Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Dennis Announces: That's me on the right with the Fish Hat

As Pastor of the Banned HWA Church of God....Gentlemen, I have some bad news for you.

Sometimes it becomes necessary for the preservation of the Body of Christ to dis-fellowship and dis-member those who stray from the flock for cause.  In doing so, we neither take pleasure in this procedure nor do we wish the individual emotional harm or spiritual turmoil even though inflicting such by themselves is an artform.  In addition, some may need to be marked as not helpful to the growth, stability or sanity of those Sheep in need of a kind and loving Shepherd, and MUST be avoided.  However, we gots to do what we gots to do.  

Sadly I cannot figure out how to photograph my HWA issued Ordination and get it to post, but this ordination of HWA  proves that it is God-Christ-Peter, James, John , Paul...Herbert W.Armstrong-Garner Ted Armstrong-David Antion and myself, along with a few other leading ministers, that are in true Apostolic and Ministerial succession and good to go.  I have the spiritual authority to do this.

I claim this authority because when baptised by a true minister of God and ordained into the minister with the express knowledge and blessing of Herbert W. Armstrong, Garner Ted Armstrong and David Antion along with a cast of others, I was not  baptised or ordained into any Church of MEN, but into the spiritual body of the Church of God , wherever that is.  If I need to write and post a four hour sermon with all the proof texts and analogies that would be necessary to prove this to you, I will do so.  It would certainly be something the likes of which you have never read, would be awesome and would add additional  and expansive elements to your view of me and my calling.  I believe the room would literally gyrate along with your seats when you come to grasp this clear and obvious truth.  

Now I realize that in the past, dis-fellowshipping and dis-membering was a from the top down thing.  Minsters can do this to YOU but , of course, YOU cannot do this to ministers.  However, God has shown me this is not so.  While being anointed for an ailment...well never mind.


It is my joy, um sad duty as Pastor of the Banned HWA Church of God and for the protection of all Sheep residing in the one body of the True Church Worldwide to announce the Dis-fellowshipping, Dis-membering and Marking of the following individuals from the Body with cause.

Apostle Gerald Flurry
AKA "Helper of our Joy-Joyful Gerry"


Self ordination and title taking without peer confirmation

Claiming to see himself spoken of by the Prophet Malachi as "That Prophet"

Wasteful and ill advised spending of the hard earned tithes of the brethren

Religious Nepotism

Reinventing, at great expense to others, the failed Ambassador College Paradigm

Sheep bashing and other serious breaches of the "mind your own business" rules for successful leadership

...and lots more

Apostle Ron Weinland
AKA "All Access" revoked for now

Ron Weinland: "When I Disfellowship People I Remove God's Grace, Help, Protection and God's Favor From Them "

me too Ron....


Self Ordination with no peer confirmation

Spending too much money he did not earn on things he did not need

Gross Religious Nepotism

Putting a date on a book with a time-times and half a time shelf life now five years later

Boring sermons that were ill prepared and non-gyrational

...and lots more

Apostle, Watcher and Joshua as Spoken of By the Prophet Haggai David C. Pack
AKA-Mr. "I forgot it , Pull Big Triggers and THEN I will dis-member you!"

Reasons:  (short list)

Self ordination with no peer confirmation

Extreme Religious Title Taking

Inability to cooperate and work with or for peers and superiors

Inability to understand there are superiors

Reinventing, at great expense to others, the failed Ambassador College Paradigm

Misuse of tithes and offerings

Inability to understand religious and theological boundaries

Gross misapplication of Scripture for personal gain

Making scripture mean what it never meant for personal aggrandizement

Abuse of superlatives in writing and reality

Being about the numbers and claiming not to be

Gross misunderstanding of the true nature of "Fruits"

Prophetic hooliganism's

Claiming Einstein persona non grata because he had "wild hair"

Reading his own writings as a sole source of theological truth

Inability to admit to false prophetic peepings and mutterings

Claiming God is "Crystal clear!" about his confused 2013 prophetic train wreck

Mistreatment of office staff and brethren under his loving care

Humiliating and emasculating COG ministry that may wish to join him depending...

