Tuesday, October 9, 2018

How Subtly the MInistry Changed Scripture to Meet Their Own Agenda

This particular quote was found in the Good News Magazine of January - April, 1971. Look carefully at the quote and see exactly where the change came in. 

Did you find where the Ministry subtly changed the entire meaning of the verse to fit their already conceived agenda? Take a look at the parallel Bible to see if the inserted text is anywhere in here: 

The correct text was "He that believeth on Him is not condemned, but he that believeth not is condemned already."

What the author added into the text was "In His purpose". 

"In His Purpose" was not in any text or translation anywhere of John 3:18. It was added to support what they already believed: That the world is not being "called now", only the "elect", being the Worldwide Church of God, and the rest of the world would not be given opportunity until after Christ - in direct opposition from the reality of what the verse actually says

Every translation, including the King James translation, agrees that this verse says that God so loved the world that he gave his Son Jesus Christ that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life - and that it is believing in HIM that there is no condemnation, but anyone who does not believe IN HIM is already condemned. That's what the translation says. 

This flies directly in contradiction to the Church's belief. And to support their twisting of the Word of God, they added "In His Purpose" to completely change the meaning of scripture, downplaying the role of belief in Christ because they didn't believe the WORLD could know Christ. 

But what exactly did he mean "In His Purpose"? The article states:
"If you truly believe in God's purpose through Jesus Christ and are going ALL OUT for that purpose in your life, then you are properly discerning the Lord's Body and are eating and drinking eternal life unto yourself. But if your life and actions show a half-hearted, lethargic support and dedication to His work, you are eating and drinking damnation to yourself."
The author - Albert J. Portune - took the clear and unmistakable intent and clarity of the Word of God - in every translation - as to what it meant, inserted his own bracket text, changed the entire meaning of the verse to fit their own doctrinal bias, and then claimed that it was not belief in JESUS but in "His Purpose" which mattered - which of course meant supporting the Work and being dedicated to it with your whole heart. In other words - sending in your money. Without inserting in this text John 3:16-18 is completely against the doctrinal position of Armstrongism. This is why Armstrongism was and is ANOTHER GOSPEL.  

This is exactly how the scam worked. This is how the Word of God was twisted and distorted. It's one example of MANY. 

submitted by SHT


Anonymous said...

The bible does say not to add or subtract from Gods word. A Bible verse followed with a hyphen or bracket, then a personal comment is doing just that. Herbs church has done this frequently.
This is an extension of ministers insisting that their words are the words of God. As far as I'm concerned, it's blasphemy.

In believe that 'believing in Christ' also means believing in Christ's way ie, the ten commandments.

Anonymous said...

awww, you're just upset because you hold to the idea that "all you have to do is believe", which is not true at all...(even the demons believe...how's that working out for them?)

he hasn't twisted anything, only clarified it.

TLA said...

To be fair, HWA did say don't believe him, believe the Bible. We were so flooded with literature and magazines that many of us made the easy decision that Bible Study included reading WCG literature instead of the Bible.
In 1995, the changes finally woke me up and I put reading the Bible first. In the last couple of years, I started thinking about things in the Bible we were not doing, and now I am more focused on it.
The problem so far, is finding a group that is willing to look at what we are missing and change when necessary.
I fear we are emulating the Pharisees more than Christ.
The Pharisees were experts in God's laws, but added their layer to it, which sometimes undid it - for example the exception to honoring your father and mother.
Jesus picked on them more than any other group for their hypocrisy and harm they did.

SHT said...

7:54 -

The scripture you are referencing says:

"You believe that there is one God; you do well: the devils also believe, and tremble."

The translations are in agreement that the demons believe that there is ONE GOD. They believe this, and tremble. This has nothing to do with the context of the scriptural truths of John 3:16-19, which are very clear in what they are saying. Faith expresses itself in LOVE. (Galatians 5:6). And a man is justified by faith apart the works of the Law. (Romans 3:28). All who believe in the one God has sent - Jesus - shall NOT perish, but have everlasting life, and whoever believes in Him is NOT condemned. (John 3:16-18). God sent Jesus Christ to save the world through Him. That is the core of the Gospel.

