Wednesday, April 5, 2017

UPDATE: Fred Dattalo Sinks to New Low: Members to cut off contact with non-member spouses

UPDATE:  Will Fred Dattalo practices what he preaches now that his own son and family have left the PCG?

A reader here writes:  

I have heard the Fred Dattolos Son Michael Dattolos has recently left the church and his wife and son. I guess his own advice now is a witness against him....laodiceans policy msg given a few months ago. I guess what goes around comes around. 

The perverse teachings of the Philadelphia Church of God just keep getting worse and worse.  Gerald Flurry recently extended the no contact rule to all children/adults who are not part of the PCG.

Now the degenerate teachings take an even darker party.  PCG members are to cut off all contact with mates and spouses who have stopped attending PCG, even if they are "pleased to dwell" with their spouse.

Fred Dattalo is a sick man like Cal Culpepper.  Both of these "men" hail from Pasadena where they learned to treat the "common people" like dirt, which they regularly did while employed in accounting and the auditorium.

Just heard that Fred Dattalo from Canada made the announcement Sabbath that the No Contact ruling now extends to mates/spouses that have stopped attending. What happened to "if they're pleased to dwell with you?". One member got up and left during services! Why aren't more leaving? Maybe because people want to walk away from their families and they use Flurry as their reason! Sickening! Their love has Waxed cold and they are without natural affection! 

Finally a report that one person had the wherewithal to stand up and walk out!

Leaving the Fold

There is an interesting conversation going on in a COG related Facebook page right now over how the church felt the need to control all aspects of the members lives.  The above quote is from Leaving the Fold by Marlene Winell

Being enveloped by a church that seeks to control every aspect of a members life leads to a false sense of security.  A person meets the warm approval of family members and friends and the church looks upon you favorable, if it is as nothing more than a money making entity.  But dare to step outside that cocoon and the world quickly changes.  Even though the person who has left is healthier, mentally, spiritually and physically, there is still the loss of approval that sometimes creeps in.

An excerpt from the book states:

It has been a wells established fact that those who are in fundamentalist groups, and the COG was fundamentalist to its core, are in it for security and for the sense of belonging to something special.

The Church of God has always presented its self as something special, called out, set apart from, God ordained.  That was the very thing Herbert Armstrong used when he rebelled against the church and started his own version, steeped in extra-biblical interpretations received though special revelations received in the public library or from his god.  His previous association was wrong and he was right. God had personally revealed to him the right and true way.  Those that bought into it were special and set apart from the lukewarm believers they left behind.

Continuing on from the above quote:

The church has always felt the need to have an answer for everything.  Why else would the church have produced hundreds and hundreds of "Letters" from the Letter Answering Department, or the countless booklets, books, magazine articles and hundreds of thousands of sermons.  Having one's questions answered provided a sense of relief knowing that one was no longer accountable and had no need to study or research further.  God's minister said it, so let it be done!

We see this today in the various fringe groups of Armstrongism.  Bob Thiel does it with sermons covering 10-20 different subjects at a time.  Dave Pack does it with 190+ new revelations from his god.  His members no longer need to think, just accept and they will be saved.  Gerald Flurry does it with his members when he threatens their salvation by daring to say "hi" to a family member who has left the fold.  Rond Weinland has led his members to believe they are so special that they will soon be gods, kings and priests in his world a few months away.   Rod Meredith has done the exact same thing by telling his members they are special and set apart from all other COG's. God is doing a special end time work with them exclusively. And then there is United, which has never quite been able to figure out what it needs to be doing, yet they are so special and called out, so much so that even Jelly has more followers than Jesus does.

Everything in the church seems to be exaggerated to the extreme. Doom, death and immediate obliteration is the game of the day for the church.  Members are constantly being warned about one thing after another. Famine, disease, parents eating children, concentration camps, invading Russian, Germans or Chinese armies, rampaging Muslims, all fear factors to maintain control.  As long as members stay together in the fold, they will fight and survive together because God will exclusively protect them.

We were always encouraged to "fight the good fight" and if we did then we had guaranteed entrance into the World Tomorrow where the lion would be dwelling with the lamb and we would be wielding rods of iron over our dominions or worlds.  that all sounds pretty good to this eon the "right" side of ht equation, but no so much for those being ruled over.  But that never mattered.  We were special. We were set apart.  We were God's very one chosen from billions of people. 

All of the benefits that the Church of God/Armstrongism offered always externals. Being kings, priests, world rulers and God was more important than the inner healing of one's heart and mind. Church members were and still are constantly berated as never quit measuring up. We were sinful slobs/worms that God was just itching to blot out.  The glorious rewards of the World Tomorrow were always just out of reach.  God always seemed eternally pissed at us, even more so than the deceived world around us.  It was our fault that Jesus never returned when he was supposed to.  We were not ready.  It was our fault that Loma Armstrong died from bowel blockage because the church was backed up with sin and rebellion.  That list can go on and on.

