Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Church of God, The Eternal's Jon Brisby Sinks To A New Vile Low

One of the vilest teachings of the church that was brutally enforced over the decades was the "divorce and remarriage" doctrine/teaching.  Countless stories have been told over the decades of loving couples and families ripped to pieces by the Church of God's vile stance.  Most had probably thought those days were long gone, but it is not.

This letter was posted on Exit and Support and describes the vile and unChristian teachings of Jon Brisby:

I wanted to write and thank you for helping people who have left or will leave the "Armstrong cult groups." I was born into the WWCG. It helped to destroy my whole family--my parents, my siblings, and up until this year, even me. We all made some mistakes and bad choices on our own but Herbert Armstrong and his ministers, splinters, and even some members, helped destroy my family emotionally, just with the judgmental attitudes, being made to feel we were in "hot water" with God, telling us that outsiders were of the world, etc. My most recent minister Jon W. Brisby (Church of God, the Eternal) has even told me that my lack of financial comfort is the result of my "not living in a pleasing enough way for God." I was also told that my family is the "church" now and no longer my kids, since they are not members. Luckily, my kids grew up against the Armstrong teachings and have their own beliefs. As for me, I am finally what I consider to be "out of the dark" of these Armstrong worshippers. I emailed my minister two weeks ago and explained my decision to leave. He has yet to respond. 
Church of God, The Eternal (COGE) is a small group. The lead minister is Jon W. Brisby (age 55). He has some wild ideas. A married couple came to the group from LCG a few years ago. They had been married for about 18 years. Brisby soon found out that the man had been married briefly to someone else when he was a really young man. They divorced and his ex married someone else. Anyway, this married couple of 18 plus years were instructed to split up and live separately but not get divorced. Jon Brisby told him that if his ex wife happens to die then and only then can he and his current wife live as a couple again. The couple have remodeled their home and made it into a duplex. They each live in one of the side by side units. They are allowed to go back and forth to each other's apartment for meal times but not allowed to sleep, shower or linger at each other's place. At the Feast of Tabernacles and Pentecost they were not permitted to sit together for services. This couple is in their 50's also.
There is another man, a single man around age 60. This man was also married but years ago his wife left him and married a Seventh Day Adventist. Brisby told him he must never remarry. This man said God would not allow him to marry unless his ex died. Brisby stays in total control of the dating and marriage relationships in the group. He comes off as very intensely and genuinely kind, but if he feels you cross him, then he gets an attitude and can be very arrogant. 
--Kandice Cunning (Child survivor of WCG; Former member of COGE)
Church of God, the Eternal has on its page the following which is used as a weapon to stop members from writing such things as was done above.  They seek to create the myth that all of the things they teach are directly from Christ, passed down through the apostles to Bisby and others today.  To deny what they teach is blasphemy and denial of the truth which separates the "rebellious" from God.

What God gave to Moses, He gave to Christ. What Christ taught to the apostles, He commissioned them to proclaim in their designated areas. What Christ and the apostles taught was the same as was revealed to Paul. And what all those servants taught is exactly what was given to an end-time servant (Matthew 28:19–20). For those who will hear, our purpose is to honor and proclaim that same way of life—the faith once delivered. In that way is found no part of the way given to Gentiles—people of the world (Deuteronomy 12:1–3; 4:1–40, Acts 14:16). We want the ways of God. We are not interested in any of the traditions or customs of this world. God’s servant of these last days at no time made the pagan customs of this world a part of the doctrine. The spirit which introduces change, and/or a relaxation of the doctrine is as much at work today as it was in the past. The called of God must be on guard incessantly. That spirit is a deceiver. He will do anything to destroy.
One concluding observation seems to be necessary. Those who believed and loved the Truth of God have remained strong, loyal, and faithful. On the other hand, it seems that everyone who was “argued” into acceptance of the “faith once delivered” has failed ultimately. It, indeed, seems like God is separating those who believe and love the Truth from those who must surely have accepted only on the basis of their own personal intellectual prowess.
Satan and his demons hate the ways of God. They will do anything to disrupt, challenge, and destroy. Such behavior is a manifestation of who and what the true people of God are all about. They persecuted Christ. In like manner they will do the same thing to those in whom Christ lives. The faithful of God will count it a privilege to suffer for the cause of righteousness. They will be persecuted and lied about with abandon, but these chosen children of God will know who they are. They love the Truth and will for no cause allow themselves to turn from it. They are the ones who will endure to the end.
Who are we? We are estranged members—a remnant (Romans 9:27–33; 11:1–5, Isaiah 1:8–9, Revelation 12:13–17)—from the apostate body (2 Thessalonians 2:1–3) who sincerely love God’s revealed Truth from the heart (2 Thessalonians 2:10), willing to remain faithful to the end (Matthew 24:13). That Truth which was taught by Christ (John 14:6; 12:48–50), that Truth which Christ commissioned the Twelve Apostles to teach (Matthew 28:20). Which was the same message taught by the Apostle Paul (Galatians 1:6–16, 1 Thessalonians 2:12–14). Which was the same message taught by an end-time servant (Matthew 28:19–20). Which had significant beginning with Moses (Hebrews 4:1–3). The Truth which is now obeyed from a spiritual premise (2 Corinthians 3:1–11).
These are the people that God’s true ministry desires to serve. It is our purpose to give you our energy and our love.  Letter from Raymond Cole


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Anonymous said...

Who do you think Jackie learned from? Jon taught her that, just as he is teaching everyone else that it's okay to divorce if a lot of money is involved. Of course that money has to be on the side of the one staying in the church.

I had a small run in with her and her confidant back in 07, 08. After telling them they were wrong about an issue, they went and cried to Jon. He called me and we went back and forth for 2 hrs about it. I told him we'd have to agree to disagree. I'm no longer there. One day, maybe one day they will learn right from wrong.

Anonymous said...

Jackie is a crybaby. If she doesn't get her way she runs to Jon and whines about you. If you ever wanted to see a prime example of a meddlesome gossip in the church, look no further than her.

Anonymous said...

Jackie had the ear of Mr. Cole as well. Her and her late husband had money. So having money who do you think Jon will hang around with? Who do Jon promotes, people with money. What ever happen to casting lots to find who God wanted to serve? Man always think they have a better handle on it then God.

Anonymous said...

Seems like the women in "leadership positions" in this church are desperate for new lovers and have found some fresh meat. And to convince these filandering men to dump their unconverted wives. So damn gross.

Anonymous said...

The momentum is growing. It’s nice to see. My hope is that many people leave after the Feast.

Anonymous said...

It will not be a mass exodus, but a few here and there as they get wise. JB has a way of attacking people and running them out of the group if they smell even a hint of error or an issue.

Boogerhooks said...

I don't mind if Jon puts me out of the Church, I am already contemplating moving out anyway. I'll just secretly keep Monday Pentecost. Maybe I'd get more encouragement from others, rather than receiving too many insults and gossip from the champions of Faith Once delivered.

Wolf359 said...

I feel sorry for some of you people that keep posting this non sense on this Blog. Do you have anything better to do than to trash Jon and our church. But Christ said that if they hated Him they would hate those that are His. So since you are trashing Jon and his sister so badly you are just proving that Jon is a true minister of God. But what about your own ministers or do you not keep the Sabbath anymore because you no longer consider it a sign between God and those that are His? Or have you now returned to the slop that you were once fed on when you were part of the churches of Satan? Some of you better wise up while God is merciful to you. Keep bad mouth Jon or any true minister of God and see what happens. Jon probably do not even come to this site may not even know about it or do not care what you are saying about him, but GOD does and in His name I rebuke those of you that are vicious and evil in the things you say. Based on the sound of some of the things some of you post, it seem like if you ever had the Spirit of God you have lost it.

Anonymous said...

Jon's not a true minister of God, so what's your point?

Anonymous said...

Go ask JB & Sis if these things are true and come back and let us know what they say.

