Monday, August 1, 2022

Dave Pack: Is he delusional or is he lying?


Holy Day Whoopsie-Daisy


David C. Pack continued his tradition of ruining the Sabbath for everyone at the Headquarters of The Restored Church of God this past weekend. Not only did the local brethren get to enjoy extended inaccurate biblical nonsense, but all the teens whose parents made them go to Ambassador Youth Camp had to rush past their dessert to sit through “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 385).”


@ 00:03 Well, as I often say, “Here we are again.” …it’s crucial and it will leave you with a sense of peace maybe you’ve not had before.


After listening to the whole message, I actually found it to be quite disturbing. And that was because I was trying to understand it. By the end of this, did anyone in the room have any inkling of peace?


I have planned on writing an article titled, “Is David C. Pack A Man Of His Word?” That question is rhetorical if you have any understanding of his long history of sayings and teachings. In recent weeks, I realized that he will tell you everything you need to hear to make a judgment about whether or not he speaks the truth.


The fact that he makes light of, "often…Here we are again,” clues you in on just how self-aware he might be. In Part 384, he ended with, “The series is over.” Did you believe him? I did not. And here we are.


Part 385 was delivered on July 30, 2022, to a captivated captured audience.


@ 03:20 I began to explore immediately after Tuesday, immediately. Actually, that night and then on into the morning, some things that didn’t sit right with me per Elul 15. Where 45 days would end at Elul 15. Well, since that’s now impossible, it may be interesting to know, first of all, before it was impossible, almost immediately after I’d spoken it, things began to hit me...


Things like reality and common sense, no doubt.


@ 03:58 I was led before the fact and the men around me know, I knew it immediately, literally that night, I was challenging some things that don’t sit right about that.


For those still attending RCG: If Mr. Pack goes home and does not believe his own message, why should you? If he cannot even let 24 hours pass without changing what he taught, why would you think he will ever be true about anything he preaches?


Dave mentions he was “led before” the deadline as if that is something to be proud of. It is the “right about something that was wrong” mental game that he plays with himself.


It has never crossed Dave’s mind that when he has new information, he should just sit on it for ONE MORE DAY before spewing it all over the church. So many wrong dates and goofy theories could have been averted if he had just waited one more day. Learning from your mistakes is for suckers.


He has admitted in the past that by the time he gets to the elevator, he already knows something is wrong. If only he had that feeling “hit” him when he came down from the third floor rather than when going back up, he could have saved himself so much embarrassment.


@ 05:04 Well, now you at least know Elul 15 is impossible.


Welcome to everyone else’s side of the table, Dave.


He dropped Elul 15 like a hot potato and returned to Trumpets being the Day of the Lord. A 45-day count from Trumpets gets you back to Av 15, but before you get all excited, this message is about to get more squishy.


Dave revisited the book of Daniel to discover what the words "until" and "to" meant. Reading comprehension has never been his strength. Of course, it was the translators at fault here. If only Dave had a time machine. He could go back and teach those lousy nincompoops exactly how they should have translated the Old Testament. He could also go back to a week ago and slap that Elul 15 gibberish right out of his own head.


While in Revelation 1, Dave dazzled the audience when he revealed, “I know what a trumpet sounds like.” The campers let out an audible gasp. Surely, they were all now grateful they were rushed through the food line so they could hear that revealing of incredible knowledge in person. Perhaps some lamented for all the unfortunate members not at Headquarters who would have to hear such things while sitting at home. Time and chance happens to us all.


You could not have guessed in a million years where he winds up going in this “landmark” (heh heh) message. 


@ 23:21 Why did Israel and the church count 50 to Pentecost, a Holy Day, for 3,500 years?...And we did it possibly in the wrong season toward the wrong Holy Day.


@ 24:35 …but is it possible that we were counting 50…through the wrong weeks toward the wrong Holy Day when we should be counting 50 in the weeks of the fall harvest that God put 'em in the spring for a purpose to hide them?


The answer is no.


@ 24:50 Why did He do that?


God did not do that, Dave. This is all you.


@ 25:03 What did it signal? It had to have a purpose. What purpose?


Out of all Dave's wild speculations, this takes the cake for wild speculations. What he goes on to explain is that the count to Pentecost is a type. God put the 50-day count to Pentecost in the Bible to “hide” that He actually wanted His Church to count 50 days to Trumpets. You know, without telling anyone throughout the entire book.


