Sunday, November 28, 2021

Crackpot Prophet Speaks Out About Islands


Never one to allow an irrelevant topic go by without a sermon, our resident prophet is speaking out about islands and what you need to know about them in Bible. Islands vs Jesus, anything to get away from discussing Jesus

Islands and Biblical Prophecies
Are there biblical prophecies that those who live on islands and coastal regions should know about? Are islands mentioned in the Old and New Testaments? Is there a massive earthquake prophesied to occur shortly after the gathering at Armageddon? How might islands be affected by that as well as scorching heat? Is there enough water to raise the sea levels by 270 feet? Will all in the islands perish? What about salvation? Are there steps that those who live on islands should take? Do they have 10,000 years or perhaps ten or less? Did Jesus make any prophesies that look to affect those on islands or coastal regions? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues with scriptures and some scientific facts.

The Great Bwana to Africa and 304 Caucasians is also predicting that when all the glaciers melt during the tribulation that all of the islands of the world will be flooded, including Australia. 

Perhaps it should be pointed out that Revelation 16, also states the following:

8 Then the fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and power was given to him to scorch men with fire. 9 And men were scorched with great heat, and they blasphemed the name of God who has power over these plagues; and they did not repent and give Him glory (Revelation 16:8-9). 

Why is great heat of importance to those living on islands?

Well, among other reasons, there is about enough water still in glaciers and the polar ice caps to raise the level of the oceans about 200-300 feet if they completely melted. And any plague that strikes the earth with scorching heat is going to accelerate the melting of these frozen bodies of water--especially if large masses of ice break-off from earthquakes or other causes.

Many islands are less than two or three hundred feet high at their highest point, and nearly all islands have major portions that are less than 200 to 300 feet above sea level. Hence, many islands will probably become completely covered when the ice melts and a great earthquake levels mountains. This also will devastate coastal land masses.

Bob is like Congressman Hank Johnson who said that Guam would tip over if the US built a military base there.


DennisCDiehl said...

Can't hardly wait to hear what Bob has to say about Peninsulas in Prophecy

Anonymous said...

Very plainly, he is speaking of global climate change, while attempting to sidestep political polarization by referring to all of these symptoms specifically as being that.

What he should be doing is pointing out that humanity still has a short window of opportunity to actually do something to mitigate or avert the full consequences of man-made climate change, by taking steps to become good stewards of God's green earth, working towards zero carbon footprint.

But, as with the weather, and not unlike the politicians, he attempts to use the entire issue to further his own agenda.

Tonto said...

I would definitely trust THE PROFESSOR on "Gilligan's Island" far beyond the (so called) Doctor Thiel!

Anonymous said...
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DennisCDiehl said...

Tonto said, "I would definitely trust THE PROFESSOR on "Gilligan's Island" far beyond the (so called) Doctor Thiel!"
I don't know Tonto. The professor spent years inventing marvelous ways to get help, which all had to fail and be Gilligan's fault they did. "Little Buddy" could muck up the works on the Island. What always bothered me was that the Professor never thought to just fix the hole in the boat. Maybe that's just me and he wasn't very good at engines either.

Hoss said...

he is speaking of global climate change

Rather than embark on climate change denial, he chose avoidance. His message hit the tipping point in the first few minutes...

Anonymous said...

Wow, Dennis! You just gave us a metaphor of Armstrongism in microcosm! HWA spent the 1930s and '40s inventing a religion with a mission that constantly failed because all of the "little buddies" (dumb sheep) lacked faith and inadvertently sabotaged him, keeping "the work" from ever really fulfilling its commission. HWA somehow never grasped anything about the holes in his church, so never thought to fix them. Unlike the professor, HWA escaped the boat and went off around the world on his own personal journey as the Ambassador without portfolio, or strong arm from somewhere.

(nck, please troubleshoot this metaphor! I know you are on the edge of your seat just itching to do so!)

Anonymous said...

I wonder why the Great Boobster never talks about famine in Africa, the tribal slaughter, and the rampant polygamy that goes on there every day? To point out the troubles in Africa to his followers is biting himself in the foot. Instead, all we ever hear is the insipid banalities that he thinks are important.

Hoss said...

To point out the troubles in Africa to his followers

Agreed, part of his "commission" is to cry out the peoples' sins. But, like in mainstream churches, there is the fear that pointing out faults in congregations may cost in membership loss. That certainly didn't hinder Paul from castigating the Corinthians.

Bob has written about sending seeds and laptops to Africa, I wonder if he sends them his dietary supplements?

DennisCDiehl said...

440 said "a mission that constantly failed because all of the "little buddies" (dumb sheep) lacked faith and inadvertently sabotaged him, keeping "the work" from ever really fulfilling its commission. "

and "little buddy" generally untrained ministry that were mere middleman for the company. Salesmen more than theologically competent and well trained in the actual message of the NT. Not that the NT message is as much fun as OT laws and rules, prophecy coming alive so called and of course, the Book of Revelation.

Zippo said...

That flipping island looks like the submarine surfacing in that old Irwin Allen film, Voyage to the Bottom on the Sea -- a disaster film that Bob would probably enjoy if it wasn't for the religious fanatic being subdued and technology saving the world from disaster.

Anonymous said...

3.38 PM
Ginger age 87, is the only living survivor of the show.