Thursday, October 24, 2019

Self-appointed COG Guru Starting Up Fireside Chats As He Prepares For Two Witless Witnesses To Be Revealed Within Next Year........Or So

Now that his alternate version of the Feast of Tabernacles is over, our Chief Pharisee and kitchen table prophet is back making more outlandish claims.  Apparently, some have told him that his speaking style is boring as hell and that he needs to stop his ridiculous long sermons.  The Chief Pharisee is now going to start "fireside chats" in order to beat his version of the law into the heads of rebellious and not so zealous COG members.

But more importantly, in his law-obsessed mind, the world and the church is so messed up that the two witless witnesses will need to come within the next year or so.  There is always that "...or so" attached to every false prophecy of COG leaders, but no matter.  It will happen.
Very soon now, highly likely in just over a year or soon after that, God will reveal his two witnesses. They will be very newsworthy and will preach the Gospel of sincere repentance and warn the nations of approaching events, which warnings will reach a very wide audience through news coverage. 
God’s two servants will inform the brethren that the time has arrived and they will act on God’s instructions to ordain a leader to take the faithful to God’s appointed place.  
Pharisee James Malm, for some reason, believes he is God's mouthpiece to the church today.  He is better than Bob Thiel, Gerald Flurry, and Dave Pack, who also believe they are God's only true spokesmen on earth today. So many prophets and so little time.
I have always said that the work of TheShiningLight is to prepare the bride for the advent of God’s two and the coming of our LORD by expounding sound doctrine, explaining prophecy, restoring forgotten things and revealing the increase of understanding promised by God in Daniel 12.
The time is nearly here to begin the next phase of our work.  After a careful study and consideration of various media like YouTube, TV and radio and the efforts of the various corporate COG organizations it is obvious that I need to take a different approach towards the goal of preparing the bride.  
I intend to eschew lengthy sermons or shallow broadcasts tailored for the general public and instead resurrect the fireside chat format to communicate, inform and encourage the brethren to godliness in an easy to understand, friendly and brotherly format with talks of about 30 minutes duration each Sabbath at TheShiningLight.  
These chats will be informative and full of sound doctrine and exhortation for the brethren, but will be more in the nature of informal, friendly, relaxed, heart to heart talks; rather than shallow public presentations, or pompous sermonizing using two hours to say what could be said in fifteen minutes.  
The Fireside Chats are intended for the brethren and those who God is calling and have an interest in profoundly biblical matters, they will not be on radio but will be featured at TheShiningLight site.  They, along with the book transcripts, will be in audio format so as to be light weight, easily downloadable and available for sharing and republishing at other sites to enhance the free spread of the Gospel of Salvation as much as possible. 
If you thought listening to Gerald Weston speak for an hour and a half was boring then just wait till you are subjected to 30 minutes of James Malm preaching from his kitchen table with a fireplace screensaver playing in the background!

Listening to a legalistic bastaardizer of the law spout useless jibberish is NOT spreading the gospel of salvation when he ignores the very being and covenant that offers it.


Anonymous said...

"next phase of our work" = Malm is secretly listening to Thiel and is starting to emulate him, whether consciously or unconsciously.

Anonymous said...

Very soon now, highly likely in just over a year or soon after

Can he be anymore specific??!! lol

Anonymous said...

James Malm is extremely jealous of Bob Thiel. Bob has garnered a following and actually has income coming in to sustain some of his witnessing activities. Malm can't get anyone to send him enough money to keep his bills paid and maintain his blog. No matter how much he begs, people don't send him money. Thiel is able to claim he gets no salary from his followers and thus can use money sent to him to send booklets, computers, seeds, etc to his African followers. Malm is too blinded by his Moses worship that he can't see how bitter he comes across to people. He has to be the most graceless man the church has at the moment.

Tonto said...

Pharisee Malm should call these "Hell Fireside Chats" as he judges and puts down all others and condemns them for being "unconverted" or worse.

Ronco said...

Two Witless Witnesses? Apparently, Malm has not heard of liar Ron Weinland and his gossiping wife Laura.

A reading from Acts of the 21st Century Apostles chapter 11:

And I will appoint my two witlesses and they will lie and gossip for N times 1260 days, clothed in a $1500 Nordstrom suit and sacred undergarments from Victoria's Secret. They are the 'two nincompoops' and the two lampshades, and they stand for the Fraud of the earth. If anyone tries to mock them, death curses and empty threats will spew from their mouths to the amusement of their enemies. They have the power to drain the bank accounts of their victims dry.

