Saturday, July 30, 2022

Dave Pack and The Tammuz Disaster of 2022

Marc has a new blog entry about Dave Pack's ongoing epic failure rate regarding his Tammuz prophecies.

I keep waiting for Dave to pull a fast one by proclaiming that Tammuz 15 actually happened, but "spiritually". That is the easy out Sabbatarian/Adventis have used for decades. 

Instead of just humbly admitting he was wrong, he doubles down and keeps adding new dates.  Now, as he moves into Av he will set more dates but is looking more to Elul 15. That date, being close to COG Feast of Tabernacles, will be a prime target as date diarrhea hits him big time. 

As the months go by and the years, how long will the members sit there and swallow this crap?

The Tammuz Disaster of 2022. 
That is what those inside The Restored Church of God will refer to what happened between June 30th and July 28th of this year. 
Staff and visitors to Headquarters will now be instructed, “Never mention the word ‘Tammuz’ to Mr. Pack. That gives him a brain boo-boo and his pouty lip will take hours to go away.”

Insanity Is Doing the Same Thing Over and Over Again 
and Expecting Different Results

This quote is often attributed to Albert Einstein, but according to it is from an Alcoholics Anonymous pamphlet printed in 1981. It was altered from the original: “Insanity is repeating the same mistakes and expecting different results.” 
Unlike all those unconverted, sinning drunkards who actually are trying to make positive changes in their lives, David C. Pack keeps repeating his mistakes while showing no signs of slowing down or attempting a different strategy. 
Dave has opted to embrace the start of the month of Av as a range of dates for the “possible” beginning of one of the kingdoms of God. And the 1335 is mixed in there somewhere. 
Only faithless stupid-faces would leave RCG now. When things are so close. Now that the Series is over. And the Mystery of God is fully understood. 
In Part 384, Dave speculated (no utterance from God, mind you) it “could” happen from between Av 1 to Av 5. If he had left it there, then we could have called this, “David C. Pack’s Extended Weekend Failure.” 
But, his self-doubt broke free from the mental shackles and was running rampant.

Check out the complete article here:  David C. Pack’s Prophetic Boo-Boo

The best part of the article is the list of words Dave needs to drop from his vocabulary. My favorites out of the list are these:

• Nothing has changed except
• I was right, but
• It finally became clear
• You have the complete picture



Anonymous said...

It was a rigged prophecy. Somehow, Satan stole it!

Anonymous said...

Am I living in the Truman show? I just watched the synopsis of the meaning of that movie and I thought "oh no I'm waiting for my husband to come home on a sailboat after he's breached the firmament", oh well thank you for warning me! we'll see what happens when he gets here. thanks Marc for warning me.

Anonymous said...

Well, so much for all of Davey Poo's ranting about “precision of doctrine.” None of his prophetic nonsense is ever precise enough to be anywhere even close to right.


Which was the greater disaster, all the failed predictions during Tammuz, or the announcement during Tammuz that Elijsh That Prophet had left the building or never was in the building?

If Dave can find Elijah the prophet wherever he is, it would solve all of his prediction failures. Elijah prepares the way for the Lord. No Elijah - no Lord.

Let the hunt for Elijah begin.

Unknown said...

All of this is sad and a heavy weight. There is so much "Church hurt" caused by evil self-centered hypocrite's that Christ Himself has rebuked. Jesus could knock on any of these doors and find He is not welcomed because He does not fit their criteria. Oh God have mercy on us all I want to do is love you with Your love and worship according to Your will not man and give You ALL the Honor and Glory that is rightfully Yours. Please HELP US ALL! Please do not let us be deceived. "The whole world is deceived"!

Anonymous said...

Unknown 4:55 PM


Anonymous said...

That is the wrong use of the success kid meme…

Anonymous said...

Who knew that an advertising executive from the 1920s would pioneer the concept of Jesus as a marketing technique, and ultimately a wealth builder for basically whitened sepulchres?