Saturday, November 26, 2016

Dave Pack: Atheists Will Be Long Gone When We Get To My Zion

Dave and his crew will be the most educated eternal beings ever to exist.  Due to Dave's superfantabulous "work" he is doing in Wadsworth, there will be no atheists when his "zion" arrives.  They will be long gone because Dave and his crew will either exterminate them or convert them to the ways of Dave.
What about education, at all levels? We have already introduced that in a certain way—all levels. Good-bye evolution! WHAM—day 1. Of course, you really won’t have to worry about it too much in one regard, because the God of the Bible is here, and everybody who is an atheist will have figured out there is a God. Now, did He allow things to evolve or not, is a secondary question…but there is a God. As soon as this Great Work continues…this awesome, powerful Work continues in a big way…and I explained it last week…it will not be long before there will not be one atheist on Earth—waythis side of Zion. All you have to do is look at the things that are scheduled to happen to God’s Church, very soon, and you know the atheists are probably long gone by the time we are on Zion.

Dave Pack: "Wow! This is Great!" You will be "judges" and "pastors"

Dave Pack has discovered his ultimate wet dream.   Being a judge and a pastor in the kingdom!  Oh wait, he does that now!  Dave tells his members that as a pastor they will be able to exterminate those those that are "not fit to live."
Who carries out enforcement of everything? What about the prison system? Okay, we found out certain kings are going to prison. Who else? Where are the prisons? Who builds the prisons? What kinds of prisons? How long do you stay in prison? Is it only for the kings?…But all the other things that are related to that.
Oh…While you are doing the judging, who is doing the pastoring? For that matter, is there a difference? If you are a priest and a minister, a godlike judge, are you all those things? Because now you have people coming along and want to be converted. Wow! This is great. You have other people that are compliant, and you have some other people that are not fit to live.

Dave Pack: You Will Forget About Your Spouses, Children and Relatives

Dave wants his few remaining followers to understand that if their unconverted spouses, kids, relatives and friends are wicked they will be destroyed.  Then Dave's encourages his followers that they will have their minds wiped clear of who those people were.  They will forever forget about them.  They will forget about their family and friends just like they will be required to forget about the sins of those who are under their rod's of iron.  What a wonderful world this will be!

For instance, the destruction of the wicked. We have always talked about it—you’re not going to want to think about your children or your parents or your husband or your wife or your relatives if God had to destroy them. So you probably will have the ability over knowledge, even to eject from your mind…We have always believed and understood this…Remember God’s ability to forget sin. We will have to forget, certainly, our own sins; the sins of others if need be. You’re going to have to be able to forget other people’s sins once they have repented, and you will probably be able to forget the loss of loved ones who are not in the kingdom of God.