While it is too late for Brad to slip a copy of Children’s Bible Lessons – Level 1 “The Spring Feasts” into Dave’s briefcase while he was up at the Tammuz Cooking Table, he can still suggest pages 5 through 8 for refresher material before the next message.

Dave may not be good at math, but his Precise Speculation skills are top-notch. He would have proven himself to be very effective on the O.J. Simpson defense team. “If the count doesn’t fit, you must acquit.”


@ 25:24 But is it possible that there are 50 days or 49 days before a different Holy Day? Before Trumpets? We've already found 46 of 'em? Can we find four more? If we could find four more days that somehow are tied to the 46 we already have, then we'd have to count 49 to the 50th day and it would be Trumpets.


Dave spends more time speculating than Topol ever did.


If I were a rich man…Ya ba dibba dibba dibba dibba dibba dibba dum


@ 34:26 And I’m just gonna tell you if it’s not this year, then…we’re gonna wait ‘til about next July 28th and you can shut down your watch. It’s a waste of time because the Kingdom of God is coming on Trumpets.


@ 38:17 Now I can absolutely, absolutely explain where we find four days and that it’s impossible, I believe to get past next Sunday…Lock it! It won’t be any other way even if it were in another year. Impossible.




Dave must really hate when I do this:


Part 367 – May 14, 2022

@ 1:31:20 I am telling God’s people I believe the Kingdom of Israel and eternal life comes tomorrow night.If I’m wrong…I’m wrong by a whole year because I know the day it happens.


Part 375 – June 12, 2022

@ 29:48 …this is the year and everything lines up…let us look toward next Tuesday


Part 379 – June 25, 2022

@ 1:13:19 Because if it doesn’t happen this Wednesday…nothing’s gonna change. The Bible won’t change in a year. This picture won’t change in a year.



But that was then and this is now. Let the past go, brethren. Do not let it confuse you, brethren.


@ 37:46 No matter where we go and what we learn for the balance of the message,…you can just bank August 11th. But if we can find four more days, then you can bank August 7th. We don’t even get to next Sunday if something is found in front of that.


Everyone mark your calendars right now. With a pencil, of course. Do not be foolish.


For 4 ½ minutes, Dave explains that this verse is the key to finding the “four missing days” so he can get to a count of 50 preceding Trumpets.


Luke 12:49

I am come  to send   fire  on   the  earth;  and  what  will  I, if  it be already  kindled? 


I must be the wicked antichrist serpent he thinks me to be because I do not see four days in there.


The Bible does not mention four days. Dave does not go to verses where you can even count out four days. He just reads the verse and opens the filth spigot to spray prophetic sewage all over the church. 


He disregards the basic rules of Bible study. He disregards his own admonitions to be “exact” with the scriptures. He did something every minister warns lay members about. If you go looking for “something,” in the Bible, you will find “something.” Dave went hunting for “missing days” and pulled a Joseph Smith out of Luke 12.


For those that wonder if I am misrepresenting the explanation, click to hear some of the rationales.


Fire on the Earth

Note the key phrases: “…those sound a lot to me like…” “…like maybe…” “…you begin to find an indicator…” “…like maybe in four days…” “If so…”


@ 1:05:47 When Christ comes quickly with crowns as a…Bridegroom to the virgins, “I’m coming quickly. Let no man take your crown. Hold fast which you have,” is said to all the saints because Christ comes quickly. Well, that’s not 45 days. That’d be four days. Quickly…It’s just easy to see now.


This quote is a perfect example of how desperate David C. Pack has become. He is making things up and showing the church that is exactly what he is doing. “Easy to see” and yet it is not there.


He now has more in common with Simon Magus than he does with Herbert W. Armstrong.


Dave completely made up those four days. He twisted the words in Luke to fit his farcical narrative. Right before their eyes.


Imagined. Not real. Not true. Not provable. Not there. Like a magician with a card trick except he did not pull an ace out from behind their ears as Brad would do, but they actually walked away missing their wallets. That is how David C. Pack does his corner magic.


Those “missing four days” only exist in his mind. The next message this week will only stand to prove how “even more wrong” he actually is. Yet, the man is so blind that he cannot see it.



