Here we go again. Sigh...... LCG members are doing something wrong AGAIN! Can they ever do ANYTHING to please the leadership of the LCG? Can they ever be praised and be told, "job well done, keep up the good work!" without constantly being raked over the coals for some supposed infraction that the leadership always perceives is against them? It is rather sad to be living a life where everyone is suspect and out to get you all the time. Real men of God never worry about such trite things. The devil truly is the god of the COG, it is more powerful than the God they claim to follow.
Age of Skeptics:
The Apostle Peter warned that in the last days, “scoffers will come” who will ridicule biblical ideas such as Jesus’ promise to return (2 Peter 3:3–4
). Today, skeptics also claim that God does not exist and that the Bible is just a collection of myths and legends. These ideas have permeated our society and fostered attitudes of disrespect for authority figures such as parents, teachers, government officials, policemen, and even religious leaders. We need to be careful that these critical attitudes do not spill over into the Church of God and affect our views toward the leaders and members of the body of Christ. Peter also warned that false teachers would come who “despise authority” and “speak evil” of those in authority, because they are self-willed and presumptuous and determined to do their own thing (2 Peter 2:1
, 10–12
). The Apostle Paul urged Christians to respect authority and be subject to governments because God is the Author of structure and organization (Romans 13:1–2
). Questioning, criticizing, disrespecting, and ignoring authority only leads to chaos and confusion—and God is not the author of confusion (1 Corinthians 14:33
). We need to be aware of the fruits that have emerged in the age of skeptics and avoid getting caught up in these ideas and attitudes.
Have a profitable Sabbath,
Douglas S. Winnail
You are not to question the LCG's ludicrous Anglo-Israel-Theory
Respect is earned, not given. What have they done to earn it?
So since these "leaders" believe that they are the true church and God is not the author of confusion, then why are there so many of these splinters and why does the splintering continue? I think we know the answer.
I’ll respect them as soon as they’ll respect me..
I agree 11:04. All I ever received from my pastor is being ignored, snubbed, or begrudgingly talked to when I asked for an anointed cloth once. He was a halfway decent bloke when he was a WCG minister, but once coming to LCG he became a jerk. he never heard of servant leadership. If he perceived you had a lot of money he was your best friend. I don't need to worry about the jerk anymore as we left LCG a year and a half ago.
Disrespecting and ignoring authority? What about ministers respecting and ignoring members natural rights, such as the right to question church teachings? I can think of no occasion when Christ responded to a question with a "how dare you question me." Rather, He answered all sincere questions.
Btw, "disrespecting and ignoring authority" are church code words for members resisting a lording minister. The ministers don't have the guts to call a spade a spade, but play these deceitful word games instead.
Doug spends a lot of time telling LCG members to respect and obey God's law as the ultimate authority over their lives.
. He made the choice to remarry his non-believing ex-wife even after she married and divorced another man. If Doug is willing to commit what his Bible calls an "abomination" by living in such gross disobedience, he has no business haranguing LCG members about keeping other OT statutes.
Doug, however, is living in deliberate rebellion against Deuteronomy 24:1-4
"Respect my AUTHORITI!" - Eric Cartman of South Park
Good for you 11:22!
Get on google maps and yelp and rate them. Do your part and let the public know.
If you respect something, let it go.
If respect comes back to you, its yours forever.
If it doesn’t, then it was never meant to be.
I know I will. I will let no opportunity go to waste to point out what the COG’s really are: abusive cults.
LCG is a corrupt and pathetic human corporation, that is shrivelling up like the body of the Wicked Witch of the East in Wizard of Oz--those LCG ministers better watchout for tornadoes and falling houses, just saying. Like the Wicked Witch of the East, LCG's arrogant and cruel leaders love to rule over their munchkins. Just imagine Weston singing the Scarecrow's song, "If I only had a brain." Now that's entertainment folks!
ROTFL.... I just about spit out my drink while reading this, waaaaaaay too funny.... yes THAT would be entertaining and hilarious!
If a leader in any realm has to demand respect then it's already too late.
If a leader sets out to destroy and slience any critique then that's no leader.
considering that even the Apostles didn't have it all right in the beginning, it's hard to believe that any minister today does...
sounds like they are actually advocating for idolatry, listening to men over listening to God.
