Friday, September 7, 2012

Rod Meredith Responds to LCG Members Concerns About Bob Thiel

Yesterday a reader posted a letter reportedly from Rod Meredith discussing the concerns that some LCG members are having with Bob Thiel speaking as if he was the voice of the Living Church of God.  When I read it, I thought this really does sound like something Meredith would write.  Then the original poster responded that it was authentic and a couple of other people also agreed that they think it is authentic.  Is it real or a hoax?  If it really is a hoax then someone really knows how to impersonate Rod Meredith to a "t."

I know several LCG members who are quite concerned about prophet Bob's latest book critical of President Obama.  Add to that the use of sources that have traditionally been looked upon by the Church of God as pagan or demonic and you have even more concern by Church of God members

Thiel is now bragging on his blog that he has been cited as a credible source on end times prophecy on MSNBC and the Washington Post.  Prophet Bob is still the face of the Living Church of God when he does this.

Below is the letter reportedly from Rod Meredith:

From the Presiding Evangelist

Dear Fellow Servants of Christ,

An important matter has just come that I want to alert all of you faithful servants of Christ about. It involves Dr. Robert
Thiel. While Dr. Thiel has declared himself to be a loyal member of the Living Church of God and has helped us in many ways with interesting ideas, suggestions and personal help, we do feel it is important for all of you to know that he is not our official “spokesman” in any way. He has written a number of things with which we do not agree.

Thiel has just published a highly speculative book about President Obama much of which we do not agree with. So it is important that all of you realize that—although I love Dr. Thiel personally—it is vital that each of you brethren check out carefully and prove to yourself whether any of his writings are valid if you read them. Although he has not stated it as such, some of our brethren may have assumed that Dr. Robert Thiel is an “official” spokesman for the Church on many matters. We want you to fully understand that this is not so. He is not in our employ, nor does he officially represent us in any way. So although we continue to wish him well, we do want everyone to know that when it comes to some of his unusual writings or concepts, they must stand on their own and not be represented as something from the Living Church of God. If you have questions about this matter, please counsel with your own local faithful Living Church of God minister.

In these difficult times, let us all be careful to “prove all things” and be sure where we stand before God. Also, we certainly want to love and forgive one another and keep working together in every way we can to accomplish the great mission Christ has set before us. Thank you for your understanding, your prayers and your loyalty.

With Christian love,

Roderick C. Meredith
          September 6, 2012 8:13 PM 

I do have to hand it to Rod Meredith in distancing himself from prophet Bob's books.  They are all highly speculative and about as useful in understanding prophecy  as Ron Weinland's 2008 God's Final Witness and The Prophesied End-Time are. We have all seen in the last year how well those books have worked out for Ron Weinland and his church. Prophet Bob's books have the potential to actually cause Living Church of God undo "persecution."  The track record of the Churches of God in bringing trials and tribulation upon themselves are legendary. 


ht: Felix