Tuesday, April 30, 2013

More Trouble at Living Church of God

Adrian Gray Defects From Dave Pack's Cult Over Pack's Obsession With Raking In Money

Poor Dave Pack.  God's greatest human to ever live on the face of the earth and the greatest Church of God leader in human history just cannot seem to get things to go his way all the time.

Dave has bragged and boasted over and over these past few years about how attractive his church is to those disillusioned in other splinter groups.  Dave has actively sought to poach people to come over to the dark side. A few prominent LCG and UCGers have went to him.  From various reports most of those men have have had to be reeducated into the TRUE beliefs of the Restored Church of God.  Some make it, most you never hear from again.

Dave was able to poach from Ron Weinland's cult a minister named Adrian Gray when Ron was convicted of his theft of tithe money for personal uses.  Dave hyperventilated on his score.

Now it seems that Dave Pack is being humiliated just like Ron Weinlend is.  Ron lost his mother and sister this past week and Dave lost Adrian Gray.

Adrian has sent a letter to the members of Ron Weinland's group.

The letter is posted at Don't Drink the Flavor Aid, the best site out there on corrupt Ron Weinland and his cult.

Hello to PKG Members,

I understand that a considerable number of you are looking into leaving PKG after Pentecost, with this in mind I need to retract a recommendation I made to you about Restored Church of God.

Nearly one year ago I sent a letter to a number of you, in it I strongly recommended  The Restored Church of God as a church that God is working through his ministry.  After attending, listening and watching I have come to the conclusion that just as there are members with Gods spirit in PKG there are also members in Restored with Gods spirit.

But I do have to retract my recommendation to go to Restored, as there are a number of things that do not sit right. Mr Packs focus on members is to get as much cash from them as possible, he uses not going to the place of safety and hellfire for those who do not give all, and laying up your reward in heaven for those who do give all.  A small portion of what I heard:
  • Take out a mortgage on your house and send the cash in to Restored.
  • Time is short sell your assets and send in the cash
  • Have fundraising events and send in the cash.
  • 1st, 2nd, and third tithe, all on the gross.
Any one that was baptized  in PKG did not have a  valid baptism. I know of one ex PKGer that that went to Restored was not allowed to keep Passover as he was baptized in PKG.

They have what they call a splinter pack for any one coming out of a cog.  It is several hundred pages of reading and many hours of sermons, you have to then be in full agreement with it all before attending services. It is mainly pre 86 worldwide teachings with a few changes, this is a type of indoctrination that slowly draws you in, but once in you see it isn’t like worldwide was nor are some of the teachings.  But for most that get to this point it is to late as their minds have been conditioned to D Packs teachings.

Most doctrine is as taught in Worldwide under Mr Armstrong, but not all.  Changes are classed as new understanding. (present truth type of situation)  A lot of mind control takes place, as one ex Philadelphian member said:: this lot are tougher than in Philadelphia under Flurry.  Never having been in Philadelphia I cannot say if that remark was accurate or not but I would not be surprised if it was.

As you may have guessed by now, my wife and I resigned our membership in Restored and are no longer members of that church.

In conclusion I would say that for those of you looking to move on, please take a long hard look at whoever you are going to. (do not just give up, God is still doing a work in many of you)   This in no ways negates what I said about R Weinland being a false prophet,  it just means D Pack is another wolf in sheep’s clothing to watch out for.

Wishing you all the best.
Adrian Gray.

Sinners In The Hands of Rod Meredith's Constantly Angry "god"

In a letter from Rod Meredith to his followers dated April 16, 2013 he has the following postscript.
It is in regards to the Boston bombings.  It is all about how America is being punished by the angry pissed-off god that Rod believes in and whom he wants to see dish out destruction upon all sinners. Death and destruction seems to be constantly on his mind, at least when sex is not being discussed.

P.S. My friends, just as I was finishing writing this letter, news came of the terrible attack at the Boston Marathon. So far, we know that at least three people were killed and over 175 were seriously injured. It was obviously a terrorist attack—involving either homegrown or international terrorism. But the lesson we need to think about here is that we have warned you again and again that—unless America and the British-descended peoples turn to the God of the Bible, He will severely punish our peoples for our own good. Almighty God warned our forefathers—as I have cited many times—“But if you do not obey Me, and do not observe all these commandments, and if you despise My statutes, or if your soul abhors My judgments, so that you do not perform all My commandments, but break My covenant, I also will do this to you: I will even appoint terror over you, wasting disease and fever which shall consume the eyes and cause sorrow of heart. And you shall sow your seed in vain, for your enemies shall eat it” (Leviticus 26:14-16). The Hebrew word “terror” can well be translated “terrorism”! And the wasting diseases such as AIDS, cancer and related diseases are certainly beginning to strike down our people with increasing frequency. Yet we have not repented! The God of the Bible seems “far off” to most people. But He will get their attention as these various attacks and calamities will come upon us with increasing frequency unless we begin to realize why things are all “going wrong” for the United States and the British-descended peoples—the peoples who were given the opportunity to send out more Bibles, more missionaries and medical workers than any peoples on earth. We have had much of the knowledge of God. But we have now forsaken our Creator by our actions and our “lawless” acts even in condoning “same-sex marriage”! We are showing Almighty God personally and officially how we “despise” His statutes and His Ten Commandments. May God help us to wake up and realize why these disasters are happening and turn back to the God of the Bible!