Wolf359 said...

Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 11:37:00 AM PST
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jon visits the old to acquire their assets once they are dead. This amasses his fortune, or filthy lucre for when it is time.
You idiot Jon visit old people because that is what he is suppose to do honeor and respect the aged. For those of you that think Jon is ripping people off because he has a Vett are you really that stupid as to not know that his parents both died two days apart and they had two kids and they more than likely had a WILL. When Mr. Cole visit the brethren in other countries and if you were members at that time, did you criticize him when he made visits.? Or is that something that Jon can not do. God rebuke you evil people....big time. Now say all sort of crazy things about me I really could care less of what you think of me. Unless you I know that I know THE TRUTH. Fools ask yourselves if Sunday is the correct day of Pentecost then why after 37 years of keeping a Monday Pentecost and the Church growing at 30 % a year on AVERAGE did that rate decline after they change from a Monday to a Sunday. SOme of you talking about we should do our homework, apply that to yourselves. Do any of you have a clue what Mal 2:3 Behold, I will rebuke your offspring, and spread refuse upon your faces, even the refuse of your solemn feasts; and one shall take you away with it, means. One what? One Feast day, and that Feast day is PENTECOST changing the day from a Monday when the Church was blessed to a Satan inspired SUNDAY. Do you think that God's true church would keep the same days and Holidays that the world keep when Christ has said that these are HIS Feast Days? NO they would not. And since they believed that lie of a Sunday Pentecost God gave them over to strong delusions that they would believe a lie and that lie is the Day of Pentecost being on a Sunday.

Anonymous said...

What day did Christ keep? Remember HE was a JEW and kept it as the Jews kept it. Pentecost means 50 not 51 day which is a Monday.

Anonymous said...

Post a copy of the expense reports for the world travel. Does it show it was paid out of church funds?

Anonymous said...

Wolf359... Try using your own brain some time instead of regurgitating the crap you've been spoon fed.

Anonymous said...

If you had LISTENED to his sermons he said he saved his money to get his vett. His parents died long after Jon had purchased the car. What more excuses do you have for Jon?

Anonymous said...

Wolf359, Did You answer my question? Christ being a Jew and following Jewish tradition what day of Pentecost did Christ keep? Remember Pentecost means 50.If you are so smart for your young age tell me.

Hervert Harmstrong said...

It doesn't matter what Jesus did, he wasn't revealed the truth by a chosen servant in the last days who taught a bunch of random stuff put together in a new order that produced an annual 30% growth to the third tithe/jumbo jet account for a couple years. Stop talking about jesus and let's talk about the ways of give versus get.. Give me your tithes so you can maybe just maybe Get a dirt hole in Petra to live in for 7 years while herb and Christ fight Armageddon

Anonymous said...

Ok I guess if anyone says anything bad about the pope or dali Lama, that proves they are genuine preachers too? Dumb logic. As for the Sabbath being a sign. You can't pick and chose what OT verses to cling to. Plenty of other thi gs were "signs" that no longer apply. Jesus is the Sabbath rest.

Anonymous said...

and those filandering old men, that JB advised to divorce their unconverted wives, can find a new obedient wife to service them.

Boogerhooks said...

@wolf359 We are told not to argue abt doctrine. I made comments to point out some hypocrisies that I notice, a general condition. I never named anyone btw. Recent sermons acknowledge a Fact - Persecution is also a Revelation. A revelation abt what? The Hypocrisies. Weaknesses we all have.

Anonymous said...

Ah but bookerhooks, we are to point out false teaching/doctrine which you have much of over there. So sort that out.

Anonymous said...

Preacher John giving dozens of sermons on marriage while he secretly advises married men to dump their disobedient wife, and the women in leadership positions carry on with online romance with married men. Hypocrites!

Anonymous said...

Be careful who you dine with, or be called an opportunist for later haha

Anonymous said...

Why don't you act using your 5 talents as you claimed to be....

Truth said...

Balance vs. Compromise? Really? Once again trying to pit brethren against brethren spying on one another so the little do-gooders can run back to home office and report. Listen, the only wisdom you need to show as far as that little group is concerned, is that when you finally discover that Brisby is a heretic himself, leave quietly. Do not point it out, just tip toe out of there and stick to the word of God. That is wisdom.

Wolf359 said...

This is Wolf359 I was going to make a comment, but I think a snowball have a better chance on the corona of the sun then getting through to some of you, evil, bitter and resentful people that wear their emotions on their sleeves. But, oh wait, I did make a comment.

Wolf359 said...

How oh how do you people know so much about what is happening in Church of God the Eternal and why should we believe what you say? Why don't you rave about other ministers you can't because you all believe the same lies that the WCG believe after 1974. I guess what the Apostle Paul said do not make a difference to you like it did not to the Church back then. Do you not believe God when He said what is written in Galatians1:8-9. If back in the 1930s up until 1974 if God did indeed gave Mr.Armstrong the TRUTH then should Gal1:8-9 apply to MR. Armstrong who is far less than an Angel.Therefore he did not have the right to change the doctrine. Some of you will not believe the Truth even if it was spoken to you by an Angel. You are stuck in your ways and doing what your fathers did in ancient Israel doing what is right in your own eyes.

Anonymous said...

@Wolf359 Jon Brisby told us you're not the sharpest pencil in the box. He basically said you're stupid, and you are for defending him.

Anonymous said...

Now remember kids, don't think you're so pretty. Someone being nice to you just might want to be a good christian. Don't lay stumbling blocks in your brother's way. Oh wait, you really think you're so pretty? Hot shot?

Anonymous said...

Sorry hotshot/s, I am never your enemy, I just want u to see ur own face in the mirror, like I do my own checking. Isn't that what's sharpening iron is all abt? Peace bruh'. Will shut up and sign off now. Haha

Anonymous said...

Lil'Wolfie said
"This is Wolf359 I was going to make a comment, but I think a snowball have a better chance on the corona of the sun then getting through to some of you, evil, bitter and resentful people that wear their emotions on their sleeves. "

Poor widdle baby. DId someone have a bad day? Bwah!!!!!!!!!!!! Bwah!!!!!!!!!!! You have better get back to fellatting Jon and keep him happy.

Wolf359 said...

Only a fool would think such foolish thoughts, but one thing is certain you like all of us will have to die one day and then we face the MASTER and then and perhaps only then you will know that you were wrong, either that or if something bad happens to you or should I say all of you that have this twisted view about a true servant of God. Whatever church you are in, do you check out your ministers or do you like what they preach to you....the smooth things, the things you can accept, so there is no need to prove if what he is preaching is the truth. If you are keeping a Sunday Pentecost because you do not have to have the faith to take one day off or use your vacation days, then you love what he preach. Some of you might be so far off in left field that your pastor might be a woman,but you would not care. Remember however that there is a way that seem right to a man and the result of that is DEATH and not the first death but eternal death. Oh you of little faith, are you so weak that you will strain a nat and swallow a camel.I pity the fool that think just because someone preach what he or she do not want to hear that they think that preacher of righteous is a heretic. But no marvel Christ said it would be so. Your treatment of Jon Brisby just prove that what Christ said about they hating you because you follow Christ is true. If Jon was like your minister and preached what you wanted to hear instead of what you need to hear then this BLOG would not even be up. How many of you have totally rejected everything and have went completely back into the world from which you came.

Wolf359 said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

@Wolf359 Jon Brisby told us you're not the sharpest pencil in the box. He basically said you're stupid, and you are for defending him.

