News Flash! Jesus is coming to Wadsworth! First he came for the Mormons and now for the Packites! The second coming will happen at the most beautiful campus ever in the history of the world!
It is hard to believe that since the foundation of the world was laid, Wadsworth was included in the plan of salvation!
Now, think about Joshua, who is Elijah. Think about this for a moment. That man, unique above all others, would have to know his role years and years in advance. I learned this seven years ago in the summer of 2009, if you didn’t know that. He would have to know his role for years, and be tested by Christ to know—to know—that he was going to walk in His ways and keep His charge. Would he faithfully do the broadcasts? Would he teach the truth? Would he shepherd the Church as much as the leader can? There are many other faithful ministers. But would he pass the test? So that when the time came, his salvation is settled.Try to imagine the other way through. Now, Christ starts through…and let’s say they run parallel…Instead of, I have to prove myself before the time where Christ comes to this campus and I have access to Him, try to imagine it parallel. We sort of start inching forward and Christ says, all right…Now wait a minute. Here we go. Let’s see…I’m going to let him judge My house for a while…Ooo, ooo, okay, but I’ve got to watch. Is he still obeying me? Wait a minute now. Okay, he’s keeping My courts, and I’m letting him come in and talk to Me personally. I’ve picked him as Elijah, but I hope he doesn’t mess up. Is he walking in My ways? Is he keeping My…oh, oh, oh…No, that’s ridiculous. That’s ridiculous! I have to prove like every other human being that I will be faithful to my calling, and then I learn about certain things I do as an administrator just like you do.
That man, unique above all others...
Maybe such a self-image seems acceptable to someone who spent decades sitting at the feet of Rod Meredith and Herbert W. Armstrong. But it is not Biblical. A man who would declare himself "unique above all others" is by definition not a disciple of Jesus Christ.
Why don't more people run away from this? The sad fact is that Armstrongism has long been full of broken men who imagine their own specialness. The splinters are full of these men, waiting for their turn to show the whole world their specialness.
Dave is in the process of melting down. This confirms it.
Dixon Cartwright, you have a story here. In fact, you have a obligation to investigate Dave's mental condition. The lives of his people may be at sake.
"There are many other faithful ministers. But would he pass the test? So that when the time came, his salvation is settled."
Pack not only can tell if the members will get salvation, or not, judged by him. But, apparently, his salvation is also now settled as Elijah. Why do we even need Christ to return? Why don't we all just pass under Dave's rod to see who is worthy?
Unbelievable, when will the members wake up? Do they question anything? I cannot believe I stayed in his group as long as I did. Thankfully no more, with much weight lifted off my mind. Please, those still there, question if what he says even makes sense. Your salvation is not tied to David C. Pack, it is your own to work out.
Would he faithfully do the broadcasts? Would he teach the truth? Would he shepherd the Church as much as the leader can?
Pack fails to differentiate his cult from the Big Three; his criteria are weak because there is virtually no difference!
Anonymous James said...
Dave is in the process of melting down. This confirms it.
Dixon Cartwright, you have a story here. In fact, you have a obligation to investigate Dave's mental condition. The lives of his people may be at sake."
I agree. Dave is deteriorating mentally and the change in tone and self absorption is more and more obvious. I believe this might be one of those situations where if no one, who can, speaks up they will wish they had.
Just no.
"Dixon Cartwright, you have a story here. In fact, you have a obligation to investigate Dave's mental condition. The lives of his people may be at sake."
I agree. Dave is deteriorating mentally and the change in tone and self absorption is more and more obvious. I believe this might be one of those situations where if no one, who can, speaks up they will wish they had.
Let's be clear here: Only Banned!, The Painful Truth and possibly, Living Armstrongism, is going to address Davie Pack Mental Meltdown. Dixon Cartwright and The Journal aren't going to touch it.
