Wednesday, October 2, 2013

E. W. King Lies That Israel Was "Surprised" By His COGSR Feast Site

Eric King has up a bizarre entry today on his blog.  He for some reason seems to think that Israel was highly impressed by his "feast site."

King goes on to report about the thousands of Christians gather in Jerusalem every year to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles.  What King conveniently ignores is the fact that these groups are NOT Church of God related groups.  They are evangelical Christians and Messianic Christian/Jews.  99.9% of them have no connection whatsoever with a Worldwide Church of God splinter group, include Eric Kings minuscule personalty cult.

Reading Kings entry you get the impression that it was HIS group that Israel Today and other news agencies were reporting on.  It wasn't.  Just one my lie by one more splinter cult leader.

Modern Israel surprised at COGSR Feast Turnout!

Posted on Every year, thousands of Christians from a round the world ascend to Jerusalem to take part in the biblical Feast of Tabernacles, known in Hebrew as Sukkot. And this year was no different, despite mounting regional instability.

The overwhelming presence of Christians at this time of year is now a common occurrence. But many Israelis are still baffled by the phenomenon, unsure what to make of so many foreigners taking part intheir holiday and expressing such outright love and support for theirnation.

The Times of Israel has a good write-up about how bizarre a spectacle this is for the average Israeli. But, the author also encourages his countrymen to cast aside any suspicions and see this Christian involvement in the Feast for what it is:

“It is much less complicated than many Israelis think. These Christians have come from around the world to bless Israel – ve-zehu (that is all). They believe that God loves the Jewish people and has a plan for their nation, and feel a deep spiritual obligation to show their unconditional love to the Jews.”

During this time, Israel Today spent a day with one of the Christian Feast of Tabernacles groups as it visited the home base of the IDF’s Givati infantry brigade. We asked the young soldiers at the base what they thought of the Christian worship, dancing, and general outpouring of love.

Just in case King pulls a Dave Pack and scrubs his lie off his blog, here is a screen shot of it.


Straining A Gnat To Find The Miniscule Moon Rise In 2014

To illustrate how legalistic James Malm is, get a load of what he has to go through in order to determine the PRECISE time his "holy" days will start in 2014.  Malm and his little band of legalists would rather prostitute themselves to legalistic laws than follow Jesus.

Holy Day Dates:   Just before the Feast I was in correspondence with Brian Convery about the timing of Holy Days for the next year.  It was clear to me that with only a .5% illumination the new year was unlikely to begin at sunset March 31.

There is only a very tiny remote chance, maybe 5%,  that the new year will begin at sunset ending 31 March, and if it does not, then it will definitely begin the next evening.

Brian agrees with me; although we will still have observers watching to make absolutely sure.

Brian writes [and I agree]:

Let’s see, March 31st 2014. I have a probable chance. It being a 109.1 on the algorithm from Bruce [Armstrong]. We have seen it at that, once in the past, but the conditions were perfect with no Mediterranean haze. Bruce actually has April 2nd  [as the new moon] on the chart. The evening of [sunset ending] April 1st is a given at 275.6. One could almost see that through a cloud.

September 25 [ending sunset] is the same scenario at 98.58 but with little chance [Virtually NO Chance] of seeing it. Everything would need to be perfect and one would need a very sharp set of eyes. The next night [sunset ENDING Sep 26] is once again a given. When I put up the dates for next year on the site I will probably post April 2nd and September 27th with the caveat that there is a slight potential of visibility the preceding evening.

This means that, with a tiny miniscule  possibility of beginning a day earlier; the Holy Days for 2014 will be:

Spring Holy DaysNew year new moon 2 April; Passover  15 April;  ULB  15-22 April; Pentecost  8 June.

Fall High Days:  Feast of Trumpets  27 Sep; Atonement  Oct 6; Feast of Tabernacles 11-17; the Eighth Day Oct 18.