There's nothing inherently wrong with meeting human needs. However, in practice these needs are exaggerated and used to frighten potential converts into joining and to preserve existing membership. In fundamentalism, the dangers of life -- both now and in the here after -- are emphasised. Incredible threats and promises are made for heaven, hell and miracles here on Earth. The result is that people are disempowered by this approach to having their needs met. Since the source of all the benefits offered is external, requiring dependence on God and the church, internal resources atrophy. This process degrades the self and becomes a serious threat to human well-being. 

It all gets exhausting after a while trying to constantly measure up.  Our brains atrophy because our thinking has been done for us or we finally realize that we are worthless creatures and what's the point of trying any more.  The questioning stops and people just trundle on week after week listening to bland and boring sermons waiting for that "strong hand from someplace" to finally make things right.

In spite of all of that, there are individuals that never settle for the status quo and let that spark of questioning be given space to shine forth and they wake up.  They realize that so much of what they have been taught is not the "truth" and step out into the unknown where questions do not always need answers. Doubt, ambiguity and the gray areas of life then become learning places and growth.

Are you willing to live in doubt and ambiguity?

The Church of God and the Baluchitherium

Never has there been a church that has felt it has had to have the answer about everything mentioned in the Bible.  Every myth, allegory and metaphor had to have an explanation in order to prove them as "true" and "factual."  The problem with all of that is the things they tried to prove as true were not and the things they really needed to believe, they refuse to acknowledge.  But that is another story that most here already know.

One of the things we attempted to prove was the meaning behind the behemoth mentioned in Job. Those wise archaeologists of the letter answering department  latched on to the discovery of the largest creature ever found, the Baluchitherium.  This was the behemoth of scripture. They then claimed that this was the large animal that was supposedly created when Adam and Ever were created.

Begin with Job 40:15: “Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee: he eateth grass like an ox.” What does this tell us?
First, as recent articles in “The Plain Truth” have graphically shown, God made a distinct creation of plants, including grass, and animals for the benefit and pleasure of man. The warm-blooded animals and the grasses and herbs were FIRST made when man was made — about 6000 years ago (Gen. 1:24-25). Evolutionists have always been puzzled at the fact that this kind of vegetation appeared so late in geological history.
Now notice again Job 40:15: “Behold now behemoth, WHICH I MADE WITH THEE ….” Here is an animal God made when man was made. Behemoth did not exist in the pre-Adamic world which was filled with giant dinosaurs and other types of strange creatures. Behemoth was an UNIQUE animal created WITH MAN — and for a purpose, as we shall see later!  Plain Truth, March 1964
Notice the amazing confirmation that the giant rhinoceros “Baluchitherium” was “the chief of the ways of God.” It’s described in a modern book on fossil animals: “In an age when a hippopotamus is big and the elephant a giant, “Baluchitherium” seems ALMOST UNREAL. His head was about 5 FEET LONG, yet it was absurdly small upon his gigantic body, which stood 18 FEET HIGH at the shoulder and was very deep” (“The Fossil Book”, Fenton, page 406).
Another author reveals the fact that “Baluchitherium” was “at least 25 FEET LONG” (“Historical Geology”, Dunbar page 413).
“It was the LARGEST OF ALL LAND MAMMALS” (“Time, Life, and Man”, Stirton, page 325). 
Not only was it the largest of all known land mammals, but “very probably, like the huge sauropod dinosaurs among the reptiles, IT REPRESENTS ABOUT THE MAXIMUM SIZE TO WHICH A LAND-LIVING MAMMAL CAN DEVELOP” (“The Illustrated Library of the Natural Sciences”, article “Giants of the Past,” by Colbert, Vol. II, page 1192). 
His great legs, longer than those of elephants and living rhinoceroses, also gave him the RECORD FOR SPEED among both of these groups, living or extinct” (“The Wonder Books”, Janssen & Cole, page 324). 
But, there is yet more proof! 
Notice again the inspired Biblical account of “behemoth.” Job 40:18 informs us: “His bones are as strong pieces of BRASS; his bones are like BARS OF IRON.” These facts are upheld by the findings of “Baluchitherium”: “‘Baluchitherium’, as it was called, had HUGE POSTLIKE LIMBS …” (“Time, Life, and Man”, Stirton, page 325).
The church spent time and money having people study these subjects when they refused to study that most inconvenient dude they never attempt to really follow.  The church has always made a business out of majoring in minors and never getting to the meat of the matter.