Is Dave delusional or is he lying? I ask myself that question more often these days. My meter is starting to tip the other way.


Reminder: David C. Pack tells you everything you need to hear to make a judgment call if he is true or not. He does not operate in a vacuum. He has a chorale of enablers supporting him.


The Emperor is naked!


Shame on you, Brad Schleifer.

Shame on you, Ed Winkfield.

Shame on you, Dr. Jaco Viljoen.

Shame on the rest of you “ministers” at Headquarters.


Shame on all of the broken hirelings for sitting idly by and letting this blatant perversion go out to the entire church with your bobbleheads left on automatic.


David C. Pack did not PROVE where the four missing days were. He only SAID where the four missing days were. Long gone from RCG is the phrase, “Don’t believe me, believe your Bible.”



As is his custom, Dave cannot take a firm stand on anything anymore.


@ 1:03:34 I wanna prepare you for what could happen before I speak again. I have an idea when this would happen. If it happens. But I also think it’s possible nothing will happen until we start to count 50 when Christ comes and He throws a nuclear weapon or a lot of them onto the planet.


As a non-prophet/non-psychic, I am going to make a public call on this one:


His additional message this week will not get him one inch closer to proving where those “missing four days” are.


Dave is going to walk back this 50-day count business long before Trumpets. Wait for it. He could flip the coin and it lands the other way where the count will shift to before Atonement or the Feast of Tabernacles or the Last Great Day. If he does that, he will owe me another sixty bucks.


All humor aside…


Amen to the Kingdom of God and Jesus Christ coming soon so all this wickedness can come to an end.


Marc Cebrian

See:  Holy Day Whoopsie-Daisy

An Open Letter to David C Pack: Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin...

God has numbered your kingdom, and finished it 


You mentioned in part 385 of your latest delusional theological foolishness that there are people that only want to hear what they want to hear and not what they need to hear. I am writing you for such a time as this when you need to hear what I am sure you don't wish to hear. 

Dave, clearly you need help to break free of this theological delusion you suffer from and pass on to your ministry, middlemen and few members, who, no doubt, quietly and to themselves have figured this reality out as well. They do like the perks, I suspect, of associating with you, but this will prove only to be temporary. Eventually they will abandon you to your delusions and move on with their lives. They will have to.  Should anyone think they are waiting in the wings to take over your church in time, there will be nothing left to take over except the bills. 

First of all, you need to face the fact that your theological training has never reached even minimal standards. You studied the Bible, as did I, under "mere Bible readers". Herbert Armstrong was untrained and undisciplined in his theology as was Joseph Tkach Sr. and the vast majority of the faculty and ministry at Ambassador College.  The results of that, in time, will always be splits, splinters and slivers, of which you are one, a sliver, in such an organization.  You can justify your "little flock" status as being the true church all you want, but your lack of success in drawing people to RCG and your absolute talent for driving them away from it is the reason the flock will always be little and finally disappear. 

Secondly, few if any care what you think has to happen and how it must be for your Christ to return. I used to hear how intelligent you were. Personally, I thought not so much, just clever. But you aren't even clever. You are probably sincerely delusional with religious content and suffering the narcissism that can so often go along with those who have the need to be top dog in their chosen field which usually comes at the expense of everyone whose backs they had to climb over to get there. 

I have known you for over 50 years and it was always obvious you don't work with or for anyone. Others only work for you and your words are the final words on any topic. This how you got to be where you are today and the mess you are in. If you don't understand the mess you are in, I suspect you soon will. Those around you have to see it coming. Or at least I'd like to think they are still capable of independent thought and able to. In your close associates, independent thought has died, or more likely gone underground for now. 

Someday, your mini-AC, that you have built at the incredible expense, hardship and burden placed on your followers will be sold off, perhaps as a drug rehab facility or snapped up by a mega-church that will make you roll over in your grave should that be possible. 

Your talks and sermons are beyond painful to endure. I don't think I have ever, maybe once or twice in the past, but uniquely now, as you might say, heard such a confusing mess and misuse of scripture in my life as you wander around the Bible making it mean what it does not mean, could not mean and never did mean. You are so sadly mistaken in every last bit of it over these past years and will be so until the day you die. 