Saturday, March 11, 2023 at 3:02:00 PM PS

You do know God hate lying RIGHT? And don't think you are being smart with your remark. You know and GOD especially knows that JON BRisby did not say that. Besides, I know who and what I ma, but do you know that about yourself big man? Probably don't you probably think you are the sharpest knife in the drawer. Shame on you. But if you listened to the sermon he gave what he said is true unless you are also calling God a liar too. We and I guess that includes you too are not the wise or the world and GOD did not call the mighty so if you were called at one time or another by God then you fit that category too unless you know thinks you know more than the Eternal. Do you not know old man that God resist the proud and humble them and gives grace to the humble, that being said I am proud that YOU think I am the most dull knife in the drawer. But may God rebuke you. Have a great week otherwise. And try not to hate JWB. Hate is not of God but of Satan the Devil.

Anonymous said...

what church location do you attend? or are you not allowd to say?

Anonymous said...

Wolf359 . Question , . You know the bible that says don't call anyone a fool? But there you are calling people fools. People don't keep a Sunday Pentecost to have a vacation but to follow Christ example WHO WAS A JEW. You are young and stupid like Jon said in the latest sermon he gave. Jon keeps you in a box and you better not step out of that box, Jon will have nothing to do with you if you dare ask questions.

Boogerhooks said...

We like our Brisby, no matter what. He's a pain in the butt sometimes but we all get along fine in our little group. Your comments have reached a million already and no ones budging. I just hope he will not find out the icecream and cake I got in my fridge. The Door y thos too and Reese peanut butter cupcakes. Peace.

Wolf359 said...

Anonymous said...

Wolf359 . Question , . You know the bible that says don't call anyone a fool? But there you are calling people fools. People don't keep a Sunday Pentecost to have a vacation but to follow Christ example WHO WAS A JEW. You are young and stupid like Jon said in the latest sermon he gave. Jon keeps you in a box and you better not step out of that box, Jon will have nothing to do with you if you dare ask questions.Sunday, March 12, 2023 at 12:39:00 PM PDT

You are wrong on one point, do you know what it is?

This is not it, but I am wrong for trying to get you and others to see that yo need to stop accusing Jon of things he is not guilty of just because you do not agree with what he says. Jon is not coming over to our houses looking in or cabinets or checking our grocery lists. He just tells it what is and leave it up to the person whether he follow it or not. Jon know as well as myself and others that certain foods though not "unclean" are still not good for the body because of what man in his so-called wisdom have done to it by processing it and removing what God whom y'all claim is your God, put in it for our health. I also know that you know of people like Grandma Emma that smoked a pack of cigarettes a day along with that pink of vodka and still lived to be 106. So frankly it is up to y'all(us) what we do with what he preaches. He is in his early 60s and he does thing that men 20 years younger can not do because they ate all that junk most of their or either all of their lives. Next time you go to the supermarket check out how much "junk" certain people have in their shopping carts and then look at the person who is about to check that junk out. Almost everything in the cart is refined because the producers knows that what they put in those products keeps it on the self longer. And think on this if it is keeping the food from spoiling imagine what it does to your insides. Do you really think that these companies will tell you the truth about what's in their products? No they will not. I hope your lusts do not come back to bite you in the behind. Don't expect God to heal you when you keep eating junk "clean" foods. And lusting after something that is not good for you is salvational. Lust is it not idol worship?

Have you guess the one point you are definitely WRONG on?

Wolf359 said...

Anonymous Boogerhooks said... We like our Brisby, no matter what. He's a pain in the butt sometimes but we all get along fine in our little group. Your comments have reached a million already and no ones budging. I just hope he will not find out the icecream and cake I got in my fridge. The Door y thos too and Reese peanut butter cupcakes. Peace. Monday, March 13, 2023 at 4:12:00 AM PDT

Boogehooks, if you are a member of COGE and do not agree with what you hear Jon preach, WHY ARE YOU STILL THERE? You are free to leave anytime you want to. They are not a Jim Jones cult, they are not making you stay there (even if you think he is by what he preach) you still have a choice everyone has a choice, no matter if it is a life and death one, there is still two possible answer to a situation. So you have a choice to leave and find one of these groups that preach and write about the things you consider important. If you are not already in one of them to begin with. Why pretend you are one of US if you do not agree with what is being said. And do not believe everything you hear other people say about a person, that is gossip and that can be a sin which is salivational This will be my last time posting a comment until sometime in May. So feel free to bash me to pieces....I DO NOT CARE, because I know and know that I know the Truth.

Anonymous said...

90% of the people in the church is old and they have followed the health laws for years, why do we need someone with a 4-part sermon talk down to us like we are children? And he is smarter than us.

Boogerhooks said...

@Wolf359 Jon has not even told me to leave, what right do you have? It's not your Church btw. Or is it?

Anonymous said...

Would you tell us specifically which part was gossp?

Anonymous said...

No one is attracted to you. If you think people are attracted to you, that's bec your EGO is inflated.

Anonymous said...

A member has a wife who refuses to join. J.Brisby has advised the member to divorce his disobedient wife. This member wants to be free of his burden so he can marry JB's sister.

Anonymous said...

One high ranking individual also uses swear words "Jesus Christ" to my dismay. I am witness to that. He probably thinks it makes him look cool.

Anonymous said...

High ranking member? I didn't know they were the Catholic church?

Anonymous said...

Anyone could say that, but who does that? How do we know this is true?

Anonymous said...

Brother Brisby??

Anonymous said...

Why justify? Are we not "ALL" taught to be humble and accept our mistakes?
- Faithful are the wounds of a friend -

Anonymous said...

Yes we are taught that. But the leaders in the church hold your sins against you and bring them up when necessary to keep under control.

Anonymous said...

It is ok for members in leadership positions to commit actions that lay members are not allowed such as online romance with people married to non-members. They do not have to abide by the dozens of marriage sermons.

Poor Richard said...

Rules for thee but not for me... you're in a tax exempt extortion organization, as a loyal tithe paying Sabbath obedient moron. Congrats. Life well spent? I guess you and God will discuss that before a white throne some day.

Anonymous said...


"...because it's not sexyyyyy.."

Me: rolling my eyes (cringe)

Anonymous said...

What do you with a man that speaks out of both sides of his mouth? Sermon: "Blessing and Cursing" July 11, 2015 Brisby says that it is okay to pray for a curse upon your enemy, uses King David as an example to follow.

Sermon: "God our Defender" March 18, 2023 Says that we are to be forgiving like Jesus, that we are under the 2nd covenant not the first. Brisby says not to follow King David's example who killed and cursed, that he was under the first covenant and was not subject to the standard we are.

What do you make out of men who speak contrary to their own words? Whey they play situation politics using God's words? Apply fear when necessary to achieve a desired outcome from the laity using God's word? Stop being fearful. If you truly are chosen members of God's Church, then you would wake up. I say now...wake up!

Anonymous said...

Wake up and get the hell outa that cult and leave those filandering men there to marry the preacher's sis!

Anonymous said...

I also forgot to mention, he also said in a 2006 announcement letter that it was not okay to ask for a curse upon others. So 2006, not okay. 2015, okay. 2023, not okay. A double mind is unstable in all its ways.

Anonymous said...

I don't care what he does or does not do anymore.
My salvation does not depend on what he does or does not do.
I will live in peace and try to pursue it, that means staying away from people
who are toxic to my own growth.

Anonymous said...

It's incredible how many people begin to wake up, but stay. They grow stronger in their independent views, but stay. Even at the behest of a minister who says it's a package deal, it you don't like it, don't let the door hit you on the way out.. yet they stay. Why? Because the minister becomes the scape goat that they'll blame on judgement day. Except that won't work. And not leaving because you are bound by a spirit of fear and anxiety won't be a good scape goat either. You have limited time. Don't just leave, run. God is not trapped in a tiny rented hall/grange/office, and neither should you be

Anonymous said...

I want to run but scared of the Lake of Fire waiting for me. Jon wins.

Anonymous said...

Omg, Is that where they meet now? In a tiny hall or garage? Does the group down in Texas meet in a persons garage still?

Anonymous said...

Word is that men are finding out that Brisby will allow them to divorce their unconverted wife if these men will be loyal to Brisby. So a new way of gaining loyal followers and count as new growth.