That tradition of wallowing in the unnecessary things still is alive today in all of the splinter groups today.  That is why none of them are growing.  They are so out of touch with reality that people are turned off by everything they teach.


Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Why has the Church of God always been embarrassed about its self?

I am on a secret Facebook page filled with over 780 former COG members that has all kinds of conversations going on, usually about abuse at the hands of the ministry or church.  One of the conversations has centered around how the church called it's self  a "nondenominational church" instead of a Christian church.

I remember in 1962 when I was in first grade that we had been instructed to say the church we attended was nondenominational.  We did not claim to be Christian because that was a label for back sliding,  Sunday keeping, pork eating  Christmas keeping false Christians, even though they proclaimed Jesus much more than the COG did.

Because of church beliefs many thought church members were Jews because  we rarely, if at all, talked about Jesus but sure talked about old testament holy days and old testament biblical characters.  However, church members found the Jewish label to be just as offensive as being called Christian.  

Church literature and sermons rarely mentioned Jesus and if they did, it was in the last couple of paragraphs in an article or as a side comment in a sermon.

Even Herbert Armstrong could not bring himself to say God or Jesus and had to talk about a "strong hand from some place."

When HWA started gallivanting around the world bribing audiences with world leaders with offers of cash and Steuben crystal, he did it under the auspices of the Ambassador International Cultural Foundation.  It was too embarrassing to say he was there as a leader of a church.

Even if you look back at old issues of the Tomorrow's World magazine, which was supposed to be filled with "meaty" articles for the baptized, there was seldom mention of Jesus, but lots and lots of law.

I think part of the problem today that almost all of the various COG incarnations suffer from is the fact they still cannot take a stand on who they are and what they believe.  They pretend to be Jewish, then whence when people compare them to the Jews. They pretend to be Christian, but can't talk about Jesus.  

Because the church has no identity, it allows it self to fall under the spell of devious men like Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry, Bob Thiel and James Malm.   These men have made it all about themselves. They are special conduits of streaming knowledge directly from God the Father, but never Jesus.  Everything revolves around their personal interpretations regardless of how sick and perverted it is.  Just look at Dave Pack and Bob Thiel with all their self aggrandizing comments about themselves.  It is all about them and not the church or Jesus.

United Church of God makes endless attempts to make a name for itself with public campaigns and appearances, but it has accomplished nothing other than spending hundreds of thousands of dollars.  It has left no witness about Jesus anywhere.

Now that this version of the Church of God movement moves into the 80 some years of existence it is still shocking that it still has no identity or focus on the one it claims to follow. 

One Facebook user made the following accurate description of the Church of God:

"A non denominational non sectarian educational group in the public interest!"

This is exactly why not a single Church of God group is growing today nor has any impact.

Monday, April 3, 2017

The Woo Woo Masters


Definition of woo–woo

  1. :  dubiously or outlandishly mystical, supernatural, or unscientific thinking, practices and beliefs

  2. And she has written a book … in which she dismisses what she calls “woo-woo spirituality” in favor of some straight talk on living with loss … 
  3. — Linda Richman

  4. Energy beams from the eyes certainly sounds like woo-woo stuff …
  5.  — Steve Blow
Jesus Christ returning to Wadsworth, Ohio where Dave Pack can preach, "He walks with ME, and he talks with ME and he tells ME I am his own"  is pure Woo Woo
__Dennis Diehl


 nounOne man's woo-woo, of course, is another's deeply held belief system. — Julia Moskin
When teaching therapeutic massage at a local college, one of the classes I taught was on watching out for quackery or "woo woo" as it is wont to be called in the field.  I endeavored to instill in students that not every modality that is available to them in massage therapy is something they might want to risk charging people for and that making dubious claims, perhaps outside their scope of practice , may cause them nothing but trouble.

I demonstrated not only the dangers of but the lousy science associated with ear candling.  Ear Candling is the idea that vast amounts of debris can be drawn out of the ear canal with a flaming cone candle which sets up a suction drawing the debris out of the ear.  It does not and cannot work as advertised and it is dangerous to boot.  Some charge $50 for this service and it is simply a useless procedure.  I demonstrated this by doing an ear candling on a student and burning another candle in a cup. I then unrolled both and had them tell me which one was in the ear and which in the cup.  They were both the same.  The "wax" came from the candle, not the ear.