Your ministry and members will look back and wonder "what was I thinking and why did I put up with all that for so long?"  I promise you, they will.  I make an effort to listen to them, but they all sound the same with just new excuses for why the previous one was wrong and how "We didn't understand, but now I do".  That habit of blaming the group for not getting this or that but then taking the personal credit when YOU finally understand it all is obnoxious and disrespectful to your groupies. It is YOU who didn't get it right again and has NOTHING to do with THEM not doing so. YOU DAVE.... YOU. 

Whenever you announce at the beginning of a talk, "this will be a short message", of course, it isn't. The need to dominate the flow and frequency of information in RCG is strong in this one... you.  Following your reasoning and logic, which I KNOW you think is awesome and well above average, because of your amazing upbringing, is painful and part of your delusional thinking.  There is nothing reasonable or logical about anything you think up with regards to just about anything at this point in your trainwreck of a church. 

Finally, and so much more could be noted and said, I would encourage someone hold you accountable for your mistaken notions about your Christ's Second Coming and your wanderings through the scriptures to reveal your fine mind on all things theological. You said in chat 384 that people hear what they want to hear and not what they need to hear and so here I am for YOU. 

While I have quoted this back to you time and time again over the past 20 years, I don't think a minister ever said something quite as eternally quotable as this. Thank you for the warning and it is time to remind you that all of this you have done and continue to do, minus anyone reminding you of it withing your ranks. 

 "I want to make a statement, if I became deceived, I will never tell you what I'm going to tell you now...I am telling you if I go off into strange ideas, misconduct, rebellion, you name it, don't follow me. I want to tell you that now, because if I start doing that I'm gonna try to get you to follow me! I'm gonna come to you and tell you it doesn't apply, it doesn't mean me, no, no, no, no, no, no, it's OK to follow me because ABCD and XY and ZDo you understand what I'm saying? Listen to me now, when I tell you don't follow me if I go off into weird ideas, or if I get off into other things that are total absolutely unscriptural conduct, because if I do I'm gonna paint it with a different face and try to get you to follow me. Do you understand what I'm saying brethren? Please remember that, because I promise you that if I become deceived, I'll forget it, and I'll want you to forget it...And I hope you'll remember it well enough to quote it right back to me...But I'll tell you what, I'm not going anywhere."
David C Pack
December 12, 1998

The above, at least shows you do understand your own tendencies and potential, which now has been realized, to deceive and drive yourself and others right over the proverbial cliff. 

  You often project on others what you dearly need to apply to yourself. I have heard you do it often though I am sure you are unaware of it. Perhaps you don't know what projection is. You did it so often in your Proof of God series, where Aron Ra called you out on it, that it is not difficult to see that you do it well. You, however, seem obvious to the fact that you note and accuse others of doing what you do and are going to do yourself. 

In conclusion, if you are incapable of holding yourself accountable for your foolish, strange and weird ideas then one would hope someone in your inner circle would before it is really too late. You are almost there now. 

If those on the inside won't then your followers, who know in their souls that every sermon you give these days is delusional poison, should.  Why no one does, I can only suspect that the reason is the temporary perks or the idea that "maybe this time he got it right."  You will never get it right so let's get that out of the way right now.  

To the membership I would say, they have NOTHING to fear. No falling away from the True Church and no loss of your salvation awaits you. No Lake of Fire beckons, and they are not, as you recently called those who have left, snakes and serpents. They are simply observing what is so and bringing to your attention that which many if not most are now recognizing to be you delusions but seem afraid to actually bring to your attention. 

Well, once again, I just have, wish they would and hope you will consider your ways before it is way too late. You are almost there. 

I wish you no ill will Dave, but that you would wake up and humbly admit you are not only not on any right track but that you're on the wrong train to begin with.  It's the only right thing left to do and if you don't see this now, you will look back and have to admit it would have been. 

PS While I know this probably Tekels ur Pharsin, it seems necessary for such a time as this. Please stop giving those painfully delusional sermons and move on to the New Testament if you can and you are going to pretend to know what you are talking about as a Christian pastor. 

It would look and start with something like this...

