Monday, April 18, 2016

Did Rod Meredith Use "Justified Lying" To Deceive World Vision?

More information has emerged regarding the recent kerfuffle with Living Church of God lying to World Vision.  Living Church of God, in a effort to deceive World Vision, deceptively told them that they (LCG) no longer had any ties to Herbert Armstrong.  How stupid do they think people really are?  Everyone knows they have defied the man, just as Gerald Flurry and Dave Pack have done.

Justified lying is a trick that Jehovah's Witnesses employ when they feel that non believers do not deserve the truth.  Has the Living Church of God sunk this low that they have to lie in order to get their message of "good news" across?  In LCG's eyes World Vision is not Christian, just as Bob Elijah Elisha Amos believes.  Since they are not "real" Christians like LCG, was it ok to lie to them?

Living Church of God Saying They No Longer Have Any Ties to Armstrong: 
April 15, 2016
(Regarding LCOG "hiding" behind World Vision for their seminar [see March 28 & March 29 letters]), I sent the president of World Vision a detailed email of concern with quotes from Roderick Meredith, and some of his denials of the Christian faith. I have not heard [back] from him. At least I gave David Cerullo CEO of INSP Networks some credit. He had Tomorrow's World cancelled from his network in 2007. I sent him and John Roos, Senior Vice President Marketing, a five page letter showing Roderick Meredith's ties to Herbert W. Armstrong, his smear on Christianity, and many of his unbiblical-unorthodox teachings. The LCOG tried to persuade him that they no longer really have any ties to Armstrong, and abandoned many of his teachings. Of course, that is not what his "Official Statement Of Fundamental Beliefs" states. Mr. Cerullo also had The Church of God International's program "Armor of God"" cancelled as well. So did "World Harvest Television" 
Many other Armstrong offshoots have been cancelled from Christian radio/TV as well. These stations include Salem (even though they are airing Ron Dart again on their OnePlace.Com), Wilkins. Wilkins lost $150,000.00 cancelling Dart, American Family Radio, Former Trevecca Nazarene University's WENO, and a host of others. I have been warning Christians, and Christian radio and TV concerning Armstrong, The Way International (that's another story) and others.  
It's very clear that Dr. Roderick C. Meredith still considers Herbert W. Armstrong a great Bible teacher, and continues to teach and believe in many of his doctrines. Dr. Meredith's official statement of fundamental beliefs states "Our doctrines, practices, policies, and traditions have their roots in the Worldwide Church of God under the leadership of Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong" (P.1.) My email to Mr. John Roos, beyond any question of doubt shows the Living Church of God/Tomorrow's World teachings are contrary to that taught in the Word of God. Their doctrines are wrong on salvation, the person and work of our Lord Jesus Christ, their denial of the Trinity, the physical resurrection, Hell, and many other Christian teachings. --Anonymous 

Robert Kuhn: Why Is The Universe Expanding?

It's Shameful That COG Members Fail To Support The Only True Church Doing A Real Work Today

Bob Elijah Elisha Amos Thiel is still struggling financially and it seems to be a mystery to him as to why.  Why won't other COG members realize he is God's doubly blessed and self appointed apostle and prophet?  Why won't they send him their money?

Because of his outright arrogance and self-righteous attitude of superiority people are immediately turned off by him.  By repelling peoples so quickly its a huge hit on his wallet.  Amos Thiel sets out to rectify that in the usual manner that Church of God leaders have always resorted to.  Blame the sinful backsliding members.

Many have had their love grow cold and will not properly support the work needed to fulfill Matthew 24:14Philadelphia Christians need to persevere.
Amos Thiel trots out the incredibly boring booklet that Armstrong wrote decades ago, the Seven Laws of Success.  Amos Thiel claims that Church of God members fails miserably at Law #6...Perseverance.

Everyone that is in the Church of God have become lawless and their love has waxed cold.  They are too weak to endure to the end.  Because they have not endured they will no longer tithe and send in money.

Consider also Jesus’ words: 
12 And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. 13 But he who endures to the end shall be saved. 14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come. (Matthew 24:12-14)

The end is apparently coming quicker to Amos Thiel's empire than he expected.  It's not his fault though.  Its the COG brethren who are at a fault.  The blame game is what has kept the COG running for so many decades.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

PCG Spending 1.15 Million To Build Dance Hall For Flurry Grandkids

As income declines in the PCG and members are forced to send in more and more money as they mortgage homes, businesses and cash in retirement accounts, the church is dropping over a million dollars on a new facility so that the grandkids of Gerald Flurry and practice their Irish Dance and the Malones can have new offices.

