Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Don't Eat Too Many Hamburgers After Atonement! Don't Drink Beer And Discuss the Bible! Don't Do This, Don't Do That...................

Like everything else in life, the church tried to regulate every aspect of members and college students lives.  As any Ambassador College student knows, when the Day of Atonement was over, they flocked to local restaurants and pigged out.  The college brass found this to be disturbing and thus delivered this edict in 1969

To go down to the pub is not wrong, but students have to be careful. The pub is no place to discuss a Bible class or the Work. Students have brought reproach on the college by ordering large numbers of cheese burgers. The students haveto be warned not to do this, especially the night after a fast or the Day of Atonement.
"Set the Example" Greg Albrecht to students 1969
Imagine that, eating a bunch of burgers at Lucky Boy's, The Parasol, or the Salt Shaker brought "reproach" upon the church.  Who knew?

Also, what is wrong with discussing the Bible while having a beer.  There are groups all over the country who do this.  In fact, I am actually doing this tonight with a group of people.
I would much rather do that than watch ministers in the ministerial hospitality room at the Feast getting drunk on Grey Goose like I have seen in the past.

AC students were also lectured about rowdiness and listening to the devil's music:

This is surely a sign of immaturity and is expressly forbidden. This includes short-sheeting beds. DO NOT ALLOW THIS AT ANY TIME! Another problem will be rock-n-roll music. In the past we have told students they may listen to it if they want to -- but not on the campus!"  

AC students must never be told about students who have been sent to mental hospitals (thanks to the church).

Students like to hear news about progress of graduates and ex-students and
other tid-bits of information that is not mentioned in Bible Studies, Forums , etc. 
However, be careful not to make announcements that should be made by Mr. McNair (e.g. transfer students) and never mention about people who have ended upin mental hospitals or out of the church, etc ."
"Set the Example"   Greg Albrecht to students 1969

courtesy of SHT


Anonymous said...

I was rowdy, drank beer, listened to rock n roll, broke the dating rules, and got booted in Summer ‘68. Greg was an AC student with probably 2 years to go at that time. I’m wondering how it is that he was allowed to be making these ministerial sounding policy statements before he even graduated! I was also unaware that any students or former students had been sent to mental institutions. Seemed like so many were off the deep end one way or another even in their so-called “normal” states, although I can understand how some of the students who were raised in the church might have PTSD, or borderline personality disorders. Come to think of it, those disorders were often interpreted by the Manpower Committee as being good indications that the particular students involved were being called into the ministry! Bummer for the brethren in the field!

SHT said...

The paper that was sourced is from an article entitled "The diligent shall bear rule" by Reginald Platt and had the inserted material which was supposedly by albrecht. I will double check to ensure the author of these papers is being attributed properly. I will also post the link ti the article here so that my misunderstanding of the document may be corrected.

SHT said...

Scroll down to the PDF "The Hand of the Diligent Shall Bear Rule" By Reginald Platt.

Click the PDF, view it, or download it, and go past the Reginald Platt article to page 15. There you will find the letter to the Student Body President, "Guidelines for the Student Body President", that I apparently mis-attributed to Greg Albrecht. The title page "Set the Example" has Greg's name in the lower right corner with the month and date. It appears I assumed Greg was the author of this. Looking at it further, based on your first-hand knowledge of Greg, it appears he may have simply just been the typist - which would make the true author unknown. I absolutely retract the author and apologize for the mistake based on this. Perhaps someone could enlighten me as to my misunderstanding on reading this document.

It is 5 in the morning here, and I read your comment while in bed and on my phone - I had to get up and get out to the computer to find out what happened. I hate making mistakes with a passion, and had to figure this out.

so, Greg, if you're reading this - this may not have been you. As you were apparently still at college. It doesn't change, however, the policies that were at AC at the time, which where the point of the post.

If no one minds, I think I will go back to bed now. Sorry again for the mis-attribution of the author.

James Almanon said...

If the owner of this blog is truly a righteous man and better than former WCG ministers he blatantly criticized, why you start a church and show the world what is the right religion? This is a hate site. What you only do is to find faults. Show the world what is right. Be a good example. Start a following. Or are you only good at showing faults of others. Why are you perfect? Do you have no hidden sins. Can you overcome Pornography? Lying? Stealing? Covetousness? Show it by starting a church. Show the world you are better than HWA, Meredith, Hulme, Pack, Flurry etc. I really believe you can not. So you just criticize because it is easy. You are a hypocrite too. And perhaps, worse. If you are not a hypocrite and a real Christian, then study you Bible and apply what you study. Or perhaps you are an atheist. In that case you have no hope. Hypocrite of hypocrites. Try Hollywood you will thrive there.

Anonymous said...

On the Day of Atonement the bible doesn't say you can't snack around on a lite meal or drink tea & sodas. Jehovah God does not want you to starve yourself.

Anonymous said...

No, 4:12, if you can put a label on it, it would be a self-help deprogramming site, designed to assist people in recognizing and leaving a toxic cult. Once people are freed from this cult, it’s up to them to find their own solutions. I for one don’t believe it’s my job to dictate to others what is truth. However, it is my moral responsibility to warn them about soul-robbing lies. If I am guilty of hatred, it is hatred of lies and scams.

