Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Is God Spanking Australia? LCG Says God Is Doing So.


Where would the Church of God prophets of doom and gloom be without some earthly catastrophe to whip them into a frenzy? Their angry god demands that, so they look far and wide at any news story that best fits their anticipated godly punishment scenarios. The more bad news they can find the more they can scare followers with so that their wallets open up for that "final push".

Living Church of God has its focus on Australia right now with an article in their rag "Tomorrow's World" entitled: Australia's Watery Wake-up Call.

Greg Watt writes:

We have all heard the saying, “God works in mysterious ways.” And we do not need to look very hard for events to which we could ascribe this proverb today. Australia’s recent travails are a prime example.

Since February 2022, this island continent has experienced unprecedented flooding, particularly in eastern regions that are west of the Great Dividing Range, as far as South Australia. Lives have been lost, thousands of houses and commercial properties have been damaged or destroyed, essential infrastructure— electricity, water, and gas—has been interrupted, and sewage systems and treatment plants have flooded. And the rains are forecast to continue for at least one more La Niña cycle over this coming summer.

After going into all the damage from rains, flooding, fires, and loss of life, Watt says this:

We clearly see that God does indeed work in “mysterious” ways—delivering an unprecedented wake-up call to Australians, who, as they begin to rec- ognize that these natural disasters and their effects are extraordinary, are naturally questioning why they are happening and what is driving them. They want answers and they want action. While the vast majority of Australians would never concede that an omnipotent God is directing these weather events,

it is undeniable to virtually everyone that unprece- dented weather disasters are now becoming the new normal—whether prolonged scorching droughts, dev- astating bush fires, or extreme flooding.

The magical god of Armstrongism is always pissed off and the church thrives on it. 

So how can we explain the causes of such events? Regular readers of this magazine know that they are no mystery. Bible students know and understand that there is an omnipotent God who rules from the heights of the heavens and who is fully engaged in directing the events on planet Earth below. King David recognized this fact and said as much when speaking of God’s omnipotence; “You broke open the fountain and the flood; You dried up mighty rivers. The day is Yours, the night also is Yours; You have prepared the light and the sun. You have set all the borders of the earth; You have made summer and winter. Remember this, that the en- emy has reproached, O Lord, and that a foolish people has blasphemed Your name” (Psalm 74:15–18).

Has Australia blasphemed God’s name? Emphatically, yes! Consider the nickname Australians have adopted for their country: the “Lucky Country.” Such a name attributes to blind chance the awesome blessings this country offers them—an unmatched living environment because of extraordinary mineral and agricultural wealth, providing an incredible lifestyle, the envy of most countries. Is this just luck? Only the most hardened atheist or materialist would make
such a claim. God has blessed Australia and its citizens exceedingly, despite widespread lack of gratitude and acknowledgement of Him and His merciful generosity. Despite the blessings God has poured down, despite the incredible period of peace the nation has known— we have only once had to repel an invading force from our shores, in what could best be described as a skirmish—few acknowledge God and His authority. 
This rebellion and contempt toward God must and will have consequences.

Spank'em, God!  Spank'em so we can feel superior!  After all, we keep the law, they don't!!!!

Australia’s Watery Wake-Up Call

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Dave Pack: If What I Say Goes Wrong It Is Either Your Fault, God's Fault Or The Bible's Fault

Miss Translation


Tuesday, January 24 @ 10:05 AM ET


Two down. One more to go.


Wednesday, January 25 @ 10:06 AM ET


That applies to the failed dates for establishing the Kingdom of God this week that David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God declared during “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 416)," given on January 21, 2023.


But it also applies to articles on the mind-numbing spectacle that is Part 416. Okay, no more whining.



Part 416 was a 90-degree turn from the content of Parts 414 and 415.


Elijah was going to rise before February 10. This was teased at the end of Part 414.


Part 414 – January 14, 2023

@ 1:39:40 And you cannot argue with the sheer massive proof I’m gonna lay on you next time that Elijah rises before February 10th.


Never mind that.


The second half of the fantastic 60-point list showing how immovable the 40-day periods before and after February 10 was to be completed in Part 416.


Part 415 – January 17, 2023

@ 31:52 …now we're not waiting 24 days. And you won't have any doubt of that after the first point, and I'm gonna give you probably about 50 or 60, just not all of them today…God, in His mercy, gave us Abib 1 and 40 days in front of it.


Never mind that, too.


According to Dave in Part 416, there is no 40-day period in front of Abib 1. The stone-cold math proved it was actually 55-ish days…kinda. Or somewhere in thereabouts.


Part 416 – January 21, 2023

@ 42:58 …it’s 55 plus X plus 10. Abib 1 iddn’t gonna move. 55 plus X plus 10.


