What is it with Canada and Australia right now? Why are they sooooooooooo ticked off at the Church of God? Apparently, we are supposed to believe that Satan is using these countries to persecute some little itty-bitty Church of God.
Gerald Weston had a fit the other day about how Australia was going to censor the Living Church of God's "FORCEFUL" writings and teachings. Australia has been persecuting the LCG by prohibiting one of Rod McNair's sermons from being aired in the nation. Weston apparently feels the need to subject almost 24,000,000 Australians to the mindless rantings of a pissant COG minister. McNair is a little "nobody" sequestered in his privileged lifestyle in Charlotte due only to the fact he is still living off the teet of his family name and Rod Meredith's support. Then Canada had to go and pass a law how having people treat each other with respect and dignity, even if you don't agree with each other, and this did not sit well with Weston who still feels the need to endlessly talk about sex. Common decency to fellow humans is not a thing Church of God members apparently need to be doing. Jesus says otherwise, but that has never had much impact on most COG leaders.
Mr. Rod McNair’s excellent upcoming telecast on the Miracle of Dunkirk has been preliminarily rejected in Australia because Dr. Meredith’s booklet, Who Controls the Weather?, did not take into account global warming! Bill C-16 recently received Royal Assent in Canada, adding gender expression to the Human Rights Act. It supposedly gives protection to the transgender community by, among other things, making improper pronoun usage a prosecutable offense. I recently noticed using MS Word that it marked the word “mankind” and suggested substituting the word “humankind.” In other words, MS Word is now in the business of determining which words are politically correct and which are not. Look for far more intrusion into our everyday lives from these language police. I mention these examples to show how rapidly the noose is closing in as the “illiberal left” is taking control of a complacent world. We no longer have to wonder how persecution will come to the Church. Some good news is that this weekend the Tomorrow’s World program begins airing on Angel One at an additional time, 8:30 p.m. on Saturdays. This is additional nationwide exposure and will be a new Saturday evening audience for us.—Gerald WestonNow we have another COG "leader" messing his little boy pants over Canada. After getting his "news" from ultra-right "news" sites, he is sure that his future pronouncements will be prohibited by the Canadian government. According to God's only true COG leader, Canada has turned anti-god and anti-church.
But Canada does not accept the Bible at this time. Since a court decision in 2002, Canada has restricted freedom to quote and cite the Bible (watch Canadian censoring of the Bible). It also passed a motion limiting giving one’s view of Islam (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-03-24/canada-passes-blasphemy-bill-silence-critics-islam).Damn Canada! You will not let him use his big thick Bible as a weapon. Don't you realize he is God's TRUE spokesman on earth today???????
Canadian officials are often not acting in a manner consistent with what Canada was supposed to stand for.
If all that were not too much, a Canadian court decided this week that it has authority over the internet around the world and in the USA:
Canada Says It Has Authority to Censor Internet in United StatesJune 29, 2017This seems like a bad thing:
The Supreme Court of Canada ruled against Google on Wednesday in a closely-watched intellectual property case over whether judges can apply their own country’s laws to all of the Internet. In a 7-2 decision, the court agreed a British Columbia judge had the power to issue an injunction forcing Google to scrub search results about pirated products not just in Canada, but everywhere else in the world too. http://www.motherjones.com/kevin-drum/2017/06/canada-says-it-has-authority-to-censor-internet-in-united-states/Big bad meanie Canada will obviously be using their laws to stop God's only true leader on earth today from running off at the mouth, as he continually does. He is so sure that the world is against him that has has been preaching this nonsense for many years. Because he imagines himself in his dreams as more important than he really is, he thinks Canada is out to get him.
Regular readers of this COGwriter.com news page have been aware that things like this were coming. Notice, for example, something posted on this page back in 2011:I have long expected government censorship (including the internet and perhaps other forms of social media) … I will again gone on record to declare that I believe that stopping/interfering some of us … to get out our message on the internet and/or other media is likely to be something that the USA and perhaps other governments will do as we get closer the the time of Jacob’s trouble (Jeremiah 30:7) (Thiel B. UK’s Cameron May Call Out the Troops and Restrict Social Media. COGwriter.com, August 11, 2011)
On October 2, 2016, we also put up a video titled Internet Control, Famine of the Word, and 666.
More and more, in Canada, as well as other lands (see yesterday’s post: Germany approves ‘same-sex marriage’ and sets fines for Facebook, etc. to crack down on ‘hate speech’) we are seeing governments taking steps to remove/control content on the internet.As usual, our prophet has to run to the Bible to find some isolated scripture to support his dreaming.
This was partially because the prophet Amos was inspired to record the following:
Notice what the false prophet says next. He cannot stand the fact that Canada might possibly stop him from interpreting his big thick Bible as the weapon he needs it to be. As if Canada cares what he thinks! They most likely see him as just one more disturbed religious nut job from America, which he is.11 “Behold, the days are coming,” says the Lord God,“That I will send a famine on the land,
Not a famine of bread,
Nor a thirst for water,
But of hearing the words of the Lord.
12 They shall wander from sea to sea,
And from north to east;
They shall run to and fro, seeking the word of the Lord,
But shall not find it. (Amos 8:11-12)
Notice that the Bible tells of a time that will come when the word of God will not be found. I do not believe that this means that there will be no more Bibles–but that those wanting to better understand it will have trouble finding explanations.It just amazes me to watch the white privileged COG leaders in the Untied State sitting in the homes surrounded by all the luxuries of life as they cry over censorship. These little men are not being censored or picked upon by governments around the world. These self-serving, privileged men could care less about Iraqi/Syrain/Egyptians being slaughtered for being Christians. That's the ultimate censorship. Instead, they sit in the nice offices after feeding their faces with abundant food, using their expensive computers to write about persecution. It just does not compute.