On the other hand, as the Restored Church of God turns into yet another Jonestown, Heaven's Gate and / or Waco Branch Dividians incident (unlikely because the Feds have become, shall we say, gun shy and won't touch any religious group at all lately, no matter how extreme they have become -- witness the FLDS and Scientology), we can be sure that The Journal journalistic prowess will kick into gear and we WILL get some sort of article in the disastrous aftermath that will make us feel a bit sad and provide us with sanitized redacted material which mostly manages to whitewash what happened. It's a talent (not one that's all that helpful). We will be infotained for the moment, and then move on, forgetting the whole thing, which is the point of The Journal in the first place.
Just don't expect any incisive expose in advance.
This is very sad for the handful of people who believe that Dave is the chosen one, and who give credibility to his wild predictions. Most of the Armstrongist leaders or teachers participate in group narcissism, seeing everything and everyone around them as being an extension of Armstrongism. But Dave is moving that insanity even beyond such "normal" boundaries.
The problem is, some probably see all of these ridiculous and extreme prognostications as being timed concurrently with the final countdown of the Armstrong apocalypse. They expect hem to peak at the same time.
Cloistered people, wasting their lives by allowing despotic dictators to do their thinking for them, separatists, shut outs, and shut ins, taking their meanings of life from someone showing the increasing signs of a mad man. If anyone is truly qualifying for anything, it is those who participate in life, interacting with the daily circumstances and challenges of the surrounding world, here on life's "holodeck". The delusion collusion of Armstrongism is a huge obstacle to that.
There is no money in Dixon doing and expose if David Pack. If Pack offered him money for an ad he would take it. Only after people die, are arrested, or do some other crime will he publish it. There is no warning to keep people away from the dangerous COG groups. It is ok to him that Flurry rips families apart.
I thinks that Dave will soon proclaim that he is Jesus Christ.
That will probably be Bob Thiel first. If he dreamed it, it has to be true!
Of course Jesus is returning in power and glory, on a white horse, with an angelic sword outstretched, and with a great shout like unto a mighty rushing Wadsworth, Ohio...
"On that day his feet will stand on the Giant Eagle, just across the street from Dave Pack's campus, and the Giant Eagle will be split in two from east to west, forming a great valley, with half of the supermarket moving north and half moving south."
"But the two wings of the Giant Eagle were given to the woman, so that she could fly into the wilderness to her place, where she was nourished for a time and times and half a time, from the presence of the serpent."
Zechariah 14:4
Revelation 12:14
See? It says so!
Jesus will not be returning to PACK -ISTAN ! ;-)
Hey Dave, go ye and learn what this meaneth: get some help.
"I thinks that Dave will soon proclaim that he is Jesus Christ."
That's too low for Dave. He has to be above JC. Above the Father. Even above Moses and the neocons (who are actually hard-left Trotskyites).
Now that I'm on it...(rambling too much?) ... Trotsky was the Soviet commie who said Stalin was too soft because he only killed 20 million (low end estimate).
And these guys controlled Bush, Obama, and .... maybe ... will control Trump.
No wonder Obama wanted Homeland Security to be as well equipped as the US military. The Dear Leader had plans for his people.
No matter. The average American is oblivious to all this. He can't find Syria on a map. The average ghetto-dweller can't even find his own ghetto on a map. He probably thinks Trotsky is the name of his home town. He will never figure out what him him ... even after its all over.
"There is no money in Dixon doing and expose if David Pack."
I seriously doubt he makes anything off of the Journal. He gives it away free on-line. He has to put a lot of time and work into it. He has a web-site to maintain. Dixon seems to me like a go-slow COG reformer.
No, no. It's like this- once again, a reading from the Acts of the 21st Century Apostles:
"On that day His feet will stand on the parking lot of the Wadsworth Giant Eagle that lies east of the Glorious Campus, and Interstate 76 will be split in two from north to south with half of the traffic moving east and the other west!"
This is the biggest event since the Council of 50 confirmed that Joseph Smith was King of the Earth until Jesus returned -- shortly before Smith was killed...
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