Carlos said...

RIP Tim Sherwood and Terry Shimmon

Anonymous said...

what happened?

Anonymous said...

I've been in the Church of God for some time. I think most people are superficial and fake.
You are lucky if you found someone who's genuine. I am still trying to wade through all this hilarious personalities.

Anonymous said...

I'm in the church. I'm genine as they come. You must live in Oregon.

Anonymous said...

TIM Died of cancer and Terry died I think of heart failer. Both men worked for Jon Brisby in Oregon. So sad ,I liked both these men.

Anonymous said...

Really the ones in Oregon are genuine? Haha. I received another invitation. After attending the invitation, you'll be called an "Opportunist" or some other fabricated stories. Twisted souls.

Anonymous said...

HQ must need money if they are sending out invitations. Who is the opportunist there? haha

Anonymous said...

They only send invitations if you have talked to Jon and show interest in the church.

Anonymous said...

A member has a wife who refuses to obey. JB has advised the member to dump his wifewho wears makeup and wont throw out the cake mixes. The member wants to be free of his unconverted wife and marry JB sister and online romance. They both should be disfellowshipped but it is ok since they will all eat an unleavened cracker for a few days.

Wolfworf953 said...

Is the horse dead yet? People on this blog have been beating that horse of Jon has a sister that has an online romance going with some guy. So again I ask you is that horse dead yet? You are either other people on here sure like beating that horse or maybe the horse is from Krypton and you need a rock of Kryptonite to kill it. John sister is not involved with anyone online.

Wolfworf953 said...

And I hope you are NOT a member of any church group and take so lightly God's Holy Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread.

Anonymous said...

have you asked the sister if its true?

Anonymous said...

I have a question, if Christ is Jewish and he kept a Jewish Pentecost, why don't we? When did it change to a Monday and who changed it? I never heard about a Monday Pentecost until Armstrong.

Wolfworf953 said...

If you asked me that question:
Anonymous said...have you asked the sister if its true? Well if it is or isn't it is none of my business it is between her and whomever he is and GOD. He and she will have to answer to God if not repented of, is none of my business!

Anonymous said...

The dozens of marriage sermons don't apply because the wife is not a member, right?

Anonymous said...

If the husband is in the church the wife is covered by him. That is why divorce is not needed. If you really care ,do this research about this

Anonymous said...

And they need to answer to the wife. Right?

Anonymous said...

Jon needs to show the wife that she is covered by her husband conversion. And not use this as a excuse to leave his wife.

Anonymous said...

Divorce is not needed? hehe. That poor unconverted wife needs to divorvce that filandering man.

Anonymous said...

Do you know what is going on for sure or are taking and anonymous poster words, who will not reveal him or herself. I have asked many times for proof and nothing. These are empty words from this person. Where is the proof????

Anonymous said...

Ask the "sassy" one in the group whose got 5 talents. How abrasive sarcastic he can be lol. It's abt time, we all decide, we have our paradigm shifts, and not "kick" little or big sheeps.

Anonymous said...

It blows me away that members of these groups continue to look to a man instead of Jesus. Not just in COGTE, but all of the "splinter groups". We are told that we will know those who make up the real body of the Church by their "manifested fruits". Pretty simple right? Nope. Instead, all you hear spewed from the pulpits and a majority of the brainwashed listeners, is that you will know them by their doctrines. I guess we will not get it until Christ returns.

Anonymous said...

Ask JB and Sis and come back here let us know what they reply.

Wolfworf953 said...

Ah, one question @ Anonymous Anonymous said...Ask JB and Sis and come back here let us know what they reply. What is the sister name? Do you even know? And if you do know how do you know? Did she turn you down after you went after her? If she shunned you are you mad because of it?

Anonymous said...

That is 5 questions.

Anonymous said...

Who cares about who's having romances. You're all guilty of adultery one way or another. And idolatry, by worshipping Jon. Then you leave Jon's church and just join another Armstrong cult. More idolatry. You let wacky self appointed faux ministers lay hands on an bless your children, with the strange fire if Baal.

Anonymous said...

There seems to be a memberin the church that wants to start his own church called the Double Cross of the Crimson Pitchfork located off of Hwy 343 just off the frontage road. This monthly letter is entitled You Better Turn Before You 🔥 Burn! Please no snake handlers allowed. We have too many vipers on this blog already. You can recognize the minister by his blue hat and walking cane. He's ready to fight the devil!

The ? said...

Some of you are demonic and can't even see it. I say that based on what you say most of it do not even make sense. I pity you that think you are following Christ when Christ would never respond the way that some of you are. And if you are not one of those types then this is not for you .

The ? said...

and while I am here, how many of you nice people kept Easter services this money went to a sunrise service in honor of your god Baal.?

Anonymous said...

I went to an Easter service yesterday. And the bible was quoted more in 15 minutes than Jon quotes in an hour. All you armstrong worshippers are unable to defend or explain your faith without invoking the name of your god armstrong. At least we can explain our faith using the bible.

Anonymous said...

I did not see anyone worship the devil but I did see everyone with thir Holy Bible looking up verses, and we sang praises to Jesus, and not one hateful remark about other churches.

Anonymous said...

Look, if you stand at the pulpit and mention Herbert's name more than you do your saviours, clearly there is a problem.

This is what we are warned about in the 17th chapter of Matthew, the worship of men. There is nothing new under the sun.

Anonymous said...

Pls don't TWIST the situation. Calling us Pharaisical. Don't you understand how PAINFUL your words were? People are in pain bec of your words, don't you understand what PAIN is? And not only you but many other abrasive mouths in the group. I already know one who drowned in the evil of others, so don't try to even push me down further underwater! I am not as strong as you old sheep or cats with ears chewed. I came innocent, i thought many are sincere, but then came to know many are fake and have a way to make twisted stories to have fun, even you. You know that.

Anonymous said...

If you feel you are weak please don't come to this web site .Go to other that want to feed you lollipops and candy and tell you everything just rosesy.

Anonymous said...

Sweety, look at you, this is not your church, and I have one more person I can respect, and that aint you.

Anonymous said...

Tit for Tat Jon?
What great fruit. Hahahahah.

Anonymous said...

Why would I even care if you respect me? I don't even know you. You think your comment even matters to me? And what's with this sweety thing?

Anonymous said...

Filandering man wants to get rid of his unconverted wife and marry preacher's sister. He believes that he will be authorized to do all this since he is good friends with the preacher and sis.

Anonymous said...

Are you located in Texas? Just asking because you used the word "aint".

The ? said...

If your comments are aimed at me please use @The?, Because otherwise I do not know who you are referring to.

Anonymous said...

this is the second time you have not posted my comments ,I did not post anything bad unless you are the ones offended?

JH Allen Poe said...

Imagine letting yourself die from easily treatable diseases because the preacher has convinced you that is a last days trial to show your righteousness. Don't treat that infection or use bandaids you sinner. Don't get diabetes diagnosed, just eat whole wheat. Don't take vitamins, that's medicine. Just let yourself die, cope with alcohol, and you'll be seated at the right hand of Armstrong in the kingdom... This is what COGE has become, and they have blood on their hands.

Anonymous said...

JB and Sis wear glasses, contacts, Lasik?

Fred Flintstone said...

You people should have seen how they bully. One individual wanted to fellowship with others, and was told " I hate your guts, why don't you leave". Like literally. If you're interested joining this group, it's really a war and clash of spirits. Don't expect they will treat you with kindness or respect. Some will. So probably, why this long thread of comments. Lots of bullies, even you know. Sadcasm.

Anonymous said...

A woman that leads a home group down in TX has been pressuring a mentally unstable man to leave his wife. HQ needs to look into this "deaconess". She wants a new husband for herself.

Anonymous said...