Sunday, July 31, 2022

COG Scattered Faithful: God Needs More Gods on Earth Before He Can Institute His Government


It is still amazing after all these years that so many in the COG movement are so wrapped up in "proper" church government when each and every one of them has been the most corrupt church environments in decades. Why would anyone want to be in some fantasy kingdom where it is ruled by the gods and goddesses of Armstrongism who are devoid of grace, justice, and mercy?

Christianity has always looked at the kingdom of God as a peaceful kingdom where creation and humanity dwell together in harmony and peace reigns supreme. People do what is right because they experience the blessing of grace and mercy. This vision is not part of the Church of God's millennial kingdom. That kingdom is to be ruled over by little gods and goddesses who were trained under corrupt legalistic empires of COG leaders who are hell-bent on making the lives of the members as miserable as possible in order to "test" them. If they pass that "test" then they "might" be qualified to be a mini-god or goddess in that kingdom where they will get to dish out strict rules and policies to govern people and FORCE them to obey.

Church of God Scattered Faithful's Gary Liebold, has an article up today about that kingdom to come and how today's COGFF members are being trained under "proper" church government on how to be mini-gods and goddesses. Of course, like any good follower of Armstrongism, Herbert Armstrong has to be trotted out, not Jesus, but Herbert.

Dear Brethren,
Tonight, I’ll begin by quoting from Mystery of the Ages, as written by Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong, with the chapter entitled, “Mystery of the Church.” Here are a few excerpts from page 227, under the subheading, “Once Again: Why the Church?

Never lose sight of the setting that led up to the raising up of the Church. Keep in mind WHO and WHAT God is — the divine creating family, now reproducing himself in man.

Bear in mind further: In order for Christ to RESTORE God’s government over the earth, he would need with and under him a qualified and organized personnel of GOD BEINGS all having rejected Satan’s false way and having proved their loyalty to the government and righteous ways of GOD! 
God’s CHURCH was designed in his supreme master plan to prepare that dedicated and organized personnel of GOD BEINGS. The Church, then, became God’s instrumentality for aiding him in bringing about the salvation to humanity.

The gods and goddesses of Armstrongism cannot be agents of bringing salvation to humanity. If you're a Christian, you know that that was accomplished already with Jesus. While that salvation's fullness is yet to reach its full potential, Christians know that salvation is already a fact. That's why when you see the horrible martyrdom of Christians in places like Iraq, India, South Africa, and other regions, while the living mourns them they know for a fact salvation is attained. They believe that so fervently that they hold fast to their beliefs in spite of endless persecution. Unlike today's whiny COG prophets, like Bob Thiel, who complain endlessly about being persecuted.

Liebold continues:

Sadly, multiple thousands of people who were once a part of the Church of God, have lost sight of the BIG picture and what God has promised His people. However, as the Bible shows us, there ARE brethren who REMAIN loyal and faithful (Revelation 3:7-13; 17:14). These dedicated members love the TRUTH of God and will refuse to let that TRUTH fall by the wayside (II John 1:4; III John 1:4). A scripture shown in the book of Malachi, reveals a people called a “special treasure” to God.

Then they that feared the ETERNAL spoke often one to another: and the ETERNAL hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before Him for them that feared the ETERNAL, and that thought upon His name. 
And they shall be mine, says the ETERNAL of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels [special treasure]; and I will spare them, as a man spares his own son that serves him” (Malachi 3:16-17).

Please tell me where in any of the COG's today that TRUTH still reigns supreme? Is it possible to name just one?  The Churches of God today are a quagmire of endless beliefs, doctrines, and interpretations. If they cannot be unified on what they teach and believe how can they be agents of God in some legalistic fantasy kingdom they imagine?

God views these loyal members as “jewels,” or as being a “special treasure.” Matthew 16:27 shows us the following… “For the Son of man shall come in the glory of His Father with His angels; and then He shall reward every man according to his works [deeds].”

I have never understood why Armstrongism only considers "loyal" COG members to be those jewels when two millennia of Christians before Armstrongism is filled with jewels of every imaginable kind regardless of church identity. Jewels do not have to be some member of a COG remnant down through history. No one needs an identifier such as "Church of God" to be included in their identity as a Christian to be a jewel.

Sadly, in Armstrongism, there are far more lumps of coal than there are any shining jewels.