Going strange and weird and forgetting he said:

  "I want to make a statement, if I became deceived, I will never tell you what I'm going to tell you now...I am telling you if I go off into strange ideas, misconduct, rebellion, you name it, don't follow me. I want to tell you that now, because if I start doing that I'm gonna try to get you to follow me! I'm gonna come to you and tell you it doesn't apply, it doesn't mean me, no, no, no, no, no, no, it's OK to follow me because ABCD and XY and Z. Do you understand what I'm saying? Listen to me now, when I tell you don't follow me if I go off into weird ideas, or if I get off into other things that are total absolutely unscriptural conduct, because if I do I'm gonna paint it with a different face and try to get you to follow me. Do you understand what I'm saying brethren? Please remember that, because I promise you that if I become deceived, I'll forget it, and I'll want you to forget it...And I hope you'll remember it well enough to quote it right back to me...But I'll tell you what, I'm not going anywhere."

...and not really going anywhere and lots more

Dr. Robert Thiel wait...sorry
(Note:  I personally do not have the heart to "disfellowship" RCM. I have found him to not have an insincere bone in his body concerning his perspectives on what he believes the Bible says and his own calling of years gone by.  I may not be able to explain it and have little to agree with him on, but it's just how I have always perceived him to be.  I suppose to me it is "behold a man in whom there is no guile" and is MY experience with the man.  When he says he was tolerating and just being nice to Bob Thiel as Bob claimed to be a prophet and was not in RCM's or anone else's mind, he was speaking the truth  and trying to be kind hoping BT would wake up)

On the other hand....
Dr. Robert Thiel
AKA "Bobby Floppy Hands"


Floppy hands

Giving 5 minute talks for over an hour

Self ordination and title taking with no peer review 

False title taking

Seeing a "Double portion of the Spirit" where there is none

Inability to with work with or for peers or superiors

Having no superiors in the earthly realm

Bad prophetic skills

Mistaking Internet News and Blogs for Spiritual and Prophetic insight uncommon to man

Having no understanding of they dynamics of weather in the modern world

Poor set design and presentations

Poor grasp of football

Poor grasp of reality

Joseph Tkach Jr.
AKA  "Bugsy Jr"


Grand Theft Church

Gross and reckless theological change without consideration for the spiritual lives and sacrifices of the brethren

Getting snookered by the Trinitarianism

Leading and organization he should have left 

Nepotic acceptance

Letting Ted Johnston write the "Surprising God" Blog which I'm sure does surprise any real God

Destroying all that our parents, family and peers contributed to out of a sincere desire to know what the Bible said and meant

Keeping the money for himself, "like taking candy from a baby."

Leaving many good men with years of sincere service without a dime of retirement and living like a King himself

For collecting Rolex Watches...or so I am told

We wish these men no harm but that they would repent rather than justify, modify and act as if they are not responsible for the trail of tears and disrespect for sincere seekers they have accidentally attracted to themselves and who have no idea just what they have gotten themselves into mentally, emotionally, economically and spiritually.

Please remember next week's pot luck after services.  Women are to bring all the food and singles  please bring a watermelon

Now brethren...let's smile, take up our hymnals and sing out on "My Friend and guide..."


  1.'Twas not a foe who did deride,
        for that I could endure;
     No hater thus who rose in pride,
        else would I hide secure.
     But thou it was, my friend and guide;
        we did as equals meet;
     We walked to God's house side by side,
        and counsel blended sweet.

 2.  His speech more smooth than butter was,
        yet in his heart was war;
     More soft than oil his words appear,
        yet sharp as drawn swords were they.
     But Lord Thou will in judgment sit
        and bring them down to woe;
     And in the deep and darksome pit,
        in ruin lay them low

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Ron Weinland: When I Disfellowship People I Remove God's Grace, Help, Protection and God's Favor From Them

Dingy Weinland assumes more power than he actually has when it comes to God's favor.  Weinerdude thinks that he is so powerful that when he disfellowships a person they are immediately cut off from God.  They no longer will have any help from God now His protection.  More importantly Weinerdude removes God's grace from that person. 

