The Philadelphia Church of God, known today as the death church, is wanting to drag more youth of the church into its unaccredited "college" that it now wants to open in Jerusalem. It is using as a false front, its dig in Jerusalem, to legitimize itself in the eyes of Israel and the world. The government of Israel needs to be warned about how vile the Philadelphia Church of God has become and how it is destroying lives in its very midst.
3. Keep Jerusalem in your prayers.
You naturally think most about the things you are most interested in. If you love Jerusalem, you will be thinking about it—and praying about it! And keeping Jerusalem in your prayers will motivate you to continue working hard and developing your talents in preparation for a future dig.
Here are a few things you can add to your prayer list regarding Jerusalem: Pray that God opens doors and makes the next step in Jerusalem obvious to Pastor General Gerald Flurry. Pray that Dr. Eilat Mazar receives another excavation license from the Israel Antiquities Authority soon, as well as the financial aid she needs for it. Pray also for her health and the team of staff members who are helping her process the finds from the latest excavation right now. Pray that God would establish a branch of His college in Jerusalem.
God has a lot to do in Jerusalem, and for the most part, the people He uses to do the Work there are young people. If you would like to be one of those people in the near future, learn to work hard, develop your native talents, and keep Jerusalem in your prayers always. If you do, why wouldn’t God bless you with an opportunity to go to Jerusalem and dig for Him?
The time to start preparing for the dig is now!
This is appealing to a wide group of young people. I’d want to go if I didn’t know the evils of PCG.
There was a time when I wished the 'rabs would nuke Jerusalem. Yuk yuk yuk! Man, would that have ever obliterated all the WCG prophecies!
Deep beyond the kindest gentlest soul may lurk violent thoughts, deadly wishes. Someday we will learn to cope with the "monsters" of the mind. Then, and only then, when the human mind is truly in control of itself, can we begin to utilize the great & hidden powers of the cosmos.
Anon 11:06PM is correct. If you are a young person in UCG, you are being told that Jelly is for you, and the adults in your church consider Jelly to be an excellent outreach to encourage their children to follow the rules of their church. If you are that same young person, but in PCG, you are being told that if you follow the rules you may have the opportunity to spend your young adult years in England or Jerusalem, seeing the world and making a difference for your church.
It's unfortunate that PCG happens to be a death cult, because it does more than most ACOGs to empower and enrich its youth. This may be the result of Stephen Flurry's major role in the group. For the first few years of the cult, Barb and Jerry gave their kid much more responsibility than would be given to most kids of his age, and he used that responsibility to bring together a cadre of younger ministers who basically took over the church from the older folks. Now that Jerry looks like Hank Williams with a hangover, Stephen has a wife and kids and is continuing to focus his church on the young people. The Irish dancing is a sick joke to many, but PCG is encouraging other kids to win science fairs or earn Eagle Scout badges or become seriously skilled musicians. They seem to take VERY seriously the mandate to be "in" the world but not "of" it. At least that's how it looks if you can overlook the whole "death cult" premise that lurks beneath the youth-friendly surface.
" If you do, why wouldn’t God bless you with an opportunity to go to Jerusalem and dig for Him?"
Digging for God? Hilarious. Why would "God bless you" for digging when He can't really seem to either open the windows of heaven for anyone if you give way too much to Him or his Holy Representatives or heal you of life threatening diseases even though James gives the magic formula that is supposed to end in "and the sick shall be made well."???
If a God knows where the proofs of his tall tales are, then why not just point to it instead of bleeding all the sheep of their resources to hunt and peck around for it? In fact, why does the Deity just do us all a favor and skip all the middlemen and make it so obvious HE/SHE/IT exists and really has our best interests in mind and tour earth with seminars and nice luncheons?
And too, why when archaeologists actually FIND the proof of human evolution stretching back 2 million years, does that not count? Truly it is easier to believe ridiculous religious ideas than to do the homework necessary and more than available to us today and change one's mind.
