Thursday, June 13, 2013

Dave Pack: I Suffered Financially Just as HWA Did - My Kids Had To Wear Hand-me-downs!

Dave Pack, God's most miraculous man never to be conceived by immaculate conception, compares himself to Herbert Armstrong.  Davey wants you to know that he has suffered greatly at the hands of the church while he was a minister.  He bemoans the fact his kids had to wear hand-me-downs.

Oh boo hoo!  Probably 40-50% of the kids in the church had to wear hand-me-downs because  40-50% of their parents income was going out the door to fund the church. 

Probably few remember or ever knew that Mr. Armstrong died with virtually no personal possessions he could call his own, other than a handful of suits, a watch, and a few other simple belongings, including almost nothing of worth. This man’s pattern of unbelievable sacrifice over virtually an entire lifetime was evident to all who knew him. Therefore, it should come as no real surprise how few possessions he had at the end of his life. Nothing was EVER more important to Mr. Armstrong than God’s Work! Yet, his motives were continually questioned, and by those who could not possibly understand them.

But I do understand. My children also went without for years, in regard to clothing for instance, largely wearing hand-me-downs from older cousins because I was systematically underpaid by Joe Tkach all during their growing up years. Clothing needs—my children’s and their parents—is only the tip of this iceberg.
The entirety of our life savings (mine and my deceased wife’s) and virtually every extra dollar left in our budget month-to-month for years went to this Work, even to the point of taking out home equity loans (multiple times) to give more, when necessary, because our home kept appreciating in value until 2007.

FYI:  Tkach did not hate you. He knew you to be a charlatan that was destroying peoples lives and he put a stop to it.  Then you jumped ship to Global because you had no marketable skills and needed other people to fund your lifestyle. That's the Plain Truth!
More brief history. In March 1993, when I was the first pastor Joe Tkach fired and marked publicly on video (March 6 from Tampa, Florida), I had to act solely on faith. Again, I had been systematically underpaid for much of my ministry by a vindictive Joe Tkach who hated me in large part because of my relationship with Mr. Armstrong. I had no money in the bank—none—when Dean Blackwell came from Pasadena (weeping at my front door and carrying flowers) with a nearby pastor to take my car, computer and Church files. The result: my wife and I had no second car even to get groceries. We walked. Two weeks of severance pay (plus a few days of my unused vacation pay) had to last for several weeks until I could be paid by Global.

Poor Davey!  He couldn't go to Brooks Brothers and buy a $1,000.00 suit like he does now, or spend $500.00 on shoes.

Dave Pack: Rod Meredith Is A Destructive Divisive Liar

Dave has no love lost for Rod Meredith.  According to Davey, Meredith is one of the three COG leaders that he is preidicting will die this fall.  When they die all of the members in their groups will miraculously all come over to Davey's side.  Their money will come with  them and glory will return to earth as god's greatest man is worshiped and adored.

The Restored Church of God and I have repeatedly been the target of incredible false accusations. Destructive, divisive liars have repeatedly sought to destroy us. They will try again—and again—and again—to do this. You must beware of such people. While perhaps the worst, Rod Meredith is just one.

Ron Weinland, Convicted Felon, You Must Believe All 57 Of His "truths" In Order To Be Saved

Ron Weinland, the convicted felon, has released his weekly letter.  He has set himself up as the ONLY true apostle for the Church of God.  Dave Pack must be quaking in Wadsworth at this announcement.  Weinerdude also claims that none a single one of the 600+ splinter groups cannot be true.

