Character Assassination
The long, slow deterioration of David C. Pack and The Restored Church of God continues to accelerate with no foot hovering over the brakes. The spiritual corruption has spread like contagious poison at Headquarters, with David C. Pack serving as Patient Zero.
Now fully infected and loving it, Bradford G. Schleifer wanders the hallways licking every doorknob, computer mouse, and spoon handle he can find to ensure all the other hirelings at Headquarters are indoctrinated with the same delusion he seems to thrive on.
The enablers at The Restored Church of God commit wickedness yet believe they are doing good. Their brains are utterly fogged from drinking Dave’s biblical malarkey for so long, they are now drunkards of their own self-righteousness.
Brad was personally involved with one of the most bone-headed moves they have pulled in some time. After receiving reports and details of what transpired this week, I wondered if God had intentionally blinded the lot of them, so they made the stupidest decisions possible.
Yes, Brad. You guys just did something idiotic. It was so dumb. And I know you have no idea WHY it was so dumb. Well, keep reading.
Over the phone on Friday, Bradford G. Schleifer personally fired long-time field man Vidal Wachuku from the ministry. This call was not about his pay because that was severed two weeks ago. This was about Mr. Wachuku’s service to the RCG brethren in the Dallas, Texas, area.
Brad even hung up on him to add an exclamation point to the conversation. Boy, he has gotten nastier as the Series has fumbled along. Some Evangelist of Jesus Christ you have turned out to be, Brad.
Of course, Brad has no authority to do this on his own. David C. Pack is the Caesar giving his thumbs up or down with something monumental like this. At least Dave no longer has to be jealous of how beloved Mr. Wachuku has always been among the brethren and can stop asking him why that was so.
Dave yearns to be adored, but Mr. Wachuku actually is. What a great way to tweak a narcissist and put a target on your back.
The fact that Mr. Wachuku did not push Common on the brethren probably got under their skin, too.
Mr. Wachuku took the pay removal in stride and with grace. He immediately began securing employment income opportunities to support his family. You might have noticed the sudden burst of activity on his LinkedIn profile.
I know firsthand how upstanding Mr. Wachuku is because I spoke with him on the phone and over Zoom this week. Our re-connection was strictly business related, and he had nothing critical to say about the situation Dave and Headquarters had put him in. The man is a class act. He always has been.
RCG fired Mr. Wachuku because he dared to question the judgments coming out of Headquarters. The more goofy their decisions, the more Mr. Wachuku challenged and pushed back. He was not a roll-over on his back “Sir, yes, sir,” rubbery mollusk like most of those guys are. This put him at odds with the powers in Wadsworth.
Wow, Brad, you guys really stepped in it. What a foolish, foolish decision. We can all hope the same wisdom, discernment, and great ideas keep pouring out of Headquarters while David C. Pack strangles the life out of all sound judgment in The Restored Church of Another god.
Vidal Wachuku was one of the most loyal field men they have, and he NEVER would have quit RCG. He was not interested in playing politics and mind games like the calculated sycophants on the Third Floor, but he wanted to serve God and be a shepherd to the brethren. That is why they love him. Because he loves them, and his actions have proved it for over a decade.
While on my calls with him a few days ago, he did not say one critical word against RCG. He told me the “answered prayer” story and why "he could never leave" because God led him to RCG and the ministry. He and his family moved here from Nigeria so he could serve in RCG. He gleefully showed me his Worldwide Church of God ordination certificate. I commented about Common, and he responded, "Oh, Marc. Let's not go there. Let's not go there." He did not want to accuse, attack, critique, or malign RCG in any way. In fact, the man was mildly defending them. I did not push it.
Headquarters wanted a man who was more “low profile and non-threatening,” so they canned Mr. Wachuku and followed up by sending a character assassination letter to the members of The Restored Church of Another god last night. The attempt to do damage control before word spread backfired because I received a copy. Life finds a way.
I wonder how many hot irons seared the conscience of professional enabler Frederik Jaco Viljoen (Doctor Feelbad) to get him to write such a deceptive attack on a good man’s name and not lose any sleep over it.
RCG "ministers" will be your caring brother-in-Christ until they need to stab you in the back with lies. This letter is filled with lies and greasy subtlety.
Friday, December 29, 2023
Jaco Viljoen <>
Dear brethren,
Warm greetings from Headquarters! As we head into the Sabbath, I trust your week has been profitable.