If we're not to question authority, then why isn't Doug back in Worldwide ? I guess he thinks it's ok for him to question authority, but not for anyone else. Or, it's ok to question authority if it brings you into LCG, but not if it takes you out of LCG.
People who tell you not to question them have things to hide which they can't justify.
"Prove all things and hold on to that which is true". "Test those who teach you". Both of which require questioning what you are being told.
If we're not to question authority, then why isn't Doug back in Worldwide ? I guess he thinks it's ok for him to question authority, but not for anyone else
Doug questioned Rod Meredith's authority when he told Doug that he shouldn't remarry Sherry. Doug questioned other ministers' authority when they gave him the same counsel. But YOU had better not question Gerald or Doug if you believe that you understand why some OT statute doesn't apply to you as your minister says it does.
DSW had no problem overlooking women at lcg hq being sexually assaulted and intimidated by one of Rod Meredith's sons, or else he would've put his foot down and demanded an end to that sickening situation. So by his actions, he was an accomplice of the sin and filth that was happening. I was there during that time, and I know a lot of their evil and hidden sins. The lcg leadership is evil and has absolutely no authority in anything! They even hide pedophiles in their midst, and they persecute real servants of God. The members of lcg seriously need to wakeup and escape that evil and filthy cult.
To Anon, Dec 11, 12 pm, If you are correct with your facts, it does appear that Winnail is living in sin by having taken back his old wife. Meanwhile, the hypocrite is telling us to keep the law that he himself is breaking.
, and permit a return to the original husband.
You're right, he should not have remarried her after she went out on her escapade, if indeed she was an unbeliever all along. The question is, did she repent of her sins and get baptized? If not, she is still in her sins and defiling Winnail while they live together. If she did repent, it would be permissible to take her back. This is the only way to remove the defilement of Deut 24:4
How did Winnail become a minister of high rank if he has an unbelieving wife? Was he the one who divorced her (allowable in cases of fornication) or did she leave him on her own (not allowable but common among wanton women)? Was he married to her before he came to the faith or did he marry her afterwards (a sin and foolish course of action)?
What proof do you have of these allegations, Anon 11:58
There is plenty of proof, for starters how about one of the female victims at lcg hq who told me face to face, while crying, that she was sexually assaulted while working at lcg hq? How about several LU female students who told numerous people that I know well, that they were sexually harassed by the same son of RCM? How about that same RCM son who walked around lcg hq half drunk and smelling like booze? Believe me, there's more, but I think you get the point. There is also my own witness, since I worked there for many years and heard and saw plenty of filthy and evil behavior. One of the women sexually assaulted worked under me, I was her supervisor. Why didn't anybody do anything? Because people working at lcg hq feared RCM and didn't want to be fired and disfellowshipped. The woman who told me personally about being sexually assaulted there, begged me not to do anything about it, she and her husband were both employed at lcg hq for many years, and didn't want to make waves and deal with the situation. There are plenty of people at lcg hq who know exactly what I'm talking about here. A prominent lcg minister there told me that it was best to "let these things go, and move on, to save the church from trouble and hurting the work of God." So basically the usual filth that happens in corporate America, happens at lcg hq just the same. I did my best while working there to protect the women working under me, as their supervisor, from the sexual assaults and harassment. Believe me, I know of plenty more skeletons in lcg's closet, and so do many others. I spent time in many private meetings over the years, with RCM and other top leaders there, and witnessed things that most people in lcg wouldn't believe, or want to believe, as the truth often hurts. There are so many sins and evil behaviours at lcg hq that have been covered up, that it's sickening. I also know that these type of things are not only happening at lcg hq, but also happening at other COG headquarters' as well... been told about it personally by employees and former employees. There's nothing new under the sun!