Anonymous said...

James Almanon asked:

If the owner of this blog is truly a righteous man and better than former WCG ministers he blatantly criticized, why you start a church and show the world what is the right religion?

The idea that any man can "start a church" is the lie at the heart of the Armstrong movement. Herbert Armstrong was a rebel who refused to submit to church government, and he spawned a culture in which ministers have continually refused to submit to senior ministers even while hypocritically teaching members to submit to the ministry. Ironically, in the name of Christianity, ACOG ministers teach Islam (the Arabic word for "submission") while practicing rebellion.

Anonymous said...

Greg has been a kind of curator or citer of the archives, having remained in the mother-ship (GCI). Reg Platt, when I knew him, was working in the ministry in the New York City area. Reg was, I believe, the only English Cockney who ever made it into the Armstrong ministry.

It’s possible that the only error in your post was the date, and that could have been made by the HWA Library folks (the Kitchens?). 1979 seems a more likely date, as Greg Albrecht had come into prominence by that time. Not to worry. The materials you contribute here have been solid gold.

Anonymous said...

If AC was truly following Christ and knew the Bible, they should have posted this on a sign in each building -Math 20:25 “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their superiors exercise authority over them. It shall not be this way among you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant,…

Unknown said...

Burgers and Beer AFTER church viewed as taboo??

I think Burgers and Beer should be served DURING CHURCH!

Unknown said...

James Almanon - Do share with us what "brand" of Armstrongism is your preference, so that we may know "how to do it right and Gods Way. ".

Anonymous said...

Interesting article. Having graduated high school in 1971, I then applied to AC but was rejected due to financial problems. At that time I was very disappointed but, even though my home life was in a very controlled and strict (and very abusive) environment, I'm glad I didn't get accepted. The propaganda about AC given to the general church population was very different from the reality. It would have been too much of a shock.

SHT said...

When I was a child, looking through the AC Envoys and reading all the AC propaganda, and hearing all the announcements - I had a very concocted vision in my head of how to perceive AC students. Pure, chaste, perfect attitudes, always smiling, courteous and friendly. Pretty much the Brady Bunch vision - because I believed - wholeheartedly and without a shred of doubt - Herbert Armstrong. Reading the propaganda was a hobby of mine as a kid. (Someone please give me a barf bag.)

The "world" was as much "in" AC as it was "out". The only way it seems they could reign in the youthful indulgences of the college students was to spy, spy, and spy again - from room monitors to the house monitors, to the student leaders, to the faculty - it seems you were always watched to ensure your adherence to the "Ambassador Standard" - that you were in compliance with the massive list of Do's and Dont's - from what is seen - to what is intensely personal. (If a college student confessed to a room monitor/house monitor the act of forbidden friction, it was to be reported to the ministers! They knew EVERYTHING about the students!)

It seems to me though, that there was a massive underground resistance that did everything under the sun in that place. Reminds me of when I was at SEP (the mini-Ambassador Campus full of Ambassador Students enforcing the Ambassador Standard) and I walked into a full on make-out session on the presenter's desk of the TV/Radio room in the office complex at Orr. Apparently, at least at Bricket Wood, the Music Hall was quite the place to get it on.

Needless to say, the image I had of the pristine, pure, clean as the driven snow AC college students had been totally shattered by reality. Armstrong tried his hardest to present that image as the truth. The reality is, you just can NOT measure the extent of how fake the environment that HWA presented, and was, at SEP, and at AC, apparently was.

Anonymous said...

Reply to James Almanon:
I understand your feelings and there was a time when I would point to the hatred & attempt to point out that many if not most of the people who were members of the WWCG were sincere didicated people enjoying the fellowship in local congregations. I personally was one of those members. Several years ago I withdrew my membership and spent 6 years publishing a newsletter encouraging those who were leaving due to all the changes. This was done at my own expense and most of the members receiving my newsletter died or found other fellowship sources when I discontinued it. Since I am well past defined alloted for human life I found the greatest contribution I can make today is prayer. My prayers are that He (God) will have mercy on those following the pathway of the world and help them see th light true Christianity. I personally believe is that the relationship with God (Father and Son) is with individuals; not a particular religious group. Belonging to a church or religious organization will not determine God's elect. The connection is through faith, hope, love, and prayer. AB

Allen Dexter said...

All religion is a matter of control. Most people don't like to think very deeply. We're taught as children, "because I say so," and that becomes a pattern throughout life. Once you give your thinking over authority figures, reasoning goes out the window. Been there. Done that. No more!

Anonymous said...

James Almanon
Christ did say 'beware of the Pharisees..' for good reason. ACOGs culture is one that enforces the don't talk rule regarding faulty doctrines and criminal mistreatment of members. This is the opposite of self protection by complaining and rebuking the guilty party. This code of silence protects and encourages criminal behavior.

Contrary to church culture, people have a right to be free from abuse, and be treated respectfully. I said this to my last minister. He just sneered.

"1-EX- sheeple" said... forgot the chips..what are burgers & beer without those tasty chips? And add
more pickles.:-)

Anonymous said...

If your doing good you would not mind questions. Why would you ?
Christians are meant to respect others as they are made in the image of God.