Dr Finch Talks Science With Dr Bob
“Can you give me information on prehistoric man? Did God make other men before Adam?”
As used by critical historians, “prehistoric time” is said to refer to earliest antiquity nowhere documented in written records. But the Bible records, “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth” (Genesis 1:1
). Here is a documented account reaching back to the beginning of the physical universe. “Prehistoric time,” in that sense, is therefore irreconcilable with Scripture. It should come as no surprise, therefore, to learn that biblical passages reveal occurrences prior to the time of man.

If however, we define prehistoric as the time before humans began to write, then we can speak of prehistoric creatures and events.
There were no prehistoric humans prior to Adam.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anatomically_modern_human )
Most scientists do not know what humans are"
Thiel and the COGs perpetuate petrified and fossilized "alternative facts" to hold up their science, falsely so called, house of cards
This is common knowledge. Even RBC Ministry out of Grand Rapids, Michigan has books dealing with this subject.
How does knowing about prehistory have anything to do with life in 2017? You are born, you live and then you die. I work for a sanitation department shoveling shit all day. How the hell does knowing about evolution help me with my low-paying job???
i still am trynna understand what in the laws of physics explains how matter developed from nothing...
What knowledge is common 9:37. There is precious common knowledge or sense in the COGs.
Dr Bob tends to quote equally scientifically ignorant church fathers to "prove" his mistaken theological and scientific ideas.
Bob is only about 194,000 or so years off in his understanding of modern.
The study of prehistory only goes to solidify belief in Yahweh as the supreme creator of everything.
Anon wrote:
'Bob is only about 194,000 or so years off in his understanding of modern.'
Is there any subject Thiel actually knows in-depth? Everything he talks about is shallow twitter worthy soundbites. He never has much of substance to say or has ever used critical thinking. He was always this way in LCG. He tried to use his sound bites to silence members in order to make himself look better than others. We could never carry on a deep conversation with him because his thinking was too shallow. He used his shallowness to bully people.
I would rather read Guidepost magazine than listen to anything Bob Thiel has to say.
The study of pre-hisory does not "only go to solidify belief in Yahweh as the supreme creator of everything" any more than does the study of Elyon, Chemosh, Molech or Baal does. Humans have been around for less than a hair's breadth of the time since our Universe came into being 14 billion years ago. If Bob Thiel were honest, he'd have to agree the Bible also teaches a flat plate like earth which stands on four pillars with a dome over it and windows in it for the rain to get through. He'd also have to admit that men come from mud and women from a mudman rib. Then again, he probably does and that serpents and jackasses can hold intellectual discussion with humans when necessary.
Who cares what a person believes? Who the fuck are you to try and impose your views on someone? As long as their ideas doesn't hurt anyone why the hell does it matter to you?
You are thicker than a 2x4 if you think Thiel and Armstrongism have not hurt people. It has left thousands dead over the decades and Bob Thiel is part of that lie. How many will die under his watch due to his godless message?
I'm not talking about that Armstrong bull shit, you moron!
Can't we all just get along ? lol
Aww, 3:04, so delicate.
Read this entire thing three times, and for the life of me can't figure out what the heck is going on. Anybody got a decoder ring? Whence the anger and hostility? Secret midnight visit from Pablo Pisstoffo?
Read this entire thing three times, and for the life of me can't figure out what the heck is going on. Anybody got a decoder ring? Whence the anger and hostility? Secret midnight visit from Pablo Pisstoffo?
It's a mystery BB. I have a joke with myself when I post I bet myself that no one will actually comment on the post itself and it most likely that personal buttons will be punched on numerous topics unrelated.
Not many are interested in upgrades and insights into how we think on all things Bible vs the findings of history and science etc and getting defensive is much easier than engaging in the topics we thought we had the Plain Truth about and , of course, didn't.
In my soul I know , while leaving Gary to post the specific COG craziness , my interests in posting upgrades in my own thinking since my decades in ministry and the wrong place , believing the wrong things for many wrong reasons , are misplaced here on Banned for the most part. Banned is my last contact with those who understand my own past, provide me with enough feedback to live with it and letting it go has been a challenge off and on along the way.
Hey, just thought of this. As an audiovisual aid, are we supposed to picture the Thieliebopper as the steel-haired doctor on the Clopidogrel (Plavix) commercials?
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