He twisted the entire gospel so much that those who listen to him can't even recognize it for the good news that it is.

Anonymous said...

"...he only clarified it." Nope. He CHANGED it, he didn't clarify. He added what was not there. Open your eyes, ears and heart to God, not god-hwa.

Anonymous said...

lots of criminals believe and remain criminals at heart...believing might save you, but all too often it does not change criminal behavior...

c f ben yochanan

Anonymous said...

and, of course, they will take their justified criminal minds into heaven, even though the Lord tossed satan from heaven, given ur logic...

why bother tossing out the devil if God will allow criminals what believe into heaven by virtue of the fact that they believe?

Anonymous said...

and what about all those what preceded Christs first coming yet never knew Him, let alone believed in Him; given ur logic, how can they be Saved?

c f ben yochanan

Anonymous said...

The righteous born before Christ knew of His coming and what he stood for and did His will, thus believing in Him. Those born after know what Christ stands for. Doing His will is how you show you believe in Him. If you say you know Christ but you are an unrepentant sinner, then you don't really know Him. We are saved by grace and faith. But evidence of your faith is that you do the works of Jesus. You can have works without faith (no salvation) but you can't have faith without works. There is no second chance and doing the works of the law without the weightier matters is works without faith, and those who do those will be sent to the lake of fire with everyone else in this world who reject Jesus Christ.

SHT said...

7:23: And you shall know them by their fruits. And what are the fruits? The fruits of the Spirit. How do the fruits of the spirit manifest? In the faith - and the freedom - that you have in Jesus expressing itself in love. Hence, Matthew 25. In short, you'll WANT to do acts of kindness, mercy, and love as the Spirit prompts you to do so. This is the difference of life before the Spirit of God before Christ, where all you had was the letter of the law - and after the revealing of faith through the Spirit of Christ who lives in you. And if Christ lives in you, love will express itself - as you are the hands and the feet of the One who lives within you:

"The Sheep and the Goats

31 “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne. 32 All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. 33 He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.

34 “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’

37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’

40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’

44 “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’

45 “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’

46 “Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.”" (Biblegateway)

Redfox712 said...

This post reminds of a similar finding I have made myself.

Recently I read Irenaeus' Adversus Haereses (Against the Heretics), a polemic written around AD 180 devoted to refuting Gnosticism. There is one passage from that work that HWA cited in his booklet, The Plain Truth About Easter, about Polycarp visiting Rome in the time of Pope Anicetus.

"Irenaeus wrote even more regarding the observance of Easter at Rome and elsewhere as follows: "But Polycarp also was not only instructed by the apostles, and acquainted with many that had seen Christ, but was also appointed by apostles in Asia, bishop of the Church of Smyrna.... He also was in Rome in the time of Anicetus [bishop of Rome, A.D. 155-166] and caused many to turn away from the...heretics to the Church of God, proclaiming that he had received from the apostles this one and sole truth..." While at Rome, Polycarp discussed the matter of Easter with the Roman bishop."

HWA presented this meeting as a evidence that HWA's true, Sabbatarian, Passover keeping church got taken over by a Sunday keeping, Easter observing, false Roman Catholic Church.

But reading Irenaeus' account it is evident he mentioned it in order to bring up Polycarp and Anicetus' common opposition to Gnostic doctrine. Where Irenaeus wrote that Polycarp "caused many to turn away from the...heretics to the Church of God" he meant that many Gnostics were persuaded to join the Catholic Church thanks to the joint efforts of Polycarp and Anicetus.

When Irenaeus wrote of the "Church of God" he meant the Catholic Church.

Anyone may read Irenaeus' passage in question at Adversus Haereses, Book 3, Chapter 3, Section 4. It may be read at http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/0103303.htm.

Anonymous said...

"You believe that there is one God; you do well: the devils also believe, and tremble."

if you believe there is one God, are you not obligated to obey Him?...that is IF you believe that He is God...

and if you don't obey Him, you will surely be trembling....which is most of what I see on this blog (even though the tremblers don't realize that they are doing it)

Anonymous said...

