating Halloween hell hoaxes," AANEWS, American Atheists, 1999-OCT-24. To subscribe, send a blank message to
  4. Bill Berkowitz, "Christian Right plans holy havoc for Halloween,", 2000-OCT-16, at:
  5. Bill Geerhart "Halloween Hangover," at: 
  6. Andy Butcher, "Halloween 'Hell Houses' Come Under Fire. Christian 'shock evangelism' program criticized for insensitivity," Charisma News Service, at:

Dennis C. Diehl