Sunday, April 12, 2020

Modern Day Zerubbabel Speaks New Truth, Utterly Humiliating Bob Thiel!

Another Church of God prophet who is the modern-day Zerubbabel.
He is so accurate that Bob Thiel has been sent whimpering to the backroom
of his pill-pushing naturopath store in Arroyo Grande!


I know!

I skipped the first 5 minutes of this amazing prophetic expose.
For the REAL truth, go back and listen to the first few minutes
and let us know how amazing it is!

Your life will be changed forever!

You will never gain those precious minutes back!

Hi Ho Silver! To the Kingdom and beyond!

Notice how the prophet is acting like a real prophet. He has a prophet's beard and also does not wash his clothing...I can't wait for Bob Thiel to do this!  Then we will know he is a true prophet!

The Work of God or the Work of Humans?

As the years go by and more and more people get disgusted with the corporate Churches of God corrupt leadership, and more and more blogs and web sites seek to be a unifying presence online, regardless of the corporate church one is tied to or may be attending.

The Work of God (The Work)
The corporate church of god organizations claim to be doing the work of God (or the work). Every time there is a request for financial support (tithes, offerings, special funds, etc.), their claims to be doing the work of God (the work) are front and center.
This work of God (the work) is, according to the church of God organizations, preaching the gospel, which costs money (Google ads with the keyword “God” do cost a lot, for instance) and includes brick and mortar overhead (about 80% of finances goes to salaries, expense reimbursements, housing/utility/etc. allowances, and insurance coverage, as well as maintaining, buying, and building new brick and mortar land and buildings).
There are many problems with this particular phrase, but the first is the phrase itself in light of scripture.
It’s incredible hubris, before we even look at scripture, to claim to be doing God’s work. As if God can’t do His own work (once again, the idea of God and His power, as well as Jesus Christ, being limited), and we, mere mortals in temporary, perishing tents, must help Him.
It’s an insult to Almighty God. To add insult to injury, most of what the church of God groups claim is the work of God (the work) is really the work of humans and has very little to do with God.
Now to scripture and what God says His work – that He and Jesus Christ are doing – is. The work of God – through His word, His spirit, and Jesus Christ – and this should always be at the front of our minds, because in the end, when we stand before Jesus Christ, it’s this work only and how much we willingly cooperated with, participated in, yielded, surrendered, and submitted to, and obeyed that will matter for eternity – is what is happening on the inside of each of us that God has called and chosen.
The work of God is the renewing of our minds, the changing of our hearts and spirits, and the development of God’s holy, righteous character. No human can do that. I can’t and you can’t. But God and Jesus Christ can and will. From Churches of God Lexicon Concretized Christianity

Dave Pack Fails Again: What to do when my prophecies fail