So MS Word has made one small step for humankind.
Turn off spellcheck (it's obvious that Bob Thiel doesn't use it) or switch to Apache OpenOffice.
Corporate executives and business moguls hire Einsteins to assist them in finding loopholes and ways around restrictive laws and regulations, so that they can still meet their objectives. Thiel and others who instead complain about the regulations are admitting that they are not terribly intelligent, or resourceful.
Hey Thiel: Instead of using this to validate yourself (ooohhh! Satan is attacking me, so I must be the real deal!), why not apply your alleged intellect and supposed higher education to finding ways around these regulations to still accomplish your objectives?
Bob talks of the famine of the stuff he comes up with like it was a bad thing...
This is a guess bcuz I haven't read the text of the north american union but it seems logical that a NAU member can influence companies within the boarders of said treaty organization. The name has changed so I'll have to look around to find its current name and treaties which override U.S. laws (sry but I can't remember where in the us constitution it says a treaty superseads previous law but its there)
I'll b back with facts :)
There must be more to the story of the "preliminarily rejected" television program. Problems have usually been the poor time-slots available. And Australia is said to lead the world in climate change denial - it was Mark Armstrong's mate Murray's top rants.
OOPS I was thinking I had read that treaties could override the constitution out right but with what little googling I did there's no hard law for or against it one way or the other, so lawyers and elected officials can make it mean what they want if they really want to from my small understanding of it.
Sorry I made such a statement but couldn't back it up I apologize and will endeavor to get all my facts straight before posting my opinion from now on in such a bold way.
Sorry but I didn't feel like hunting down any of the secondary names but Wikipedia actually has a good article to start from here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_American_Union
Thanks for having this blog where people can say what they want how they want and if they want to stay out of the cross-hairs of "leaders" they can and still get out the information to help others make an informed decision about the acog's
Human governments should not be thought policemen. They should stick with catching thieves and murderers. The golden statue in Daniel that everyone was forced to bow to, and the inquisition are examples of the proclivity of governments to control others beliefs. A recent example was the Obama justice department threatening to prosecute those who disagreed with Obamacare, on the grounds of hate speech.
Society is becoming more and more like Herbs church. Society is becoming one all powerful abusive cult.
PS don't be fooled by the talk of it being about treating others respectfully. That's the wolf in sheeps clothing talking.
PSS this is the government. We have concluded that Banned is anti social, so we are ordering it closed.
False professing prophet Bob Thiel went on record writing: '...I will again gone on record to declare that I believe that stopping/interfering some of us … to get out our message on the internet and/or other media is likely to be something that the USA and perhaps other governments will do as we get closer the the time of Jacob’s trouble (Jeremiah 30:7
Open in Logos Bible Software (if available))..."
says: "Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of Jacob’s trouble; but he shall be saved out of it."
"Our message?" What message? HWA's message? Another gospel?
But Bob T believes, like many xcogs, in a Mickey Mouse Millennium with "another Jesus" reigning on earth for that 1,000 years. That is another reason Bob T is a false prophet.
Yes, truthfully, we are getting closer to the time of Jacob's trouble, but don't hold your breath...unless you are a false prophet b/c that time occurs AFTER Satan is loosed from the bottomless pit.
Jer 30:7
That day, that Day of the LORD, occurs so much later that Bob T can even imagine.
This false prophet has lots of false timing regarding the scriptures.
And when did the false one, Bob T, go on record? Several years ago!
Oh, time is telling on false prophet Bob T. It's time for Bob T to stop bragging and crying...time really is telling!
Weston doesn't seem to realize that Canada's new law ALSO prevents other commentators from attacking the insane beliefs of the Living Church of God. As long as LCG doesn't engage in hate speech against other religions, but simply promotes positively its own doctrines, Canadians cannot force LCG programs off the air.
What gets LCG into trouble its that its message isn't "Be Christlike; here's how." Its message is usually "Other Christians worship Satan" or "Homos wear diapers because of their sodomy which God hates."
I agree with the other poster that McNair's program was probably rejected for some reason LCG isn't telling us.
The Majority Of Canadians And Australians Have Never Even Heard Of Herb Armstrong Or His Bitch Cults. Those ACOG Groups Should Stop The Madness.
Stephen, what you expressed about the treaties taking precedence was what many callers to talk radio shows over the past ten years actually feared. They worried that that was the path through which Obama was going to take away our guns, using troups supervised by the UN to come into the US to enforce the New World Order, rounding up dissenters into the FEMA or Halliburton camps along the way. These callers feared the damage that liberals could do using Homeland Security and the Patriot Act.
What I've learned through my lifetine is that manipulators always seem to use fear motivation to gain control and to enact their agendas. There are also always going to be perverse individuals who profiteer from peoples's negative circumstances and misery. Generally speaking, worst case scenario never happens, although the Holocaust was certainly one exception. Fear motivation harnesses and torques the survival instincts which are innate in the human species. There is a certain breed that will always use that to take control, and a certain breed that will allow them to.
Hell, the majority of citizens of Armstrongs home country have never heard of him either.
4.00 AM
You seem to ignore that governments get power and maintain it, by being partial rather than impartial. The bible calls it the parable of the unjust steward.
So forget about Canada's new laws being impartially enforced.
It's all about votes, not justice.
Thanks BB I'm trying 2 learn not 2 fear the world and thanks again 4 ur support :)
The people with special privileges are not whites but minorities and women who never stop whining and have all kinds of racist and sexist programs like affirmative action to give them special advantages and fake "equality" which really means they don't have to work as hard to get the same things as white men.
Yup. Been barely sleeping at night worrying about you white men getting a fair shake.
Back when I was an agnostic dyslexic insomniac, I used to lie awake for hours each night wondering if there were a doG.
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