Saturday, March 16, 2024

Dave Pack and His Dismal Swamp

Dismal Swamp


David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God prides himself on creating colorful analogies and “catchy” phrases to “help” the brethren understand his latest prophetic monstrosities. He strains through repetition, hoping his audience will accept and incorporate those ideas into The Restored Church of God's biblical nomenclature.


As a disruptor, he pulls prophetic wire from a wall to jolt the brethren with his Golden Document super-metric, which proves the stone-cold math of the Trumpets Solar System as part of the trial and error process for cascade learning that is really just telling, not foretelling about the Mount Everest Firewall which happens to be the hill he will die on. Or you can call Jesus a liar because this is taking too long, and you do not appreciate his rushing to call it out to end the Mystery of God that nobody else ever saw.


With the lamest of labels, “a David-Solomon-Jedidiah moment,” “the Tough Kingdom,” and “a Tale of Four Pictures,” I wonder how many of these one-off ideas came from his two ghostwriters bleeding their lives away in the Third Floor Executive Imaginarium. Whether or not Coffee Kid and Pepper Boy came up with the idea, Dave will adopt them as his own.


His inner child narcissist longs to imprint the specialness of his teaching skills and dazzle the brethren with his well-thought, creative, and clever metaphors.


The problem is David C. Pack is not clever.



quick to understand, learn, and devise or apply ideas; intelligent; skilled at doing or achieving something; talented; showing skill; ingenious; sensible; well-advised


Putting aside the other problems of being a hypocritical blaspheming liar perpetuating antichrist theology, David C. Pack has the most astonishingly piss-poor reading comprehension skills of anyone I have ever known.


The root cause lies in his failure to understand basic English, making him the Vizzini of the Churches of God. That is not so inconceivable.


“The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 495 and 496)” on March 2, 2024, and Part 497 on March 9 provided plenty of content for brethren to skip.


The Kingdom Plan changed from 7-100-1000 to 7-1000

April 8 at 12:03 PM ET holds

Dave still has no idea there is a total eclipse


Be sure to write any notes in pencil. Lightly.



After convincing the brethren that God's Plan was absolutely 7-100-1000 a week earlier, Dave opened by soft-prepping his worshippers for more exciting, better adjustments.


Part 495 – March 2, 2024

@ 00:33 Other huge things have remained hidden. Not just the seven years. Today, sets them up. Again, only one subject which will be cleared up, but it serves also as a set-up for the other one. First, the seven years must start and end on Abib 1 [April 8, 2024]. That goes without saying now. You already know many proofs. We have only about 36-plus days. 


There are always huge things that are hidden until AFTER he teaches them. Dave's god has an awful sense of timing when it comes to revealed knowledge. Those two cannot seem to coordinate getting all the information accurate before ruining everyone’s Sabbath.


@ 01:23 The dismal swamp is (we'll say) is clearing up. I use that now all the time and everybody just, “Boy, you’re not kidding.” It has been a dismal swamp. It’s something that Mr. Armstrong was never allowed to sort through.




While explaining the complexities of understanding Bible prophecy, David C. Pack refers to the process as “a dismal swamp.” Those who are fluent in Packinese can measure how proud he is of his metaphor by the frequency with which he repeats it. The dismal swamp is mentioned throughout Parts 495, 496, and 497.


“I do not think it means what you think it means.”

Inigo Montoya


Someone needs to buy David C. Pack a dictionary for Christmas. His parents should have provided him with books to read while he spent all that time sitting in the bathroom, learning to doodie in the toilet and not in his pants.



causing a mood of gloom or depression; depressing; dreary; gloomy; pitifully or disgracefully bad

Dave is never clear on what precisely the dismal swamp is. Is the hidden nature of God’s Word a dismal swamp? Is the process of receiving divine knowledge a dismal swamp? Is understanding Bible prophecy a dismal swamp? Dunno.


