Friday, April 2, 2021

Aaron Dean Responds To Comments

The following was sent to Dennis. I am more than happy to post this and also deleted comments directed towards Aaron. There will be NO COMMENTS allowed in response to this post in order to keep it civil. Due to Google's method of posting comments can be done anonymously and cannot be attached to a name unless people want to use their name.

I just finished reading about Kevin on Banned by HWA and saw comments about myself. Your name is listed but do you know who hosts this site as I would like the slanderous comments about me removed. 


I can prove they are false...some factual errors: I never went to camp as a camper or staff, even though I was promised by Dr. Lochner each year for 5 years but because ministers kids came in they took my spot. (one exception, the HWA fly in/fly out to speak and leave, so anything there couldn't happen. 


I wasn't ordained till late 1979 so I couldn't have given a sermon in 1978 for someone to 'remember', or anytime near that since I was with HWA 365 days a year and didn't give sermons till after he died with a couple rare exceptions and they were historical travel I couldn't give the sermon this person talks about. (And never have given any sermon on 'self love'. ) I never said to 'my members' cause I didn't have any members. I also never said I was promiscuous as a youth to anyone. Interesting that one said I wasn't a pedophile, even though they said I was having sex all over because of my position. Of course, my wife traveled with me so my inability to do any of this is provable. None of it has any basis in fact or truth, yet follow up comments show they are believed. I would like these anonymous posts removed, or at least the posters anonymity removed. 


I understand anger and hate, but that does not mean anyone can make up things they wish to believe with created 'facts' that sound reasonable but are absolute falsehoods. It is interesting that Rader, in 1980 when I witnessed against him after I wouldn't accept a 6 figure offer to shut up, did a slander campaign with all his money and getting people to write falsehoods because they owed him (Jack Kessler) could not find a moral charge, yet if what these people state had any basis at all he would, by these posts, have had tons of material to destroy my testimony. Interesting Rader's often stated comment, "throw enough mud, some of it will stick". The only accurate statement is that Kevin was my brother. (We had totally separate jobs and he left the church 35 years ago. I guess I am the Virgin Mary in reverse. I cheated without ever cheating - before or after marriage. 


Sites should be responsible for the posts they allow, and either bear responsibility to remove false statements or give the names so all can see they are not in a position to have facts or have them prove their statements, which of course they can't., and face any legal charges. 


Anyway I would like to put the site on notice about allowing and posting this slander. Aaron


ps. I have had close friends who have known me since my youth and directed me to these comments express their sorrow for what is written when seeing these lies. and the availability of this garbage on social media for my kids and grandkids.

Dave Pack: Stretching Things a Bit, Again...

"Many may be wondering, how can so much be compressed into a single day? Could everything we know about really fit within a single 24-hour period? Mr. Pack (Note: I think he wrote this)  has long battled this problem. The answer came to be no—this must be a long day! First, recall what we have termed “Joshua’s long day,” when “the sun stood still, and the moon stayed [in its place]” (Joshua 10:13), stretching a normal 24-hours."
David C Pack


Doug Winnail Says Some LCG Members Are Guilty Of SPIRITUAL MURDER!


Are LCG members guilty of spiritual murder?

It's Friday in the United States and time for the weekly Sabbath smack-down on things LCG members are doing wrong. 

Apparently, the motives of LCG members are wrong. 

Some are ensnared by Satan's devices. 

Some have doubts. 

Some are causing divisions.

Some rebel against authority.

Some are tuned into Satan's wavelength.

Some have clever thoughts.

Some have clever ideas.

Some have bad attitudes.

Some complain.

Some criticize.

Some question decisions of church leadership.

Some harbor animosity.

Some are resentful.

Some make hurtful comments.

When LCG members do this they are guilty of SPIRITUAL MURDER!

LCG members are being asked to examine themselves to see if they have the mind of Christ in them.

That's pretty hard for them to do since most of the year the inconvenient dude is never discussed.

It is no wonder so many COG members feel so depressed anymore when they are bombarded with such negativity on a weekly basis.

Here they are after Passover when their slates are wiped clean and they have another opportunity to make a new year more joyful and appreciative of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. That thankfulness and joy are already gone since it is time to hammer the members once again for being such failures.

Who needs that inconvenient New Covenant? LCG sure doesn't seem like they need it.

Anyway, always remember to have a "profitable Sabbath", Doug's God expects that.

Satan’s Subtle Devices: The Days of Unleavened Bread provide us with an opportunity to carefully examine the motives in our own heart (1 Corinthians 11:29–32). Are we truly motivated by God’s Spirit or by the attitudes of this world? Unfortunately, after years in the Church, we can still be snared by Satan’s devices (2 Corinthians 2:11; Ephesians 6:11)—even without realizing what is happening. Satan, who is the accuser of the brethren and the source of doubts, divisions, and rebellion against authority, can cleverly beam thoughts, ideas, and attitudes into our minds (Ephesians 2:2), stirring us to criticize, complain, and question decisions, actions, and guidelines of those around us and over us in the Body of Christ. When we remember that Satan tempted Jesus (Matthew 4:1–10) and then stirred Peter to rebuke Christ (Matthew 16:22–23), we should realize that we are not immune to Satan’s devices. Jesus warned that harboring animosity and resentment against others and making hurtful comments is the equivalent of spiritual murder (Matthew 5:21– 22). At this time of year, we need to ask ourselves if we have the mind of Jesus Christ to esteem others better than ourselves (Philippians 2:1–8)? If we spread doubts and division among others, we have been snared by a device of the “accuser of our brethren” (Revelation 12:10). Let’s strive to be real Philadelphia Christians who show love and promote peace among our brothers and sisters in the Church of God. 

Have a profitable Sabbath and Holy Day, 
Douglas S. Winnail

DW quote from an LCG source, comments mine. 

Thursday, April 1, 2021

LCG HQ Hit With COVID Again


From an LCG source:

Here in Charlotte, we have a small outbreak of COVID-19 as three employees have tested positive and have mild symptoms. Others have been exposed and are self-quarantining. We will be working remotely for two weeks for all but a few essential personnel. Also, although we know of no one who has contracted the virus from services, out of an abundance of caution and because we do not know the full extent of who may have been exposed, we will hold services this week online.
This situation highlights the fact that COVID-19 has not yet gone away. It also shows how one person can impact many more. No one can fault someone who does not know he is sick, but once that is known, quarantine is essential. Please brethren, do not fellowship with others when you have symptoms, even if they are mild.—Gerald Weston

The Book of Revelation: Are you tired of all the crap COG false prophets say that is in it?


You will learn more in 24 minutes with these two videos about the book of Revelation than you have ever heard in 80 years in the Church of God. You will soon see why the crap being spewed by Bob Thiel, Gerald Flurry, Dave Pack, Ron Weinland, and others is nothing more than a load of useless bull.