Anonymous said...


Satan's Favorites

Gerald R. Flurry

David C. Pack

Dishonorable Mentions

Ronald E. Weinland

Robert J. Thiel

Shameful Wannabes

James D. Malm

Anonymous said...

“Very soon now, highly likely in just over a year or soon after that, God will reveal his two witnesses. They will be very newsworthy and will preach the Gospel of sincere repentance and warn the nations of approaching events, which warnings will reach a very wide audience through news coverage.”

What ever happened to preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God to the whole world as a witness to all nations, and preaching the Ezekiel warning message to the USA and Britain?

James Malm's Lake of Fire Side Chats will not be any good at all.

Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to watching one of his chats. Then I'II comment.

Sweetblood777 said...

Wise advice given by 1:29

Anonymous said...

If's it's a Lake of Fireside chat, he's sure gonna get hot under the collar.

Byker Bob said...

He knows he's probably in his last viable decade, and desperately needs the prophecies upon which he has based his life to be fulfilled in order for his life to have had meaning. And, yes, he probably believes that the Holy Spirit has confirmed his imagination, as most of these false prophets believe.

Watch for more people going crazy, and others dying with a broken heart. Those are some of the fruits of Armstrongism. It's why Jesus was so harsh with false teachers.


Anonymous said...

"Very soon now, highly likely in just over a year or soon after that, God will reveal his two witnesses."

I wonder, who will these Two Witnesses be? And who will announce the Good News?

I'd wager that if he can ever find another woman who'll tolerate him, Malm will immediately pull a Weinland. Question is, can he ever find another?

Anonymous said...

Did Malm start his scam when he was already with Constance? This would suggest that he pretty strongly believes that he is one of the Two, and the only problem will be to find another witness.

Anonymous said...

Byker wrote:

Watch for more people going crazy, and others dying with a broken heart. Those are some of the fruits of Armstrongism.

Not in UCG or LCG, at least. Most members in those groups are just there in order to maintain their social lives.

Anonymous said...

Malm started his Shining (Blinding) Light blog in 2008 or 2009 and he was very much alone. I think he started blogging the first place as a way to cope with his loneliness. The outward reason for his blog's existence at first was UCG's COGWA debacle, and he saw that as an opportunity to try to generate an online following for himself as a COG opinion leader by being a source of info on that subject. At that time he was definitely already preachy in the way he'd editorialize, but he wasn't yet preaching. Constance may have already been reading his blog at this time, but Malm hadn't yet set himself up as a wannabe spiritual leader.

As we all know, the online popularity contest can feed one's narcissism addiction and one thing can lead to another. UCG's "crisis" was something a lot of people were interested in at that time, and I think he quickly realized there were a lot of people whose allegiance was in flux, and with that allegiance came a steady cash flow. He had managed to make himself sound authoritative in terms of a news source, if he could pivot to play the HWA game of sounding authoritative on spiritual topics, I think he realized he could turn his blogging into a paying gig. Besides, the UCG implosion wasn't going to be a thing forever, and once it blew over, if he didn't find something new to blog about, he was soon going to be an addict without his drug. If he wanted to extend his blog's lease on life beyond the UCG breakup, he was going to have transition, and if he wanted it generate income, he was going to have try to convert some to his brand of pharisaism while the crumbs were falling from UCG's table, so he kinda needed to either transition into preaching, or else go find a regular job.

So at a certain point, he began trying to market himself not just as a source of physical news, but also as a source of authoritative spiritual news—a prophet or an apostle. I think there are many others who make this same transition, and for a while try to blur the distinctions between what it is they want you to think they're authoritative about. I think Thiel has done the exact same thing. But eventually, once you decide that you really do want others to believe you speak authoritatively about spiritual matters, then de facto, you're already in the prophecy business, even if you're not yet ready to explicitly label yourself that way.

So my guess is Constance wouldn't have shown up until sometime after he began preaching and actively trying to gather a following. Constance was someone else who was into the confidence game of sounding authoritative about stuff that, let's face it, no actual knowledge exists. But I think she dabbled outside COG orthodoxy and had one foot in the "new age" sort of spirituality, and I think Malm put up with it for a while cause he kinda needed her, needed someone, but eventually they were going to have to go their separate ways because there's no way a chief pharisee is going to go down that road.