A self-proclaimed apostle, Elijah the Prophet, who is That Prophet, the Seventh Angel of Revelation, the Righteous from the East, the Branch, and Joshua the High Priest, calls the process of understanding prophecy a dismal swamp. Just as you would want from your end-time “Christian minister.”


@ 25:55 Now, tell me how the sheep, who are the nations, did not inherit the kingdom of [chuckles] inherited the Kingdom of God while they remained flesh. That’s a problem. But it’s a problem you never get to if you don’t understand the seven years. God kept that swamp dismal because it was never to be understood until the Mystery of God cleared up and things were made plain. Now, that’s plain.


According to David C. Pack, God kept His mystery depressing, gloomy, dreary, pitiful, and disgracefully bad. You must either accept he meant it that way, or he has an embarrassingly inept English vocabulary.


@ 33:07 …or nondescript “they” say “Peace and safety.” Then, sudden destruction. They're destroyed. Comes on them as travail on a woman with child, and they shall not escape. But, you can think, “Well, maybe they’re coming back for the next Kingdom” because of things we’ve understood that the dismal swamp clears up. But that’s powerful.


His choice of "dismal" was intentional and should concern the brethren of The Restored Church of God.



After the Sabbath meal, Dave had time to reflect on his word choice and adjust accordingly.


Part 496 – March 2, 2024

@ 33:15 The Bible is the story of this giant kingdom followed by an eternal Kingdom of God. Increase of no end. But nobody saw the one that kicks off all the others. And that’s why Christ said, “If you don’t get this kingdom, how are you gonna understand anything?” to the disciples. And we didn’t. It was a dismal swamp. Not anymore. But it was.


According to the mouth of David C. Pack, what Jesus Christ said to the disciples about the Kingdom of God was part of the gloomy and depressing quality of God’s understanding.


Due to the Campus-sparing budget cuts, none of the weak enablers at Headquarters can afford a thesaurus to leave on Dave’s table at the back of the Main Hall. Strategically placing a Post-it note on the page “dismal” is found would ensure an “unemployed” status before the end of the hour.


Shiny Yes-Man Edward Winkfield must keep a strip of thick leather in his briefcase to bite down on whenever Dave uses that word while he pretends it does not stab him in the gut. Even this former critical thinker knows what the word dismal means. But he dares not to utter a peep to Dave.


@ 33:46 They never saw the Kingdom to Israel. This because God wasn’t ready to reveal the solution in Mr. Armstrong’s time to the dismal swamp. I love the name.


I gladly fill the gap left vacant by the cowardly hirelings at Headquarters by providing alternatives for Dave to continue to love his “dismal swamp” theology.


“dismal” synonyms provided by

cheerless, sad, melancholy, dark, miserable, disconsolate, mournful, bleak, doleful, grim, unhappy, lugubrious, sorrowful, desolate, somber, dejected, murky, and dispirited


There are dozens more. Does anything still cling to the idea that David C. Pack is clever or even literate?


David C. Pack LOVES referring to Bible prophecy, God’s Word, the nature of the truth, the Mystery of God, understanding of the Kingdom of God, and by association, the Gospel as a cheerless, sad, melancholy, dark, miserable, disconsolate, mournful, bleak, doleful, grim, unhappy, lugubrious, sorrowful, desolate, somber, dejected, murky, and dispirited swamp.


“I do not think it means what you think it means.”

Inigo Montoya



One week later, he continued milking the dismal swamp analogy, screaming to all the brethren of The Restored Church of God how ignorant and uninformed he really is. David C. Pack misuses basic English words and is still unaware that there will be a total solar eclipse in Wadsworth on the new moon of April 8, while it is Abib 1 in Jerusalem.


Part 497 – March 9, 2024

@ 16:11 And God help all of us to see it, and God help me to teach it to you correctly in a clear and concise way so that all the mystery of Daniel and Revelation, which ties all the theologians and all the prophets and prophecy experts in knots and [chuckles] and they [laughs] it helps them make the dismal swamp a lot more dismal and a lot bigger swamp. So, we’re gonna clear all of it out.