Apparently Weinerdudes god is so impotent that he allows Ron to do this.  Weinerdude's god is such an impotent wuss that the person is immediately handed over to demons so they can be harassed, deceived and caught up in the turmoil of Satan's world.

Before someone is called, they are in bondage to Satan’s system and his world where he deceives, wrongly influences, and perverts. When brought into the Church, God begins the process of deliverance and protection from that being and his demons. Although all human beings will suffer in this world, both in the Church and out of it, only those within the Church does God give the only means for deliverance, answers, and transformation that is able to lead them to permanent change and peace that gives true fullness of life.
If Weinerdeude thinks that by being a Church of God member a person transformed and receives all the answers he is mistaken.   Look at the complete mess that Armstorngism has been for the last 80 some years.  Hundreds and hundreds of factions and groups splitting off with hundreds and hundreds of leaders all claim they have the only way towards salvation.  Untimely deaths, murders, suicides, divorces, rapes, child molestations, destroyed families, ruined businesses, etc. is the enduring legacy of Armstrongism.  Just look at the utter mess that Weinerdude's own personality cult is in! Where is the deliverance and transformation in that?

Yet when someone in the Church is severed (cut off) from the continuing flow of God’s spirit in their life by becoming disfellowshipped, they are then separated from God’s continuing flow of spiritual nourishment that is given with the spiritual help (means and inspiration) to receive (see) it. They no longer have access to the unleavened bread of life. They are actually cast back into Satan’s world without God’s grace, help, protection and favor in life. Not only that, but in many ways they now become targets of harassment, turmoil, and deception from that demonic world. The ability for that evil spirit world to now have open access to such individuals is taken as a kind of perverted sense of victory against God. However, God has a plan whereby He will still work during “another time” to deliver those who have become permanently disfellowshipped.
When people continue to follow this fool is beyond me.  No Armstrongite minister has this power, never has and never will.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Philadelphia Church of God "Flee Twice" Program Moving South Africa Members To Australia

This letter was up on Exit and Support the other day:

January 27, 2014
I have heard from an inside source that the South African PCG members are being encouraged to emigrate to Australia. The ministry will try and secure work for SA [South African] members with Australian members who have business in Australia. For those SA members who are not able to work, the plan is to get them into Australia as refugees. The ministers are convincing the SA members that the South African PCG members are going to have to flee twice as South Africa is going to fall first. Some members have already been offered employment in Australia.

Is this "new revelation" from Gerald Flurry that South Africa falls first?

I suppose with the new "flee twice revelation" the South African work will disintegrate. So much for preaching the Gospel to all nations (Mark 16:15). Fear and confusion. From where does that spirit come from again? II Corinthians 4:4. Scripture teaches us to test the spirits.

Thanks again for awakening us to the abominations of this false prophet. --Former PCG member
More sickness from Gerald and Stephen Flurry!

The COG's Biggest Chief Overseer; Apostle; Grand Chief of State; Permanent Minister of Ecclesiastical, Indigenous & International Law & Justice; Special Attorney; International CEO; Traditional Medicine physician; Inventor

There has been several conversations going on about this guy in Facebook.  It seems that Apostle and Chief Overseer Jackson Sr. is a former Worldwide Church of God member.  In the grand tradition of Armstrongism, yet another idiot claims he has special insight from his "god."

A young guy on Facebook grew up in this cult.  He says the guy claims to have been on the security for HWA.  I honestly never saw this guy around HWA's home.  He does look familiar though.

I grew up in a splinter group of WCG called Sovereign Church of 'ELOHIYM, International (SCEI-1BLOOD) and we observed most of the same same things. The cult leader is named Kenneth D. Jackson, Sr. and I am trying to find out if anyone knows him. He claimed to be on HWA's security and now claims to be the apostle and prophet just like HWA. Anyone recognize him from those days?

Another person replied that his mother was part of the cult and even though he sees the damage it is causing, will not speak badly of them.  That's why people die because of these cults!