Anonymous said...

Malm was sneaky in many of his earlier postings on his blog. Constance wrote a large number of the postings for him and he signed his name to them. He thought the two of them were going to march forward with the final witness to the church for those that were zealous. That did not last long as Constance finally caught on his manipulation and dumped his grumpy ass in the ditch as she went for freedom.

Byker Bob said...

Not to worry, kiddie-kiddies! If two witnesses appear through anyone preaching Armstrongism, they'll be just as false as all the Armstrongite "prophets". Weinland has already indulged in this. You might even call Armstrongism "God's stamp of disapproval".


Anonymous said...

Here is some more (accurate) inside information for all those who think they know what Constance is about and what happened between her and Malm.

Constance went through a very traumatic period when the WCG imploded during the 80's and into the mid 90"s and the leaders changed everything that she had held dear. She also saw how the leaders and ministers treated the members in that organization and she herself was very much affected by their abuse (just as many of the readers of this Blog were). After she left WCG and later began to fellowship with some of the organizations that had splintered off from WCG, she detected that the leaders and ministers had not changed. They still saw themselves as the elitists in the church and that they were to be obeyed and followed as if they were God (even though many of the things they teach are full of error and not scriptural).  She became very disillusioned with how things were going in all of the COG's.  When she happened upon Malm's blog years ago she could identify with what he was saying regarding the hypocrisy and deceitfulness of COG ministers misleading the people and she started leaving comments agreeing with what he was warning about.  Malm noticed her heartfelt insightful comments and reached out to her.  He asked her to help him put together a newsletter (as she had skills in this area) and when he could not get any of his "elder or deacon readers" to write articles for it he asked her to try her hand at writing and she began submitting articles for the GlorisousLiving Newsletter. That went very well for a while, the newsletter had many subscribers and there was a lot of positive feedback regarding the things she wrote. But then she began to notice that Malm started to interject some of his own ideas (he said he was only "editing") into her articles and then he actually took them and started posting them on TSL with his name added to them.  She asked him politely to stop changing her articles and to stop posting them on TSL as they were originally written for the newsletter (not his Blog), and besides she wanted her articles to reflect her own thoughts and ideas, not those of someone whom she did not necessarily agree with...after all....they were her articles and writings and were reflections of the things she had learned in her life, not of someone else's.  At the same time Malm began to ask her to critique some of his scripture commentary posts and when she told him that they were full of error and that he was adding his own interpretations to the Word of God, he had a fit (yes, it was he who had a fit and not her).  That is when he posted the ridiculous lies and slander on his website in regard to her....that he had paid her $20.00 per article; that he had to drastically edit them for they were very bad articles and therefore he owned them and he could do whatever he wanted with them.

He also slandered her in regard to her faith on his Blog site for all his readers to see...that she had been mislead by a friend (by saying this he also slandered her friend as well) which caused her to abandon "the faith". Constance applied Matthew 18 principle by going to him privately and warning him that slander and blatant lies are not a mark of a godly man nor of a so-called teacher of the people. But he would not hear her and lied about his lying and also said some very insulting false accusations about her past marriage of many, many years ago that were none of his business. (Somehow, some of those false accusations reached writers of this Blog site ....awe, I wonder how....and keep cropping up from time to time). That is when she walked away for good, and just as the commenter noted earlier, gained her freedom from Malm, from his abusive words and his false teachings FOREVER; this, in addition, to all the other fraudulent COG preachers and teachers who mislead the people of God.

Anonymous said...

To all those who follow Malm and believe that he is a great teacher and that he is somehow restoring all things and that the two witnesses are going to take over his website "very soon now" to use his material to teach the people - just know that he is very delusional just like the other delusional COG self-proclaimed teachers and leaders that are out there!

PLEASE BEWARE, this man is a con artist.  "Ye shall know them by their fruits".Constance finally saw his true colors over two years ago, ran from him, and has been completely free from him and all the COG's for quite a while now, and no, she has not lost her faith (and is not into New Age spirituality either). Her faith is stronger than ever before as she looks to God and the scriptures and there are no longer any self-proclaimed "teachers of the Word" getting in the way of her relationship with her Creator.

(P.S. There was never any romantic relationship between these two. They are of completely different temperaments and life styles and Constance would tell you that he absolutely is not her type and had no interest in him at all in that some of the people on this Blog try to assert.)