Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Dave Pack: And I have wrestled and wrestled and wrestled with this. And so have good men that I know."

From an RCG source:

“They Must Come Together!” 


“But you go to the end of Malachi 4, and it's kind of interesting. You have to assume something, I mean, so far we just looked at two additional verses. You have to assume that Christ's authority doesn't begin to the second kingdom, but you can't be forgiven if he's not here "out of the gate." You can't argue with those things that you just can't, or you have to remake the scriptures. And I have wrestled and wrestled and wrestled with this. And so have good men that I know. And remember, if you want to accuse us, I'm not saying you do "Nobody's ever understood it before! so if it's better, late than never is good enough for me!" Because nobody's ever understood that, nobody is waiting for the Father. They're all waiting for Christ. And every Saint I ever knew was waiting for Christ. And it's impossible just on what we discovered and I'm scratching the surface here. It's impossible to not have God here "out of the gate," if He already reigned, impossible! But it's impossible to have anybody reign with Him, If Christ wasn't here to judge them! So if he already reigned, He reigned alone, and everybody else just kept going to church. So you have to have them both, but exousia comes to Christ in the Second Kingdom!” 


Comment: Don’t worry about how Dave arrives at his conclusions, just remember that he claims the Father and Christ have to arrive together. It’s impossible to see it any other way...Later this year, when he changes his story again, ask “What happened to impossible?”


DennisCDiehl said...

I recall a lot of visits to mental hospitals where patients talked just like that. You read it and end up thinking "huh?...sure, fine, if you say so How you doing today? "

Anonymous said...

I recall a lot of visits to mental hospitals where patients talked just like that. You read it and end up thinking "huh?...sure, fine, if you say so How you doing today? "

Unfortunately, Dave can't eat the institutional Jello because some of the gelatin comes from pig bones.

Anonymous said...

Or you have to remake Scriptures?! Um, Dave, you have been literally remaking scriptures for years now. You create your own molds, then you pour any scripture you find where you think it fits. And voila, a new masterpiece. Piece of shit, that is.

Tonto said...

I believe that Pack may be suffering from "Geschwind syndrome"

From the link at Wikipedia:

Hypergraphia is the tendency for extensive and compulsive writing or drawing, and has been observed in persons with temporal lobe epilepsy who have experienced multiple seizures.[5] Those with hypergraphia display extreme attention to detail in their writing. Some such patients keep diaries recording meticulous details about their everyday lives. In certain cases, these writings demonstrate extreme interest in religious topics.

Some individuals may exhibit hyperreligiosity, characterized by increased, usually intense, religious feelings and philosophical interests,[9] and partial (temporal lobe) epilepsy patients experiencing frequent auras, perceived as numinous in character, exhibit greater ictal and interictal spirituality.[10] Some auras include ecstatic experiences.[11] It has been reported that many religious leaders exhibit this form of epilepsy.[12][13] These religious feelings can motivate beliefs within any religion, including voodoun,[14] Christianity, Islam,[15] and others. Furthermore, "in someone from a strongly religious background hyperreligiosity might appear as deeply felt atheism".[16][17] There are reports of patients converting between religions.[18] A few patients internalize their religious feelings: when asked if they are religious they say they are not.[

Anonymous said...

“And it's impossible just on what we discovered and I'm scratching the surface here.” -- DCP

Stop scratching it or it will never heal and get any better.

Painful Truth said...


Anonymous said...

How can any of those "good men", who compose his council of 16, be good? They are complicit in the lies of Dave Pack and need to be held accountable.

Anonymous said...

Are there even 16 left? I get the impression that about half of them walked out these past two years.

Anyone here knows how many are left at HQ?

Phinnpoy said...

Dennis, I've been saying for some time Pack is probably mentally ill. Your comment, afaic, is right on the money.

Phinnpoy said...

Ellen White, the SDA prophetess, suffered from that type of epilepsy. She also had hypergraphia and hyperreligiosity.