"Where Irenaeus wrote that Polycarp "caused many to turn away from the...heretics to the Church of God" he meant that many Gnostics were persuaded to join the Catholic Church thanks to the joint efforts of Polycarp and Anicetus. "

then why did Polycarp argue so against dumping the passover in favor of easter???

Anonymous said...

so theres one standard pre Christs Sacrifice and another post Christs Sacrifice? all of us posts need only believe, right?

c f ben yochanan

Anonymous said...

11.03 PM
I believe these peoples 'trembling' is an ongoing, low level dread which they hide from others.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 11:03 said:
“and if you don't obey Him, you will surely be trembling....which is most of what I see on this blog (even though the tremblers don't realize that they are doing it)”

Whether people who are sharing their mixed Armstrongist experiences on this blog are “disobedient” (as you would put it) or “trembling” (as you would put it) I cannot say as I’m not their judge. But, I find it interesting that there will be professed followers of Christ in the end who will confidently assert, “Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?” (Mt 7:23) and yet these same cocky Christians will surely be “trembling” when they hear Christ Himself declare what they always thought would be applied to others, but never themselves, “I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity” (v. 24).

Anonymous said...

The more you know, the more you are held accountable.

Anonymous said...

"But, I find it interesting that there will be professed followers of Christ in the end who will confidently assert, “Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?” (Mt 7:23)"

the key word there is "professed"....they are not followers, they only claim to be (like most of professing "christianity" today), which is why Jesus says He never knew them.

Kevin McMillen said...

"""Anonymous said...
"You believe that there is one God; you do well: the devils also believe, and tremble."

if you believe there is one God, are you not obligated to obey Him?...that is IF you believe that He is God...

and if you don't obey Him, you will surely be trembling....which is most of what I see on this blog (even though the tremblers don't realize that they are doing it)

October 9, 2018 at 11:03 PM" ""


LOL, you're funny. I'm willing to bet that all on this blog who remain Christian believe they are to obey Jesus. The rub is, you think if they don't obey according to your interpretation then they will be the ones trembling.

I bet that doctrinally you and I probably agree 90%, Sabbath, Feasts, BI, God is a family, etc. The difference, I'm concerned only about how I follow Christ not how everyone else does. I don't condemn anyone about how they follow Christ, unlike you. You don't know the heart of a single person on here, so your trying to determine who Jesus knows and who he doesn't shows your immaturity.


Kevin McMillen said...

"""Anonymous said...
...which is most of what I see on this blog (even though the tremblers don't realize that they are doing it)

October 9, 2018 at 11:03 PM


Gary, I'm ashamed of you, forcing this fella to come to your site.

If that isn't bad enough, you force him to click on an article and (as Ted would say) GHASTLY, you force him to read it and even comment.

Shame. Shame! SHAME!!! on you Gary for forcing this little man to hang with sinners against his will.


NO2HWA said...


Shush! Don't let my modus operandi out of the bag! :-)

Kevin McMillen said...

"NO2HWA said...

Shush! Don't let my modus operandi out of the bag! :-)

October 10, 2018 at 3:08 PM"


Why not? Does it have rabies? lol


NO2HWA said...

The fun part is that some do actually feel I force them to come here, read, and then comment. Life is tough these days in COGland.

Anonymous said...

Tremble? Yes, I tremble! I tremble when I realize what Jesus did and how much he loves me/us. I tremble with excitement when He supernaturally answers my prayers. I tremble with graditude that He has made promises and keeps them, always. I tremble with joy knowing my life on this earth is temporary and, because of my age, it won't be long before I see His face. I DO NOT tremble with fear, for where God is, there is no fear. Since His Holy Spirit lives within me, there is no reason to be afraid.

Anonymous said...

"I don't condemn anyone about how they follow Christ, unlike you. You don't know the heart of a single person on here, so your trying to determine who Jesus knows and who he doesn't shows your immaturity."

ummm, well Kevin, apparently you are projecting...

if you listen to people, read what they write, it's pretty easy to see who isn't following God's instructions.....(some here are even downright hostile to His way)

Anonymous said...