Candidly, there is no other structure whereby God leads and directs His Church. That is why what has happened in the 600 plus splinter groups that have formed out of the Apostasy and scattering of the Church after 1994 is so absurd. Only one can be God’s Church through whom He works. By definition and teaching, anything else could not be God’s structure of government, as it would oppose God’s order of unity and singleness of teaching and belief among His people. There cannot be any who are “on their own,” who are not led by an apostle; for that is simply how God works in His Church: “Now you are the Body of Christ, and members in particular. God has set (word used for order and position in government) some in the Church: first apostles, secondly prophets, thirdly teachers…” (1 Cor. 12:27-28)..
So the identity of God’s Church and where He is working is a most basic truth. This has so much to do with the first great truth that is attributed to being reestablished (restored) in God’s Church through Herbert W. Armstrong   the truth of God’s “government.” God tries and tests His Church to manifest those who do and those who do not judge this truth about government righteously. God expects everyone to judge themselves and “their” own group or organization by this most basic truth about His government.

Of course there is one major criteria that is vitally important for the true church to survive and be recognized.  That is the church that has proper government.   Government is the favorite catch phrase of most of the splinter groups out there.  Without top down authoritarian government these men could not retain power.  Government requires that someone has to submit and it certainly is NOT the leader.  Those submitting are the pee-on's who dare not question the leader.  Pack has been running off about proper government for months now.  Meredith has had several pointed letters and sermons lately about submitting to government.  COGWA intimidates its ministers who now regret jumping ship with it.  On and on it goes.

Weinerdude needs governmental control to work in his group to keep it going.  He also assumed that because government had been a major part of the church that when he formed his cult in 2005 that people would jump ship and join him, just as Dave Pack assumes the same for his cult.  The good thing is that it did not happen.  Only a few naive blinded people followed  Weinerdude.

During the Feast of Tabernacles in 2005, God mightily separated His Church from all other scattered groups who formed due to the Apostasy. God did this through the 21st Truth that is attributed as being revealed to the Church of God - Preparing for the Kingdom of God through me. No other scattered group believes this truth!
The purpose for covering this truth in this post is to illuminate more fully that it is this truth above all others revealed after the Apostasy that proves where God’s true Church is and through whom God is working as His apostle to this end-time. It is this truth that fully established the identity of God’s Church! No other group or organization from the Apostasy believes or teaches this great truth. It was after God restored this most powerful truth yet, to His Church, that He began to inspire the writing of the book 2008   God’s Final Witness.
Then Weinerdude goes on to make another absurd statement for anyone that is a Christian. You cannot be saved unless you submit to COG government.

The identity and greatest proof of God’s true Church through the end-time and up to Christ’s return can only be received by those to whom God gives it. Once God has revealed such a “present truth,” then each to whom it was revealed is judged individually by their own judgment of where God is working and their judgment of this specific truth. For those who have left and have been removed from the fellowship in God’s true Church, their judgment rests on this truth alone. Anyone who truly judges righteously must judge whether they believe this 21st Truth (42nd overall). If a person believes this truth and separates themselves from God’s Church (PKG), then they multiply the judgment against themselves because they know no one else believes or teaches this truth. Only God’s true Church does!
 Then Ron rambles on about HWA restring truth that his god had somehow lost for 1,900 years.  That god Ron follows sure is a weak wimpy creature.

Then Weinerdude discloses another miraculous thing he has accomplished.  In 2005 he literally put an end to the debate about the trinity.

One of the greatest blows that Satan ever dealt to the truth was when he began to deceive the world about God Himself. This was done in 325 AD through the Nicene Council and the establishment of the doctrine of the Trinity. It wasn’t until that Feast of 2005 that this false doctrine was finally fully removed from having any influence upon God’s Church   the Church of God - PKG.
 Of course the one and only true church of god is capable of doing such a thing.  Of course, Weinerdude's cult is that church.  Salvation does not exist outside of it:

It has often been told to God’s people that they should go back often and review all the truths God has given us. Indeed, the greatest and most profound for God’s Church in this end-time is that 21st Truth. God’s truths are our power and strength. It is the truth that sets us free. It is by the word of truth that we are begotten. It is by the word of truth that we grow, AND it is by this one great truth that God’s people should have the greatest boldness, faith, confidence, and strength of where God’s true Church is today   of where God is working and leading His people. There is no other place to go for God’s truth that is being taught by God’s ministry Sabbath-to-Sabbath and post-to-post.
In order to be saved you also have to believe in all 57 of Weinerdudes "truths."

