Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Commercial Break: A Moment of Encouragement Through Times Such as These

Whatever your circumstances or concerns, needs and even fears,  whatever our differences, affiliations or lack of them, I believe we here on Banned can all take a moment to wish each other kind words of support as events unfold during these difficult times. 

In lieu of simple "thoughts and prayers", an offering of encouragement done well in song.

Celtic Woman
When You Walk Through a Storm

This too shall pass...

A reminder to the Churches
It's better to encourage and love your neighbor than to warn them.
A hug is only 18 inches from a kick in the ass.

And now we return you to your regularly scheduled postings...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe in the face of disaster for Millerites, like the Armstrongists, "translation" would be the answer:

"There's different ways of translation.
Elijah when he was translated did not leave his body behind.
Moses died and then God took his body to heaven...
Enoch, the Bible tells us, just walked right into heaven..."

-- Janet McBean, Branch Davidian