It is never pleasurable to deliver bad news, but it has become necessary to remove Mr. Vidal Wachuku from the ministry and disfellowship him from the Church. Understandably, this may surprise and sadden you.
When anyone chooses to leave God’s Way, we typically do not go into their issues and sins. When it involves a minister, giving a little more context is necessary.
We have worked with Mr. Wachuku for years to address some spiritual blind spots, which are not befitting the conduct of a minister of Jesus Christ, who is instructed to be “not soon angry” (Titus 1:7
Sadly, Mr. Wachuku’s recent transition off salary from the Church seems to have brought things to a head. Instead of trusting God and allowing us to help him move forward, it appears a lack of faith and trust in God’s government, caused him to walk away from the Church entirely (John 10:12-13
Messrs. Schleifer, Houk, and I have had multiple conversations with him over the past couple of weeks to try and encourage him and reiterate the Church’s financial support during this transition.
However, Mr. Wachuku refused to listen to reason, multiple times having angry outbursts and demonstrating a terrible attitude. He effectively ended his ministry when we asked him the basic question of whether he believes The Restored Church of God is God’s Church. He refused to answer, calling the question a “trap.” He could not explain why he would see such a basic question this way.
You will want to review I Timothy 6:1-6
. God’s ministers are charged to conduct themselves properly, including teaching and living “doctrine which is according to godliness” (vs. 3). During our exchanges with him, Mr. Wachuku would not receive counsel or “consent to wholesome words.” Instead, his responses were “proud,” “railing,” filled with “strife of words” and contempt for God’s government in direct violation of God’s instructions through Timothy. These verses shed light on why such decisive actions had to be taken.
Whether it is a fellow member or, in this case, a minister, God's Word is clear that you should "withdraw yourself" from such individuals (vs. 3-5; Rom. 16:17-18
)! You may also want to review the article, "When Ministers Disappear..." ( to provide further perspective.
We hope and pray that Vidal will come to see his error, repent, and come again under God’s Church and government and return to the Body of Christ.
In the meantime, my wife and I are happy to serve and support you, as well as answer any questions or concerns you may have.
In Christ's service,
Jaco Viljoen
No. The Restored Church of God is NOT God's Church, Jaco. It is a corrupted abomination that has fallen away into apostasy led by a hypocritical, blaspheming, lying, false prophet promoting doctrines of antichrist.
Headquarters felt it “necessary” to paint Vidal Wachuku as an angry, bitter, and rebellious man. Ask anyone in his congregations over the years if that is true. If the man indeed had “conduct not befitting of a minister,” he had the PERFECT opportunity to vent to the sympathetic ear of that devil Marc Cebrian. Instead, he showed patience, restraint, and faith that God would provide for him and his family. He had already seized an opportunity to receive income, which is why we were on the phone.
With Dave's blessing, this was a very stupid move by the cowardly hirelings at Headquarters. David C. Pack does not have a track record for making sound decisions. During “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 487),” on December 23, 2023, it was announced that the Acceptable Year will begin on New Year’s Eve. That is tomorrow night. Mark your calendar. Or don’t. Nothing will happen per usual.
The Acceptable Year Begins
January 1, 2024
Vidal Wachuku is respected and admired among his congregations. He has a long history of patience, kindness, and understanding. It will be curious to see how many brethren "wake up" after reading just how rotten their pastor really was. Hopefully, they consider the fruits of the accusers and know that the letter is pure character assassination for the sake of control by a desperate and financially challenged organization.
This was a stupid move on their part because he would not have left The Restored Church of God. This was dumb because he did not speak ill of them despite them leaving him in the financial cold. This was idiotic because he is so well-respected by the brethren.
The real fallout from this foolish decision to remove him from the ministry will develop on its own.
I always wondered why Mr. Wachuku had not resigned from RCG despite the failed dates and broken assurances of a mentally unstable Pastor General. He seemed too reasonable a man to buy into Dave’s malarkey and was probably staying in RCG for the sake of his sheep. He and I never spoke of this, but knowing the man as I did, it seemed reasonable that he was sacrificing himself by staying in RCG so he could tend and protect his flock.
But Headquarters made the decision for him. Idiots. How costly this ultimately proves for them remains to be seen. I hope all the brethren in The Restored Church of God who ever knew Vidal Wachuku get to read that character assassination letter and utilize the spiritual discernment God gave them.
Note: Mr. Vidal Wachuku did NOT contribute to the content of this article.
Marc CebrianSee: Character Assassination