Brethren, there are very serious problems happening in this world, the likes of which I’ve never experienced in my lifetime. Most of us did not live during the GREAT Depression, or World War II. Many hardships existed during that time, as history shows us. We have heard it said, history often repeats itself! Not only is America headed for economic disaster, but nations in Europe also face their own “economic crisis point” (and globally, as well)! 
Brethren, I truly feel we have a responsibility to give to, and serve the scattered faithful of God (if they want us to). I fully believe it is MY responsibility as an elder to get the Church ready, spiritually. I will continue to give my ALL, in doing just that! 

And there we have the responsibility to GIVE money to him for his so-called ministry that NO ONE outside of the COG has ever heard about, and, most people in the COG know nothing about! But give your tithe money to him. He has mighty work to do.  

In closing, I’ll quote Malachi 3:17 once again…

“And they shall be mine, says the ETERNAL of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels [special treasure]; and I will spare them, as a man spares his own son that serves him.” (Malachi 3:16-17). 
Those words make the trials of this life truly worth it! 
Have a good Sabbath, everyone!! 
Your Brother in Christ,
Gary Liebold

Saturday, July 30, 2022

PCG Members Expected To Send In Money To Fund $80,000.00 Jet Rides For Lil'Stevie And The Grandkids


In 2017 the Philadelphia Church of God bought a Gulfstream Jet for the use of Gerald Flurry. It was supposed to be used to visit world leaders like Herbert Armstrong did back in the 1970/1980's. Flurry has never had an original thought in his brain and has to constantly find ways to imitate Herbert Armstrong. The main difference between Flurryand HWA and their jets is that he has never used it to visit world leaders. It is only a private luxury service for himself, Lil'Stevie, the grandkids that are into Irish dance, and certain Edmond HQ elite.

One of the reasons to justify the purchase of the jet was it will allow Flurry to travel in isolation instead of on a commercial aircraft where he would have to sit by unconverted heathens of the world, who might be unwashed, have body order, or carry some disease. God's true servants must be kept untainted from the world!

Gareth Fraser, who at the time wrote this was one of the elitist children of the HQ ministry, says:

"One of the birthright blessings that the descendants of Abraham received from God was the means by which to invent air travel. Wilbur and Orville Wright began the progression to today’s high-tech passenger jet airplanes in 1903 with their four short flights at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. Because of this astounding invention, God’s Work was able to soar to new levels of effectiveness during the 20th century. 
Jesus Himself prophesied, “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come” (Matthew 24:14). In the sixth era of the Church, the gospel was preached through Herbert W. Armstrong, and in order to most effectively preach the gospel to the world, God’s apostle was required to utilize this invention. Though he had to battle and overcome a fear of flying at first, Mr. Armstrong went on to fulfill this divinely-inspired commission through traveling around the world by plane." 
"For the past 28 years, Mr. Flurry has trumpeted the royal vision of God’s “prophesy again” message. He also has walked by foot, driven by car, and flown around the world by aircraft preaching Christ’s gospel. Recently, the pcg acquired a Gulfstream G-450 to aid in fulfilling the commission—just as Mr. Armstrong did. The gospel is once again going around the world, and this time, the completion of the Church’s commission will lead directly to the event that this gospel is centered around: the return of Jesus Christ and the establishment of the Kingdom of God—the government that will finally bring world peace." How the Gospel Was Taken Around the World 

On May 2, 2021, Andrew Locher announced that the PCG had paid off the jet:

“The Gulfstream G450 Jet is now paid off. We own it. God’s church is debt free. We don’t own anything to anybody–except to God. We own everything–Edstone, Edmond, all the equipment, the aircraft, the vehicles. We own God’s revelation, the most valuable gift of all.” More Craziness From PCG's Andrew Locher: "PCG is Debt Free, We Own Everything - Even God's Revelations, The Most Valuable Gift Of All!"

Now that the jet is paid off, the PCG is still expecting members to give to the jet fund. It costs them over $80,000 every time it flies Lil'Stevie back and forth to England and Israel and each time Flurry's grandkids have an Irish Dance completion somewhere in the world.