We know who we are   we are God’s Church, and the truths God has revealed testify to that truth. No other group or organization teaches and believes all of the 57 Truths.

57 different idiotic steps or beliefs one has to jump over in order to make Weinerdudes god happy.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Van Robison on "Is God Mean?"

Is God Mean?

Some preachers seem to think God is always in a state of anger.  They teach that God uses bad weather (tornadoes, hurricanes and earthquakes, etc.) to punish people for their sins.  Just one problem with this nonsense type of reasoning.  If God really did use bad weather to punish human
beings, then why oh why does the bad weather often happen to good people, while not impacting the ones who are responsible for vast evils in life on earth?  Ever wonder why God does not target specific individuals for doing bad things like killing others in war, paid assassins, sadistic enforcers and those who pass legislation that hurts millions of human beings for the benefit of special interest groups (such as the medical establishment, the banking industry and so forth)?  Oh yes there is evil in this world and most often it is the innocent who suffer at the hands of those with no conscience.

Wonder why God did not send a whirlwind (tornado) down on those who were responsible for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ?  Instead tornadoes frequently hit housing areas of totally innocent human beings, as do hurricanes and earthquakes.  Well, it is more than obvious that God actually does not use weather to punish people, anymore than any loving parent would do such things to their own children.  Come on you preachers who teach that God is a monster just waiting to punish.

Perhaps if cult preachers got their heads out of the bible and started using common sense and reason, they would be able to think these things through.  Fear-mongering never ceases from the pulpits of many churches.  If you believe some of these preachers, then you have to think that God is a very bad parent who relishes judgment and punishment instead of love and mercy.  Thank God that such preachers are not God, because they would be the worst parents in the universe, always ready to pounce on the heads of the helpless, the innocent and those with human nature.  There is a vast difference between most human beings and the psychos with no conscience, ruling the world and who live to destroy what is right and good.

For God to send tornadoes upon the innocent is pure nonsense and no doubt many of those destroyed in bad weather are in fact Christians or good people no different than anyone else.  They don't deserve the wrath of God. Anyone going to a church where the preacher teaches that God is a monster, should exit immediately, because Christ is not present in that preacher.  Christ taught love and mercy and humility, where cult-preachers thrive on instilling fear in people.

God is not mean, but many preachers are.

Van Robison

Dennis on Diety's Fall 2013 "Trying to Get Your Attention" Tour


 Three US Landfalls Predicted
Itinerary Details
 Key Points:

1. The Deity may arrive quickly this year with opening trys and attempts 
in the Caribbean in June.

2. Non-Prophet Thiel is predicting a strong "try" this year with a strength of category 2 or higher.  He concedes a Cat 1 is never a "try" but merely a weak storm.

3. Areas along the East coast to the Gulf of Mexico are at risk for more trying than usual so should pay attention.

Warm water across the Atlantic and Caribbean, paired with less frequent wind shear, may result in an ideal opportunity for the Deity to make turn a "try" into a touchdown.

 The normal number of named Prophetic Arrivings in a given year is 12, 
according to NOAA.

Additionally, 2013 could set the stage for more enthusiastic "trying" 
than were seen in 2012.

Hurricane Sandy Proof God Doesn't Want Obama To Be President ANGRY

Due to Satanic restraints, episodes of Saharan dust, a factor that can stifle a storm's development, may be less frequent this season. The reduced amount of dust may allow the Deity a better chance  with a "trying and attention getting formation " of category 2 or higher.

devil satan photo: devil satan_3_-1.jpg

The attention getting  is predicted to be normal in development, compared to last year when the Deity pulled off an ambush  before the official start of Atlantic hurricane season, June 1.

