Saturday, September 10, 2011

UCG Still Trying to Figure It Out Almost 17 Years Later

Seventy plus years down the pipeline and the COG's are still arguing what days to keep, human nauture, and unleavened bread.  Herb rebelled against the COG7th Day and started his own splinter group with these same topics thinking he knew better at the time.  Now 70 some years later his harlot daughters are STILL arguing over what they think is right and wrong.

UCG is looking into Passover, AGAIN.  Human nature, good, evil or neutral, AGAIN, eating unleavened bread during Days of UB, AGAIN...............The next thing we know they will be blabbering on about new moons, triple tithes, clean/unclean meats, and mixed fabrics.  Oh wait, they already do that!

When will they ever discuss something really important?

On Thursday afternoon the chairman of the Doctrine Committee, Bob Berendt, updated us on four doctrinal areas that are being examined by the committee at this time—most in response to the receipt of papers from members of the Church. They are: When does human life begin?, What is the proper date of the Passover?, Is human nature inherently good, evil or neutral?, and whether we are required to eat unleavened bread every day during the Days of Unleavened Bread

Then, due to the fact that income is down, they have to merge two UCG magazines into one to save money.  Readership is dropping too.  Only 300,000 people subscribe to the Good News.  That is some amazing worldwide ministry dudes!  The message of the Kingdom is sure making an impact.....NOT!


Witness said...

"Impact" is not the emphasis, "for a witness" is the purpose.

Almost no one will listen to the besorah at this time of the firstfruits.

Anonymous said...

It is an excellent idea for Untied to examine their belief system, since it is riddled with stuff so stupid that science can prove it wrong.

So let's try to figure out what they would have left if they threw out British Israelism, the lies of their church history, which actually began and ended with Herbert Armstrong and all that false prophecy they are tied to. No more ripping off headlines for articles. No more gloom and doom. No more "These events in the news prove the end is near!".

If they admit that there is no tithing on wages and that there are no separate three tithes, then how are the Feasts funded? Heck, how is UCG funded and how will the ministers get their salaries and retirement (EXTREMELY important to these "servants" of the people, to minister to them). And without British Israelism, are the Feasts even still valid?

Will they look like "The Journal"?

Will they be like GCI?

Will they revert to the CoG7D, but still be separate because they would lose their salaries and retirement?

No, this is chaos: Entropy is setting in and the whole venue is aging out of existence: Drying up and shriveling like some Egyptian mummy.

It may seem that there could be some satisfaction after all their contempt, but this is a sad and pathetic group which is rapidly coming to the realization of their irrelevance and their coming extinction.

One would hope the other ACoGs could realize the same fate in the same time frame.

Steve said...

And, don't forget the Catholic doctrine of "ordained ministers", the false doctrine of "deacons/deaconesses", the truth about what an "elder" really is, the lie of "seven offerings of money" throughout the year. Man! They better be careful. If they started telling the truth...they would be out of the money business.

James said...

Witness said...

"Impact" is not the emphasis, "for a witness" is the purpose.

How can they witness to the world? Was the message heard in Russia, China, or Zimbabwe?

And let us speak of the one who you claim, Herbert W. Armstrong, was he of God?

Was he called as he claimed?

What about all those failed prophecies he made?

Does that even matter to you?

Are you filled with pride? Or can you admit you were wrong and are currently wrong with all the evidence presented here and other websites?

No you cannot ever admit to being wrong because YOU are not a good, honest, decent human being. Your a bad person. You love lies over the truth. You take deceit and raise it as your banner, your identity. You are what the bible says in 2-Timothy.

In a nutshell, your spirit is unclean. The video at the bottom shall explain even more.

Anonymous said...

It just can't be fixed

Dennis Luker knows something is really wrong with the UCG and he really is trying to fix it. The only problem is that the entire system is so perverse and corrupt, it can't be fixed.

The only real solution is to scrap the entire belief system and the "governance" system (if you employ the Corporate Model, you will reap the rewards of it -- which are completely carnal and not the least bit spiritual). The whole thing needs to be demolished and then rebuilt from scratch from the foundation up.

If you consider that undertaking, you should begin to realize the scope of the problem. Everything from prophecy based on British Israelism, to church history, to tithing and Feast keeping, the approach to God the Father and Jesus Christ all have to be thrown on the trash heap and new foundations lain.

This has already been attempted with Grace Communion International with rather less than successful results.

Under the circumstances, the "leadership" could try to swing the wrecking ball and rebuild, but that approach looks to be even less successful than limping along with a deteriorating dysfunctional depressive doomed Church Corporate.

About the only hope would be if Jesus Christ returned and fixed everything.

The chances of that, to rescue the Losers, seems rather remote, to say the least, particularly since Untied has done pretty much everything in complete conflict with everything Jesus preached in the first place.

Vaughn said...

Douglas said: "This has already been attempted with Grace Communion International with rather less than successful results."

I often wonder if they would have been more successful in their reformation if they had been honest with us, instead of changing the doctrines under a cloud of rumors, lies and deceit. All of which they learned from their predecessor. Honesty wasn't in their charter.

It was the new administration's deceitfulness that caused me to enslave myself for an additional ten years in an equally dishonest, but ostensibly unchanged, splinter.

Anonymous said...

Vaughn, the more time goes on, the more I'm struck by the blatant dishonesty of the Armstrongists: There is really no way I can ever trust them ever again under any circumstances. It's astonishing just how terrible they are.