David C. Pack’s job is to clear up his god’s miserable, dark, and depressing doctrines. The All-Believing Zealots must be in awe of such revelations.


@ 54:00 My job is to make the seven years plain. The Day of the Lord follows it. It was a dismal swamp. But I think we'd all agree it's clearing up. Whether you call it seven years, seven times, 84 months split into 42 and 42, or whether you call it 1,260 days and 1,260 days, or you call it 2,520 days, it’s the same… And it’s impossible to argue with it now. It’s impossible.


@ 1:03:09 I’m trying to repeat it as many times. You get this in your head. We’ve got this right. Nobody doubts this [Table Glass 1000]. It’s the dismal swamp that we hafta clear up.


“I do not think it means what you think it means.”

Inigo Montoya



God has a sense of humor and is a fan of irony.


David C. Pack preaches dismal swamp doctrines from a whited sepulcher dismal swamp in Wadsworth, Ohio. The Greatest Unending Series is a depressing and futile eight-year exercise of bleak confusion and doleful ideas taught by a dark man surrounded by dejected people.


The Pastor General loves the name "dismal swamp," and rightly so. Exposing his mental genitals of ignorance, David C. Pack credits God with keeping the dismal swamp secrets locked away until it was time for him to reveal them for the brethren.


Nothing has been unlocked. David C. Pack is a false teacher, false apostle, and false prophet. He cannot and will not ever get prophetic timing correct. If you cannot trust him to understand the definition of a simple English word, how can anyone expect him to be a trusted steward with the truths of God?



causing a mood of gloom or depression; depressing; dreary; gloomy; pitifully or disgracefully bad; cheerless, sad, melancholy, dark, miserable, disconsolate, mournful, bleak, doleful, grim, unhappy, lugubrious, sorrowful, desolate, somber, dejected, murky, and dispirited


The mind of David C. Pack is a dismal swamp.


The Restored Church of Another god operates in a dismal swamp.


The brethren are supporting the dismal swamp.


Dismal is a perfect description. But I do not love that.

Marc Cebrian


Apostle David C Passover: "If I ever....and I hope you'll remember it well enough to quote it right back to me..."


OK...can do. 

Marc Cebrian's remarkable compilation of The Beautiful Mind of David C "Passover" as told by the Beautiful Mind of David C "Passover" itself.

(P262 23:46)

  “This is critical. Don’t just see it as him or or ‘Mr. Pack’s talking about himself.’

Uh, I’m not.” (Psalm 89:22)

Yes you are....

“Nobody else understands any of this...” “You probably never noticed this...” “I broke a code...”

“I’ve lived in Ohio probably more than most off you.” “I taught what I think the Bible says.”

“I’m seeing things in the scripture no one has ever seen, I’m quite certain of that.”

“I discovered some powerful information.” “I can picture it. You can’t.”

“I can now tell you what none else know.” “No one’s ever been able to explain that.”

“Nobody’s ever put these verses together either.”

(P002 81:39) “One called Elijah is also called, by God for reasons I have wrestled with for a long

time, Joshua the High Priest. Wow Father, I guess I’m the High Priest because I’m the leader

of a royal priesthood. I don’t the Jews aren’t gonna accept me as a High Priest. But, if they

understand symbolically that role, they know somebody’s Joshua. They will and if they

believe I’m Elijah and I explain, ‘but I’m also this person,’ try to imagine this temple’s gonna

be built...”

(P003 48:40) “I’ve been studying God’s word for almost 50 years. And I’ve studied prophecy, I know

this, like no man who’s ever lived. And I’m gonna tell you things over the next several weeks

that are so awesome, so mind-bending, even before today.”

(P015 133:16 “I’m telling you, brethren, I understand this. I’m equipped. I am trained to understand.

I know what war is, I’ve studied it all my life.”