It took me several years to forgive Brisby for what he did to me and my family. Sadly, I have seen him bully many other families, as well as individual members. This type of behavior on the behalf of one who calls himself a steward of God's people, will be dealt with by God. You can be rest assured of that. I knew Mr. Cole, and he would be rolling over in his grave if he knew how the man he ordained in 97 began to behave shortly after his death in 2001. Arrogance has blinded Brisby into believing that bully behavior is somehow acceptable with God.

Just read scripture and listen to what Christ and the Apostles have told you to do in such situations. Pray about it and exit silently.

JH Allen Poe said...

Clearly Mr Cole's ordination selection wasnt as inspired as he thought. Perhaps Mr Cole was more sincere, and had an understanding of basic Christianity on some levels, but was still brainwashed by armstrongism. Even breakoff groups carry the clout of a false prophets spiritual baggage. Ultimately it's not brisby that's the problem, it's Herbert. Hitler said some true things.. should we be Nazis? Joseph Smith said some true things, should we be Mormons? Find a better branch.

Anonymous said...

Brisby giving dozens of sermons on marriage while he advises men to divorce their unconverted wives. Seems like he is trying to get some loyal tithe paying husbands for the poor single women so he doesnt have take $ out of church funds to help the widows and orphans.

Anonymous said...

Just watch him give a sermon and see his deep narsacistic traits getting stronger as time goes by.

Crapping Stones said...

Forgive me brother Brisby for the things I said. I realized I don't have any right to say those things bec I'm also a sinner.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

do you agree with him advising men to dump their wife?

Worldwide Church of Gooo said...

Herb got caught with Japanese boys. Your leader, boy lover. Are you too?

cat lady said...

The Two Trees of Eden
Jon W. Brisby; Eugene, OR., 3-25-2023

The word of God pulls no punches

Yes, the devil has ministers too. Don’t be deceived.

Take heed whom you listen to! It is our dear Savior’s counsel, “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing — but inwardly are ravening wolves!” Matthew 7:15.

Let me tell you, the Devil has his ministers — as well as Christ! There are some, who by the subtlety of their wit, have learned the art of mixing error with truth, and to give poison in a golden cup!

Take heed WHO you hear, and HOW you hear. Be like those noble Bereans, who searched the Scriptures daily, to see whether the things that they taught, were true or not. Acts 17:11.

Your ears must not be like sponges which suck in puddle-water, as well as wine. But your ears must be like a winnowing fan, which fans out the chaff — but retains the pure wheat. You must be like those in the parable, who gathered the good fish — but cast the bad away. Matthew 13:48.

The saints are called virgins for their wisdom — they will not let everyone defile their souls with error! They have both a judicious ear, and a critical palate — which can distinguish between truth and error; and discern a difference between God’s pure food, and the devil’s cooking!

Anonymous said...

Well said cat lady, but for those trapped inside of the HWA box, scripture goes by the wayside. That, and Brisby has already twisted all of the scriptures you mentioned in an attempt to take the relevance out of them for the proving Christian. All that is left for those sitting over there, is Brisby interpretation. How do you walk your way out of error with that?

Anonymous said...

Brisby says there are 2 separate counts for Pentecost and they miraculously both end up on Monday and Christ kept a Monday Pentecost, BUT Christ was a JEW and kept the Jewish Pentecost which was not on a Monday.

Anonymous said...

Check out a message by Ron Dart called "The Art of Deception". You'll find that Brisby has used all 7 methods to deceive.

Anonymous said...

Like when he gives dozen sermons on marriage at same time advising filandering men to dump their wife who wont join.

Anonymous said...

Adam and Eve failed. As a result all humanity was separated until the second Adam arrived. Paradise was Offered life eternal in perfect health. Abundance living. Today we have weeds in the ground. We eat bad fruit. We suffer and complain because Satan is the God of this period of time. The 2nd Adam made possible the Holy Spirit . Adam and Eve were never offed that Gift. Whose voice do we listen too?

Anonymous said...

Ron Dart lived the Bible. He gave much to the poor. Penetcost is the time to help the poor. We have NEVER done that. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Our Hearts need love care and giving.

Anonymous said...

The people running this cult are not real Christians. The preacher is telling filandering men its ok to divorce their wife. Preacher's sister has online romance with a man married to a non-member. Hypocrites!!

Anonymous said...

The thing I have against Ron Dart is that he praised Garner Ted and how wonderful he was. Ron Dart new what Garner Ted was doing committing adultery for many years. All his gambling he did. Ron made excuses for his Behavior. And so did all the evangelist in Worldwide. I have no respect for him at all.

Anonymous said...

You are correct, Mr. Dart did somewhat praise Garner Ted, but then split from him. If I used his past and that philosophy to color everything he preached, I'd have to do the same to everyone. I choose to prove what comes out of their mouth as it compares to the word of God, and their behavior amongst the brethren. With that in mind, Mr. Dart towed the line. I cannot say the same for the Brisby's, the Packs, the Flurries, and so many others.

Wolfdog said...

Jon the weak rebel, encouraging your rebellion to God, and enabling your weakness, wants to lecture you about what his definitions are of rebellion and weakness are that will cause you to "lose your salvation". If you are able to lose it so easily, then you don't have Holy Ghost, and you never had salvation in the first place. Pray Pay & $tay! Bow down and worship HWA's image and his son Jon.

Big Bad Momma said...

Holy Ghost? What Penecostal church do you belong to?

Anonymous said...

"Learn of me for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you shall find rest unto your souls"

Anonymous said...

The Last few months not many brothers and Sisters show up in Church to hear Mr Brisby. We the youth are too bored in Church. All the young ones don't come every Sabbath. Our Church is going back into the World.

Church of goop said...

HWA molested his daughter. The same years he made up the religion. Sounds inspired. Lets follow that guy. Must be God's chosen

Anonymous said...

sabbath day today, come to church

Anonymous said...

Which church? Church of Brisby & Sis??

The ? said...

@@@@@Wolfdog, you are that one lost sheep that Christ went hunting for. I hope you follow Him back to the Faith. You are lost indeed my friend.

Wolf359 said...

You can just read what some of you Post to know that those spirits are not of Christ. I would ask Jon what he preached that got some of you all rallied up? If you knew Christ you would know the truth. Only those that are His obey Him. We follow the physical head of the Church as long as that person is following Christ. You need to do what I did years ago. I Downloaded every PDF and URL file on the website years ago and the sermons and I go back from time to time to listen to them. The same message back in the 1990s and the same message today. You Jon Brisby haters just want to hear smooth things, things that do not hurt our conscious. Some of you need to ask yourself this one question and think upon it if and only if you were once part of the Worldwide Church of God. So here goes: IF Pentecost was not on Monday or what the Church taught about D&R before 1974 was not the truth, then why did the Church went off track and the blessings that God had given the Church for 37 years stopped? If Sunday is the correct day of Pentecost and the Church started keeping it instead of Monday, why did the blessings stop? Or are you saying and thinking that there was no blessing or healing in the Church before 1974. You talk about Mr. Armstrong being involved in incest and little boys,and you do not think that God would use him. Have you not read that Moses was a murderer. Remember he murdered the Egyptian. So was a perfect God wrong in using him. Or your ancient ancestor Jacob who lied to get the blessing of the birthright. What about the Egyptian midwives that lied to help save the boy childs from being slaughtered by Pharaoh. And what about those of you that did terrible things before you were called (and I only speak to those that were members of the parent group or one of the splinter groups. Do you believe that God forgave you of your sins once you were repentant? And this person that keeps talking about the preacher sister, when are you going to let that go. If Jon is such a bad preacher why don't you just let that be between God and him and you not be His judge. If he is teaching lies then why are you still there if you are there? Do you go to our site just to get something to gripe about? If you are a member of one of the other groups. God to the part of this blogsite that trash your group and not Church of God, the Eternal. And finally remember this and remember it well. Christ said many are called but few are chosen! And most importantly He said "He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone." Do you realize that the only one that could have cast as stone was Christ Himself, but HE did not. Why can't you people forgive? Remember if you do not forgive them that sin against you, neither will Christ/God forgive you. So your forgiveness is based on whether you can forgive. God said to cover ones sin not go over them in the blog week after week after week. You sinless ONES.