@ 48:18 Because the Kingdom may actually be longer than 45 days. It could be 46-7-8 or 9 days.


Do not get caught up in the exactness of prophetic mathematics. You know how fickle numbers can be.


This means God did NOT give the 40 days. Why would Dave assume that? What else does he think God gave that came from the Spirit of Error instead?


This should blast screaming alarm bells inside the heads of everyone inside The Restored Church of God.




When David C. Pack is forced to admit mistakes, there are usually three main culprits:


We, God, or the Bible.


Those three are also to blame for any shifts in prophetic direction. Dave considers them the termites responsible for eroding his biblical structures that do not pass inspection. When the damage is too severe for fumigation, he is forced to burn the whole thing to the ground and start over.


But he keeps the blueprints because they will be helpful around the same time next year.


That is what is happening with the road leading to Abib 1. This time, the faulty Bible is in the spotlight.


Part 416 – January 21, 2023

@ 16:30 So, let’s go meet our old friend, this unmarried woman, Miss Translation. Let’s go on over to the Book of Habakkuk and look one more time at this thing, “the midst of the years.” We gotta look at it more closely. It’s powerful. What happens here is very, very powerful.


Oh noes! Not the awful translators, again! Those ignorant pork-eating, Sunday-worshipping morons from over six hundred years ago really screwed Dave. Again.


He cannot wait to meet them in the Kingdom so he can sucker punch them shortly after they are resurrected. “Welcome to the afterlife, bitch.”


@ 17:52 What if “revive” does not mean the work has already been here? And this was a driving force in my thinking. What if it was not already here, but rather, the word simply means “make it alive?” Make Your work alive. That’s what it means. Start it! Start your work.


That is NOT what it means. The outcome is always bleak when Dave's nemesis, the dictionary, gets involved.


“Revive” is Strong’s (H2421) chayah. It is not mistranslated. Dave did not try to read the verse with the new word “alive” inserted because he knew it made no sense.


Habakkuk 3:2

O Lord, I have heard thy speech, and was afraid: O Lordalive thy work in the midst of the years, in the midst of the years make known; in wrath remember mercy.


He needed it to mean “start” rather than “alive.” So, he rejects the printed translation, changes it to the base word, but changes the base word again to something that is not an accepted translation.


Revive  Alive  Start = New theory achieved.


Talk about adding to and taking away from the Book without fear.


@ 18:27 Now, that’s a big deal. If it isn’t reviving a work that got stopped for 3 ½ days because there was a Kingdom to Israel first, that changes things. It means you’re starting the work for the first time in this thing called “the midst of the years.”


Man, he was all excited about this. For Dave, the Bible must be like the Marauder’s Map in Harry Potter. Text on the pages appears, disappears, and moves upon command.



@ 18:46 Now, that’s not the biggest thing I’m gonna tell you, but it’s another big point that suggests somewhere between this thing called “the midst of the years” (the Roman one behind us and Abib 1), somewhere in there it starts again for the first time.


Dave just created a biblical paradox. I want to see anything in the physical or imaginary world start “again for the first time.” It either starts for the first time. Or it starts again. It cannot be both.


@ 19:13 It supports one Kingdom again, but. But, I explained (and I’m quite certain of this) midst (of course) means (says it twice) sort of generally among the years.


The biblical accordion expands and contracts. As pointed out recently, the meanings of words change to fit the mood of the day. The definition of "midst" varies when Dave needs it to. Like he just did with “revive.”


@ 19:48 Among there (that’s all it means). Inside that. Within it (that’s all it means). Start your work. That’s a pretty broad range.


As a reminder, he explains how vital it is for "revive" to mean "start" so his current theory can work. He changed it to "start" right in front of everyone because he needed it to mean what it did not. Stretching the definition to “live or alive” was not far enough, so facts be damned.


These might seem like tiny points, but these dots lead to another and another that compose a complete picture of what and who David C. Pack is.


David C. Pack is not a man of his word. He is not Elijah-elect. He is not an apostle. Every little dot supports that conclusion. Do not ignore them.



We can all look forward to a pure language someday. My friend Peter researched the matter. Some scholars theorize a “pure language” means that every word would have only one definition. That would erase any misunderstanding in communication, whether spoken or written.


The Greek and Hebrew languages have multiple meanings, allowing Prophecy Know-It-Alls to create their own private interpretations of what God says.


I think God designed it that way so people could sort out the true ministers of righteousness from the frauds. God handed a noose to those toiling at “figuring out timing” so they could hang themselves.


This is the minefield in which we live. The Greek and Hebrew languages. Strong’s Concordance. Commentaries. Dozens of Bible versions.