Another bit of woo woo was "Ionic Foot Baths".  In this, one's feet soak, and it feels great, in a slightly electrified foot bath with salts added to the water.  Soon "scum" makes it's appearance in the water and was once said, until the Government said enough of this BS, yellow scum was from the speen, brown was nicotine,  green was from the liver and so on.  Like foot pads that "release toxins" in the feet, it is bogus.  If one leaves the feet out of the bath, the salt and electricity produce the scum anyway.  It's bad science and a $50 scam I warned them not to sell in their practice if they knew what was good for them.
In Therapeutic Massage some are taught "to drink a lot of water because we push around a lot of toxins"  Studies has shown this to be less than dramatically true and "a lot of water" for some is cup while others will risk death and drink gallons. 
Sermons in the churches of God can stir up a lot of toxins as well or more than not, be the source of them driving one to drink without being advised to. 
I once worked for a Chiropractor who had a stim unit with three settings.  Low, Medium and Spirit.  No really, the highest setting was "Spirit! "  I asked him why he had that and he admitted he didn't know and "It's just bullshit" and smiled.    We lost more clients on that setting than the other two combined.  His Reflexologist made life decisions by asking Spirit to show her three yellow truck on the way to work if the answer was yes to her questions.  Woo Woo.    She almost got fired for making a client winch when getting reflexology and when he did said, "Did that hurt? have a heart condition."   Woo Woo! and practicing outside the scope of her practice as do  Dave Pack , Gerald Flurry, Bob Thiel , and all other split, splinter and sliver Woo Wooartists. 
I have my doubts about practices such as homeopathy, (all our drinking water has "the essence" of every drug ever produced),  reflexology (do I affect my heart stepping on small stones too?) and various forms of "energy work."  
At a seminar once, when my skepticism was still fresh from my WCG experience, we were doing energy work and "feeling" the energy around the body without touching it.  "Can you feel it?" asked the teacher,  Everyone said  "uh...yes!  I feel it".  Well ....I said, "Not really" and then it began.  "I don't actually either...",  "Me either....." and before it could spread too far the teacher said it was not important yet at this point to feel it and moved on quickly.  LOL  
There is plenty of Woo Woo in the Churches of God and in the leadership of those churches.
Dave Pack is a Woo Woo Master with his never ending Waterhousian speculations about how Christ will return, when and where along with his glorious part in it all.  He's simply full of Woo Woo and NONE of what Dave says will every happen .  In fact, I guarantee it, both in this age and in the age to come . Dave's use the scriptures is pathetic and toxic to his followers.  It will not end well.
Gerald Flurry is also a Woo Woo Master in the style of Dave Pack, or maybe it is Dave who is in Gerald's style of Woo Woo.   Gerald is given to Prayer Rock, Stones of Scone and Ark of the Covenant Woo Woo .  There is some Song of Solomon Woo Woo thrown in their somewhere for some reason but that is called Woo Hoo in some circles.  
Dr. Thiel is a Woo Woo Master as seen in his self ordination simply because someone asked Bob's God to give him a double portion of the Spirit when being anointed for sinus drainage. (Just kidding.  I don't know the malady he had when anointed. Perhaps Biggisegoitis which is a swelling of the head.   From that Bob  practices  his own Woo Woo and then dreams himself into a Prophet and Head Woo Woo Master of yet another only true church.  Bob has a tendency to Major in the Minor Woo Woos when he sermonizes but how he got to be so important a theologian in his own mind is by pure Woo Woo, mystical and magical.
Ron Weinland was a Financial Woo Woo Master with a major emphasis on a message of End Time  Woo Woo, which, like Dave Pack's Woo Woo, never did, ever will or ever could come to pass.  His Apostleship was also a function of Woo Woo magic and theological maneuvering and manipulation.  It's difficult , and you have to be creative in anointing yourself an Apostle with no backing from others, but with the right application of Woo Woo, it happens like magic!  You simple wear down your congregation and by the time they have had enough and want to go eat lunch, you announce,  "And yes brethren, I am an Apostle."  Sure, fine, whatever....let's eat.  
Joe Tkach got himself caught up in Evangelical Woo Woo complete with Gods a many , well three and all the Woo Woo of Incarnational Theology. While this is the mare traditional theology of Christianity, Woo Woo nonetheless and like all religious thought, can be contemplated but never proven to be real or factual.  It's a feel good Woo Woo with precious little appeal to Church of God types who simply have to have their prophetic Woo Woo to keep them in their seats, paying, praying, obeying, gyrating  and staying. 
Quackery is alive and well in the Churches of God.  It mainly settles around the self proclaimed credentials of the Woo Woo Master and his prophetic rants, speculations and pathetic manipulation of scriptures making them mean what they never meant or can mean.  While entertaining at times and providing excellent examples of how the human mind can become toxic with God-Haunted views, those associated with, following minus critical thinking and caution and just sure their man is preachin' God's truth are going to be in for one sorry surprise in time.  
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof and there simple is none for the claims of the Church of God Woo Woo Masters.