Wolfworf953 said...

And to the Wolfdog (and please do not think this Wolfdog is me. You did not even remotely comprehend that message. If we and that include me are too stubborn to change our behavior concerning a certain sin you like me know what our individual sins are, we will not make it into the kingdom of God. If we use our weakness as an excuse not to even work on over coming then we will not overcome and only those that overcome shall inherit eternal life. Do you think God will give you powers to create new worlds even new galaxies if you bash people instead of showing love towards them. If we have a drinking problem and I do not mean control drinking I mean drinking to the point of passing out of too drunk to drive on a regular basis, do you think God will set you on a throne of power? If you lie and gossip about people, like some of you in here are doing, do you think God will allow you in His Kingdom. Some of you talking about reading the Bible and follow Christ instead of Armstrong or Cole or Brisby or any man. Do you yourself read the Bible and do what it says. If gossiping about your brother(Jon) and others an example of what Christ said to love each other. So again I ask do you yourself do what Christ said to do even if Jon is not doing what you feel he should be doing?

Wolfworf953 said...

And while I am thinking about it, that person that makes Jon sister out to be some kind of whore or slut, how do you know she is doing what you claim she is doing. The only reason you could possibly know this is if you were a member of the Church and you should know what God says about gossiping, a talebearer. What is your proof that she is doing what you claim she is doing? For you to know this you would have to be either the person she is involved with or a friend of her or this married man you claim she is involved with. So which one is it? To that person that keeps bringing that up, DID SHE TURN YOU DOWN!!!!

Anonymous said...

All need to sell up there homes and start Renting. Time is Short.

Anonymous said...

tell me why this church never does Proclaiming the warnings of prophecy for our times and announcing the good news of the coming Kingdom of God?

Anonymous said...

@The ? If you are Jon, then why not initiate bringing this people back to the Faith? The Lost Sheep. Just a plain question, no emotions here involved, or do you have to wait for them to beg? I assume Christ will be out there actively seeking lost sheep in crags? or do you have to wait for the poor sheep to start crawling to you? Is there a Biblical analysis? What could be the cons behind that?

Anonymous said...

Because we are not in a state of authority. Brisby will not go because he only likes those inside the Church. He considers those outside Gentiles. Also, those of our Brothers and Sisters that have, found error in Brisby's teachingand left due to his added doctrines are now non Brothers and Sisters. Classic Example of his attitude since has been in charge. He will go into the World for his self family Pleasures, but will never make a public show of his faith. My bible tells me he should be Going into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature not to relax and take advantage of those dear sheep. Feeling lost in life as the called sheep is one of the worst feelings in the world. Jesus said "Which of you men???, if you had one hundred sheep, and lost one of them, wouldn't leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness, and go after the one that was lost, until he found it? When he has found it, he carries it on his shoulders, rejoicing. Brisby only ever starts rejoicing when those people are out in the cold. Proves he it's a true servant that's why he has no God given authority. Repent Jon and Go rather to the lost sheep of Israel. Many are scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd. Woe to the pastors, that destroy- disconnect, sever - to separate and tear the sheep of my pasture. Your Pastor loves to be the leader, refuses to have anything to do with Brethren. Who does this Diotrephes think he is? "Do not imitate the actions of this man, Diotrephes. Diotrephes,he opposed and crippled the work of God!

Anonymous said...

Wolfdog = Johnny Come Lately. Long ago over at Ambassador College he showed lack of respect or courtesy.I know Jon showed much Disrespects for his elders in College. His behavior was shown by manifests as a power imbalance. He hated being under any authority! I remember those day's very well as Jon's best friend. He would talk about how he wanted to be far superior leader than those in ministerial Leadership in the WCG.

Anonymous said...

Wolfdog Go and learn what this means, ‘I desire mercy, and not sacrifice.’ For I came not to call the righteous, but sinners’ Mr Wolfdog in sheep’s clothing denotes you as the person who appears harmless and kind, but this attitude only hides his devious and malicious intent.1 John 4:1, we are told to test the spirits to see whether they are of God or not. This has to do with the teachings and proclamations of those who claim to be speaking on behalf of God. While Satan himself is compared to a roaring lion (1 Peter 5:8), the false teacher is compared to a ravenous wolf. Because both are predatory in nature, they each seek victims. Our God always causes us to triumph over Satan and his Works. Signs of a Wolf in Sheep's Clothing below.
They Love Power and Themselves.
They Refuse Correction and Respond to Criticism with Anger.
They Use Emotions to Get What They Want.
They lack the Fruit of the Spirit.

Know God’s word and you’ll know when it’s being twisted and manipulated.
“For even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds.” 2 Cor. 11:14-15

Sometimes deception may be hidden well, manipulated and cunning, for the Bible makes clear that even Satan disguises himself as light.

If we don’t know His truth, we will never know when we’re being deceived. Study it. Meditate on His words. Guard them in your heart. “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” Ps. 119:11

Anonymous said...

Why does this upset you? Are you so sure it isn't true? Did you ask her?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Wolf359 said...
Your are very wordy without saying anything. Was Christ a Jew? If you answered yes then you must realize he kept Pentecost on what day they kept it. Jesus never made a mistake. If you think monday then your wrong.

Anonymous said...

pooew456 Hi Wolfdog

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's not too late for all of us. Maybe we can go to a place where we can have a beer or two, and be honest how did we all got offended one way or the other, and really learn to forgive and have a freshstart.I mean, We're all grown ups. Just being naive in my imagination, but I like this idea. Let's also make sure we don't punch each other like the Ministers in Worldwide did.

Wolfworf953 said...

Church of goop said...HWA molested his daughter. The same years he made up the religion. Sounds inspired. Lets follow that guy. Must be God's chosen. Okay then what about Moses, he killed a man was he or wasn't he God's Chosen? Or are you one of those that believe there was no Moses or Ancient Israelites? If you were around back then when Moses for God's Choice to lead the Children of Israel out of Egypt, would you have followed him, or are you one of those that think that since Moses murdered a man, God could not use Him for anything God. You and myself, we all need to understand God do not think like men do. He Himself said that His ways are not like our ways. That His thoughts are as high above man as the Heavens are above the earth. So you saying that God can't choose whomever HE will to do HIS WILL? Is that what you are saying? Are you prefect? Is there something in your little closet that other people would use against you that you don't have God's Spirit? Better check yourself, self righteousness is probably the biggest sin of all. He who is without it cast the first stone. You could not have cast the first stone against the woman taken in adultery. The only one that could did not. You are not HIM!!! Are you so righteous that you can Save yourself by your righteousness alone? And since HWA was involved with incest with his daughter God did not use him. Ole Herbert just came up with all these doctrine (that can be proven from the Bible by the way). Are you one of those that once believed that when we die we go to heaven if good or hell if we lived a terrible and bad life. Or are you one that now believe that we go to the grave when we died whether good or bad awaiting a Resurrection, one of Three. Are you so sure that since you still hold HWA in disgust you will not be one of those that is part of the 3rd resurrection?

Wolfworf953 said...

Please do not get me mixed up with this Wolfdog person. I am Wolfworf953.A combination of one of my first heavenly stars, Wolf359 and one of my favorite Star Trek characters. Worf.

Chewbacca said...

Hello Wolf. I am heading to the forest with Little Red Riding Hood.
You can come over. We will be nice. Bring some pies and icecream.

Anonymous said...

By the way, Jon, you can remove me from your monthly mailing lists and access.
You know who I am.

Anonymous said...

pies and icecream cause Sin. We know Satan loves us all to Sin.

Micky Mouse said...