(P163 39:50) “I’ve studied prophecy, I am sure, by far, more than anybody who ever lived.”

(P172 82:40) “I’m not the Apostle Paul, but I am one and I understand what he’s thinking. I’m sure

I’ve pastored more people than he did. He probably traveled more in many ways. Maybe

raised up more congregations, although I raised up almost fifty, but I don’t know...”

(P173 48:50) “This is a profound understanding and nobody ever put it together and it was my task

to do that and begin to explain it to the church. I’m going to tell you, I think there probably

are still a few flaws in what I’ve said, but very few.”

(P178 21:37) “What we learned on Thursday night, nobody on earth knows! Nobody knows it. My

whole life I’ve dug into these things. I know prophecy better than any man alive. I’ve said it

before, if you think I’m arrogant saying it, as I like to say, ‘Then, pray for me.’ But I’m gonna

tell you I’ve dug and dug and dug like nobody I ever knew...and now a thousand wise men

could not convince me I’m wrong.”

(P180 77:17) “These are mysteries. Nobody understood any of this. I didn’t and took me a while to

put it together. I mean, I feel like I could write a new King James Bible better, with the Greek

and Hebrew. They were fine, I’m not I’m not trying to brag, but I’ve had to. That’s where I got

up to and I do estimate it’s about 9000 hours of study on this.”

(P193 104:44) “My responsibility before God is to prepare the Church regarding the mysteries of

God for what happens.”

(P194 108:09) “Look, maybe there’re people who know New Testament Church history better than I,

but I but I I’ll bet there aren’t three in the last two thousand years, partly because I live at the

end of it and I’ve studied it and written long books on it and studied it...”

(P195 59:13) “Probably not one of you has ever thought, I hadn’t. I’m not condemning you in any

way. Not one of us has ever thought a single time maybe we have, maybe one person or

three people once have thought about the fact that, ‘I wonder if Trumpets will play a part in

all of this.’”

(P196 76:51) “I pulled out a pencil and I started writing with a yellow pad and I didn’t stop until I had

seventy-five questions and I had zero when I started and never cracked the Bible ‘cause I I

I’ve come to the point where as I’ve explained, I’m encyclopedic on the Bible, I can just study

it in my mind, I can call up these verses and I just then I just said, ‘I’m not gonna stop.’ Then I

took a pause and by nightfall I was over a hundred and eventually over a hundred and ten.”

(P197 11:15) “It just never happened. I’ve studied Church history like no one I’ve ever known,

maybe there’re some who know it better than I do, but I wrote a lot about it, I’ve talked about

it, and I’ve I’ve harkened to this point.”

(P197 128:59) “This is an inquisition. That’s what’s coming. Nobody else will say it. I will ‘cause I

know I’m right.”

(P198 50:19) “These are absolute mysteries of the Kingdom of God, by the way, that nobody ever


(P198 120:21) “And you can throw me into Revelation, and I went through this with the ministers,

you can throw me into the book of Revelation, spin me around three times, blindfold me, then

I go to bed, get up, don’t have coffee, and you point at a person place in Revelation, I’ll tell

you what it means.”

(P200 152:59) “But, I’m pretty sure I can walk you through every verse that’s on your mind and

clear them up the way we can clear this one up at the end of the Bible.”

(P202 109:52) “I know literally, literally everything that happens from the time Christ drops outta

that cloud ’til this things rolls into the box. I’ve got the whole picture ’til there’s no more

earth. So, I know what God is gonna do and you know what God’s gonna do.”

(P203 132:09) “Mark 13:34 commands a Watchman to watch. I didn’t hafta hear God’s voice to

know that I am commanded to do that. I know who that guy is.”

(P204 146:06) “So, what I’m teaching you is the doctrine of God from Christ and that’s my my task.”

(P214 08:20) “I broke a code and in breaking this code, I discovered something else that is really

wonderful. And I don’t think anybody knew it and I gonna prove to you even the translators

didn’t know what they were seeing and, therefore, rendered it a a a little different way.”

