Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Bob Thiel Thinks The Vatican Is None Too Pleased With Him. As If They Really Care!!!!!!!

It seems that Bob Thiel was in Rome a week or so ago doing some filming.  He was told by one official that he could not use a tripod to film in the square and then by another to not focus the camera upon himself for a long period of time.  Video filming was OK, but filming ones self preaching is not.  Who can really blame them!  Having Bob use the Vatican as aback drop for one of his crazy sermons is certainly off putting to anyone whether you are a Catholic or not!

The Vatican is probably sick of all the crazy American preachers coming over and  preaching about the Whore of Babylon and other stupidity while using the Vatican as a back drop.  Only American Evangelicals and weird American personalty cult leaders seem to do this.

Bob takes this one step further.  Bob feels that the Vatican knew who he was, out of all the thousands in the square that day, and specifically targeted him because of his anti-Catholic videos and books.  As if the Vatican gives a rat's ass about Bob!  Get over yourself dude!  Really!

01/13/14 p.m. Just got back from Europe. We did research, etc. in Southern Europe. While Rome seems the same, there has been a change in Vatican City.  On three occasions, we were told to stop videotaping while we were there.  First, we were told that the use of tripods in St. Peter’s Square, was not allowed.  But we were done there, so that was not a problem.  Then we were told we could not use one inside of St. Peter’s Basilica–and that was a problem.  Then we were told that while we could video, if too much of the video camera time was pointed at me, that was also not allowed.  Anyway, since they had none of those restrictions on us last June, it makes me wonder if someone there was less than pleased with the videos we put up at our YouTube channels about the Vatican.

And here we thought David C. Pack was a narcissist!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Ron Weinland, Imprisoned Felon, Commandment Breaker

Ron Weinlend, the Church of God's favorite imprisoned felon,  has been waxing poetic on the virtues of the ten commandments.  Of course he has to add his own perverted spin on the commandments.

Did you know that if you fellowship with a disfellowshipped person after they have been kicked out of the church that you are breaking ALL of the ten commandments?

Last Six Commandments
The last six commandments reveal how we are to think and live toward all other people. Though we (the Church) are to think and live toward others as God reveals by these commandments, the reality is that “true fellowship” can only be experienced among those who live the same way in return toward us. This obviously means that this can only be experienced within the environment of Church fellowship itself with those impregnated with God’s spirit and who have God’s spirit continually living (dwelling, abiding, remaining) in them. Those in the world around us cannot be expected to live toward us in the same way God requires that we live toward them.

So those who become disfellowshipped from a spiritual relationship with God, His Son, and His Church are separated from the one and only “true fellowship” that man can be offered in life. As we have already covered, anyone (in the Church) who then chooses to fellowship with someone whom God says not to – one disfellowshipped – then they break each of the first four commandments concerning how to have a right relationship with God. They also break each of the last six commandments, which reveal how we (in the Church) are to live in a right relationship toward anyone among mankind – that which we are to practice (live) toward them.
If that is true, then it is also appropriate to say that Ron Weinland has broken all ten of the commandments by being an imprisoned felon!