Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Morally Reprehensible Philadelphia Church of God Has The Cure For Post Feast Blues


When Church of God members head home after attending Feast sites, they are usually filled with joy after visiting with friends and family at Feast sites and also filled with dread at having to go back to the doldrums of life waiting for them at home.

Many experience a post Feast let down as they return to tiny little church areas where most members are 60plus years or older. Never fear though, one of the favorite tactics of ministers is to tell members to review their sermon notes from the Feast and make a commitment to put into practice what was heard, something most never do because most ministers in the Church of God do not preach inspiring sermons. For most people hearing sermons at the Feast it is the same canned, prepackaged sermon they have heard for years. Rarely is any minister ever inspired to do preach differently or add a new twist to the same sermon they have preached for decades.

Those wild and crazy folk over at the Philadelphia Church of God have a sure-fire method to combat that post Feast let your notes and read Mystery of the Ages! Woo Hoo! I get all tingly thinking about that!

From Exit and Support Network

October 8, 2021
Since members have returned from the Feast, the ministers are giving the same ol, same ol, sermons/sermonettes they give every year after the Feast; i.e., “review your notes”; “apply what you’ve learned”; “strengthen your resolve”; “hold fast to it”; “think like God”; “look forward to the Spring holy days”; ad nauseum. After reading the notes and comments which were only a taste of what they listened to for 20 hours at the Feast, it’s got to be exhausting to be told what else to do. I feel for the children who had to sit through all those “lectures”–opening night, offering appeals, and GF going on and on and on–unless they were in lockdown at home, and who knows, maybe even then these children were forced to sit and “pay attention.” Instead of members being able to make their own choice to read the Bible through, they must follow what Brad Macdonald has instructed, and that is to read Mystery of the Ages over and over. Since it is the Holy Spirit who opens our minds to understand the Bible, I do not believe for one minute that these so-called “ministers” even have the Holy Spirit, not only because of all the heresies they teach and the twisting of the Word, but because of their abuse and disdain for the members and their alienated families. I won’t even go into how they coerce members to not only give them “large offerings” but to also “leave their estates to them.” I can’t think of anything more morally reprehensible. –L. D.

Saturday, October 9, 2021

COG Prophet Persecuted By Satan Once Again


Latter-day COG prophets are in the crosshairs of Satan who hates everything they do. Never has the church had a prophet that is persecuted as much as the Great Bwana to Africa and his 299 Caucasians. Just check out the intense persecution he had his leaders have been suffering lately.

Puerto Rico, Trials, and Triumphs

On September 26, 2021, Bob, Joyce, and David Thiel flew to Puerto Rico to meet with Spanish-speaking supporters of the Continuing Church of God who were gathered together for the Feast of Tabernacles. The Thiels encountered numerous tests and trials there as well as on their return to San Luis Obispo, California. In this sermon, Dr. Thiel mentions specific trials he and his family encountered on that trip including losses of electrical power, automotive failures, airline problems, and more. He also quotes scriptures from the Apostles, Peter, Paul, and James that Christians should expect trials and have the faith to not rebel like the ancient children of Israel did. Vaccine-complaints are discussed in the light of Jesus’ words in Mark 16:15-18 as well as Revelation 3:7. Dr. Thiel discusses some of the steps being taken and planned to reach more Spanish-speaking people. He also quotes Romans 11:25 and discusses the importance of not just being a witness to the world related to the gospel of the Kingdom of God, but also the necessity of the full number of Gentiles being converted before Jesus returns. He also quotes various leaders once in the old Radio/Worldwide Church of God on this topic. Dr. Thiel discusses that God will offer all salvation in this age or the age to come and that Gentiles being called and converted in this age will help the billions that will come up after the second resurrection. Dr. Thiel quotes the Apostle Paul who wrote, “God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.”

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Is The Post Feast Letdown Depressing You? LCG Has The Answer.


It's that time of year when the post Feast letdown depresses a lot of people. Never fear though, Doug Winnail has the perfect antidote for that. Read LCG literature as you prepare for the Kingdom of God!

Goals for the Coming Year: The book of Proverbs advises, “Ponder the path of your feet, and let all your ways be established. Do not turn to the right or the left; remove your foot from evil” (Proverbs 4:26–27). Returning from the Feast, inspired by sermons and fellowship, is a good time to set goals for the coming year. What changes can you make to improve your physical and spiritual health? How can you improve your relationship with God, your family, and others? How can you use your time more effectively? What can you do to serve others? How can you prepare for the Kingdom of God? We need to think and pray about these important aspects of our life. The Apostle Paul urged Christians to “walk circumspectly” and make the most of the opportunities we have (Ephesians 5:15–16). Peter advised his audience to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18). Consider reviewing the Bible Study Course or reading a booklet each month or taking a Living Education course. Now is a good time to set goals and prepare for the future and the coming Kingdom of God.
Have a profitable Sabbath,

Douglas S. Winnail