[John 5:24]

(P219 87:24) “I don't care the prophet you wanna name, brethren, I understand these things and

I didn't for a long time and neither did anybody else because I was shown them. You're

gonna send a messenger, it takes a long time, you know.”

(P219 103:20) “I know more about Christmas than anybody who’s ever lived. Period.”

(P220 54:22) “I I maybe there’s somebody who knows more about [Christmas] than I do,

but I doubt it.”

(P224 137:03) “I’m gonna tell you some fascinating things no one has ever understood

and I am sure of it!”

(P227 138:36) “I’ve seen more people fall away, I’m sure, than any apostle who’s ever lived,

by far the first century couldn’t couldn’t begin to match what I saw.”

(P228 30:25) “Took a long time, but uh but I’m thrilled, honored really to tell the very first people

who have ever lived and it’ll be today, you’ll be the first group since the Garden who have

ever had a full picture all the way through the thousand years of how and the stages of the

arrival of God’s renovation of earth in three phases.”

(P228 64:52) “You know, brethren, it’s a wonderful thing now. God I I’m so familiar with the

scriptures in a way, I I always thought I was. My Bible’s collapsing up here again as I’m as

I’m talking to you, I’ve studied it so much. But now I can do a one-hour study because I’ve

done these or an hour and a half study and and prepare an entire prepare an entire sermon

or two hours and never reach for my Bible. I I just can do it. I’m sure it’s a gift of God, too.

I’m not Mr. Wonderful, but I’ve got a memory and I just know the book and God guides me

and helps me. So, I can now go I can explode through subjects very fast now.”

(P229 95:17) “Boy, I just didn’t understand this. [Luke 14:17] Nobody ever has. You are the first

people, in this room. I’ll say it again, the first people ever to understand all of these events

correctly with Revelation as a backdrop. I think the disciples understood quite a bit of it,

maybe much of it. In some in some areas, all of it. But the things they didn’t put together.”

(P231 60:31) “But again, what I’d give to have a Bible study with Mr. Armstrong or the other

apostles, but I kind of it’s me, myself and I and I talk to certain of our good, really we good

ministers around, but they don’t have that that senior experience. Uh it’s not like talking to

a let’s say, eleven other apostles and so sometimes I’d I I could wish I could bounce

questions off of him. Uh I was spoiled when I got to do it, marveled that others didn’t seem

to be that interested.”

(P231 72:04) “...if we only knew that Christ came on the Sabbath, I can tell you which one it is.”

(P231 83:03) “Nobody ever understood what I just told you.”

(P233 39:21) “I’m gonna to reveal a great prophecy is ending. A great prophecy no one ever saw

in the Bible is ending right now, and you know nothing of it, and the church didn’t, and

every historian and theologian who’s ever lived never knew anything about it.”

(P237 84:24) “This stuff’s called the Mystery of God. Nobody ever put this together.”

(P239 46:22) “It looks like it probably is Elijah, but you know, it doesn’t look like it’s a description of

Christ. I’ve gone back and forth, doesn’t make any difference. But, if it’s the little kingdom,

then it almost has to be Elijah because Christ said, ‘I’m gonna stay in the background. I’m

not gonna sit on the throne of My glory yet. You’re gonna restore all things.’ So, you know

all the verses that say it’s almost certainly Elijah.

(P248 02:14) “I’m I’m, you know, I know the subject of Passover thoroughly. You know, remember,

my name is David Passover, and then so I guess my wife would be her name is Vernia, that

means Spring. Her name is Spring Passover. So, if you got the name Passover, and I learned

that as a freshman in college, then, you know, I I know what Passover means.”

(P253 35:27) “‘One shepherd over them. He shall feed them, even my servant David.’ Now look,

I’m sorry, but I have to read that. If there’s some other David, then then God bless him, you

know, because some David is gonna do this day one.”