Let's face it. If we agree with Pack, Flurry, Malm, Weinland and the Catholic Dreamer Manchild, then we'd all be wrong together.
King... uh, Mr. Flurry talked several years ago about having a third campus, like Ambassador had in CA/TX/UK. A college in Jerusalem would be his dream come true.
Dig this... Flurry has to have destinations to justify having his jet. PCG empowering its youth?? LOL! and HA HA HA! How is separating families from their loved ones, parents, grandparents and other close relatives "empowering" in any sense of the word?
Flurry and his sick church are as "empowering" as living in a Gulag!
"""If a God knows where the proofs of his tall tales are, then why not just point to it instead of bleeding all the sheep of their resources to hunt and peck around for it? In fact, why does the Deity just do us all a favor and skip all the middlemen and make it so obvious HE/SHE/IT exists and really has our best interests in mind and tour earth with seminars and nice luncheons?"""
Now there you go thinking logically. If one throws out what we were taught in WCG, the only logical step for an intelligent person is atheism. How anyone can leave WCG and go into mainstream x-ianity is beyond me.
My problem is, even with all the hypocrisy that was clearly evident in the WCG, the basic outline of salvation still makes sense to me.
The reason God doesn't just come out and reveal himself is because Adam rejected him so he's allowing us to do our own thing. He's only intervening occasionally because his plan calls for firstfruits before the ultimate finale.
I know that you're aware of this because you used to teach it. My purpose in stating it wasn't to convince you. Faith in God is really just as physically logical as belief in Harry Potter. I realize that. But I also know that the bible claims that those who do have faith in this life are going to be rewarded greatly, if we are correct that is.
Yes, I've heard so many claim that you can prove God. Those claiming that are mental midgets. imo You can't prove something spiritual through physical means.
Answered prayer can be coincidence, anyone denying this is foolish. The creation is not proof of a creator. An eternal singularity is just as possible as an eternal God.
I understand all that, but I choose to have faith in a God who is bringing many sons to glory. Blind faith? Yep! I admit it. Any christian who denies blind faith is ignorant.
The physical can not prove the existence of spirit.
As I've said before, I still keep the Sabbath, Feasts, etc. etc. and I'm not ashamed of it because I have thought it through.
There are only two options for me that make sense, blind faith in a plan of salvation as we have been taught by foolish men, or atheism. I've only about 20 or 30 years left on this earth and I've been blessed with a great wife of 35 years, two great adult kids, all who still believe, though we all reject the acog garbage. (I know, we all define the garbage differently) I'm also financially secure, (absolutely no debt and a high net worth) at least until the whole economic system goes belly up.
So, it would be foolish of me to allow any man to take my crown even if in the end there really isn't one.
There you go, my Spokesman Club heart to heart. I hated club but I'd love to take part in one now with those arrogant "ministers"!!!
God/singularity bless,
Kevin McMillen
Well Kevin, I can't argue with blind faith. Nor would I choose to.
The Bible clearly promotes it in Hebrews 11:1 "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence for things not seen." Clearly this is saying "Now faith is what we hope is true, based on no evidence that it, in fact, is actually true."
I just choose now in life to be evidence based in what I choose to believe and understand. I have a spirituality in me that stands in awe of all that is, but it is an inside job and not that which others, who claim contact with invisible beings and intentions, know, and really don't, insist on pouring in my head without question.
Religion has always had a difficult time facing the facts. Science has yet to say that "the Church was right." The Church however.....
"""DennisCDiehl said...
Well Kevin, I can't argue with blind faith. Nor would I choose to.
The Bible clearly promotes it in Hebrews 11:1 "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence for things not seen." Clearly this is saying "Now faith is what we hope is true, based on no evidence that it, in fact, is actually true."
I just choose now in life to be evidence based in what I choose to believe and understand. I have a spirituality in me that stands in awe of all that is, but it is an inside job and not that which others, who claim contact with invisible beings and intentions, know, and really don't, insist on pouring in my head without question.
Religion has always had a difficult time facing the facts. Science has yet to say that "the Church was right." The Church however.....
October 13, 2018 at 9:46 AM" ""
Which is exactly why I respect you. You have searched the evidence and came to a logical conclusion.
I too have searched the evidence and have come to what I freely admit is an illogical conclusion if the bible isn't true.
I do hope you give Ron Dart's book a read. I'm currently reading Richard Dawkin's book The God Delusion.
So far I find it as convincing as Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals, but I'm not finished.
Someday Dennis, Zeus, Neptune, Apollo, Dionysus, Hades, Hermes and Poseidon will show you just how wrong you are. Not to mention Baal, Chemosh, YHVH and El along with the entire Council of the Gods including the Satan. Then you will give up your naïve ideas about science and evidence based living. The Church will be proven right after all :)
The biggest difficulty to me for someone being an atheist, is the concept of "free will". If the Universe is a closed ended system, then every detail of the future was pre-ordained at the "big bang". All things , including me writing this post, are simply the result of a massive amount of cause and effect chain reactions that were set in motion at that time.
If there is no "free will", being the idea that new information comes into being from the ether, or spiritual side of the equation, then we are nothing more than mindless zombies acting out preordained order.
I propose that the idea of free will is self evident. This implies that there is a greater dimension than just the known and the present. This is one of many reasons on why I believe.
Where are we going? Life, the timeless, mysterious gift, is still evolving. What wonders, or terrors, does evolution hold in store for us in the next ten thousand years? In a million? In six million? Perhaps the answer lies out in our galaxy. An experiment too soon, too swift, & yet may we not still hope to discover a method by which within one generation, the whole human race could be rendered intelligent, beyond hatred, or revenge, or the desire for power? Is that not, after all, the ultimate goal of evolution?
"""Anonymous said...
Where are we going? Life, the timeless, mysterious gift, is still evolving. What wonders, or terrors, does evolution hold in store for us in the next ten thousand years? In a million? In six million? Perhaps the answer lies out in our galaxy. An experiment too soon, too swift, & yet may we not still hope to discover a method by which within one generation, the whole human race could be rendered intelligent, beyond hatred, or revenge, or the desire for power? Is that not, after all, the ultimate goal of evolution?
October 13, 2018 at 12:50 PM"""
Which part of survival of the fittest do you not understand?
If I honestly believed in evolution, so called morality wouldn't stop my family tree from surviving.
That's part of my problem with athiests, they try to prove a point by striving to be more moral than x-tians.
How hypocritical and ignorant of supposedly intelligent people?
If this life is all there is I would never try to be a good, moral, law abiding person. I'd form dozens of corporations, borrow as much money for each as I can, pay myself an exhorbitantly high salary, and then let them all file for bankruptcy after several years.
People mock Trump for doing this, but if there is no God, who cares? That is what an intelligent athiest would do.
Kevin, I don't know what drugs you are on, but I'd like to take some.
"""Anonymous said...
Kevin, I don't know what drugs you are on, but I'd like to take some.
October 13, 2018 at 5:31 PM"""
The drug is called honesty. I don't believe in playing games. If you ever met me you'd know the real me. I don't put on a fake face for anyone. If you're full of shit, I'll tell you that you're full of shit.
If I didn't believe in a God, what reason would I have to live a "decent" "moral" life? I'd lie, cheat, steal, whatever. Just being honest, why worry about others if we're just a higher evolved animal? The weak don't evolve into anything strong.
However, I do believe there is a God. I just find it ignorant to be a good, moral, athiest. As I said, I'm just being honest.
What a nonsense Kevin. I know billions of atheists who don't agree with Trump. Starting with the chinese. You' re in a christian bubble philosophically.
Apostate Dennis asks why doesn't God make obvious His existence with tours. That level of 'proof' is not even required by science. Dennis wants direct evidence by the five senses. We know there are laws of physics and chemistry. But we know they exist by their effects only ie, there is no direct 5 sense contact with these laws. We cannot 'see' gravity, but we know it exists by observing the effects.
That's what Hebrew 11.1 is saying. Instead Dennis keeps twisting the verse as a endorsement of belief with no evidence.
As far as I'm concerned, Dennis is a true believer in God and the bible. Just like Satan and his demons. He wouldn't be here with his religious spirit otherwise.
12.50 PM
It's fortune cookie guy.
"""nck said...
What a nonsense Kevin. I know billions of atheists who don't agree with Trump. Starting with the chinese. You' re in a christian bubble philosophically.
You know something nck, you have made scores of stupid comments on this site but I think that one might be the dumbest. You know billions of atheists? Ha,ha,ha
You really need to inform yourself, there aren't billions of atheists on this planet and for your information most of the Chinese are religious. And I guarantee that you don't personally know more than a few dozen at the most.
Also, if you took my comment as a pro Trump comment, that just shows how jealous the world is of the U.S.
If the world hates Trump it's because they want the U.S. to fall from the world's no. 1 super power to maybe the third or fourth.
You really are ignorant if you don't understand just what this world would look like if the U.S. had never existed.
You dear nck would either be speaking German, Japanese, Russian or Putonghua (standard Chinese) you wouldn't be speaking English.
Your intelligence level is definitely not worth my time so any further communications with you will be limited.
"""Anonymous said...
Apostate Dennis asks why doesn't God make obvious His existence with tours. That level of 'proof' is not even required by science. Dennis wants direct evidence by the five senses. We know there are laws of physics and chemistry. But we know they exist by their effects only ie, there is no direct 5 sense contact with these laws. We cannot 'see' gravity, but we know it exists by observing the effects.
That's what Hebrew 11.1 is saying. Instead Dennis keeps twisting the verse as a endorsement of belief with no evidence.
As far as I'm concerned, Dennis is a true believer in God and the bible. Just like Satan and his demons. He wouldn't be here with his religious spirit otherwise.
October 14, 2018 at 12:45 AM"""
I think "evidence" is a poor translation of Heb. 11:1
Conviction would fit the context much better and is what the Greek word actually means.
Substance too is a poor translation, assurance would be better imo
So a better translation imo would be:
Heb 11:1 - Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
Those claiming answered prayer as evidence are just fooling themselves. You're hopes have convicted you that the prayers were answered. There is no evidence as we understand evidence.
I have had many of what I believe to be answered prayers, so I'm not against thinking your prayers have been answered. But to claim that as concrete evidence of God is foolish.
Again, I have faith that there is a God, but I'm intelligent enough to know that merely hoping answered prayer, which could easily be coincidence, is not real evidence.
Faith is my conviction that there is a God, not some kind of imagined concrete proof.
Those who mock Dennis on here are only fooling themselves. I honestly think they fear Dennis because he has accepted what they deep down question and fear.
"If I didn't believe in a God, what reason would I have to live a "decent" "moral" life?"
Kevin Kevin Kevin.
You really don't get it.
The reason for living a moral life would be that your granny and your mother would have told you wouldn't live to have children if you wouldn't comply to some set of "moral rules."
Your dad would not have been around or he would have beat your crap of "non compliance to societal rules" out of you before the age of 6 for he would have learned that "to be outside out there" would mean certain death.
That is why American Hollywood crap about a lone individualistic hero "going alone" into that empty shopping mall to find the sick criminal is total nonsense. A real and normal person would wait for back up and enter the facility with a trained team. And the training would have been provided through tax money provided at free will by the society that is served by real hero's who work in teams. Please "survival of the fittest" is Hollywood crap.
I find your position on answered prayer muddled and contradictory. Mocking Dennis? Not really. Rather I strive to be accurate. You're like some school kid throwing around all these accusations, playing Ziggy Freud as if you can read other peoples minds.
How can you possibly know whether people are 'fooling themselves?'
Verbally you are a violent person. Try learning from Dennis. He has the Godly trait of being diplomatic and respectful in his posts.
Several years ago, an internationally known preacher stated that Christians should show love towards the gay community because Jesus taught his followers to love their neighbors as themselves. A homosexual author responded that as a gay person, he would feel that it was a much more sincere and meaningful form of love if people loved him and his not because someone had to command them to, but because that loving others was a deeply rooted part of their being and character.
So, Kevin, when you tell us about your natural character, and what you'd be like without the influence of religion, and if you really believe what you are saying, in effect you are telling us that deep down and at your core level, you are a predator. Not every human being is like that. Many are naturally benign and docile, wanting to live and let live, enjoying interacting with their fellow humans. These folks won't even retaliate when some prick screws them over or messes with them. They come in all colors, all orientations, and all philosophies, too.
Would you have any problem with yourself and nck taking a standardized IQ test, and sharing the results of that test right here on Banned?
Of course, the value of that test will be the learning experience that it will be for you. In spite of the disparaging remark you made at 6:36, most of us know the results in advance from reading your comments and nck's.
"Survival of the fittest" is also Social Darwinist crap because it focuses on individual survival and ignores the survival of the troop the individual belongs to. Human beings evolved as small-group animals. We inherited tendencies toward both competition and cooperation. The cooperation tendency is necessary because we need a band of companions to make it in the world. Individuals who could not bring themselves to act according to the cultural norms that regulated interactions among members would get punished. Groups that did not stone or garrote incorrigibles would exile them, which amounted to the same thing. A lone human being cannot survive; the misfit is unfit.
At the same time, social animals operate within a "pecking order," so called because its operation is so easy to observe in chickens--another small-group animal. Animals inhabiting environments with resources that cannot sustain unlimited growth of their kind will go extinct unless at least a few of them can survive hard times. The pecking order (which seems to have evolved separately several times) assures that some can obtain enough space, food, and breeding opportunities to maintain a viable population. Those survivors must, however, maintain rules that promote cooperation among the remnant.
We humans may be unique among animals in attributing to the guidance of the gods whatever cultural practices we have developed. As I have often said, anything that gets done for 75 years gets confused with the will of God. Hence Kevin: "If I didn't believe in a God, what reason would I have to live a 'decent' 'moral' life? I'd lie, cheat, steal, whatever." I am thankful for whatever belief system keeps Kevin's antisocial yearnings in check, so that he is spared punishment and society is spared the expense of carrying it out. Realistically, however, nck is correct that purely secular regulatory mechanisms do the job for most unbelievers.
I did like your comment on hoe the world would have looked like if the american continent haf been non existant.
I think I would have been speaking French and of course the queens english ehen trading with the world encompassing british empire. And I would be trading excellent products from the german colonies. (mainly agricultural)
I took one at age
12: 125
27: 136
35: 141
But currently it might have declined due to my participation on the internet.
""" nck said...
I did like your comment on hoe the world would have looked like if the american continent haf been non existant.
I think I would have been speaking French and of course the queens english ehen trading with the world encompassing british empire. And I would be trading excellent products from the german colonies. (mainly agricultural)
October 14, 2018 at 11:28 AM" ""
Nope, you'd be a Nazi or dead. Winston Churchill didn't win that war you know.
This world is like a small town of about 5,000 people in about 1,000 homes. One family owns 30% of all the property. That family makes sure the entire town is protected.
All the other families are jealous of that family. When that family loses everything the town folk are happy, though they could have helped protect the families wealth.
Then the town starts to get attacked by all kinds of outside evils. The whole town comes to ruins. The towns people were blind to how important that one family was to their well-being.
Nuff said,
I think it is time to give this conversation a rest.
Connie, I see there's a Bruce Schmidt from New Hampshire who is a member of Mensa. Any relation?
Gary, I have no desire to continue the conversation but I think this link is invaluable:
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