They Love Power and Themselves. J
They Refuse Correction and Respond to Criticism with Anger. J
They Use Emotions to Get What They Want. J
They lack the Fruit of the Spirit. J

Anonymous said...

Christ was a JEW and kept the Jewish Pentecost which was not on a Monday. I think that's simple and correct. One person considers one day more sacred than another; another considers every day alike. Each of them should be fully convinced in their own mind. Romans 14:5.

everything that is not from faith is sin. Have Faith Jesus was a Jew.

Anonymous said...

Wolfworf953 you smoke more weed.

Truth said...

You know, I keep hearing everyone here talking about a man. HWA, Raymond Cole, Jon Brisby. Follow the man. Where is Christ in the equation?

Anonymous said...

Preacher and Sis dont follow the marriage rules they preach. Its ok if they counsel a member to dump their wife, right? And its ok if they have online affair with married people, right?

Anonymous said...

Brisby compromises on Marriage. He allows old men to try young girls.

Anonymous said...

Mr Brisby will Never do anything bad. Jesus leads his life.

Anonymous said...

Jon brisby has done this before . Who do you think advised Justin Nalder to divorce his wife OVER MONEY? Jon Brisby. He admits it in a sermon. He is not the man you think he is. Where were you when he gave this sermon? Jon is not a truthful and honest persons.

Anonymous said...

Jesus leads Brisby? Your a comedian.

Anonymous said...

That wife should drag Brisby's sorry ass thru court. And cuss him out in a way he will never forget. She is prob far better off without her ex-husband controlling what she wears and eats.

Anonymous said...

You spiritually dead and this is sad

Chewbacca said...

Has someone cursed me? I just became lactose intolerant.
How can I fight the empire now when the Vader comes?
Wolf? Did you do it?

Anonymous said...

So many keep forgetting that Christ dwells within Mr. Brisby and he cannot be making all these mistakes some claim he is. When he speaks it is as if Christ himself is speaking the words.

Anonymous said...

Anon Friday May 5, 2023 at 8:03. If I used your logic about Christ dwelling in Brisby, therefore he cannot make any mistakes; then I guess the same goes for you and me since we have been baptized. You making any mistakes? Thought so.

Anonymous said...

Jesus is not over there in your group. Jesus was kicked out by compromises on the marriages. Pastor loves his own God Dollar. Baal, god worshipped Like most things corrupted by sin, The Israelites had also not done themselves any favors by intermarrying with Canaanite women and allowing Sins to infiltrate their homes. Home of Church Office is filled with Sins. Why are those Older guy's allowed to Marry Younger woman? This young fertility is about Ball. word ''baal'' means lord, and was also applied to several other deities as well as human rulers. Jon saying Jesus is come already, into his flesh. Here are some few clear characteristic of its kind. Run for the hills, Get Out flee, Seek Him while he may be found.

Werewolf420 said...

Y'all are crazy especially the other wolves out there trying to copy my name.

Anonymous said...

Friday, May 5, 2023 at 4:57:00 PM PDT,

Are you Elijah the Prophet ?

I know those things are very honest and true.

Mr.Cole Was sure Right.

Were can I find the correct to be? I want to be in his true Church. I see many bad person's behaviors in our little Church. Jon need's to STOP doing those things. God has rejected our Church, because we have allowed Satan to take hold . Brisby is gone too far donwn the road. He has lost most teachings we all once would see in Mr.Cole. He will not even allow Prayer Request for my friend's Health and healing. Cole allowed this simple truth to shine in many of his Monthly letters. Brisby told me it's not allwed anymore because we don't give out names of people in latters. That's such a shame and he is not following the bible . We are told to pray for one another, that you may be healed. How can we be healed if we don't know one anothers names? Jesuss said he calls His own sheep by name and leads them out . Yes by name we are to pray. This Man has caused much pain suffering to us. He is too stiffnecked, haughty and stubborn to listen. I am forced out - I follow Christ not this stranger. The consequences are this CHurch Suffers health related problems. Jesus will not heal a body that are not his people. Exactly what transpired both here and around the world. God does not change, that same spirit in Cole would and should be in Brisby, He done away with too much over the years. It's up to the members to take a stand for God. Please we all must withhold God's Tithe's and offering's until he is removed. I know many of my friends are doing this already until we find or wait on God.

Anonymous said...

Justin Nalder bashed her I heard.

Not Defending Anyone said...

This he said she said, is so prevalent in this little group, that is the main reason I left. Rumormongering. I have zero tolerance with such destructive carnality. And I am not defending anyone.

King said...

Mistakes will not be allowed by Jesus. Jesus lives among the right Church. Don't you know our group never be deceived. Thank God and pray for Mr.Brisby. He should have our deep respect .

Not Not Defending Anyone said...

Not defending anyone, is so prevalent in this little group, that is the main reason I left. Not defending the innocent. I have zero tolerance with such destructive carnality. And I am not not defending anyone.

Anonymous said...

happy sabbath

Anonymous said...

Yes, to justify his behavior and gain sympathy for himself. When enough time goes by and memories fade he will get a new wife.

Wolfworf953 said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wolfworf953 you smoke more weed.

Tuesday, May 2, 2023 at 2:52:00 AM PDT

Watch it boy I do not do any drugs legal or illegal because I have the Spirit of God. Could it be that you smoke weed. I do not nor need to smoke weed or do any drug. How about you?

Wolfworf953 said...

Based on some of these remarks, some of you are as crazy as a building full of insane people. Jokers pretending to be sane when you hate a minister for telling you truths you do not want to obey. It would be better for you to leave this little group in peace then to face the wrath of an angry God that do not like what you are saying about Jon, his sister and others trying to hang on to the truth. When said when Jesus ask would there be faith on the earth when He returns. Very little there will be when He come back.

Anonymous said...

Father forgive them, they know not what they do.

Wolfworf953 said...

This is to you that are hung up on Justin and Jon's sister. Do you yourselves want to get rid of your wife and marry another. No one is keeping you from doing that. So if you are jealous if what you are saying is true you can do whatever you want to and the only one you will have to answer to is GOD and not Jon, nor me nor anyone else. Just God. After all he did make us free moral agents.

Wolfworf953 said...

I have a question for you who are bashing Jon W. Brisby. Why do you come to a site that was created by a man that was once a Minister in the Worldwide Church of God and have threw away everything that he was baptized to hold fast to? Why do you come to a site that thinks everything that Mr. Armstrong taught about God is wrong because they do not want to obey God. Like God told Moses they are not mad am you they are mad at Me(God). And so it is with SOME of you. You are not mad at Jon Brisby, You are mad at God because you want to do your own thing and think you will make it into the Kingdom of God, but not realizing that only those that do HIS will will be given a crown and a position in His Kingdom. Some of you strain a nat and swallow a camel. If Jon is guilty of what SOME of you accuse him of then he will have to answer to God and not us. We all have a choice we can stay in this little group or leave and find a group that you feel is teaching the truth. Will you find it in the PCG, LCG, RCG, CGG, or any other Church of God. No one is making you stay there! No one has a gun to your head making you stay. There is nothing between you leaving but air, which you can push through and just leave. Do you not know and believe that God knows everything, can do anything? He know what you are saying and He knows if you are telling the truth or lying. He hates all liars and liars will not be in His Kingdom, so if you are lying about Jon's sister then you will not be in HIS kingdom unless you repent of lying about her, about lying on Jon and others in COGE. But if they are doing what you claim they are doing, then they will not be there either. Do not attend our Feasts and Holy Days and do not believe what you are hearing. You can go to one of the other splinter groups and hear the smooth things they are teaching. The choice is yours. For a few weeks and months I will not come on here to comment because it would be a waste of time. You are going to believe what you feel is true anyway. You are just like Trump supporters where even when some Republicans have said he lied believe he is still tell the truth about Jan 6. I saw on one Youtube video where it was ask of 911 why he think OBAMA was responsive for 911 when in 2001 OBAMA HAD 7 years before he became President Bush Jr. was President then. But this unwise man said that Obama was not at the White House (that part was true since he was not President) and that he was all the time taking vacations. So people inside and outside of the Church is going to believe what they want to believe if what they are hearing is what they want to hear. Jon is not making us myself included give, give and give. It is our choice and paying tithes is of God not Jon or HWA or Mr. Cole. They are responsible for what they do with it after we give it. And if you think we are fools for tithing then SHAME ON YOU.

