Friday, May 31, 2013

Ron Weinland's Preachers And Men Not Happy With Laura And Other Women Being Over Them

It looks like Weinerdude is in a pickle right now.  Since he is a felon and in prison for the next three years, he has placed Laura and a few other women in high positions of leadership.  Laura is even one of the two witnesses witlesses. Some of the ministry and regular members who are men are chaffing under this power structure and Ron needs to set them straight:

This example can be likened today to what God has revealed to His Church about true freedom that is being restored to women by removing them from the kind of bondage they have been experiencing in the world for the past 6,000 years. In the Church now and in the Millennium that is coming, women are not second-class citizens who can be treated as inferior by men or looked upon by men as being in subjection to them. Such subjection would only be the case if it were on a spiritual plane when the need to administer God’s government might arise. In like fashion, there will be women who may also need to administer God’s government toward a man who in turn should be in subjection to God in such a case. In the Church now and into the future, God is removing the “curse” that started in the beginning due to the sins of Adam and Eve.

Some in the Church are still battling this and being tried by it, although this truth began to be delivered to the Church more than two years ago. This affects how husbands sometimes “think” it is permissible to treat a woman in a controlling manner as though they are in subjection to such demands or in how they might speak in a commanding manner when they have no right to do so. Not only is there no right to do so, but it is also sin. Even a few (a very few) men in God’s ministry are dealing with this new and “present truth” in how they are responding to a woman who is over them in the administration of the government of God in the Church. In some cases, there is more than one woman over them as a matter of God’s spiritual government. The one whom a few are having a difficulty with is ordained a prophet, as Deborah was a prophet. These few must fight this battle (if it is one for them), just as some in the early Church had to fight their wrong thinking concerning the gentiles. A person must change in their thinking as God reveals more truth to them in order for them to come into greater unity and oneness with Him. Such changes of new revelation of truth often test and try people as to their faithfulness to God and their willingness to follow when, where, and how He leads.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Bob Thiel: U.S. Is Doomed But Don't Worry, Jesus Will Return In a Few Years

The non-ordained self-appointed false prophet Thiel has the catch-all answer to the financial problems in the United States and elsewhere in the world.  Of course it is the standard Armstrongite viewpoint that God hates everyone in the world except for the 1,700 people in RCG and the 15 members in Arroyo Grande.  Then he tries to end with a word of encouragement.  Doesn't it make you want to know his jesus?

This means than a lot even what wealth is left, has actually been debased.  Ultimately the US dollar will truly crash.

Until then, it means that economic recoveries will be shaky and that many people will likely not handle the next downturn as well.  Furthermore, various tax and other policies from Washington, D.C. are further discouraging the accumulation and preservation of wealth.  That too, does not bode well for the economy of the USA.

Unless the USA changes, it will be doomed. However, Jesus will return a few years after that and establish the Kingdom of God. Until then, work, pray, and try to best manage whatever household wealth you may have.  Whether you are in the USA or not.

Jesus, Don't Let Me Die Before I've Had Sex

Fundamentalism has always looked at sex as bad.  For us, all we have to do is look at 
Herbert Armstrong and his silly books,  
God Speaks Out On The New Morality 
and the  
Missing Dimension in Sex.
Though these two books never stopped the leaders from committing incest, adultery, rapes, sexual stalkings, porn addiction and other improprieties.

Despite the railing by Rod Meredith and many others, the youth in the COG were sexual animals at times. Imperial and Ambassador students were like breeding rabbits.  There wasn't a nook or cranny on either campus that wasn't used for in flagrante delctio

Why hasn't the church ever dared to think differently about premarital sex?

is a documentary examining the idealism and silence embedded 
in the sexual teachings of evangelical churches. 
Through the stories of gay, straight, celibate & sexually active churchgoers 
we explore the hopes, fears, and prayers of real people 
as they learn to reconcile their faith and sexualities.

How Dave Pack's Enormous Money Issues Can Be Solved

Since Dave is a people counting person and a money worshiper, this would be a perfect fit for him. Perhaps he can offer classes at his new school on Christian gambling.

The Mind Blowing Significance of Dave Pack and the Restored Church of God

A reader comments on Dave:

And let us understand world history in this theology version. So God the Father sent Jesus Christ to be born of the Virgin Mary to die on a stake to build a church with the 12 most famous men in religious history - The Apostles - but somehow in just years lost the Gospel for 1900 years to raise up Herbert Armstrong to build an empire in California that would completely collapse and get sold off and have next to no impact in the grand scheme of religious history - just so the focus of all of church history and the rest of the book of Acts in this 21st century can center on one man in a little Ohio town to center all of the spiritual efforts on Earth on a little town in NE Ohio building an office complex and a half hour cable program headquarters next to some transmission lines and a four way intersection near some retail stores? Oh, how the people of that town must completely miss the shining beacon of all of salvation? Oh those people getting gas at the gas station, how sorry I feel for them! They miss the amazing, incredible center of all the action of the Universe - right there! Oh, but you might get called on for trespass to approach it and talk to the most Important Man In The World without an invite maybe and possibly, so it's been reported? What a strange universe Armstrongism is it seems? But it seems less then 2,000 people get it? Right? Is this how it is? ;)