Why respect an LCG minister just because he is a minister, who does not deserve respect? It was told us years ago who were looking at a military career (WCG and LCG have no say in my career choices) something like: respect the rank, but keep an eye on the guy who fills that rank. These LCG ministers seem to believe that respect for them is their automatic right regardless of their conduct. I say that if a man (or woman) swallows himself, after a time he becomes but a shadow of his former self and potential self. I know of several LCG "leaders" in Ontario who have been into some really dark and perverted sexual stuff for decades. Yet, they constantly and agggressively demand respect from the church members who really need to wake up. As for respect demanded by default, for example, when this Michael Elertson hireling was in Canada he shouted at me and also to others, longtime members: "You owe me RESPECT!" Within that same month, he literally demanded that three of our congregation (a married couple and a single lady) go into a small room with him with the door closed. Elertson railed at them and said: "I have called you in here to tell you that YOU OWE ME RESPECT!" I heard what this mouthy barbarian LCG "minister" Elertsonsaid directly because I was near to that closed door at the time, and also the three members told me when Elertson "permitted" them to leave the room. The three church people said they just told him they respected him to shut him up. Never did work. Michael Elertson is a cowardly bully and a hireling. This happened after Weston had bribed him handsomely back into LCG when he left for Charles Bryce's ECOG. During one of Elertson's blustering carryings-on which happened whenever he spoke on what was to have been a worshipful Sabbath, he bragged about getting several shots off and blasting the leg off a deer while hunting. He actually became excited and pumped up about that as an early though not related part to his sermon on that Sabbath. Eng Monson liked to talk like that as well. elertson's brother Tim and his father John are also aggressive bigmouths like that. All three of them treat their women like bad toys, even in public. No wonder Tim's wife was in hospital with depression and suicidal iterations. the mother is in a better place now. Now then, do people like this deserve respect?
Yeah. What about this Mr. Mike Elertson from Anon.'s post. We knew him when he was sent by Mr. Weston from Ontario out to western Canada as a minister to this really large geographical prairie area. He wasn't sent to Manitoba and Saskatchewan because he was needed. We loved Mr. Best and Betty his wife. We really did. We know that Kingston and Ottawa were heartily fed up with Mr. Elertson and it got to the point that people didn't even want to attend sabbath whenever Elertson was there. Some minister of God if that's the way people felt about him. If Mr. Elertson thought he was showing his power and wielding it over the sheep and so look out they better watch it, well, it had the opposite effect, and he did longterm damage to these two congregations with our LCG brothers and sisters. We know from interacting with our LCG brothers and sisters in Kingston and especially in Ottawa and from the recorded sermons that Mr. Elertson would start yelling from the pulpit, and he would bring one and then another member up for chastisement and berating them, but without saying their name. But he was so specific about identifying the poor member as he would scold them in front of the congregation that one could never mistake who Elertson was freaking out over. He learned that trick from Mr. Weston. He never did that until right away after he was bribed back to LCG from ECOG where he had gone. So if he took half a minute to rail at and threaten "the French speaking Asian doctor here today" with suspension, one knows that there is only one Asian medical man who is French all the way. On another Sabbath if Elertson railed at and threatened "the blind man who is French and Indian mix and who is an engineer," well there was only one mixed race blind man who worked as an engineer in the Ontario LCG, so there was no mistake about who Michael Elertson was targetting for that week. We know those people, and all the rest of them who Elertson freaked out on regularly. We were happy at first to have him out west, but in time some of us just began to lose heart and interest because of this man Mike Elertson, like being demoralized. So he paid for a new couple's NTBMO meal, but then he would just freak out on someone else. So it went. Several stopped attending in the Winnipeg area. When Mr. Elertson suddenly quit the LCG ministry in around 2013 or 2014 many of us were all to happy to see him go. Good riddens. Don't let the door knob hit you in the butt on the way out. It was not because Rosalin had twin babies so that Michael Elertson became too busy with family to be a minister. It is no secret that Elertson and Mr. Weston did not get along. And, although we found out that Mr. Elertson had been bribed back to LCG from Mr. charles Bryce's group, he still deep down inside held onto his disagreements with some of LCG's teachings and lesser policies. He was right to be concerned with the politics and back room stuff going on in LCG headquarters. Elertson said that if he told us all the stuff that went on we would be sick! Yet he was an easy bribe by the very same LCG hq. What we do know is this Mike Elertson caused a lot of trouble and longterm damage in Ontario where he had been sent before he came out west. So, he brought this same big mouth agressive paper tiger attitude with him. When we found out that Elertson had been seriously bribed back to LCG, then it became clear to us why he almost overnight became the staunchest LCG ministry's defender. They had Elertson's leash in their hand. YANK! Mr. Weston said often enough: "Everyone needs a capital incentive!" Yeah. Sure proved him right with big tough Mike Elertson there. So what of respect?
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