(P254 Edited Out 06:26) “Now, I still believe that Christ is returning today. If you think I shouldn’t

know the day, then uh and if I’m wrong, then we’re waiting a year. I know way more than I

have time to talk about. And I know some of you sit out there and you’re smug because you

think I shouldn’t know the day...So I I mean I I understand the Scriptures, but if I suggest

maybe we’d know a little bit in advance, like maybe I am an apostle and maybe God would

reveal the truth through me, ‘Oh no!’ you know, you see these smug faces or sullen faces.

I see them. I’m well-aware. When you’ve talked to as many hundreds of thousands of people

from the pulpit, as I have, hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of thousands. If you

pastored 11,000 and gave 10 servants sermons, that’s 110,000. So I‘ve seen lots and lots of

faces in crowds. I know how to read people. People don’t hide their their their views very

very well.”

(P254 28:29) “Now, these things are complicated, but it shows you how they and nobody else ever

even investigated any of this. No one ever talked about the mountain city that would exist in

the Millennium, but when it doesn’t, by the way. No one ever noticed the hill city.”

(P255 21:20) “You hafta get into the Last Days before you’ll be able to see it. But that’s obviously

talking to {me} God’s servant because it’s {my} his job to explain it.”

(P256 04:09) “But I actually think, at this point, I I don’t know if I’m stump-able. In terms of

a [Bible] question.”

(P256 80:35) “Nobody ever put these verses together to my knowledge.”

(P256 87:26) “No one ever understood any of this. And I wouldn’t either. If I wuddn't shown it. But

God says He will not do anything, whatever secret He has, He will not do it until He ‘show it

to His servant, the prophets.’ They see it first.”

(P257 107:34) “And now you understand what no one understands. They just don’t. And that’s why

it dudn’t make any difference how long we wait, brethren. I don’t care. I couldn’t care less.

I mean, of course I care. I want it to be, you know, in the next minute, but I I I I don’t care if

it’s another year. I understand the picture. I won’t have to come and clarify this. And I’m not

gonna say if time went on, I wouldn’t give more sermons, but I wouldn’t uh on prophecy...”

(P258 97:04) “Brethren, you’re in the right Church! I’m just telling you, nobody else knows these

great mysteries.”

(P258 125:19) “Not one person ever a single time that I ever heard even in private conversations

said, ‘you can’t know the day or the hour.’ I’m the one who first taught the Church that...”

(P258 126:56) “I know the hour when Christ comes to Elijah, and if you’ve been paying attention,

you do, too.”

(P258 127:30) “And maybe Elijah would need to know that and maybe, just maybe, Elijah knows

the day. Maybe he doesn’t. If I see him, I’ll ask him.”

(P258 128:01) “And I’m the first servant I’ve ever heard that ever even talked about that, never mind

distinguished there’s one in front of it where you can at least know the hour, maybe not the

day but maybe the day. Maybe the day.” [Mark 13:32

(P259 84:33) “I’m gonna give you a great truth today about the day that Christ arrives.”

(P260 143:54) “Then this knowledge fell on me like an anvil outta the sky.”

(P260 145:44) “Now again, if you wanna set these things aside and say, ‘I just don’t know.’

Well, here’s what I would say to you, here’s what I would say, ‘I I I don’t know Mr. Pack.

If you’re not sure that salvation is eminent,’ my honestly answer to you is, ‘Well, I wouldn’t

worry about it, ‘cause for you it isn’t.’”

(P262 23:46) “This is critical. Don’t just see it as him or or ‘Mr. Pack’s talking about himself.’

Uh, I’m not.” [Psalm 89:22

(P262 41:25) “Nobody ever knew how to apply these things and I didn’t either. Took a long time,

but I’ve got it now.”

(P262 81:09) “They know nothing of what you’ve heard for the last 530, you know, what is it,

532 hours, I think we’re up to. I’ve preached up here in this series for 32,000 minutes. Almost

five years. And each sermon, those two hundred and what, sixty-two parts? It’s two hours

and two minutes, there’s a lot of twos in there. So, the exact, say 532 hours when I end today.