A true prophet of God tasked with leading His people would reveal information that does not change. It would not shift. It would not morph. The understanding would be clear and exact. The “present truth” would not twist or wander. The sequence and timing of events would be precise and immobile.


David C. Pack is NOT that man.


His theories are frantic sandcastles built just before the tides come in. He spends weeks constructing bulwarks, towers, and a moat. But soon, it is no more than a smooth lump on the beach as if it was never there. 2022 illustrated that perfectly.



@ 34:23 Because Abib 1 is not gonna move. It’s Mount Everest, or it’s El Capitan, or it's K2 if you know mountains. I mean, it's just sheer. It's stark. And it's fixed. It can't float away on us. 


It seems to be a little soon to be recycling an analogy that recently failed.


Part 409 – December 10, 2022

@ 18:38 The only way we go further if Christmas and all the proofs were a ruse by God to throw us off…Then, there is no Mount Everest. We just built one, and it's a mirage.


Derp derp.


Part 416 – January 21, 2023

@ 34:36 I thought Christmas was that day or New Year’s. No. No. Abib 1 is our prophetic anchor of the soul.


Heavy artillery fire is booming inside Dave’s head. The war against himself rages on right there at the lectern in front of the whole church. He says how solid the date is, but in the next breath, admits he thought that before. He does not know how to sell his own credibility.


Add that to his growing list of deficiencies.


Piss-poor reading comprehension? Check.

Piss-poor verbal communication? Check.

Piss-poor mathematical integrity? Check.

Piss-poor overall credibility? Check.


The prophetic anchor must have fallen out of the sky and landed on his head. As did the many other anvils he has explained over the years. Blunt-force head trauma would go a long way in explaining “The Greatest Unending Story!” Series.



What Bible study would be complete without Dave taking a little swipe at the brethren?


@ 51:10 …if you’re not interested enough to go home and look at your calendar and start playing with this and trying to see it and doing your counting, then probably you shouldn’t worry too much. You may just enjoy the months that follow in a very different way. If I can say it facetiously.


He tells the members of RCG that if they do not buy his malarkey, they can look forward to going into Tribulation and be cast out of the Kingdom of God. Way to win over the hearts and minds, bro.


And yet, they stay. Why do you stay, people in The Restored Church of God?


You see how he manipulates words to perpetuate his propaganda. Do not let the man give you feeble excuses about mistranslations that you know are false. Do something.


If you are “waiting for Mr. Pack to figure out timing,” then you cannot believe God is revealing this to him. You are leaving it for a man to fumble onto prophetic truth. The Bible does not teach that.


David C. Pack is being moved by the Spirit of Error, and his god is a cruel trickster. History has already proven this. You either follow the true God or Dave’s god. Giving percentages is dangerous.


If you believe God is guiding David C. Pack and RCG, you MUST stay.


If you believe God is NOT guiding David C. Pack and RCG, you MUST leave.

Marc Cebrian

See: Miss Translation

Updated: LCG: Why are you jostling for postions and seeking to be noticed? None of us in the ministry ever did this!


Shame on LCG members for jostling for positions and seeking to be noticed. Shame on you! You dare to do this when NONE of the ministry and leadership have EVER done this! Shame on you!

As usual, in LCGland, it is the members getting called out for this instead of the leadership. Church members are weak and immature and are prone to do this while church leadership and the ministry are enlightened and incapable of ever doing this.

UPDATE: As many have noticed...this is a perfect description of Bob Thiel and his activities that led to his hissyfit in leaving the Living Church of God to form his own church. Bob demanded that he be acknowledged and acclaimed as a prophet of the church. Rod Meredith refused and the rest is history. There is not a humble bone in Bob's body. It is always about him. LCG members realized that early on and that's why he irritated so many of them and why none of them left to join him when he apostatized. Even the Apartians understood the self-centeredness of Bob, particularly Mrs. Apartian.

What Really Motivates You? In today’s world, many are motivated by a personal quest for position, power, prestige, pleasure—or a paycheck. However, the failure to be acknowledged or acclaimed can be hard to deal with. At times, this can spill over into the Church and local congregations when individuals jostle for positions and seek to be noticed. Yet, Jesus rebuked religious leaders in His day for seeking prominent positions and public recognition (Matthew 23:1–12). In place of self- seeking motives, Jesus emphasized the importance of genuine humble service: “whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant” (Matthew 20:26). The Apostles Paul and Peter urged Christians to avoid self-seeking motives and focus instead on looking for ways to serve other people (1 Timothy 6:3–5; 1 Peter 5:1–4). As we eliminate selfish motives and develop the genuine humility to serve others that Jesus exhibited, God can use us more effectively as instruments in His hands (Philippians 2:3–12).
Have a profitable Sabbath, Douglas S. Winnail