Who gets to define or interpret what you call “God’s instructions”? Because, whoever does wins the argument. If you allow HWA to do this, then he wins. The people in his church were all people who permitted him the latitude to define and pick and choose, some even unknowingly. That’s the way cults and gurus work. They figure out brilliant ways in which to entrap peoples’ minds. Those who realize what was done to them, and how they were exploited will always seem hostile. It’s just that they know what a mofo HWA actually was.

Kevin McMillen said...

"""Anonymous said...
Tremble? Yes, I tremble! I tremble when I realize what Jesus did and how much he loves me/us. I tremble with excitement when He supernaturally answers my prayers. I tremble with graditude that He has made promises and keeps them, always. I tremble with joy knowing my life on this earth is temporary and, because of my age, it won't be long before I see His face. I DO NOT tremble with fear, for where God is, there is no fear. Since His Holy Spirit lives within me, there is no reason to be afraid.

October 10, 2018 at 8:23 PM"""


And yet you tremble in fear when it comes time to sign your posts. The opinion of anyone posting anonymous is not worth taking seriously.

Don't give me the old line of identity theft because I've been signing my posts online for over 23 years without any problems.

Anonymity is just plain cowardice!

Kevin McMillen

Kevin McMillen said...

if you listen to people, read what they write, it's pretty easy to see who isn't following God's instructions.....(some here are even downright hostile to His way) """


Again, it's not your place to determine who is or is not following God's instructions! Doing so reveals your self righteousness.

It sounds like you should be old enough to know better.

Hostile to God's way, or hostile to what you and herbie claim to be God's way?

The self righteous arrogance of the acogs is why I quit over 23 years ago and will never join one again. I can keep the Sabbath, Feasts, etc. without an acog splinter. There are plenty of us around who reject organisational divisive hypocrisy that we are not alone. The only problem is that we too have a few self righteous, judgemental assholes like yourself that we have to contend with!

Keep on congratulating yourself that you are not a sinner like the rest of us on here, we'll just wait to see who walks away justified.

Kevin McMillen

Kevin McMillen said...

"""It’s just that they know what a mofo HWA actually was.

October 11, 2018 at 1:16 AM"""


While I don't know if the rumors are true but if they are mofo would be the wrong incestual family member.


Anonymous said...

Kevin McMillen 4:13 AM said: “The self righteous arrogance of the acogs is why I quit over 23 years ago and will never join one again. I can keep the Sabbath, Feasts, etc. without an acog splinter. There are plenty of us around who reject organisational divisive hypocrisy that we are not alone.”

Same here! For me it was the never ending splintering to these carbon copies of carbon copies of “the one and only true church” leaving a trail of broken families and worse in its wake. And the dogmatism over traditions that are of Armstrong’s own making and wholly unscriptural. Now I just stay home listening to sermons or reading transcripts from various groups on Sabbaths and annual holy days or attend services at the home of a local elderly couple. Far from ideal I know, but at least there’s mutual respect for our differences of opinions without any disagreeableness. Makes for a more pleasant Sabbath and learning environment.

TLA said...

It would be great to have an independent association of people with the same beliefs who could get together during special times like festivals.
No one in charge of each other since Christ is our Head. Don't have to agree 100% with each other.

Anonymous said...

I guess the guys that come on this site to condemn everyone that disagrees with them, probably never heard the parable about the self-righteous and the sinner, one boast of his righteousness the other confessed his sins.we all know who was justified in God's sight. Keeping the law outwardly will not save you... how then do many churches that claim to strictly keep the law and the bible become rigid and cult-like? How comes so many become arrogant self-righteous and condemning towards others? Why do so many miss the weightier matters of the law? Why do so many lack humility? Why the history of splits,abuses, lies, dis-harmony,elitism,racism,in-fighting, disunity,money-grabbing, exploitation,faith-wrecking, un-repentance, lack of accountability,lordship e.t.c in the heart of COGDOM? These are the fruits of an empire that claimed to keep the law, praised it, preached it. I am by no means saying the law is not good just to clarify.

Kevin McMillen said...

"""TLA said...
It would be great to have an independent association of people with the same beliefs who could get together during special times like festivals.
No one in charge of each other since Christ is our Head. Don't have to agree 100% with each other.

October 12, 2018 at 10:37 AM"""


Where have you been? There has been just such a group for decades. Check out Common Faith Network.