They have done a lot of good but my mom has nothing to show for at the age of 66. My father passed in 04 and the kids had to pay for the funeral. Dr. Jackson did help. His ministry in Africa is huge and his Orphanage is helping a lot of children. Smoke Jackson his son is in charge of the church here in Macon. They are family friends and I treat them with the upmost respect. With all the tithing and offerings the kids have no inheritance. My mom's adopted church family holds priority over blood family.

The young man who is a former member then replies:

...most of that stuff was all elaborate lies. They don't have millions of followers, but thousands, and over half have been abandoned by the church. He never ran any legitimate orphanages or other outreaches. They were all lies. Kenneth Jackson to this day speaks poorly of Ken, but I am not aware why.

I then looked up info on this crackpot and found several sites that seek to expose the cult for what it is.  One of them,  Who Is Apostle Dr. Kenneth Jackson Sr.?,   has this weird information about things that the church never even possessed or that HWA passed on.  The craziness that Armstrongites dream up is never ending!

Kenneth Sr. teaches that prior to HWA's death, he was entrusted with one of three official WWCG seals of authority. Another of these seals remained with HWA and the third was passed to his successor

Joseph W. Tkach.  During a two days sermon on the history of the church, during which Kenneth Sr. glorified himself and his congregation as the 7th and final era of Christ's True Church, he revealed the wooden seal, claiming that it had been given to him as part of GODs divine plan to place him in the high office of Apostle after the inevitable fall of the false Apostle Joseph Tkach. However, a high level member of the church, who occupied the office where the "official" seal had been kept, also found a second seal. This one was still in the process of construction, being only half complete and damaged. It was of the same wood and design of the first, and clearly had been the first attempt at forging the WWCG seal of authority. This leaves very little doubt that the seal presented by Kenneth Sr. was in fact a forgery, and that HWA had never passed on any seal or mandate to him as he had so convincingly stated. This seal remained in the members care during which time her revealed it to others. After some time, he presented it to JoAnne Jackson, who quickly took it and clearly implied that he was to remain silent, and the seal disappeared and was never seen again. By now it has likely been destroyed or hidden out of our reach to hide the fraud. It is primarily for this deception that we have raised serious questioning of the legitimacy of all of his other WWCG claims.

He sounds just as crazy as Armstrongite Buffalo Bill "Ysrael" Hawkins from the House of Yahweh in Abilene, Texas!.

Up until 2003 it seems that Kenneth Jackson largely comprised his Sabbath sermons on in depth biblical studies and breakdowns of scriptures. He dressed in coats and ties, read from the Bible and gained a larger following. However, members then noted a change in Kenneth following a trip to Sierra Leone around 2003. Apparently, the success of his first seed rice farms in the Bo District of Sierra Leone had caused the natives, as is their natural way, to exhort Kenneth with great parades and tributes,    including grand displays and gifts and offerings. It seems that this adoration consumed him and when he returned he immediately began to change in the eyes of his members. He began wearing royal clothing, and adorning himself with gold and diamonds. He had a crown constructed for himself and wore it for all Sermons and official meetings. His Sabbath sermons began to shift from bible studies into long rambling stories of his exploits, grand designs, visions, prophetic powers, ecclesiastical authorities and he also claimed himself Apostle. It reached the point at which Kenneth rarely opened the Bible or read from it, claiming that he now received visions and new testimony straight from the Most High GOD who he identified as 'ELOHIYM, based on the original phonetic translation of the Hebrew word used to describe GOD in the ancient Chaldean. The church which had been called International Church of GODs Elect became Sovereign Church of 'ELOHIYM International, and he established 1BLOOD International as his outreach ministry and registered it as an NGO.

If you though the narcissistic behavior of David Pack and Bob Thiel was appalling, watch this video about the apostle:  Life of an Apostle

A former cult member shares her five minute story: Surviving a Religious Cult

Read more here:

Pro SCEI 1 Blood

Anti-SCEI 1 Blood

SCEI 1 Blood Cult Watch

Why Sovereign Church of 'ELOHIYM International qualifies as a cult