EDMOND—The reverberations of percussion instruments can be heard on the campus of Herbert W. Armstrong College this week as metal erectors and other tradesmen finish constructing the exterior shell of the campus’s new music and dance building. The noises of drills, grinders, punches, cutting torches, arc welders and impact wrenches are sounding across campus as workers dry-in the structure in preparation for its next phases of construction. 
Facilities manager Roger Brandon said that with the majority of the structural red iron and the exterior sheet metal in place, the focus of the project is the roof. 
“Once that’s in place, then we can turn loose the interior trades,” he said. This process will include dozens of light-gauge metal framers, plumbers, electricians, flooring installers, heating and air conditioning mechanics, cabinetmakers, painters and other contractors building out 10,170 square feet across 17 rooms on the one-story, $1.15 million structure.
Mr. Brandon said the building will include three large spaces, including a lecture room for approximately 150 occupants that contains tiered seating and a raised stage. The space will be built to accommodate music classes, forums and assemblies, youth camp orientation and similar activities. An orchestra room will allow for music students to leave their larger instruments set up permanently, will contain a humidity-controlled instrument storage room, and will offer nearby access to two other rehearsal rooms plus the lecture room. A dance studio with a sprung floor similar to the one installed in the Barbara Flurry Memorial Hall will accommodate dancers with ballet bars, mirrors and built-in cabinets for costumes and other storage. 
Turgeon dares to compare the cult compound school to those on the outside.  Of course money will flow in to minion the dance studio for the Flurry grand kids and to provide a n office for Malone.
Mr. Turgeon said the building will benefit grade school and college music students as well as adults and is a priority because “we have a strong emphasis in the Church on music and dance when such programs are being cut from many public schools, mostly due to lack of funding but also lack of appreciation for culture.” He said that it will also open up space at the memorial hall for possible additional classroom or student residential space.
pcg music director Ryan Malone, who will office in the new building, said it is important because it devotes more dedicated space to music classes and also consolidates the department’s activities so that instructors and students don’t have to meet in separate buildings. He said the result will be more flexible rehearsal schedules, less wear and tear on instruments, and a more efficient use of class time. 
This is code for the higher brass of PCG keeping the unwashed masses from using the Armstrong auditorium stage and dressing rooms.  Just like  Pasadena, church members were not allowed dot use the facility other than to be begrudgingly let in on Friday nights and Saturdays.

Mr. Malone says the building’s name is the Dwight Armstrong Performing Arts Conservatory. Mr. Turgeon says the goal is to complete construction by mid-August if possible, in time for the academic school year. At that point, when the noises of construction fall silent, dance music, winds, strings and percussion instruments of a different kind will begin to play.

See:  Construction on Performing Arts Building Continues 

A Day in the Life of an Unaccredited Church of God "college" Student

The Philadelphia Church of God posted an article that tells loyal followers of Gerald Flurry what a privileged life students lead at their little "college" in England.  Its a rather pathetic exposĂ© of a church cult that demonstrates how spiritually bankrupt they really are.

This is how the morning starts out for one of the guys at Edstone mansion:

Up at 5 a.m. Down two flights of stairs to the fitness center for a 20-minute workout. Up two flights to the men’s dorm to shower. Down a flight to the kitchen for freshly ground and brewed Ethiopian roast. for morning headlines over sips of coffee. Malachi’s Message for Bible study, followed by prayer. Fifteen minutes to get ready: just enough time to meet the other students in the cafeteria for a quick breakfast. Then it’s 8 a.m., and the day really begins. 
Welcome to a day in the life of a student at Herbert W. Armstrong College–Edstone. 
Notice what the focus is? A plagiarized book, news headlines for the PCG indoctrination page instead of London and European papers, and the exquisite life of a privilege white kid.

Then its down the hall to "college" classes. PCG's interpretation of  HWA's interpretation of prophecy.  The focus upon comparing Gerald and Stephen Flurry to Jeremiah.  Since Stephen is the only legitimate heir to the Flurry empire and his fathers rapidly becoming mental state, it is important to demonstrate that the Bible tells of the coming Stephen's amazing work. Given that there is no comparison whatsoever between these two and Jeremiah; its nothing more than indoctrination class.

This particular day is Wednesday. Armed with Tuesday night’s preparations, Hochstetler is ready for the first class of the day, Bible Prophecy. Fellow senior Samuel Livingston plays the lecture, which was recorded by instructor Wik Heerma two days prior at the college’s home campus in Edmond, Oklahoma. Mr. Heerma opened the second semester of the course with a comparison between the commission and work of the Prophet Jeremiah and that of the Philadelphia Church of God in the 21st century.

Then its down the hall to another classroom and a live instruction of God's prophet Stephen Flurry on PCG doctrine.

The next class is Doctrines of the Philadelphia Church of God, taught by Armstrong College President Stephen Flurry. 

Then its around the corner to another room for a "live" video presentation from Jerusalem by a PCG student and working on the dig PCG has in Israel. A student that is presently digging.  No archeology  degree, no advanced studies, no work in other projects around the world, nothing other the a couple summers worth of work.

Then there is the glamorous information about hard working Brad McDonald.  Students are privilege to see him walking around in his wells looking at his sheep.

On the other side of the property, from the mail department window, volunteer mail packers see UK-Europe Regional Director Brad Macdonald walking out to check on the landscapers’ work. Wearing his “wellies” he walks off the pavement of the circular drive and between the newly planted rows of yew hedging. He looks over his shoulder, past the circular flowerbed and the Union Jack flagpole, to wave as Mrs. Amy Flurry beeps her car horn and drives out the gate to do errands in Stratford, about seven miles down Birmingham Road. Mr. Macdonald continues on to check how Hochstetler and the other workers are progressing on their current project: moving a shed. 
What a humble righteous man.

Then its a shining example of how the PCG dumbs down its women and relegates them to the kitchen.  Men are sooooo much more intelligent and godly than the those with "ladies recipes."

While the male students are developing public-speaking skills, the female students attend Meal Management class. Wednesdays are lab days, so Hochstetler and the guys stop by after Homiletics to taste-test the ladies’ recipes, which vary from naturally sweetened chocolate cake to curry-spiced amaranth and millet dishes. Hochstetler, who admits he has a sweet tooth, says his favorite dish has been the brandy snap baskets filled with whipped cream.
Not once is Jesus ever mentioned in the daily journey of a PCG student.  Just like it's magazines, sermons, videos and publications. Jesus is nowhere to be found.

You can read this yourself here: Day in the Life: An Edstone Student