So, uh that’s an astonishing amount of knowledge, but you have to remember, they don’t

know anything.”

(P262 85:08) “Look, if I’m the Messenger to the Seventh Era, unless I’m deceived for the last,

you know, half of my adult life, uh then I know the condition over there. I’ve pastored more

people far far far and away than any man who’s ever lived and I know that, and I haven’t

pastored much in the last 15 years, since the early years of Global. And they’re in a hideous

mess and a lot of and they’re gonna prove it. You won’t have to believe me.”

(P262 118:38) “No other prophet is ever called a messenger in the same way. Elijah is called a


(P263 55:28) “Hopefully I’m a good man. Um, you know, you’re called ‘good and faithful.’ I’m called

‘wise and faithful.’ Hopefully, I’m good and wise and faithful. And hopefully all of you have

some wisdom.”

(P263 56:07) “I’m the leader of the of the of the of the last. Christ is the ‘Master of the house’, I’m

the leader under Him of the last part of that house, the 11th-hour folks. And that’s my job...”

(P264 12:17) “Now, nobody ever thought about these things.”

(P264 26:34) “If I If I haven’t pastored more people than anybody else in New Testament history

and I know I have, then I’ve certainly had the most incredible experience that nobody else

has had...”

(P264 36:21) “If there is some other way to explain it, nobody I ever heard, ever heard in the

Worldwide Church of God, not one of the 2000 nearly ministers that I knew ever addressed

these verses, yet Matthew, Mark, and Luke all talk about them.”

(P264 38:00) “It’s just, I’m telling you nobody ever talked about this, that’s all. That’s all. Not at all.

Nobody ever.”

(P265 105:59) “You can envy me, brethren. I get to tell you these things. I love to I know your joy.

I mean, I I love to see your human joy full coming away ‘cause you can bank on this.”

(P265 127:41) “But that’s been that secret’s been revealed to me, suggesting He’s about to do

something. All right? ‘Cause I know I’ve got this now. Nobody you couldn’t dynamite this

outta me.”

(P265 129:34) “...if we even if we had to wait a year. There’re just problems. We’re hemmed in,

folks. We’re hemmed in. You can’t get out. And a loving God did it and may it ever be so.

Let’s hear it for straitjackets and handcuffs and and manacles and everything else, you see.

I’m glad to be in that position...”

(P266 03:39) “A wise and faithful servant would give the message that I’m giving today. I’m

described that way, and I better be that way. And if the emphasis on faithful, he’s gonna be

faithful, then he would give this message. Uh, he has a charge, not a choice about such


(P266 103:05) “I I I could I I put this entire list together I’m reading to ya, I didn’t open the Bible,

I just know it well enough. I literally never opened the Bible to put the list together. Because

I can once I get the thread and that’s just yet you we either believe the Holy Spirit leads us

into all truth or it doesn’t. But ‘member, Christ said that to the apostles. And you can oh yeah

every member everywhere, every part of the body, the Holy Spirit will lead you into your own

independent view of truth because you have veto power. And this is a democracy. No, he

said, ‘The Holy Spirit will lead you,’ he was talking to apostles. And I’m in trouble, you’ve got

only one instead of twelve, you have big trouble if the Holy Spirit doesn’t lead me. Whatever

mistakes I make, which as I said, I I make plenty.”

(P270 98:08) “I’ve worked with more ministers by far, than anybody ever. Just trust me on that. And

like I like to say, if you think I’m bragging, pray for me. God gave me experiences that I that

are just unique. That little the couple of stories I told on the opening day about Gary and

things like that, you press a button, you press me anywhere and I’ll pour out stories that will

go on and on forever and ever. Things that you can’t fathom I would have seen in my years.”

(P272 19:38) “...and I pretty sure I’ve learned some other powerful things here at the last minute.”

