Friday, November 10, 2017

Didache Teachings Concerning True Prophets and Apostles

Most members of the Church of God were never exposed to the Didache, one of the oldest Christian documents from the 1st-century that was supposedly an amalgamation of the teachings of the 12 Apostles and was written as a "handbook" for new Christians. This was written sometime within 50-60 years after the death of Christ and was a tool for new converts to understand what was expected of them.

Here is an excerpt from Chapter 11 concerning apostles and prophets in the church.  As you can see not a single COG self-appointed prophet or apostle follows these standards.  The implications laid out below for apostles and prophets is a life of poverty and simplicity where a man was regarded as a false prophet if they asked for money.  Also, if these prophets and apostles stayed in one place longer than 1 day they were to be considered false teachers. This presents a huge issue for James Malm, Bob Thiel, Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry, and other COG prophets and apostles.

WHOEVER then cometh and teacheth you 1all these things, spoken above, receive him; but if the teacher himself, 2being misled, teaches another teaching, so as to overthrow this, do not hear him; but 3if he teach so as to advance righteousness and the knowledge of the Lord, receive him as the Lord. But as regards the 4apostles and prophets, according to 5the decree of the gospel, so do ye. And every apostle who cometh to you, let him be received as the Lord; but 6he shall not remain more than one day; if, however, there be need, then the next day; but if he remain three days, he is a false prophet. But when the apostle departs, let him take nothing except bread enough to last him till he reach his resting-place for the night; but if he ask for money, “7he is a false prophet. And every prophet 8who speaks in the Spirit, 9ye shall not try nor test; for eve- ry sin shall be forgiven, but 10this sin shall not be forgiven. But not every one who speaks in the Spirit is a prophet, 11but only if he have the ways of the Lord. So from their ways shall the false prophet and the prophet be recognised. And 12no prophet who, in the Spirit, orders a Love-Feast, eateth himself of it, unless, indeed, he is a false prophet; and every prophet who teacheth the truth, if he practise not that which he teacheth, is a false prophet. And 13every approved genuine prophet, who summons assemblies for the purpose of showing an earthly mystery, but who does not teach others to do all that he himself doeth, shall not be judged by you; for his judgment is in the hands of God; for so did the ancient prophets also. But whoever, in the Spirit, says: 14Give me money, or anything else, ye shall not listen to him; 15but if for others in need he bids you give, let no one judge him. 


Hoss said...

An article on the Didache by Bob Thiel was published, so he is familiar with it, and obviously considers it an authentic document...

Unknown said...

Looks like the problems were the same in the First Century as they are now!

NO2HWA said...

Bob Thiel quotes all kinds of things and claims they are authentic, just like he does his Bible, but it does not mean he follows everything in it/them. As God's only mouthpiece today, Thiel picks and chooses what he wants to follow. Everything the Didache says about prophets and apostles is everything Thiel is not. He can wave his big thick Bible and his arms all he wants, but there is nothing prophetic or apostolic about the self-appointed fraud.

RSK said...

Another example of how the COGs treat the present canon as near-sacred, but somehow everything else the historical Church ever did or produced was wrong. But hey, its almost time for Nimrod's Testicles!

NO2HWA said...

RSK: Don't worry, Nimrod's bloody testicles will be flashing and dripping in all their glory before long! :-)

Byker Bob said...

I wonder what would happen if some Armstrongite preacher stated in a sabbath sermon, "Brethren, God has revealed to me through my personal prayer and Bible Study that I am to be the Beast!". Far-fetched? Not really. By the law of averages, sooner or later, someone's just got to "realize" that he's one of the bad Biblical characters. Now, if I had my druthers, it would be Dave Pack or Gerald Flurry, because they're both widely recognized as being detestable, and mean spirited. But, unfortunately, we don't get a chance to vote.


Hoss said...

Thiel picks and chooses what he wants to follow.

Like false Apostle, like false Prophet...

Hoss said...

Good timing on posting this article, Bob Thiel's weekly sermon is on tithing...

Anonymous said...

I've read thru the Didache over the years and found quite a bit of it contrary to scripture...

simply being old doesn't make it accurate.

RSK said...

At my workplace, they're already pulling them out of storage. Its hard to keep from saying "Nimrod's Testicles!" when I walk by the pile of assorted Christmas doodads currently sitting in the staging area.