Exit and Support Network has this up by Andrew Locher from July 22, 2022:

“All over the world, brethren continue to sacrifice at record-setting levels,
“ensuring we have the resources to expand God’s Work.
“The expanded projects in Israel have benefited from this increase. Most recently, the UK-Europe-Africa office sent $54,000 to Israel to promote the excavations, as well as full-time staff and students to excavate and renovate.
“…the Church continues to expand our educational efforts around the world.
“…we have had an increase in both income and expense. Our cost of operation continues to increase now that ministers are able to travel.
“As with family budgets, inflation has resulted in rising costs for the Work …
“We are carefully monitoring the budget,
“but with the excavation and new office in Israel, America Under Attack [booklet], replenishment of literature
“inventory all over the world and other projects, we have much to plan for.“During the upcoming ministerial conference, we will have the 16-year inspection/maintenance performed on the Church’s aircraft.
“If possible, please consider making donations to the aircraft fund (only if you are able)
“to help us prepare for this expensive event.

MinistryWatch had this little tidbit about Flurry's jet:

Regarding the Canadair Challenger CL-600-2B16 jet owned by the Rhema Bible Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma; the Tulsa County appraiser’s office told Trinity Foundation investigators that aircraft are not assessed property taxes in Oklahoma. This would include the Philadelphia Church of God’s Gulfstream G450 in Oklahoma City, which is apparently not assessed property taxes as well. Million Dollar Homes Become Status Symbols of Televangelists and Pastors

Twitter has a feed that focuses on the private jets of ministry leaders, including Gerald Flurry and the PCG:

The Trinity Foundation also monitors Gerald Flurry's jet trips: Calculating the Cost of Ministry-Owned Aircraft Flights

Philadelphia Church of God members are bled dry sending on money to finance the extravagant lifestyles of Gerald, Lil'Stevie, the grandkids, and the PCG elite. None of these people suffer financially as they live in church-owned homes, and have all their repair bills, lawn work, etc paid for by the church. They drive church vehicles and receive huge ministerial allowances that allow for gas and other expenses. They are over in need of anything. Yet, the lower masses of the church are seen only as a cash machine to keep the money flowing in.



Gerald Flurry Follows in HWA's Steps and Buys Gulfstream G450 Jet

Dave Pack and The Tammuz Disaster of 2022

Marc has a new blog entry about Dave Pack's ongoing epic failure rate regarding his Tammuz prophecies.

I keep waiting for Dave to pull a fast one by proclaiming that Tammuz 15 actually happened, but "spiritually". That is the easy out Sabbatarian/Adventis have used for decades. 

Instead of just humbly admitting he was wrong, he doubles down and keeps adding new dates.  Now, as he moves into Av he will set more dates but is looking more to Elul 15. That date, being close to COG Feast of Tabernacles, will be a prime target as date diarrhea hits him big time. 

As the months go by and the years, how long will the members sit there and swallow this crap?

The Tammuz Disaster of 2022. 
That is what those inside The Restored Church of God will refer to what happened between June 30th and July 28th of this year. 
Staff and visitors to Headquarters will now be instructed, “Never mention the word ‘Tammuz’ to Mr. Pack. That gives him a brain boo-boo and his pouty lip will take hours to go away.”

Insanity Is Doing the Same Thing Over and Over Again 
and Expecting Different Results

This quote is often attributed to Albert Einstein, but according to it is from an Alcoholics Anonymous pamphlet printed in 1981. It was altered from the original: “Insanity is repeating the same mistakes and expecting different results.” 
Unlike all those unconverted, sinning drunkards who actually are trying to make positive changes in their lives, David C. Pack keeps repeating his mistakes while showing no signs of slowing down or attempting a different strategy. 
Dave has opted to embrace the start of the month of Av as a range of dates for the “possible” beginning of one of the kingdoms of God. And the 1335 is mixed in there somewhere. 
Only faithless stupid-faces would leave RCG now. When things are so close. Now that the Series is over. And the Mystery of God is fully understood. 
In Part 384, Dave speculated (no utterance from God, mind you) it “could” happen from between Av 1 to Av 5. If he had left it there, then we could have called this, “David C. Pack’s Extended Weekend Failure.” 
But, his self-doubt broke free from the mental shackles and was running rampant.

Check out the complete article here:  David C. Pack’s Prophetic Boo-Boo

The best part of the article is the list of words Dave needs to drop from his vocabulary. My favorites out of the list are these:

• Nothing has changed except
• I was right, but
• It finally became clear
• You have the complete picture