(P273 09:05) “I carry the Bible in my head, in many ways that probably the average person who’s

newer in the faith and dudn’t deal with it as much as I do, maybe couldn’t understand.

Uh but I the Bible actually slows me down. I can explode through long strings of scriptures

uh in my mind and put things together without the Bible.”

(P273 108:24) “So now, who and what is this twig [Isaiah 11:1]? Tiny. It’s obviously not not uh

Eli-it’s it’s clearly Elijah, but it’s obviously not Elijah in glory. It’s not Elijah with great power

or maybe much power at all.”

(P273 128:48) “If every sermon I gave in this series where it was a standard 75 minutes, 75 minutes,

alright that’s just like you normally hear and like I used to give, 75 minutes, it would have

taken me nine full years without a Sabbath off to deliver 33,500 minutes. So it’s a long

preparation. 272 or now what? Three or three? I guess this would be 273 or four, however

they count it, parts. Five years and one month.”

(P273 149:02) “You revealed this secret to a prophet, that prophet has to talk about it. If it’s not me,

brethren, then you better go looking for him. It’s somebody or God lied in so many verses.

You understand I’m speaking rhetorically, of course. There’s a twig somewhere else, some

other group and we’re all deceived and yet there’s nobody else who understands any of this,

never mind all of it. There no way out of it.”

(P273 162:52) “So now we know God’s messenger that comes as a prophet is the seventh


(P273 164:35) “I mean, if you were gonna be Elijah, would he know he is? If he’s gonna be the twig,

would he know he is? If he gives a final message, would he know that he does? Would I

know I became Elijah? When John got an utterance from heaven and went in, he knew he

was Elijah. He headed outta the desert.”

(P274 49:27) “My question was, were they a day apart? That’s the only thing I could come up with

after years of study, but nobody else ever got that far, so I kept myself encouraged.”

(P275 18:11) “So, if God has sent me to prophesy, which can also just mean ‘inspired preaching’

frankly, then it would be after He revealed His secret to His servants, the prophets. He would

have me first speak to believers and that’s what I’ve been doing and I’m doing now.”

(P275 84:45) “But my job was to seek out the Book of the Lord to figure these things out.

Somebody had to do it. You got tapped. I got tapped for our different roles.”

(P282 104:19) “...because I can see the day approaching.”

(P283 22:05) “No one could ever make it [1335 days] work. I’m gonna make it work before today is

out. I’m gonna show you perhaps the greatest metric in the entire Bible that will simply and I,

you know, you use words and you at times, you wish you didn’t use them so you could use

them when they’re appropriate. It is truly mind-blowing what I’m gonna tell you. Just mind-


(P283 117:03) “I discovered this Monday night and almost collapsed in front of my wife.”

(P283 118:26) “Now, we’re just we’re we’re we’re dealing with something that is a staggering

coincidence or the greatest mystery that I’ve ever wrestled with in my entire life since most

of you were before most of you were born. That number is what it is [1335]. However, there’s

a few caveats...”

(P283 119:16) “And I was just sitting in the den Monday night talking with her [wife], and I all of a

sudden it struck me, ‘Wait a minute!’ I I I I did some quick calculations, snatched up my

calculator, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, and I got 1335.

(P285 69:09) “Perfect! Fifty-three time cycles. Meaning that the Millennium ends on the Last Day of

Unleavened Bread, it’s impossible to argue with it unless the sun and moon go away. That’s

why I said it’s math and science. You can’t argue with it. If you wanna know the date that the

Millennium ends, I’ll tell you what it is. It’s April 3rd, 3028. Dead on. Dead on.”

(P286 03:20) “I can now tell you what no one else knows. I know the year of creation.”

Friday, March 15, 2024

Dawn Blue: The Restored Church of God RCG Financial Difficulties Part 13

The Restored Church of God
RCG Financial Difficulties

Part 13

Dawn Blue interviews Marc Cebrian for WCTV How It's Done program

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