Should The Deity brew early in the season, from late May to early June, the season total for storms may be even higher than originally forecast.

Angry god - Worth1000 Contests

Last year's early storms were an " prophetic ambush" Expert Senior Meteorologist Don Kottlowski said. "We think that this year will be more in line with a typical active tactics and sufficient warnings can be issued ahead of any low pressure trying and attention getting incidents."

The biggest concerns for the upcoming season of trying and repentance provoking will  include development in the Gulf of Mexico, an impact in Florida and also another East Coast impact.

Florida is long overdue for a direct prophetic hit, Kottlowski said. Though they have been impacted by near Deity hits in the last couple of years, a direct hit  God has not occurred since Hurricane Wilma in 2005.  

Concern is high for the East because of the remaining devastation as a result of the October 2012 landfall of Super ambush Sandy.  Residents are too busy cleaning up and rebuilding to get to church. No aid from the Prophet Thiel who warned them was forthcoming but he has assured them he is praying for them.

"It would be very difficult for the Deity to hit right where Sandy hit," Kottlowski said. However, impacts such as storm surge, strong winds and heavy rain are possible as far as a few hundred miles from a storm, he explained.

The areas impacted by Bible God  remain vulnerable as powerful storm surge wreaked havoc on the dune systems that were in place along the coast. Without dunes, there is increased potential for severe inland flooding.

Overall, however, the exact areas to be directly impacted this season and the severity of those impacts remain unclear.  When asked why the Deity felt attempts at getting people's attention were limited to seasons, we were told it was none of our business. 

"Those are very, very difficult to compute early in the season," Kottlowski said. "As we get into the 'trying and attention getting season" and see how things are setting up, then it becomes a little bit more noticeable."

Dennis Diehl - EzineArticles Expert AuthorI am not making fun of any Deity.  I am trying to get the attention of those who use ancient superstition and attribution to the gods for the very normal planetary weather we experience here on earth seasonally and sometimes tragically.  Bronze age prophets, priests and kings searched for answers to what was weather and they came up with what ignorant and mere Bible readers still push on the public as the answer.  "It must be the gods."   As I pointed out in Job, questions that one might ask 2500 years ago that seemed to have no human answer and therefore must be attributed to the workings of a God are easily answered today by Middle School Children. 

I cannot unring my WCG experience but I will use it to challenge those stuck in time and ignorance to wake up and stop trying to draw people unto themselves through fear, guilt and shame. 

I am not a stupid person and I know how ministers and religious organizations think even if it is subconsciously so. I'm not sure they know how they think and aren't interested in finding out.  Everything they say and do is to impress an audience to support them.  To send them money and to elevate them above others as being more true and correct along with knowing the mind of God better than others.  It is how you build one's religious empire and feed the human ego which is the false self.  Many false selves rule this planet and we are paying the price for it.  What one sees in most COG leaders is pure ego and at times strong hints of mental illness and personality disorders of which, I am sure, they know little about.  I have never met a minister who suspected they were a narcissist or sociopath by nature and got help. The problem is their ego devours others to live and thrive and I'm not going give them a pass on their foolish and very public announcements.  You shouldn't either.  

While I made my choices and accept responsibility for them, this experience brought me divorce, failed relationships, depression, anxiety , and probably not a little desire for payback, all of which is NOT what I wish my true self to be.  Dark nights of the soul are very real and force change that can come no other way so I suppose I can honor and respect the process.  But I am not going to let these men, who are not very well versed in the Bible, have no training of any value and merely lord it over people by the power of their personalities and perceived understanding of all things God, as if they knew, to get a free pass on their ignorant foolishness without challenge. 


My "humor" has always been passive aggressive.  It's how I survived and stayed way too long with WCG hoping for positive change and common sense to show up. I believed the basic storyline until I didn't.   Common sense and intellectual honesty never showed up in the COGs and lack of it is out of control in slivers like PCG and RCG 

Thanks for listening. 

contact Dennis at: