One thing for sure about Armstrongism, it LOVES to scream bloodshed and destruction. Nothing will please the church more than seeing 3/4 of humanity blotted off the face of the earth in order for them to be proved right.
With the massive corruption and endless attempts to take down the President by the Democrats, the PCG sees a civil war arising.
Attempts to remove United States President Donald Trump from office are tearing America apart. The president is closer than ever to being impeached, and prominent figures are openly discussing the possibility of “civil war.” On September 24, Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi announced that she was initiating a formal impeachment inquiry against President Trump. She accused the president of violating the Constitution, betraying his oath of office, and endangering national security by enlisting a foreign power to tarnish the reputation of a rival.
Whatever the case, the 2020 U.S. presidential election is set to be extremely divisive. Bible prophecy foretells that this division will soon escalate into unprecedented bloodshed unless the nation as a whole turns to God in repentance!
In The United States and Britain in Prophecy, the late Herbert W. Armstrong explained how modern Britain and America descended from ancient Israel. The Bible records that in the time just before Jesus Christ’s return, Israel’s sins will lead to government corruption and violent revolution.How many decades have we heard this same screeching by COG leaders? It has been the Germans, the Russians, the Chinese and the Muslims. Add to that famine, disease, natural disasters, and one big old pissed off god, and things look pretty bleak for most people in the world, but especially for Americans, Britons, Canadians, and Australians.
Get your bags pack and be ready to flee to Petra, Pella or Bozrah. Depending on which crazy Church of God leader you follow, you will be going to a special place to receive your final training, that is, if you survive the catastrophes that the COG desires to happen.
Just another day in the Church of God.
hat tip: Living Armstrongism
tbh I think Brexit’s gonna lead to WW3! It just never ends and it’s so divisive just like Trump and his victory in the 2016 presidential election seems to be to the Democrats in the US! smh
As nearly as I can tell, it appears as if my prayers are about to be answered. With every foul new development, I've been asking God to please not allow the president to wreck the country, but to somehow guide us through.
Prophecy aside, the Stable Genius of unmatched wisdom has divided the country and it will be messy. Even in the Churches of God, gone, I hear, are the days of "My Kingdom is not of this world else would my servants fight" and it has become rather Trumpian and a divisive topic there too and with political/fundamentalist tendencies rising to the top.
South Carolina here is known as, Jesusland, Trumpistan and/or Afgrahamistan depending. lol. Not exactly my kind of people! :)
It won't end well.
For once I agree with their outlook. President Trump could be the next president to be murdered since JFK. The hatred being shown by the Demonic Party to remove him from office in order to protect themselves from being exposed as the liars and murderers that they are, could end in Trump being killed.
Civil war can result for Americans will see no other option.
The Donald is the Dave Pack of Politics. Way out of his league and nothing of what he imagines himself to be.
Yeah Dennis,
Since you hail from the original Moroni landing site (Rochester (Palmyra) NY) I wondered about what would happen when a president (Mitt) is elected who believes tribes from the Middle East moved to the USA before moving on to the Promised Land of OOOTAH, where the golden town of Saltay Lakee Sitee is located and Jesus had specifically preached to them after the resurection. Anyway the entire Western Word is turning SDA, whose members are relentlessly pushing their vegetarian agenda through the Green movement and related political parties.
Tread lightly. Wolverines are UNCLEAN.
Sweetblood, and no offense, but that is a creepy name, you as a true Christian are just going to have to get used to loving your Demonic Party enemies and if all else fails, forgive them even if they despitefully use you and pray for them.
“But I say to you who are listening, love your enemies. Do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who are cruel to you. If anyone slaps you on one cheek, offer him the other cheek, too. If someone takes your coat, do not stop him from taking your shirt. Give to everyone who asks you, and when someone takes something that is yours, don’t ask for it back. Do to others what you would want them to do to you . If you love only the people who love you, what praise should you get? Even sinners love the people who love them."
Not to mention: Luke 6:27-32
Personally I can't think of anyone who actually does this in real life nor would I personally recommend it. You'll end up poor and naked with no one to turn to for help.
Having grown up in NYS, the stable genius of unmatched wisdom has always been seen by most as a narcissistic con man. Are you in The Restored Church of God or has your pastor forbidden you to say?
The Armstrongist prophecy mill always tries to capitalize on the latest national difficulty. This is because the flow of revenue must be stimulated now. The Armstrongist leaders are not long term thinkers because they do not have to be. Their followers seem to have selective amnesia for failed prophecies. They seem to be able to watch reruns ad infinitum with just as much excitement today as they experienced with the original viewing.
"The Bible records that in the time just before Jesus Christ’s return, Israel’s sins will lead to government corruption and violent revolution."
The above statement is expedient capitalization on our current events. It lies outside the usual preposterous paradigm of famine, disease and warfare - with the Assyrians attacking the USA and carrying Americans all into captivity.
A stirring up fear can lead to a lot of money.
Maybe Sweetblood777 is off his medication again.
Dennis- you do not seem to see the accuracy of “stable”.
Think- what is kept in stables? What do they produce plenty of?
Indeed, our stable genius produces plenty of it.
However if the Democrats give us left wing socialist candidate- it will be 4 more years of stable genius.
In my experience, people pick their politics and religion according to their personalities, personal needs, prejudices and education. Many rarely stray from the box they came in or even bother to explore that one. There is a seat for every butt. Most who think in conservative terms don't grow out that view into liberal ones and vise versa. We are who we are for reasons perhaps understood only by ourselves and then sometimes not as well as we'd like. That is what living is all about.
In many ways, I am the same person I was as a kid before going into WCG and have returned to my inherent self after getting free of it. I repressed my nature, interests and views because I thought they must be defective and of course those outside church were just full of jealousy, envy, lust and greed. That's stupid and not the way most average and normal people are. At least in my experiences which is mine and I'm entitled to it as are all others. We might have some from time to time but are not oozing it all the time. While narcissists do tend to rise to the top in religion, politics and business etc, average folk are good people with good perspectives and kind hearts. Seems once you join something group think takes over and it usually is required to reflect that of the goofball at the top.
And of course, no one holds whacky political or religious beliefs except for others and all belong to the one true church and you don't. It is not going to change. I am quite sure many Christians in mainstream or in the leftovers of WCG hold one view going along to get along in their organization and another inside. You only become an authentic human being when they match. Sitting on the outside but standing up on the inside is the safe default view when belonging to an organization. It will also give you heartburn.
What's going to happen in our country is anyone's guess. I believe it will be a nasty transition of some kind and a relearning of "why do we allow that to happen to us?" for this generation. The President brings all his misery upon himself and has no one to blame but himself, which of course narcissists are incapable of doing. Like a Dave Pack, they just change the story and make everyone else feel they have failed to understand. Everything is always someone else's fault.
I've said this before but Dave Pack has the wonderful habit of saying "I" when trying to prove his amazing insights and prophetic understanding but when it all goes south, as it always will, he switches up to "WE" did not fully understand as if the congregation had anything to say about it. He'll switch back to "I" when he can take some kind of credit that boosts his standing. Dave's behavior, or Flurry's and Weinland's for that matter, is as odious as that of the stable genius of unmatched wisdom in politics. Both men view themselves in exactly the same terms and both are malignant narcissists who are going to have a rough go as they near the end of their lives.
Be yourself. Join the YMCA if you must for swimming lessons but generally you'll save 10, 20 and even 30% by avoiding organized religion, which also in my experience is an oxymoron.
And don't get too teary about Romans 13 and obeying the powers that be because God put them there for our good. I imagine Romans 13 to be an apologetic or butt saving chapter Paul added at the recommendation of the local Roman authorities or else. But that's just me. No one really thinks Romans 13 really describes "rulers" accurately in reality.
I believe the accounts in Acts describes "rulers" accurately. Paul in Romans 13 is addressing a specific audience. He wasn't addressing the subjects of Vlad the Impaler who murdered a third of his subjects.
According to the splinters, the history of secular Israel will follow that of spiritual Israel. Hence America will fall apart, just as HWAs church fell apart.
I can't help noticing how secular society is becoming more and more like Herbs church. Society is becoming one giant abusive cult.
Considering the demographic which seems to breathlessly fantasize nonstop about said bloodshed, it is truly shaping up to be the war to end all wars that will only be settled by the intervention of a flight of stairs impeding their Hoverounds (TM) or the Golden Corral opening for early dinner hours.
FACTOID: Never in the history of man, has a country with a McDonalds ever invaded another country that had a McDonalds.
Answer for world peace??.... make sure every country has a McDonalds!
Psh, if a president is worth that, you've joined another cult.
Trump is fulfilling his biblical role perfectly.
Anonymous said...
"tbh I think Brexit’s gonna lead to WW3! It just never ends and it’s so divisive..."
October 20, 2019 at 10:36 PM
You might find this piece funny I just saw on Facebook today. Enjoy! ;-)
"The year is 2192. The British PM visits Brussels to ask for an extension fo the Brexit deadline. No one remembers where this tradition originated, but every year it attracts many tourists from all over the world."
It seems Tonto finally gets the "unseen hand" message. World Peace trough international trade as regulated through a spirit of "give" rather than "take", which means "specialisation" through benign organized competition creating interdependence.
Basic knowledge.
Oh? And what is that, 6:07?
The spirit of give rather than take is the fox talking to the chickens. Proverbs warns against strangers and foreigners consuming ones wealth, so it seems to be on the side of self interest, or 'take.'
Your specialisation or comparative advantage as it's called is routinely violated by nations cheating. Taiwan for instance is one of the worlds largest semiconductor manufacturer's, but achieved it through government subsidies.
It's international trade that has destroyed America's middle class by sending manufacturing to China. America grew strong and prosperous via tariffs and various trade barriers.
Whatever you do, don't quit your day job.
The minister who apparently was first to use the "civil war" phrase, based on news reports, was not Gerald Flurry. It was Trump-loving Pastor Robert Jeffress of First Baptist Church in Dallas.
I think he would promote a ballot box "war" instead of rioting in the streets. But what happened in Charlottesville, VA (and other places to a lesser extent) could come back to haunt him.
"It's international trade that has destroyed America's middle class by sending manufacturing to China. America grew strong and prosperous via tariffs and various trade barriers."
Only if you believe that it is America's Manifest Destiny to manufacture!!!!!!!
America grew strong and prosperous BECAUSE IT WAS GIFTED THE WORLD RESERVE CURRENCY THROUGH OIL AND BY THE REST OF THE WORLD IF it would fill the obligations of being the benign arbiter in world affairs and world policeman.
THIS GIFT can be taken away if the obligations thereof are not met.
Isolationism would mean collapse of the world system through which the US trades and its return to a medium power among many like France.
This is the power of "GIVE" in international relations.The more you give the more you get in return. This is what prime minister Jayawardene said to HWA in the interview in Sri Lanka and most economists understand about the US position in the world.
US power is intrinsically linked to the dollar as world reserve currency.
Assuming all of that is true, nck, just imagine how big and powerful HWA's church could have become if he had seized the momentum of the late sixties from the World Tomorrow program, and had practiced the way of give in the same manner and to the same extent as you say the United States has. He could have made the WCG the leader in Christianity had he done this. But, he failed to make the followup steps which the good old USA managed to do. I guess we should be thankful to God that he did not.
Hello BB.
Interest rates are "the price of money."
Now the USA is running a trade deficit for over 44 years.
Any country would have become a banana republic like venezuela and have had three coups, running a trade deficit that long. Normal economic correction would have been devaluation of the dollar to make the nation more competitive.
But no, the USA is the dominant economic force in the world, its economy has tripled since 1975 (including inflation correction) and the number of jobs has doubled. It has technological superiority. And it is still a democracy.
This is because of the DOLLAR. Foreigners invest that dollar BACK in the USA or STACK it as reserve for example through buying US GOVERNMENT bonds.
Dollars are the reserve currency of all nations of the world. (another topic is its linkage to OIL) Thats why the US government is able to BORROW against extreme low interest rates and American can live the way they do, like Kings by buying "cheap" foreign goods. (king remark is a generalisation as compared to the others)
By buying these foreign goods the world economy is stimulated and runs. To decrease the TRADE deficit would SLOW the world economy and threaten GLOBAL STABILITY ("peace").
So thank heaven Trump is not succeeding.
Regarding HWA.
HWA seized the momentum of the seventies when the USA implemented the above program through the international system it built, imf, united nations etc through "SOFT power and diplomacy". (even korea war was a un war)
American "private"institutions like wcg received warm welcome as an extension of american diplomacy as they reaped US post WWII dividend.
No American religious leader visited as many world leaders in his time. HWAS YELLING at elites about HOW THE WORLD WOULD BE DESTROYED would by educated elites be understood that the USA for sure would retaliate an attack by the Soviet Union according to the MUTUAL ASSURED DESTRUCTION doctrine.
Most of HWA's message to the ELITES would be understood completely different by the elites than by the church membership.
"The unseen hand"................Trade
"The world destroyed".............Mutual Assured Destruction pentagon doctrine
"The way of give".................The US empire system through the United Nations
"He also called Allah God (the god of abraham) to Mubarak" when HWA gave the first installment for the world three religion center in Sinai.
Whereas NO muslim would agree with the Christian trinity.
etc etc etc etc
From its founding, America grew strong and prospered before the dollar became the worlds reserve currency. America having the reserve currency has enabled it to consume over 90% of the worlds savings, but that's another story. Things are going to get real ugly when the world says no more to this present arrangement.
I agree.
Although the USA was a third rate agricultural country before WWI small amongst the global empires of Europe and of no particular significance politically in world affairs apart from opening japan with a gunboat, the philipines and irritating the spanish empire in Cuba.
A few years back, Flurry was saying that Obama was the end-time Antiochus Epiphanes who would bring down the USA as his predecessor did back in AD 70. Then Flurry was like no the last president will be an Israelite and when Trump was elected and renamed the end-time Jeroboam Flurry said he would conspire with the end-time Amaziah, Joe Tkach Jr. to chase the church outta the country. Now he is saying that Trump will be elected and then assassinated. Funny, how the PCG who is non-political seems to always support Trump in a favorable manner in every article.
Whoever wrote that article said: "...Whatever the case, the 2020 U.S. presidential election is set to be extremely divisive. Bible prophecy foretells that this division will soon escalate into unprecedented bloodshed unless the nation as a whole turns to God in repentance!

Yes, absolutely! More in 2 Tim 2:26
, John 8:44
, etc.

In The United States and Britain in Prophecy, the late Herbert W. Armstrong explained how modern Britain and America descended from ancient Israel. The Bible records that in the time just before Jesus Christ’s return, Israel’s sins will lead to government corruption and violent revolution..."
When will the author of that article, and all Flurrites, learn to stop judging and blaming man, stick with some words of the Bible, and blame/judge the appropriate source? Are they all really that blind?
The nation of America, like ancient Israel, will not repent until God grants that repentance/change. Divisions have been occurring since the days of Adam and Eve: witness the division between Cain and Abel...donkeys and elephants! Brother against brother! Divide and conquer philosophy it seems. Why?
Blame and judge the people? Israel's sins?
Who murdered Abel?
"Not as Cain, [who] was of that wicked one, and slew his brother..." I John 3:12
How did the wicked one do that sin of murder?
"He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning..." I John 3:8
Any more details available?
"...The spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy?..." James 4:5
Flurrites continue to blame/judge human beings, flesh and blood, while turning a blind eye to other very clear details, such as:
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high [places]." Ephesians 6:12
That last verse was given to a real Apostle, not any individual transformed into an "Apostleof Christ" driven by another spirit. 2 Cor 11:13
Really? Watch out for those principalities...and time will tell...
John, If you are correct in your views there's only one being to blame for all of this and that's the monster god that you profess. Your god controls everything. Your god makes all the choices. Your god is evil.
It's a good thing that your god is a false god and not the God of the bible.
You twist scriptures in order to present your false god.
Time has told!
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