Friday, May 4, 2018

Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher May Be Appointed As "Judges" In The Millennium

Just so you never forget how crazy some diehard followers of Armstrongism are:

From a Private Yahoo Group:
This is the most pro-HWA forum on the web. As such, we take seriously our beliefs and follow in his footsteps. This includes interpreting world events in the same way he did. Therefore we have leanings toward men and women such as Theodore Roosevelt, Thatcher, Reagan, Churchill because of their conservative stance. Both Thatcher and Reagan were promoted as good leaders in the Plain Truth and were regarded as possibly 'judges in Israel'.
We are also opposed to the Carters, Clintons and such like who have beliefs and policies dramatically contrary to the Bible. In other words, if one had to measure up the beliefs and policies of them, some were better than others, similar to the Kings of Israel and Judah.
Similarly, we praised the founding fathers of the USA despite their weaknesses and also Abraham Lincoln because of his achievements. Our publications were, as such, very Israelitish in outlook and 'connected' with leaders that were like that. Some say that HWA was pro-Republican Party and anti-Democratic Party. This is not true, however, on the balance, we praised good political decisions and trumpeted against bad ones. Thus, the appearance of Church of God magazines has always been conservative dating back to the 1930s.
A younger generation does not like that and makes all sorts of excuses for us to quit our stance as they are more liberal than most of us. I am shocked by the level of political correctness creeping into the Churches of God.

Adult Sabbath School: The Evolution of Jesus in Early Christianity

The Evolution of Theological Belief in the Gospels, Letters and Subsequent Church History.

...and why there never was "One True Church" or "Faith ONCE delivered" 

Bart D. Ehrman is an American New Testament scholar focusing on textual criticism of the New Testament, the historical Jesus, and the development of early Christianity.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

LCG: Living Education For Young Women To Learn How to Be Submissive Wives

As Jonathan McNair promised last week, here are the reasons young women should drop over $3,000 and spend a year in Charlotte being educated on how to be a Proverbs 31 woman. After all, you will NEVER be allowed to speak in church or say a prayer, so learning to set tables for your future husband or working in the secretarial pool at God's ONLY HQ on earth makes your $3,000 dollar investment all the more valuable!

Please note that due to the incredible size of the Living Education "facility" only 7 women and 7 highly selected young men will be allowed to attend. The cream of the LCG stock, forever to be smirked at by their peers as HQ suck-ups.

Oh, and you will live 4.5 miles away from God's HQ where you will be trained on churchly and womanly things.

"Here’s an example of a question that we’re often asked: “Would the Living Education-Charlotte program be beneficial for young women?” The answer is “yes!” Young women who come to Charlotte for our on-site program will find a safe, welcoming environment to learn and grow. We have room for seven young women and seven young men in our program. This gives ample opportunity to make individual friendships, yet be part of a team of learners. Our young women will take the same classes as the young men, but also have additional training in topics specifically designed to help them fulfill their God-given role as women. The living arrangements for the young ladies are very comfortable, in a safe, quiet neighborhood. The classroom facility is part of the Headquarters office building, with daily interaction with other women and men working in and around our Headquarters. At this point, we are still taking applications for both men and women, and we have room for a few more. For any young woman or young man who wants to lay solid groundwork for a life of service to God, our Living Education-Charlotte program is a good starting point! Just go to to learn more and apply.—Jonathan McNair"