Saturday, October 14, 2017

Ian Boyne: "Stout defense of Armstrongism from Jamaica"

I attach my Last Great Day message delivered in Ocho Rios Jamaica  to approximately 400 brethren gathered at the largest Feast site in the Caribbean and one of the largest in the world. Our Kingston congregation is one of  the  fastest growing of all COG groups in the world and is by far the  largest of all  Armstrongite groups in the  Caribbean, averaging over 200 on any given Sabbath. On Atonement we had  250 in attendance. Among those who heard this Last Great  Day message were American  brethren on a CEM cruise who had traveled over an hour to  join  us  for worship. It was a most delightful experience! The Americans stayed back after services to have a meal with their local brethren. We had a wonderful song by Karen Clarke of Eugene, Oregon, daughter of one of HWA's  earliest ordained ministers, Bryce Clark, a former district superintendent.   
I spoke relevantly to the crisis which faces Armstrongism today: widespread knowledge online about our history of massive corruption, abuse of power, religiosity with little spirituality, atrophied growth, profound disillusionment etc.  
I had been keeping up with my usual daily reading of your site, Gary, and had noted what was said  about the boring, repetitive and lifeless sermons at the Feast.  I myself can, sadly, confirm that, as every day after services I surveyed at least eight different Feast sites, which shall remain nameless. 
I spoke on the nook of Jeremiah and noted that Jeremiah faced our exact crisis, with a leadership that had become corrupt, deeply sinful and arrogant about it. But I said  the answer for Jeremiah was not to reject Torah or the religion of those who had become corrupt.  It was not to then accept the religion of the Assyrians or the Babylonians or the Egyptians.  
It was to be true to the faith.Similarly, I encouraged the brethren that today we should not reject Armstrongism because of the corruption of the Armstrongs (of course I did not use that offensive term. That's only for the "strong meat" people on this site!)  
I even mentioned Byker Bob's comment that after he left in 1975 he went out and partied. I mentioned others who had become atheists.  I spoke about those well-known ministers like Albert Portune, David Jon Hill, Al Carrozzo, Gary Arvidson and Robert Kuhn and Lester Grabbe who had left because of our corruption. The sermon received an amazingly positive reaction from the independent COG members from that CEM cruise. Many of them could relate  to the disillusionment and deep hurt I spoke about. One man said it was the best Last Great  Day sermon he had  heard  (which probably says more about the quality of those sermons rather than mine!)  
Our service ran nearly three hours with much praise and worship music. I had warned the Americans about this before which is probably why not everybody left the cruise to join us, including its only minister. Those who came knew what to expect. I only spoke for about forty five minutes though. I didn't want to push my luck! 
I wanted every American to get the message. Listen to it and tear it apart here. I am eager to hear  the response of my favourite and favoured participant on this blog, Byker Bob who is usually so insightful. 
NOTE:  I will not post racist comments directed towards Ian or those in Jamaica.  I have deleted things like this in the past and will still do so.  Ian invites your criticism, so criticize away, but be civil. 

Church of God Ministers: Modern Day Enoch's Trafficking in Nostalgia

From: Next year In Jerusalem

During the Passover Season, some arbitrary male member would always rise to the occasion and speak the phrase: Next year in Jerusalem! 
It happened every year.
This arbitrary man would stand behind some arbitrary Sabbath lectern set up in an arbitrary over-lit school gymnasium or Jewish Community Center. Or, he’d stand at the head of a candlelit table on The Night To Be Much Observed. He’d stand in someone else’s home or maybe his own. He’d hold a glass of red wine up over his head, over a white tablecloth set with silver and crystal, roasted lamb and unleavened bread, vegetables and bitter herbs. He’d make a toast.
He might be a minister or a deacon or maybe our father or any lay member desperate to be all those things: minister, deacon, or father (authority figure of some kind or other). Most often he’d be that goofy accordion player with the very old, Old Testament name – the one named Enoch or Jedediah or Amos or Obediah who annoys everyone with Fiddler on the Roof songs at Church Socials. Every local congregation had an Enoch or two, but not all could play the accordion. Our Enoch played the accordion.
Whatever the case, this arbitrary Enoch would speak with artificial authority as if his words had power to conjure deep traditions that bound us to something other than a manufactured and imaginary past.
The Enochs, they trafficked in nostalgia.
Fundamentalists traffic in nostalgia.
They trace imaginary lineages to pasts that never were and to places they don’t know. They tout deep roots dug-in to a pure and more perfect historical period that contains All The Truth undefiled by modernity or interlopers or dissent.
They claim tradition where they have none. 
“Next Year in Jerusalem!” meant (in the longer version): Next year, the tribulation! Our enemies will be destroyed! In 3½ years, we will be revealed as God’s Chosen! We will be transformed into God Beings! We will sit on God’s Throne in Jerusalem! We will rule The World with a rod of iron for a thousand years! 

Tip for Turkey Bacon for COG Members

Help! Where in the World is Dave Albert

Dave Albert and myself were good friends at one time in the past and I have lost track of him.  I would like to find him and talk with him.  The last I knew he lived in Albuquerque, NM.  

Any contact information would be much appreciated.


Friday, October 13, 2017

Growing Up As A Young Girl In The Church of God

Image taken from Truth About Makeup written by Herbert W. Armstrong and published by the Worldwide Church of God. Text reads: Is this what YOU want to look like? Notice the make-up – the redrawn eyebrows – the painted lips and fingernails. WHY does this woman wear make-up? You guessed it! – she was taken into custody as a prostitute for breach of the vice laws in California! Is this the kind of woman you want to portray?

From: The Year I Learned to Love Snow: We harlots and temptresses 

My girlhood was filled with sermon upon sermon admonishing women to submit to their husbands in all things. A wife’s sexual submission to her husband was particularly important. There were sermons about how long after giving birth a wife could reasonably deny her husband sexual pleasure. I heard about which sex acts between husbands and wives were allowable and which were immoral. I learned from the pulpit that a wife could save herself from cystitis by wiping front to back.
I heard sermons from ministers angrily admonishing women in the congregation for the length of their skirts and the way they crossed their legs. Even ministers could not control their sexual thoughts with these kinds of distractions. And how dare women behave this way as God’s Ministers were in the act of preaching The Word of God.
The way women and girls dressed, whether they wore make-up or not, was constantly policed. Make-up was forbidden. Then it was allowed. Then it was forbidden again before it was finally allowed. Ministers called women vain; they called them harlots and whores. Pants were forbidden. Then pants were allowed. Skirts were measured. Jewelry was questioned. Hairstyles were critiqued. If women appeared out of line or “had a bad attitude,” ministers would approach their husbands and tell them to “correct their wives.”
The message was that ministers, husbands, and fathers owned rightful claim over my female body and that any deviation from their wishes, any autonomous expression of my gender, any unsanctioned sexual activity would bring punishment.