Truth said...

Wolfworf953, question; do you know the Church is?

Werewolf420 said...

@Wolfworf953 please, leave by example.

Anonymous said...

Wolfman 953 Obama was the worst president we ever had. Trump 2024!

Anonymous said...

Did you ask Preacher John and Sis if it's true? You are afraid you will find out a truth you won't like; that they do not follow the marriage rules they preach. Ask them!

Anonymous said...

Well, of course, it is not true. Jon can't sin with things like this since Christ dwells in him.

Anonymous said...

wolfworf953 = why do come here?

Chewbacca said...

Trump is my President

Wolfworf953 said...

Fools who have not the spirit of God, didn't God says that we are to respect our leaders? Do you not care about what God says? Are you a law unto yourself? You who think a man that disrespect women and lie through his teeth is a man worthy of your loyalty but don't do what Christ say and respect all our leaders is deceiving his self. Trump was President of the USA for four years and he was the President but he lost, but he is not man enough to accept that. You have to be blind not to see how arrogant he was and was Obama the worse President we ever had because he is a black man or because of his policies or both or all? God said to trust no man and that mean Trump and all politicians. we should not have part of this world our King is suppose to be Christ and not man we are ambassadors of Christ and we are not to take part in or vote in this worlds governments. But SOME of you will have your own ways and have heads and hearts as hard as diamond. And show you have at least a little intelligence and get my name right I am Wolfworf953 and not wolfman or whatever. Get it right!!!!!

Wolfworf953 said...

I am going out on a limb and say this: Someone you least expect will be President in 2024. If that happens what will you do with Trump or Biden then. In 2028 both of them would be well into their 80s and might not be alive though they both might out live me.

The ? said...

Babylon, chosen by God to serve His purpose, failed to understand the limit of that
purpose (Jeremiah 50:23–24). Even though Israel is to be punished, it is not God's intention
to destroy His people. Babylon, in resisting God's purpose, must be destroyed (Jeremiah
51:5–11). Her enmity against Israel goes far beyond the correction God intends (Jeremiah
51 :34–36). Babylon has ruled with unrelenting anger (Isaiah 14:4–11). She brutally
punished Israel (Jeremiah 50:17–18). The evil purpose against Israel and Judah will have
to be limited (Jeremiah 51:48–52), the enmity against Israel abated, as we have seen in
Jeremiah 51 :34–36. Babylon has manifested her arrogance against Israel and all the nations
of the earth (Isaiah 47:6, Revelation 18:7–9). God's punishment upon Babylon will be
measure for measure (Jeremiah 50: 14–15). Babylon has assumed authority beyond what
God decreed (Isaiah 47:7–8, Revelation 18:7–8). Babylon made all nations subscribe to her
concepts (Revelation 14:8), concepts embraced by the educational systems of this world,
which according to God are "brutish," that is, stupid (Jeremiah 51:17). God's purpose and
plan will not be thwarted(Isaiah 14:24–27, Jeremiah 50:11–13).
God's purpose for His people Israel has never changed; Israel is to be the possessor
of all the earth (Romans 4:13). The ultimate fulfillment of Romans 4:13 is seen in Romans
2:28–29 and Matthew 5:5. But Babylon attempts to accomplish its own eternal inheritance
by means of an empire of authority and rebellion against God (Isaiah 14:4–6). The real ruler
of Babylon is Satan (Isaiah 14:12–14). Daniel 7 relates the long history of Satan's attempt
to create a permanent empire, which in part will exist in the last days (Daniel 2:41–43); but this
final empire will not be cohesive and will not last long. It will think to hold Israel captive forever
(Jeremiah 50:33–34). But, like its predecessor of long ago, it will have to learn that disrespect to
the will of God can be catastrophic (Daniel 5). It is God's purpose to use Babylon to punish His
people, not to change His ultimate purpose for them. God will not share His glory with any nation
(Isaiah 46:9–11). The historical lesson of Daniel 4 must be impressed upon modern Babylon, as
she must recognize she was raised up for God's purpose, not by her own power. The nations who
were once a part of Babylon will turn against her (Isaiah 13:3–4, Jeremiah 51:27–28).
Internationalism will be forsaken and peoples will return to their allotted homelands (Isaiah 13:14,
Jeremiah 51:9). God will yet choose Israel, His chosen people (Isaiah 14:1–3). Redeemed Israel
will begin to fulfill God's purpose for the first time; the people will be regathered and enter into an
everlasting covenant with God. Israel, once corrected, will be taken out of the land of Babylon
(Isaiah 43–44, Jeremiah 32:36–44; 46:27–28; 50:4–8).
God's Kingdom to Stand Forever
Satan, the king of Babylon, has endeavored to establish a cohesive kingdom that could stand
permanently. Jesus referred to Satan's kingdom in Matthew 12:25–26. The temptation Christ faced
regarding Satan's kingdom was whether Christ would worship Satan in order to receive the "glory"
of that kingdom now (Matthew 4:8–10). Christ came to prepare a kingdom that will replace Satan's
(Matthew 25:34). That kingdom is the essence of the gospel message (Mark 1:14–15). Men are
now being called from the kingdom of Satan to the Kingdom of God (Acts 26:18). At the appointed
time the Kingdom of God will destroy the kingdom of Satan (Babylonianism). Those who have
qualified during a life of trial and testing in the true Way of Life will assume command with Christ
(Daniel 2:44–45). They will rule with Christ over the nations for a thousand years (Daniel 7:27,
Revelation 5:9–10; 20:4). The Kingdom of God is destined to be an everlasting Kingdom.
However, Satan's kingdom—Babylon—is destined to be destroyed forever.
Babylon is finished—never to rise again!

Wolfworm69 said...

Too many wolves on this post. The Bribesy worshippers need to leave or else we'll tell your friends that you visit anti-armstrong websites, and that you fellowship with heathens.

Anonymous said...

Jon will kick him outa church tho??

C-3PO said...

I only fellowship with Chewie

I love my brethren said...

@Chewbacca If you're lactose intolerant. Try Oregano Tea and Turmeric. Works wonders.

Anonymous said...

@Chewbacca NO we are not allowed to have herbs those don't heal. You know Jon right.

Anonymous said...

what is the word of God in Jon's Church?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Wolfworf953 said.. trust no man. And we don't trust Brisby. Brisby is a flesh and blood man so we don't trust him.

Anonymous said...

we must respect Mr.Brisby. He is called to finish this Work. Our gospel is going in power on the net to reach all people. All man should know our Pastor is opposing the world system. Pray for more power, so he can reach all nations. Jesus Shines in Jon. We see Christ in this man.

Anonymous said...

Your correct, Brisby is called to finish A work. You are also correct that YOUR gospel is going out over the internet. It however is not reaching all people because it must have the Holy Spirit involved within that work. It does not, therefore it is going out to all 250 people in your group. Something shines in Jon for sure. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Jon is not doing a work. He is not preaching to the world. He only has time for the church members. Even Mr. Cole said they are not doing a work. Jon has never said he is here to finish the work. You are thinking all this up in your own mind.

Anonymous said...

Instead of telling a filandering man to straighten up an be a real man, Preacher John advises filandering man to divorce his wife because she refuses to join. Filandering man wants to find a way to marry preacher's sister.

Anonymous said...

where is your proof? You been asked that many times and yet nothing .

Anonymous said...

Are you scared to ask them?

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